96.15% Danmachi The reincarnation of the menace / Chapter 25: Chapter 25

章 25: Chapter 25

"Ouranos, both I and you have a deal now."

I told him while smirking, although the workload is gonna be big, as long as I have his support then that's fine, as for exposing myself as he stated, it does more good than harm for me so I don't mind it much.

"Alright, then do you have land in mind or do you want us to look for one?"

"As a matter of fact, I already have one in mind"

I took the map I had from my bag and I marked the location of the church on it, Fels came closer to me and looked at the spot I marked.

"That place should be… if I'm not wrong there are no people who live there that place is filled with ruined buildings."

"Yes, people rarely go there from what I saw but what is important for me is the church there, it's the main thing I want to own, and the lands surrounding it."

"Hmm, it should not be that hard to acquire there are a lot of lands with no owner there but the ones that do need a bit of time to make contact with them, but how much surrounding land do you need?"

"The more the better and don't worry about money…should I hand you the money now?"

"Money is not a problem for us, you can simply pay the guild later when we transfer the land to you, even if you don't have enough you can pay when you earn it back."


"…Bell Cranel-"

"Just call me Bell, I don't want to be formal with you or Ouranos as we are allies now just speak casually with me."

"Alright, Bell I wanted to ask you if it is alright with you if I can study your healing magic and the array that stores magic from the talisman?"

"Eh? You can do that?"

"Yes… I know it's disrespectful to copy other magic but-"

"Calm down if you can do it then do it, I don't mind."

"Really!? that easily?"

"Well, people will know me as the person who heals limbs so even if I finish with Ourano's request, they are still going to bother me about I do have measurements to prevent them from doing that but if you can copy my spell then I simply won't be the only one who can do it and they will stop annoying me."

"… That's one way to put it… sigh people would kill to get the chance to study your spell you know."

"Don't care….but shit this request is gonna take forever you know it's only considered complete when they are fully healed… sigh I guess I'm bound to waste a month doing this quest."

"A month is considered short actually, well you have to wait for the guild to negotiate for the lands which will take at least a week you know… but I have meaning to ask you, why does it take 2 to 3 weeks to regenerate a lost limb?"

"Well the spell itself can actually regenerate a missing limb instantly, but if I allowed it to do so the patient will die."

"Why is that?"

"The spell work in rebuilding the lost tissue after getting information from the body the energy of the spell is all dictated into that so the building matter comes from the patient's body, and as I said before I put a limit to what how much the spell can take from the body if not it will cause the death of the patient."

"What does this building matter consist of is it just blood and flesh if so can we get some from outside the patient's body."

"No, it's not that it uses nutrients that the body produces but obviously very little amount because other parts of the body still need it to operate"

"I see, so if we could provide a way for the body to produce more nutrients our problem will be solved."

"Well, easier said than done, as even if you managed to do it you need a way to control it so it won't poison the patient from too much nutrients in their body…wait a second why does this sound familiar to me?"

These effects… wait isn't that the effect of the Fasting Pill I made, the main effect is to not make eat or feel hungry for a whole month but feel starved when the effect is over, but I know that it had the same effect when I eat magic in the air using my Dragon Slayer magic but instead of doing it manually every time, the pill did it passively… I need to check it out if this works then my work will only take a week at most.

"Ouranos, Fels I think I have a way to make it faster but I need to test it first so I have to go now is there anything else you want to tell me?"

They stared at each other for a second then Ouranos started speaking.

"Well, except for informing you that you will start working tomorrow nothing else, and if you are leaving let Fels lead you to another exit, you will only draw attention if you get out from the main route at this time, when you get to the guild tomorrow Gallas will tell you the details about your work."

"Okay, Fels lead the way, by the way, if you need me then you will find me in the church I marked on the map."

"Alright, Follow me"

I started making my way out of the room of prayer and following a new path that Fels showed me, the exit was in an unremarkable alley I didn't think much about it and started making my way to the church I have some research to do, I hope I'm in the right track.




(3rd point of view)

"Ouranos, I find myself puzzled by your actions today can you at least explain it now it's just me and you"

Fels entered the Prayer room after leading Bell outside, he went in front of Ouranos and started asking him about his actions.


