76.71% Villain Support Agency ( On Hiatus ) / Chapter 112: The CSU and the Ha’s Actions

章 112: The CSU and the Ha’s Actions

John 'Civilian' Indred, the rogue S-grade hero, had certainly caused a stir in the hero community with his unorthodox approach to heroics. His commitment to saving civilians above all else had made him a beloved figure among the people but a source of contention among fellow heroes who adhered to the traditional 'villain-first' mentality.

As Carl delved deeper into his research on John, he discovered that the hero had often been criticized by the Hero Association for what they saw as a lack of effectiveness in neutralizing villains. However, the citizens of the city appreciated his selfless dedication to their safety.

Carl realized that John's departure from the Hero Association stemmed not just from ideological differences but also from the burden of responsibility he felt in ensuring the safety of civilians at any cost. John's heroics were lauded by the public but criticized within the hero community for allowing villains to escape in favor of saving civilians.

As Carl delved deeper into John's history, he discovered that John had left behind a promising career as a corporate lawyer to become a hero. This transition had come after a tragic incident where he had lost a loved one due to collateral damage in a superhero-villain confrontation. It was this event that spurred John's dedication to prioritizing civilian safety above all else.

However, Carl couldn't ignore the dichotomy that emerged. John's departure from the Hero Association wasn't just due to his ethical stance on heroics but also his aversion to the HA's increasingly authoritarian measures. The clash with the HA's approach to heroism was apparent in his choice to walk away from the organization.

While investigating John's background, Carl's team also unearthed details about the organization John might have associated with after leaving the HA. The group was known as "Citizens United for Safety" (CUS). It was an independent faction advocating for superhero reform, emphasizing that the primary duty of heroes should be to protect civilians and uphold their rights rather than simply defeating villains by any means necessary.

This alignment with CUS gave credence to John's claim about wanting to operate independently without tying himself to either the Hero Association or the Villain Support Agency. CUS's ideology echoed John's belief in a hero's duty to protect civilians without sacrificing their rights.

One evening, as Carl was poring over the gathered information, Isabella joined him in his study. She had been keeping herself busy with her own investigations, trying to piece together any additional details about John Indred.

"Any new insights?" Isabella inquired as she peered at the numerous files scattered on the desk.

Carl sighed and rubbed his temples. "It's clear that John is genuine in his desire to protect civilians. He's gone to great lengths to save them, sometimes even at the expense of capturing villains. However, this approach has caused friction between him and the Hero Association."

Isabella leaned in, studying a particular document. "I see a pattern here. It looks like there's a rise in his activities in the past year, particularly focusing on thwarting villain operations. Maybe his change in tactics is what led him to leave the HA."

"Indeed," Carl acknowledged. "And now, he's willing to cooperate with us. But that raises the question of what he expects from this alliance. He left the HA due to their authoritarian methods, but he might not necessarily align with our goals."

Isabella nodded, deep in thought. "It's a complex situation. We have to ensure that his cooperation doesn't come with any hidden agenda or ulterior motives. At the same time, we can't simply dismiss the potential benefits of having such a powerful hero on our side."

As the days went by, the alliance with John Indred continued to develop. The encrypted communication channel between their team and the rogue hero remained active. Luna, using her shape-shifting abilities, continued to represent the team in their conversations with him, slowly building trust over time.

Carl's team continued to gather information about CUS, learning more about its vision, members, and objectives. CUS's stance was radical to many heroes, advocating for a more humanitarian approach to heroism, focusing on minimizing collateral damage and emphasizing hero responsibilities towards civilians.

The intermingling of CUS's beliefs with John's departure from the HA aligned with his pursuit of a more people-centric heroism. However, the implications of CUS's goals, especially its stark contrast to the strategies of the Hero Association and the Villain Support Agency, posed a potential challenge.

One day, Lyle called for a group meeting.

"So, what are you planning on doing with John, the info he has given us so far has been alright, but it's nothing really groundbreaking," Nacht said as he leaned in his chair.

