82.05% Aries Chronicles / Chapter 32: War for Blueleaf - 2

章 32: War for Blueleaf - 2

When Hulann exited the Arena, the orcs charged. The scouts immediately used stealth and disappeared. The mele fighters advanced steadily.

Every single ranged fighter, archers and mages threw one spell after the other. The mana missiles exploded on their flesh, leaving burn scarrs or mana burnt. While they were about to jump on the warriors, the hoplites came through the middle and hold them off. They then thrusted their spears fiercely, killing 20 of them, the reach of the spears longer than the orcs's axes. Then, leaded by the 1 to 4th horn, 15 goblins spearmen attacked the left orc's side, with an equal numbsr of rank 1goblins. They were aided by formations of 3 or so goblin warriors that were trying to divert the attacks. Still, while they had a resemblance of close combat fighting sense, the 40 or so rank 1 goblins' shields and body's were crushed. From the 5 to 9th horn and aided by 4 rank vermilion scaled hydra goblin - rank 2 warriors - normal, 30 rank 1 goblin were likewise helping them before becoming trashed. The spearmen still succeeded in fighting the orcs warriors off and killed several of them. The tree trolls had monstrous regeneration and physical abilities. Still, facing rank 4 beings at rank 2 was simply impossible.

The individual nature of orcs and their proud nature make them formidable at developing their own skills but the downside that mercenary warriors were like clans and thus were led by one or several rank 5s. This particular faction was led by Garrek, the newer rank 5 orc battlemaniac. Him becoming rank 5 developlee a passive that greatly increased his damage output after each of his damages done to enemy. This with the fact that he became faster the longer he fought, it made him a fearsome force on the battlefield. He grew faster and stronger after each enemy killed on the battlefield. When fighting rank 4s or 3s, it usually allowed him to increase his fighting power fast enough, being nicknamed the mad butcher. After performing enough feats during the last war against the dragonborn, he was given his own people to manage. They were 180 rank 3 and 70 rank 4 orcs with mele classes that felt inspired by him and joined him. Some of them were strong 4th rank classes and fighters and could rival and kill many class 4s.

Garrek felt extremely confident and volunteered himself to Sauruüne, explaining that he would be able to make quick work of them, and even offered to make it 150 orcs vs 250, he really wanted to impress his leader.

Sauruüne paused and said.

"We can make a bet, then. If you defeat these newcomers, you will be able to fight how you wish and even direct the greenhorn mercenaries in battle during the incoming war boosting your forces ever so slightly. If, however, you lose, he would be given the same type of mission that you would have been given and the greenhorn instead lead you for the rest of the war! How is that? It will be all 250 of your clan under your orders even. Would you take this bet?

Yes, please, my lord.

Know that you have higher qualities in your ranks and they are under your command, Garrek. Do not ever go back on a bet with me with such numbers.

I know, I won't. Tank you for the opportunity my lord I will not disappoint you."


The Aries joined the fray and attacked on the right side. These 20 or so warriors were lead by Medea, the late rank 4 Aries warrior - rare and rank 2 Aries Berserk - rare. Her dark hair were tided in a ponytail under her helmet and she slashed over and over with her longsword. She has been trained over and over and over again by Arthur. She did not necessarily have an amazing talent for wielding the sword, but she was a dedicated warrior, training her best to be better a better warrior.

The training regimen that Arthur imposed on the Aries specifically was to train a specific martial art movement heavily, or a step, exercing their mastery. After some time, they will fight in duels. After a very short rest, they were training another martial art's move before dueling again, and repeatig this cycle over again. The Aries martial arts were polished over and over by generations of Aries, for Aries warriors. Arthur knows the potential of a high mastery of this art. He was lucky to be able to have a growing force of dedicated warriors that could be trained over and over in polishing Aries royal Arts. They were usually reserved to the royal guards of Aries royalty and royalty itself during the time of the Empire. There, only the strongest with the most talent were given access to these Aries royal fighting arts. Generations of Royal guard captain, or high rank royal Aries knight that all reached rank 5 relatively quickly devoted these arts for their successors. While the current Aries were not these few geniuses that would have been train in Aries royal Arts, they had the same martial art than such geniuses created and polished over their whole lives and across generations.

They are a race that dive in deeply when they undertake something. Thus, they focused a lot in training these specific marial arts. The arena seemed to be place where they coukd face death and were not armed with wooden swords fighting each others. Relying purely on their skills and without the fear of death, they could practice to the limit and fight to the limit.

Such Aries were trained by Arthur, a class that was essentially being a teacher of warriors, wielding various blades: spears, swords, daggers and even armors. The perks of an unique rank class specialized in teaching arts, what that the learning spead was boosted by the system, forcefully increasing the learning curve of a student. For Aries martial arts designed for Aries warriors, they learnt extremely fast these specific martial arts. Practicioners could increase their level, of their mastery over the martial art. These ancestral martial arts require enormous time invested and a degree of comprehension to truly master the royal Aries martial arts. For Aries ordinary warriors, they never heard of an Aries specializing himself in raising particular martial arts. The boosts that gave such a teacher were however very consequent.

