Wei Lan woke up in Wu Long's embrace and an inexplicable feeling of happiness spread through her. She felt comfort and warmth inside these arms as she leaned her naked body against his.
When she looked up she saw him looking into her eyes and she instantly lowered her head back with slightly rosy cheeks. Yesterday he held her until exhaustion and as she thought how she must have looked in throes of passion a redness further spread through her.
"Good morning"
He said with a light smile and kissed her forehead. A smile touched her lips at this tender gesture. She reached out and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you. That was... incredible"
She said as she could not find accurate words to describe her experience. He only smiled and kissed the top of her head in response.
"Was that what dual cultivating is like?"
She asked and he chuckled.
Since the last scene was more vanilla and short, this one is going to be some fan service XD
Also, I have set up a ko-fi account if any readers want to separately support me. Of course, the chapter release rate will be completely unrelated as I will always try to release as many chaps as I possibly can at the moment regardless of any other considerations, and there is no exclusive content being offered there. It is just another way to support my writing if you want one, by funding my coffee so I can stay awake and write for you XD
It is under ko-fi*dot*com/daoistgreenonion .
I appreciate your reading the novel regardless of this, as well as your comments and support! Thank you very much! XD