

(A Week Later - Saturday)

-MC Pov-

I and Alice are currently sitting in the dining room, with me eating my breakfast and Alice drinking my blood from my neck. Yes, you heard that right.

"Alice..." I said after finishing my food.

"Hm?" She said in an innocent tone, while she continued to suck my neck from behind and her arm wrapped around me.


I just sighed and let her do that. After 5 hours, she was done and licked my neck for the remaining blood, and my neck instantly healed. She then sat on my lap, wrapped her hand around me, and we kissed. After about 10 minutes, we parted from our passionate kiss.

I then took another shower because my clothes were a bloody mess. After putting on some new clothes, I walked to the living room and found Alice watching TV. So I sat beside her and she leaned her head on me.

"I'm sorry," Alice said in a small tone.

"It's okay, Alice," I said while stroking her hair. I noticed that there was a strand of black hair that looked just like mine.

'Hmm...a bit of progress, not bad,' I thought to myself while still stroking her hair.

Suddenly, Alice sat up and her body tensed up. She was currently having a vision. So I just waited for a moment.

"Do you like baseball?" Alice asked me in excitement.

"Honestly, I played it when I was a kid and watched it on TV. But I forget all about it. What did you see in your vision anyway?" I replied while looking at her smiling face.

"Well, there's a thunderstorm coming tomorrow, and we usually play baseball as some sort of entertainment for us when there's a thunderstorm coming," Alice replied.

"So, you wanna come?" Alice asked while still smiling.

"Sure, but I won't play because I don't understand it at all," I replied and she just nodded.

Alice then immediately called the Cullens to inform them about it, while I continued watching TV.

'Hmm...so the golden trio would come tomorrow, should I kill them right there and then? Or should I just kill James and Laurent and let Victoria go?' I thought to myself. Hmmm...let's see tomorrow.

Alice came back and immediately buried herself in me after calling the Cullens. She said Edward would invite Bella too.

"Alice, do you want to learn sword art?" I suddenly asked her and she immediately looked surprised and excited.

"Really!?" Alice said in excitement and I nodded.

We then went to the roof as usual, since it's the only open space we have, and we don't have neighbors as well, so it is safe from prying eyes.

I then gave her a real sword, not a wooden sword, because she was stronger than a normal human, and I'm sure she could withstand it. I gave her one of the most beautiful swords I have in my storage ring.

It belongs to the one whom I respected the most in Murim. Even the Murim Alliance and the other great sects can't compare to him. He is the Mount Hua Sword Saint.

He was a teacher, a friend, and a great figure whom I respected. But when I waged war against Murim because Murim was corrupt, he chose to stand against me. I tried to persuade him to join my side and help cleanse the Murim of its corruption.

Even when he discovered that I was the Heavenly Demon, he still tried to persuade me to stop waging war against the Murim.

But alas, he refused and he said, "Even if the world is tainted by evil, I believe there's still hope that remains." I mean, he's not wrong, but what happens if the evil is already deep within its roots? So, I had no choice but to kill him.

Before he died, he said that he was aware of the evil that lurked in the dark. So, he trusted me with all his legacy, one of which was this sword in my hand. Its color was white, with a plum blossom crest on the scabbard, and a plum blossom crest on its guard. The blade was made of 1000-year-old cold steel, so durability is out of the question.

The Mount Hua Sword Saint named it, "Maehwa (매화)"

(A/N - Its means "Plum Blossom" I just translated it to korean.)

"Mikael, are you alright?" Alice broke me from my thoughts with a look of concern.

I nodded and smiled at her, then I handed the sword to her.

"It's beautiful..." Alice said while releasing the sword from its scabbard, and she looked speechless.

"It is, and it was a special sword for me," I said while smiling.

Alice put the sword back and said, "Then, I can't use it..."

I approached her and took her face to look at me. "It is yours now. You're more special to me than this sword. No amount of things can replace you."

She smiled sweetly, and then we kissed. I understand that nothing in this world can replace Alice. She is everything to me, and I know that she feels the same. I haven't told you before, but I can see the thread of fate that ties us together and can never be broken.

I can see the threads of others as well, but ours is different from the others. I can see that ours is not bound to the world. It is more than that. I haven't figured out what it is, but I am certain that it is a good thing.

Anyway, after we were being lovey-dovey with each other, I began teaching her the basics first. I wanted to teach her the Mount Hua sect's signature or secret techniques, but she can't use her internal energy yet. So for now, I just taught her the basics.

She was excited and happy at the same time, so it lasted for 5 hours. I can say that she is pretty talented. She absorbs everything I teach her as if she has learned it before.

Hmm, does she get some of my talents after drinking my blood as well? It's possible, and I'm not surprised even if she does. It's a good thing, to be honest. Well, a mystery for another time, I guess.

I gave her a storage ring to store her sword and everything she wanted, and then I explained how to use it. But she can't. Well, she doesn't have enough energy to activate it, so I decided to keep the sword for her and let her put on the ring to get familiar with it.

The storage ring is white. It is enough to store a plane. Not much, but it's enough for her. As for my ring? It is enough to hold the entire universe if I want to. I'm just kidding. I don't know the depths of my storage ring either, as it is a heavenly treasure that I luckily came into.

After that, we cleaned up and she decided that we would go on a date since it was Saturday night, she said, and because she was in a good mood as well. Well, who am I to say no?

So, we went to have dinner. She was curious and wanted to taste everything. But it turned out to be bland to her, and in the end, I was the one who finished up the food. Then after dinner, we went to watch a movie, and to end the night, we decided to do some star-gazing.