When a warrior increases his mastery over his martial art, especially a high ranked one, he usually knows how to be fiercer, move better and be overall stronger. In better words, martial arts allowed them to direct, and increase their strenght over the longer term. This made the bulk of the Aries elite classes that were many ranks below the ultimate legendary - rank, and didn't have monstrous traits, able to push their mastery of Aries martial arts to high levels. They were utilizing every ounce of their stenght in the best possible direction and could navigate their enemies and move with a very aggressive flow. These Aries fighters were thus elite individuals among regular rank 4s.

They were used and were design to work together while using their strenght in the best possible way. They managed to kill many of the strong warriors manipulating for higher leveled rank 4 to be fighting against several Aries rank 4s.

Meanwhile, the mages starting to wreak havoc among their ranks and the scouts attacked isolated warriors. Some were however killed when taking down injured orc warriors. Vermilion slimes slowly sneaked between orcs' feet and were attacking and exploding against them, damaging and poisoning them. They became sluggish and were killed more easily.

Seeing how is troops were being decimated, Garrek decided to change the tide of this battle and leaped high ftom the ground. Hoping to hit the rear troops and kill these classes unused to melee fight easily raising his personal strenght while killing some of the enemy troops.

He was very confident, a rank 5 legendary being that had a strong class and would be fighter the longer he fought, the lote enemies he damaged.

High in the air, he was met with a powerful middle kicks, hurting his ribs and sending him flying away. His strong body took in the hit and he landed standing.


Zephyr zoomed in against Garrek and slashed him at various places. His body coated with wind armor and his blades coated with Warrior's aura and wind magic were extremely sharp, letting escape a screeching sound. Garrek has extremely fast reflexes, but didn't manage to get ahold of Zephyr, and when he started to overwhelm him, Rea delivered devastating kicks and attacks with her hands.

Meanwhile, Baal lighted the whole troop of packed orcs on hellfire. They were taking continuous damages and were steadily killed by Aries and Hoplites. Olivier was moving very fast and efficiently and smashed one orc after the other. His short white hammer with a big hammerhead could be used as a catalyst for light mana, and, brimming with energy unloaded all this mana when damaging the orcs, sending them flying or straight up killing them.

Arthur, with 3 or 4 Aura swords floating around him, attacked Garrek. His silverfish energy clashed with Garrek's red energy. Arthur's feet digged in the ground and he was pushed back.

Arthur used his skill gladiator charge, then to the frontlines, effectively taking in lots of speed and leaping high over the melee fight. He jumped over the orcs and goblins, and, when he was about to crash, delivered a heavy axe blow with all his energy.

Garrek was pushing Arthur back. All of a sudden, he only managed to react to an enemy over him and defended by raising his axe.


Both axes clashed, the force of the impact maxing a crater at Garrek's feet. Arthur used this opportunity to deliver a thrust, that pierced his belly.

Garrek backpedaled, trying to dodge the attacks of the 2 enemies when Rea kicked him with all her might, crunching his left knee. Garrek stumbled and still managed to meet the attacks of both Arthur and Ezyze. Still, his ribs were pierced by Zephyr's sabers and his neck by Rea's aura hand blades.

Garrek was hurt. He was damaged beyond logic. He forgot his pride and felt the danger to lose his life. All his energy exploded. His wounds were bleeding severely.

Each of Garrek's strike was powerful. Arthur, Zephyr or Ezyze, when they blocked each strike, had their arms grow numb. His punches felt like being hit by a charging rhinoceros. Still they cooperated and manage to block most of his axe's blows, while increasing the damages that he took. Eventually, the bloodied Garrek was took down by one of Arthur's horizontal slash, that was brimming with Arthur's sword energy.


Garrek was slashed. A yellow magic armor covered his body. He was transported inside the Arena.


The fight was quickly over. In total, 8 goblin scouts were killed in the melee fight. The 86 rank 1 goblins were trashed. They tried their best to fight and make a difference but were mercilessly slashed by orcs' axes. 2 Aries warriors lost their lives. Only Vandal and Helios survived among the tree trolls. All the goblin samurais lived. Only the ranged fighters: mages and hunters, and the hoplites survived. In a war against many strong enemy, which is likely to be what they will face in the upcoming war, the Unshakables' numbers were decimated. Worse, they were facing enemies that had similar numbers and the forces of the Empire were almost 10 times more numerous. Ezyze and every single of the Unshakables realized the consequences of participating in a war, as well as a real need to improve.

Sauruüne stood up and clapped. The Arena was filled with applauds, ahouts and toars. Every single one spectating Behemoth enjoyed this fight. When the thunderous clamor died down, Sauruüne raised his right hand, thus ending the noise.

"That was quite a fight that you delivered there, greenhorn. 100 or so of your troops would have been dead, but you killed the 250 orcs led by a rank 5! This is not an easy feat as Garrek distinguished himself during numerous occasions! Come sit next to me, greenhorn, I will show you entertainment."