"Of course, even though he left the HA, a person like him doesn't really strike me as the traitorous kind, he probably won't give us any information that could end up hurting the heroes and civilians, after all, we are villains at the end of the day, he had fought against plenty during his time in the HA," Rex added from the side as the others nodded.

"So, why is he cooperating with us, the info he has given has been proven correct, so he isn't trying to fool us."

"Maybe he is still working with the HA?" Luna asked.

"You mean, they're sacrificing some of their members and facilities in order to make us trust John and then lead us into a trap?" Carl asked Luna who nodded at him.

"Well, we can't dismiss such a possibility either, but I don't know, from what we have managed to learn of John, it's unlikely that he would do such a thing."

Despite the apprehension within the group about potential ulterior motives, Carl's intuition leaned towards trust. He had seen John's dedication to protecting civilians and his departure from the Hero Association due to ethical differences, which didn't align with the traitorous scheme that Luna suggested. Still, the team couldn't entirely discard the possibility of a trap.

"Let's tread carefully," Carl proposed, contemplating the different angles. "We've seen evidence that suggests John's authenticity. But Luna's point is valid. We can't completely rule out the potential risks of our cooperation."

Nacht, usually more cautious, offered his perspective. "It's no secret that heroes often prioritize their alliances, even if it means acting against their principles. John could be using this as an opportunity to manipulate us."

"Let's consider this," Isabella interjected, turning everyone's attention. "John's alignment with CUS is a significant factor. His intentions may genuinely be about reform in the hero community. The idea of a people-centric approach to heroism resonates with his past actions."

Carl nodded in agreement. "That's true. CUS's mission is about changing the approach of heroes to focus on civilian protection. This is a value John holds dearly. It's plausible that he is seeking a collaborative effort that aligns with his vision."

As the discussion continued, the team laid out a strategy to approach their ongoing communication with John. They decided to probe further and discreetly seek more substantial information about CUS's activities, focusing on understanding John's motives and ensuring they were aligned with their own objectives.

They also deliberated on ways to verify the accuracy of the information provided by John and how they could benefit from it without jeopardizing their position.

As they were talking, Carl received an unexpected message through an encrypted channel from an anonymous source within the Hero Association. The message hinted at the possibility of internal rifts within the HA and an upcoming move against CUS and John Indred. It was a warning about an impending operation targeting John and his associated faction.

This revelation rattled Carl, signaling a potential threat to their collaboration. He shared the information with his team, sparking concern and debates about how to handle the situation.

"We can't ignore this warning," Isabella pointed out. "If the HA is planning something against John, it could disrupt any potential plans we have been working on."

Nacht, usually cautious, expressed his concerns. "We've been walking a fine line with this alliance. Now, with the HA's looming threat, we need to decide whether we continue our collaboration or distance ourselves from John."

"Let's not jump to conclusions," Carl suggested, his mind swirling with the potential implications. "We've come a long way, and there's genuine trust building. But we can't ignore the warning either. It's essential to tread carefully and decide our next step."

The team decided to have Luna convey the warning to John without revealing the source, indirectly testing John's response and gauging his trustworthiness. Luna, adopting her civilian disguise, initiated the conversation with John, informing him of a possible threat without disclosing any specifics.

John's reaction was a mix of surprise and caution. He didn't dismiss Luna's warning but remained vigilant, showing signs of distress that hinted at the credibility of the message. He assured Luna that he would investigate further, expressing gratitude for the heads-up.

Back in their base, the team deliberated on John's response. The conflicting emotions of gratitude and wariness in his message puzzled them.

"His reaction seems genuine," Isabella observed. "He didn't dismiss Luna's message, and his expression of gratitude indicates that he values our warning."

Rex, the more skeptical member, still had doubts. "It could be an act. He might be playing us to earn more trust."

As the team debated, the warning rang in Carl's mind. It was crucial for their alliance with John not to be exposed, but the pending threat from the HA was a risk they couldn't ignore.

"I propose that we proceed with caution," Carl advised. "We continue the alliance, but we ensure measures to protect ourselves in case the warning is true. At the same time, we need to assess John's actions post-warning. His response will give us more insight."

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  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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