72.56% SSS Class Suicide Hunter / Chapter 291: Abandoned Disciples (2)

章 291: Abandoned Disciples (2)


-Hmm? Disciples…? Ah, there were some.

Hamustra spoke from the other side of the communicator.

Sounds of exertion, "Eutcha, eutcha," intermittently came through, probably from moving boxes in the café.

"There were disciples?"

I leaned closer to the communicator.

"You have disciples, don't you? Isn't it a bit negligent of you?"

-Oh, that's a bit harsh.

Hamustra responded in a nonchalant tone.

-Lord. I never asked them to become my disciples. They volunteered themselves. They called themselves librarians and claimed to be my hands and feet, but frankly, they were bothersome.

There was a clear sense of annoyance in Hamustra's tone, as if dealing with flies that kept buzzing around the dining table no matter how much you swat them away. His attitude was entirely different from how he dealt with me or the Constellation Killer.

-But is it really okay to use this precious one-time communicator for talking to me? As far as I know, this is one of the special tools crafted by [Kwangyeok Messenger]. Of course, I'd be very happy if you think talking to me is worth it, but…

"No, it's not that. Let's get back to the main point."

-Not that, hmm… Right, the disciples. Why bring them up suddenly?

I explained the current situation, starting with "Actually, something happened." At first, Hamustra listened casually, but as the story progressed, his tone became more serious.


The noise from the other side of the communicator had stopped. He must have paused his box-moving task to focus entirely on my story.

-Indeed, even I feel a bit pricked by conscience. Certainly. I didn't care about the librarians at all, not even a speck or a shell, when I descended with you…

His statement would make any disciple cry.

"It's really bothering me too. It feels like I've inadvertently harmed innocent people by dragging Hamustra into becoming human."

-Uh-huh… As I said, the librarians chose to be my disciples of their own accord… If they abandon their faith in me now and turn to another constellation, there should be no problem. But it seems they have to bear the consequences of their own choices…

Hamustra sighed as if resigned.

-Considering your personality, you won't just let this go. Alright. It's embarrassing and shameful, but can I leave something I neglected to you?

"Of course."

I nodded.

"I didn't contact you to blame you. It's about the disciples of Hamustra, after all. I just wanted your consent and permission. I'll handle it, so just add this to the list of things you owe me."

-Damn. It's a pity! If I were still a constellation, I would have sent a message saying [The Favor of The Corner Librarian Greatly Increases] right now!

Why is he regretting something like that…

So, constellations enjoy sending messages…

"Forget the message. Is there any kind of token or something?"

-Token? Sorry, I don't understand. What kind of token are you talking about?

"If I were to rescue the librarians trapped in the Magic Tower. Something to show them that I'm on their side. Like a symbol of Hamustra. A passphrase, something like that."

-Ah, I see, I see…

Hamustra pondered.

-There's no convenient item like that… But there is one way that might work.

"What is it?"

-Among the librarians trapped in the Magic Tower, there's likely a hunter I know.

Hamustra said.

-His alias is [The Assistant Writer].


What kind of life must one lead to earn the alias [The Assistant Writer]?

I was burning with curiosity about this person's life and history, but the communicator I was using had a time limit. I reluctantly held back my questions.

-[The Assistant Writer] holds a unique reputation among the librarians who have given up climbing the tower on the 50th floor. He must be over 600 years old. If the spiders of the Magic Tower started capturing librarians, they wouldn't have left [The Assistant Writer] alone. Among the disciples, he was as revered as my own apostle….

So, he's essentially the leader of Hamustra's disciples. I nodded in understanding.

"So, if I gain the trust of that hunter, that should do it."

-Exactly. [The Assistant Writer] has entered the Revelation twice to undertake quests. I remember the ending of the first Revelation he was in. That Revelation was a solo quest… only [The Assistant Writer] entered.

Meaning, Hamustra continued.

-Only I and [The Assistant Writer] know the whole story of that quest. It's a secret between the two of us. Scenes and dialogues that even the audience didn't get to see or hear.


-Now, I will tell you a line from that secret dialogue.

A line that no one else in this world would know, except for Hamustra.

I listened intently to the words Hamustra was about to impart.


The next day, I immediately set the plan into motion.

