
The Queen's Pet

"You didn't tell me about this!" He screamed, throwing his crystal glass on the wall. The wine spilt, splashes appearing on the expensive tapestry and creating the image of blood.

"What did you want me to tell you exactly?" she asked him, raising her eyebrow, her look was clearly judgemental as she met his eyes. "All you had to do was your job, nothing more or nothing less." she said harshly.

"I want you to stop playing games with me. Just because we have a contract it doesn't mean…"

"That's exactly what it means!" She screamed and stood up. Her pale palm collided with the wooden table and as if it was made from the cheapest material the whole thing collapsed, taking down with it a very luxurious dinner. "We have a deal. I own you!." she told him, phrasing every word loud and clear for him to understand. "You will do as I please, that will not change. Do you hear me Damian?"

"I will not just do as you please! Kill without…"

"You will kill, you will torture and deceive because that's why I have kept you alive there is no one as good at it as you." She commented and her anger seemed to subside a bit now. She had a grin on her gorgeous face and she took a few steps towards him. Her touch was cold as she gently scratched his cheek with her long red nails. He wanted to step back, walk away but her presence was too strong, she was his queen after all. "But do tell me Damian…do you still love that dog girl? Is that why you are so distressed that I had you kill her family?" she asked and his eyes widened, the green orbs showed pure shock.

"Oh you must be out of your mind. Has the wine gotten to your head?"

"Maybe…because I am very sure that two hundred years ago you strongly claimed that you hated that girl. You even wanted to kill her yourself and that's why I didn't crush her soul. One thing I don't understand though…why didn't you erase her completely? Why let her come back if you hate her so much?"

"If she comes back, I can kill her, again and again. I can make her hurt, torture her as much as I want." he stated, his words coming from his full lips cold, no expression on his handsome face.

"Then why are you so upset that I had you kill her whole pack and of course her too?"

"I don't want the Werewolf Council going after me. They won't do anything to you but they will be going after me if they please. I wiped out a whole pack, they must be looking to find out who I am by now."

"I see…so that is your major concern." the queen stated and he nodded. The woman was circling around him, her eyes examining him closely. She was like a predator, playing with her prey but he had no intention of shriveling. She might own him as she said but he would never go down easily.

She stood again before him. Gorgeous in her red long dress. Her shoulders exposed, the paleness of her skin almost made her outwardly as she smiled with white teeth, fangs showing behind her red colored lips. Her black hair was styled high showing her elegant neck and her blue eyes sparkled with excitement as she moved closer. She was Vaila. The queen of the vampires and she was probably one of the most beautiful creatures on this earth.

"I am glad you seem to think." She whispered close to his ear, her breath landing on his neck, making the hairs all over his body rise. "I do hope though you are aware of the consequences of crossing me. Our deal is over and then so is your life." she continued and Damian felt a lump form in his throat, cold droplets of sweat forming on the sides of his forehead. He took a small step back, just so he could meet her eyes again and he smiled. He was very charming, so much the queen even blinked with his reaction.

"I would never do that to my queen." he answered her, the tension in the room disappearing and she laughed, satisfied with his answer.

"Good, good. Oh my, you had me worried for a second there that I would have to cut off that pretty little head of yours." she said. "And you have such pretty eyes…they look like smaragds. I am quite fond of them. Maybe if you ever cross me I will rip them out and keep them in a jar…forever, just to remember you."

Damian laughed, and his hand caressed the crook of her neck, a rather bold move of his but he had done it many times before. He knew exactly what she liked, how to bring the tension down, how to avoid her accusations and suspicions. Vaila was a very smart woman but nonetheless he was too good at what he did.

"How about you enjoy those eyes right now while they are admiring you. You are so beautiful tonight it is getting hard for me to think. All I could think of is…"

"Is?" She asked, her eyebrow arched as he felt him getting closer to her. She was not suspecting him anymore, she had already forgotten about the accusations, about the glass that he threw, everything.

"Is how I will get you out of this dress, how I will get you out of this room and take you to my bed…." he whispered to her.

"And what about the king?" she asked playfully. It was obvious she did not give a damn about the kind but there was an obvious satisfaction in the proof that someone is willing to become rotten with you, forget every kind of morality and simply devour you just because he wanted to.

"You and I both know that you don't care about the king at all. So my queen…shall we go?" he asked and she grinned, looking like the female version of the devil.

Damian wrapped his arm around her, colliding their bodies and their lips in a passionate kiss. Her lipstick stained his pale face, her breath was uneven as they separated but she asked him.

"Tell me Damian and don't you dare to lie…did you kill the girl?" she asked him.

"Of course I did my love." he said, reassuring her.

Damian looked at her. One of the most beautiful women in the world, unaging, always glowing.

To him though every bit of her existence seemed despicable.

How he wished to stab her heart with a stake right now.

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