(The Next day)

-MC Pov-

Today is the baseball game, so currently I'm in the Cullen's house, preparing for the game even though I'm not playing. But Alice insisted that I wear the baseball outfit. I just sigh and let her do whatever she wants.

Edward said that he'll pick Bella up, so off he goes. They decided that they'd run to the field, but I beg to differ. So I take out my sword and stand on it.

"Allow me, my dear," I offered my hand to Alice.

Alice smiled, and then she took my hand and jumped on the sword. The Cullens just rolled their eyes and some of them were giggling. I hugged her from behind during the flight while she pointed in the direction of the field.

(At the Field)

-MC Pov-

Alice and I were the first ones to arrive since we were flying. After a minute, the Cullens arrived and they decided to warm up while waiting for Edward and Bella to arrive.

Meanwhile, I decided to just lay on the grass at the side and watch them play the game. After roughly about 10 minutes, Edward and Bella arrived.

Bella saw me lying on the ground and approached me, then she asked, "You're not joining?"

I opened my eyes and looked at her, then said, "No, I'm just bad at it. Besides, the weather is nice to take a nap."

The Cullens were laughing while Bella just looked confused. I just chuckled and ignored her, then went back to lying down on the grass.

"It's time," Alice said while smiling and holding the ball.

So the game begins, the same as in the movie. I can already sense that the golden trio is near. They already know that we're here and playing baseball. But they decided to wait and observe us first.


Alice suddenly had a vision and stopped the game. The Cullens immediately gathered, and Alice said again, "They were leaving, but then they heard us."

"Let's go," Edward said, trying to get Bella out of here. But then Carlisle said, "It's too late."

"Mikael!" Alice approached me while I was still closing my eyes.


Alice immediately pulled me and dragged me to the Cullens while they tried to protect Bella. I stood next to Carlisle while holding Alice by the waist. Before long, the golden trio arrived in front of us.

"I believe this belongs to you," Laurent said while throwing the ball to Carlisle. Carlisle replied, "Thank you."

Then the same conversation happened as in the movie. I could see that James's eyes reflected bloodthirst and a predatory look towards Alice. I know the backstory, of course, and I want to kill him right now, but I must hold on.

Then there's Laurent, his eyes reflect cunningness, and I know that he's careful and cowardly. He's someone I have to kill.

Then there's Victoria. She's the reason that I'm not leaking any of my killing intent because of her ability. I need her for the sake of the plot. I need to enjoy the plot as much as I can. So I will let her go and let her do her thing.

As they were about to continue the game, suddenly James smelled Bella's and my scent and said, "You brought snacks."

Immediately, the Cullens were on guard, and so were the golden trio. As for me? I was just standing behind them with Alice holding my waist.

"They were with us. I think it's best if you leave," Carlisle said while still on guard.

"I can see the game is over. We'll go now," Laurent said and prepared to leave. But James seemed reluctant. "James!" Laurent said again, and now they were leaving.

'Should I kill those two now?' I thought to myself while still staring at them.

"Mikael, are you okay?" Alice broke me from my thoughts, and I just nodded and then smiled at her.

Hmm... I'll leave them for now. After that, we went to Bella's house first because she had to persuade her dad. Then, after that, we went to the Cullen's house and prepared a plan. Laurent came to warn us about James and Victoria. I know that he's just saying shit and planning something.

The plan was the same as in the movie, but now, instead of Alice, it was Thea and Jasper who came with Bella to Phoenix. Edward, Emmett, and Rosalie tried to lure the golden trio to them.

Meanwhile, Alice and I went to my house and prepared if they needed backup. And I'm sure they need it.

(At MC House)

-MC Pov-

Currently, I'm just chilling and cuddling with Alice in the living room while waiting for news from the Cullens. But wait, why do I still sense that the golden trio is still here in Forks?

Then suddenly, Alice's body tensed up and I knew that she was having a vision right now. I just caressed her body while waiting for the vision to end.

"Mikael...we have to go!" Alice said in an anxious tone.

'Welp, forget the plot I guess.' I thought to myself while standing up.

"Don't worry, let's go to the roof. I'll show you something beautiful," I said in a calm tone.

"It's not the time right now! We have to go!" Alice said, stopping me.

I just smiled at her and carried her like a princess as we went to the roof. After waiting for about a minute, the golden trio arrived and Alice looked terrified. I hugged Alice tightly and smirked at them.

"Well well, what do we have here~" Victoria said, smirking.

"They tricked us, but they forgot about you," James said with his predatory look, while Laurent just smirked.

"And you, Alice, we've met again. It's been like what? A hundred years? But it doesn't matter. I'll kill you and your mate right now," James said, smirking.

I immediately took out the sword that I had given her before and said to Alice, "I'll show you something beautiful that you've never seen before, my dear."

"Oh? What are you gonna do with that stick?" James said, laughing, and Victoria laughed too.

Victoria suddenly widened her eyes and said, "GUYS RU-"

But it was too late. I then released my killing intent and they were stunned, looking at me with terrified expressions. They tried to move, but they couldn't.

"Stand behind me and enjoy the show," I said to Alice after kissing her forehead. She looked at me with a sweet expression. I then turned my attention to the golden trio and smirked at them while holding my sword.


" 7-Ultimate Plum Blossom Sword Technique "


" Seventh Stance "









To Be Continued Of Course HAHAHAHAHA

Mas_W Mas_W


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C22
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