The reason I spent the night was not arbitrary; it was to save at a [Save Point]. If I happened to die, I didn't want to regress to the first floor but rather to the 50th.

"Alright. Let's get moving."

I stepped out onto the street.

It had only been a night since the chase occurred.

Even though not much time had passed, several things had already happened.

['The Warhorse of the Eternal Plains' encourages its disciples to undertake quests.]

['The Warhorse of the Eternal Plains' emphasizes the danger of the evil heretic cult leader!]

First off, Mahos hadn't given up on me. Instead, he was desperately trying to catch me by increasing quest rewards.

"How cute."

I smiled slightly.

By now, Mahos' disciples must be frantically setting up a tracking network. Unfortunately for them, the more time passed, the more difficult it would become. The teachings of the Demonic Cult aren't called the doctrine of shadows for nothing.

Mahos wasn't the only anxious constellation.

['The Lone Seeker of Truth' recommends a single quest to you.]

['The Eye Living in the Labyrinth' recommends a single quest to you.]

['The Lotus Reflected on the Water' is showing interest in your faith.]

['The Incarnation of Love and Lust' recommends a single quest to you.]

Almost all the influential constellations on the 50th floor had sent me messages. It seems they were intrigued by how easily I evaded Mahos' disciples yesterday.

-The power of a disciple directly affects the reputation of the corresponding constellation.

Seeing my rise in stature, Bae Hu-ryeong snickered.

-Zombie, you're quite the sought-after recruitment candidate.

"That's nice to hear… But what is a [Single Quest]?"

-Well, as the name implies, it's short and simple. A quick task.

Bae Hu-ryeong explained.

-Constellations don't just brazenly ask someone to become their disciple. They consider compatibility, disposition, appropriate level, and so forth. Only after checking everything do they usually send a [Single Quest]. A [Single Quest] is like a trial run to see how well we mesh.


-But a constellation directly recommending a single quest means they are deeply interested in you. Well, no need to choose right away. You can even never choose, and it wouldn't matter.


What should I do?

While I pondered, Bae Hu-ryeong brought up an old story.

-I never chose forever! Haha. Imagine how satisfying it was to ghost all those constellations that sent me [Single Quests], right in front of their eyes. They treated me like a scoundrel afterward, but so what? If they wanted to recruit a noble like me, they should've sent a worthy steed.

"Greetings, constellations. I sincerely appreciate your quest recommendations."

Upon hearing Bae Hu-ryeong's words, I immediately decided on my attitude.


"I believe someone is secretly observing me right now. I'm a bit busy at the moment. I will carefully review all the single quests you've recommended and then respond politely."

-Hey, why are you doing that? I told you to ghost them.

Bae Hu-ryeong was puzzled by my proactive approach, but my attitude immediately elicited responses from the constellations.

['The Lone Seeker of Truth' is satisfied with your answer.]

['The Eye Living in the Labyrinth' is surprised that you are more normal than expected.]

['The Lotus Reflected on the Water' smiles at you.]

['The Incarnation of Love and Lust' increases the reward for the single quest!]

As expected.

"Thank you very much."

I expressed my gratitude once again.

-You're a strange one. Kid, I told you, constellations are all perverted lunatics. Why are you being so polite to them?

'Sword Emperor~nim, I've learned something from my time as a hunter.'

-What's that?

'First, doing the exact opposite of what Yoo Soo-ha does always scores me 100 points.'

-Heard that one several times. I wonder how that brat is doing… But you said first, is there a second?

'Second, doing the exact opposite of what you do scores me at least 50 points.'

-You little…

'Thank you for being my second role model.'

The constellations were certainly cautious about me.

As soon as I showed a bit of courtesy and proved I wasn't a psycho or an old fogey, they shot me messages.

['The Lone Seeker of Truth' asks if you are truly planning to oppose the Magic Tower.]

"Yes, I am."

['The Eye Living in the Labyrinth' expresses curiosity about your relationship with Hamustra.]

"Hmm? It's hard to say right now. I know who Hamustra is. I'll tell you more as we get to know each other better."

['The Lotus Reflected on the Water' asks if it's okay to continue observing you dealing with the Magic Tower.]

"Yes, of course. When I need to do something alone, I'll let you know to look away, but until then, feel free to watch."