Behemoth units of 1000 to 2000 in numbers stood up and met in the Arena. They were often lead by 1 to 2 rank 5s.

"Us behemoth are an army. Those that you saw in the officer tent are high ranked officers. While they have their own personal unit, they usually direct several other units during wars. We also encourage competition between these various armies promising more rewards or positions of more importance. The fights that you will see below are fights between newly created or lower rank units. They fight to establish their ranking and might among us Behemoths. Now, you must listen carefully to what I am saying. The formation of hoplites that you have utilizes the strenght of every member correctly. While they would have been trashed by experienced orcs individuals, the strategy of fighting as a unit with support of ranged attackers made them able to kill stronger foes. I have been fighting wars and various conflicts for decades. My personal strenght and the behemoth's is something that we polished during countless battlefields. We came across various enemies, races and evolutions. The goblins samurai that you have are of the rare hydra race. 5 of the hoplites have taken essence of rare Ents. Every single of your warriors utilizes very strong martial arts. Do not think that you are deceiving me Ezyze, I truly understand the potential of your unit, and thus have a proposition to make. You will be, during this war, serving as a Behemoth officer and will be given Garrek as a subordinate. I expect you to fully use their strenght and show your might during the incoming war. What do you say?

I thank you, Sauruüne. My members are still weak individually and the Garrek's unit is made of only very strong fighters. While I don't know if I'm worthy of doing so, I will lead them to the utmost of my capabilities

Brilliant. Now, see the might of the Behemoths."

Fighting below were units after units of fearsome warriors. Vampire warriors and magicians fighting Yak beatmen, humans and Orcs. Some blood trolls were also present. Each fight was extremely savage. Each warrior kept fighting even when they were gravely injured. This competition ended with a 1000 people strong unit of Yak beastmen, led by a female Yak Shaman warrior wielding totems and a spear, as winners.


When the fight died down, the Unshakables went back to their quarters. There, 250 orcs led by Garrek were waiting for them. These gray orcs were wearing leather pants and boots and their armors. Their buldging muscles were adorned with white tattoos and their upper bodies were proudly showcased. They didn't wear anything from the belly up. Even the female orcs did not wear tops and their medium and lower sized breast were displayed over their rows of muscles.

"My name is Garrek and they are the warriors serving me. I won't find any excuses for our defeat. I am sure that Sauruüne told you that you will be leading us.

Yes he did. First of all, I must congratulate you on your might. We won this battle solely because we had better cooperation. There is no doubt that we would have lost if you cooperated as much as we did. You are all splendid warriors and I thank you for joining our ranks. We may be a very young mercenary troop, but we take care of our own. Let me be clear now, I am asking you to survive and that go for you, Unshakables. In this war, we will fight countless battles and will have countless opportunities to grow. We can take them only if we survive. Surviving is the bare requirement for our unit. Now Garrek, what did you think are the strenght and weaknesses of your unit?

We are very strong individuals. Our battle power have been honed through wars and battles. Each warriors here is adept at killing. The problem is that we were too focused on our own fights and didn't act together, to crush you as a whole. I know that I am personally strong. I realize that my might can be displayed only if I manage to deal damages to enemies. If I am attacked by multiple enemies or a strong enemy, I am not able to make full use of my potential.

Very well. And what about us? What are our strenght and weaknesses?"

Garrek paused. He thought hard. He just lost this battle but many flaws were apparent. Would he tell his mind and risk antagonizing his future leader, or downsize the truth and not say hurtful things about his unit? He chose the former.

"You are weak. You have many classes that are rank 1 and 2. Also, the strenght of monsters is their evolution. You are underevolved. Also, your hoplites are strong, but they have less mobility than your others warriors. You seem to be using them as moving barricades, but they are not fast enough to go where they should be in real time. I mean that if you don't have them fighting the enemy where you want to fight it, you may lose some of their power. The strategy of having weaker warriors helping your spearmen is quite clever, however they face much higher risks of being killed or injured. It can be better to have stronger forces cooperate to take down the enemies, while the weaker ones handle weakened enemies and thus grow stronger relatively more safely. Your cooperation is extremely good, but that also mean that your units would be much less powerful if isolated. Maintaining the lifeline for your troop is being able to keep them fighting as one. It can be a weakness if your ranks are breached, confusing your troops. This is something that we trained as individual warriors. If we are breached, we just keep on fighting.

Thank you for the insight, it is valuable. Why are all of you half naked?

Because we are strong! For orcs, our muscles are plenty.

So nothing to keep on being mobile or honing your instincts?

No, we hone our instincts through battles and we can even fight with allies strapped on our back. Us orcs are very strong!

And you orcs are under my command, right?


Then you will have our 3 blacksmith take your measurements. You will wear heavy armor... And if you want to show insubordination, I can always have a word with the other officers."

For the rest of the day, they strategized and trained. Every mercenary, soldier, officer and subordinate did whatever they could to boost their fighting power, even for the slightest.

Greypanter Greypanter

Thank you for reading it! Do you think the Unshakables stand a chance among the other mercenaries?

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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