

I could not open my eyes but I still could feel the warm liquid surrounding me. It was not total sense deprivation, I could fell the warmth from the liquid. It was not uncomfortable there, it was like I was meant to be there. Then it struck me that I was in a womb, that means I was going to be born.

At I hoped the family would keep me with them unlike last time. Then I experienced some thing pushing me out and like it was a natural instinct, I tried to wriggle through the gap to exit. After what seemed like eternity, I finally passed through the gap and when I came out my first instinct was to take air in and when I took the air, oh god! It hurt like hell, it was like my lings were burning and I cried like anything.

Then I opened my eyes to see a white room with bright lights that hurt my eyes and once again cried. Though it felt embarrassing I couldn't control it. Then I was wrapped in a towel and tucked in arms of a woman who was very beautiful, she had blue eyes and red hair with sharp facial features, she could give many models run for money with that look.

She was looking me directly albeit with a tired face but still smiling, so she was my mother. She then uttered something which was incomprehensible to me. It was like a another language to me, maybe German I don't know. But then she took out her breast and shoved her nipple into my mouth. My natural instinct kicked in and I started sucking it. It was delicious though not gonna lie, she was the second woman whose breast I had sucked. It was great to.... be born again. (Stop with your dirty mind running wild)

I was feeling very tired so I went to slumber land. I had failed to notice a man standing beside my mother, a tall man with dark brown hair and wearing frameless spectacles had a big smile on his round/oval face, with his brown eyes beaming with happiness.

"He is the god's gift to us, his name will be 'Matthias Duensmann'. Hope he achieves all his aspirations" said the man who was my father and caressed my head.

----Matthias's dad's POV ----

My name is Markus Duesmann. I am currently working as chief section engineer at Mercedes Benz. This is currently my happiest moment of my life. Me and Amelia have been trying to conceive child for five years and have been unsuccessful. But when Amelia said that we were going to be parents 10 months ago, I was on cloud nine. I went to office and announced the good news and everyone resipocated the enthusiasm.

Today was 18th July 1995. I was at my office in Mercedes factory in Stuttgart, Germany. At around 10.30 am, Hilda our maid called and said that Amelia's water had broken and they had taken her to the hospital. As soon as I got the news I rushed to the hospital and everyone in the office understood it.

As I reached the hospital, the doctors were going to OT and I was asked to wait outside. Then I sat on the bench, I was feeling nervous. Then an old couple sat next to me and asked for the reason for my nervousness and I said it was due to my child being born. They said, "son you should not worry but be happy that a new member is going to come to your life and when you meet the child you should have a big smile".

This definitely helped to ease my nervousness but still some thoughts remained that something could go wrong. Then all that was for naught as I heard cry of a baby from the OT and I was allowed to go in with mask and apron.

The doctor saw me and said, " it is a boy Mr. Duesmann and a healthy one at that. There are no visible problems with the baby either". This was definitely the best day of my life.

I got near Amelia and saw him sleeping, his facial features matched Amelia and the hair was reddish - brown and his eyes Amelia said were green dominant hazel colour. The child was our bundle of joy tucked in Amelia's arms in a blanket.

I felt that it was the god's gifte for us, so I decided to name him Matthias. (Matthias in German means 'God's gift')

After sometime Hilda came into the OT and took a picture of our family with the newest addition. "Young master is very beautiful sir" she said after seeing the baby and I couldn't disagree with her, which parent would call their child ugly though.

---- End of Markus's POV ----

After sometime I opend my eyes I saw that my mother was sleeping. I felt very happy that she loved to.... see me.

Then I saw a man standing near me, I first didn't know what to do so I started crying and wke mother up and she made me stop crying. Then the man said something in German which I was unable to understand. Then he looked at me and said Matthias and something along with it. Then my mother called him Mark and he called her Amelia.

Then I got the gist of situation that thean was my father and my name was Matthias, which wasn't bad and also got to know my parent's names. This was good that I had a full family. Then my father picked me up and held me carefully and had a big smile on his face.

My dad was also handsome so it ment that I had a very high chance of being handsome when I grew up, this was good. While thinking about it I giggled and parents were happy.

Like this my life in a new but 1st family began.


A/N : This time I experimented with a different POV to gove this novel a depth. Hope this settles well with you viewers.

If you like my work so far please leave a review and Power Stones if you can.

If we get 25 reviews I will release 3 chapters that day and every 100 increment in Power Stones will also get an extra chapter for that day.

Thanks for reading my work and Peace ✌️

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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