['The Incarnation of Love and Lust' is curious if the person you've been talking to by yourself is your imaginary lover!]

"What? What the hell… Oh, sorry. I'm married. I have my own love."

The chatter in my ears suddenly became loud and bustling.

At least one of the constellations turned out to be an exceptional lunatic, but apart from that, they all eagerly discussed through me as their medium.

Their attitude towards me had become much lighter compared to yesterday.

['The Lone Seeker of Truth' complains that the Magic Tower is blocking all quests on the 50th floor.]

Among the chatter, there were some useful pieces of information.

['The Eye Living in the Labyrinth' confirms that this is indeed the case.]

['The Incarnation of Love and Lust' regrets that due to the Magic Tower, many disciples can't progress beyond the 50th floor, even with long campaign quests.]

['The Lotus Reflected on the Water' neither agrees nor disagrees.]

['The Lone Seeker of Truth' advises that infiltrating the Magic Tower would be almost impossible for you.]


It seemed the constellations weren't too fond of the Magic Tower.

'Come to think of it, Bae Hu-ryeong once said that there is one constellation trapped beneath each of the Magic Tower's five spires.'

He mentioned that they bind the constellations alive and extract their energy.

If that's true, it's no wonder the Magic Tower isn't on good terms with the constellations.

I mulled over this as I approached the vicinity of the Magic Tower.

-Now, Zombie.

There were ruins spread all around.

-Listen carefully to what I'm about to say.

The remains of a giant made of stone and wood appeared as if they had collapsed and decayed after death. Moss and mushrooms thickly covered the grotesquely piled rocks. Occasionally, unidentified bugs scurried among the debris. Even the numerous hunters of the 50th floor avoided this place, making it rarely frequented by people.

-This is where the sixth spire of the Magic Tower originally stood.

About 150 years ago.

It was the remains of the old spire that the Sword Emperor himself had brought down in a frenzy.

-Entering the Magic Tower legitimately is a fool's errand. It's been known for its impenetrable security since old times. Even if you just [watch] the Magic Tower, you'll be detected in 23 seconds. Security must have gotten even tighter after I wreaked havoc.

However, Bae Hu-ryeong added,

-That's for the other five spires that I didn't destroy.


I followed the direction Bae Hu-ryeong indicated.

-No matter how perverted the Magic Tower folks are, they wouldn't bother securing [an already collapsed tower]. Right?

Navigating through the debris was challenging, but Bae Hu-ryeong remembered everything precisely as if it had happened just recently, despite being over a hundred years ago.

Following Bae Hu-ryeong's instructions, I cleared away large rocks.

['The Lone Seeker of Truth' is puzzled by your mysterious actions.]

I kept clearing away the debris, which seemed endless.

Without rest, I wielded my aura and dug through the ground like a mole.

-The Magic Tower's spires are connected by secret passages.

Soon, I was below ground level.

-Ordinary hunters, of course, don't know this, and even the Magic Tower's spiders usually don't. Only the real higher-ups know about these passages. I deliberately didn't destroy them when I went on a rampage back then, thinking I'd use them again later. Regrettably, I died on the 99th floor before I could complete the grand plan…

Bae Hu-ryeong chuckled.

-How about that? Making a comeback thanks to you?


I split the ground with my aura, revealing not solid earth but a loosely opened crevice.

I focused my aura further to widen the gap enough for a person to fit through.

-Then we should take advantage of it.

I readied my sword.

Before crawling into the underground entrance, I carved four characters into the rock.

Sword Emperor's Return.

Until just 150 years ago, it signified the return of an absolute power who had conquered the tower.

At that moment, messages flooded my mind.

['The Lone Seeker of Truth' is shocked by the characters you carved!]

['The Eye Living in the Labyrinth' is surprised by the terrain unknown to it.]

['The Lotus Reflected on the Water' probes your true intentions.]


I gathered my aura.

The underground passage was pitch dark, but it brightened up easily when I shone Shiny on it.

-Zombie, even if you're a bit lacking, you're something like my disciple, right?

'Let's assume that for now.'

-Then, having reached the 50th floor, you should at least destroy a tower like I did, right?

'What are you talking about?'

I smirked.

'I should destroy at least two to uphold the name of the Demonic Cult.'

And with that, I leaped into the underground passage.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C291
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