"Sigh, it's not like I don't understand that Bell benefits the guild even if he joined a Familia but I can't understand your support for him, especially in that case, you are putting yourself at risk by siding with him and even the guild neutral stand would be questioned by others."

"…His eyes…"

"Huh? Just his eyes, Ouranos I'm serious here-"

"I didn't mean that I favored him because someone I knew, but he did indeed remind me of someone I knew a long time ago."

"…Please explain."

"His eyes were just like him… one of the children I gave my Blessings to….Daedalus"

Fels was shocked by the mention of this name, this name was quite famous at the time he was born rather it is still famous even now as he was considered the greatest architect of all time, but…

"What does he have anything to do with Bell, Daedalus was known to be arrogant but Bell doesn't seem to be so, so what exactly do they have in common?"

"You probably know that Daedalus disappeared without leaving any trace a lot of people thought he died at that time, but what you and the rest of the people don't know is that he went insane."


"It was when he went to explore the dungeon, he got fascinated by it and was determined to create something that surpasses it."

"That's absurd!"

"Indeed that's what I told him as well…but I was too late he was obsessed with it he was completely broken, I tried to stop him by distracting him with other work but he simply abandoned everything and went to fulfill his obsession… the last time I spoke to him his eyes were filled with…insanity"

"…Are you saying that Bell is the same as Daedalus?"

"Yes and no, He is broken and insane but at the same time sane."

"…Ouranos what you said doesn't make any sense."

"Sigh, I do know as well, but if you want me to put it into simpler terms let's just say he seems confused and unstable even though he doesn't know it."

"…Is it that bad? he seemed approachable when we were talking to him"

"Only after he marked us as 'allies' Fels, for me he seems to only care about his family and friends and not care for other people, you even saw how reluctant he was when I requested him to heal others."

"Then was it not a bad idea to throw that request at him when he hates people."

"No, even though he hated it he still didn't refuse the offer, and let me remind you he revived people just for Alfia and Zald to not feel guilt, even though he could have gone another way as stopping both of them from joining Evilus, he chooses to let Orario experience the pain to grow stronger while taking measurement so even if they dirtied their hands he will simply wash it for them."

"So is he good or bad?"

"Neither, I can think of multiple reasons for his hate toward people but that doesn't matter right now, what's important is trying to remove it or at least lessen it he is not a lost cause like Daedalus he is still a child we can guide slowly away from that destructive path."

"Not a bad idea, but I doubt he will change his view from just one request."

"I don't think so too, that's the main reason I offered to be his ally, being close to him we can give him quests like these from time to time it may take a long time for him to change, but as long as it works then it's all worth it."

"I see… But still, what is your reason for going that far for just one child?"

"…Tell me, Fels do you want someone who can heal severe injuries like lost limbs and can even revive dead people to be our enemy and let me remind you again he did all of that without anyone noticing do you get why now"

"V-valid point."

Fels tried to imagine it and felt a shiver down his spine, Excluding the healing and his stealth, just having an endless amount of enemies alone is scary.

"Well, for now, let's inform Royman about the request and the land matter."

"Yeah… let's just hope this amount of work won't break him."


With that Fels went to research the healing magic and array while Oranous summoned Royman and told him the details of the deal and instructed him on what he should do.

"W-Wait Lord Ouranos if we just release the news Evilus will know too."

"They will know sooner or later so instead of hiding it, hire strong adventurers to guard him, we can't risk him getting kidnapped or worst getting killed."

"Alright… but what should I do when the Gods ask me about him?"

"Hmm, don't try to hide his ability it's only going to make them more curious but if there is information about his background hide it just say it's unknown."


"Is there anything else?"

"… Yes, about the adventurers we are going to hire for protection I was thinking since the Astraea Familia had all their members level up they should be able to do the job."

"Hmm…during the Great Feud they have proven themselves to be quite capable and trustworthy, I suppose we can leave this job to them."

"Alright, then I will go and start working on the things you requested me."

Royman made his way back to his office and started researching the lands Ouranos told him about not before writing a letter addressed to the Astraea Familia and handing it to one of the free guild members to deliver it to them.

Before going back to the office he held a meeting with the guild workers and told them the news about a healer capable of healing lost limbs as well as him starting tomorrow and entrusted with the take of organizing the places where the patients are at so it's easier to heal them.

The news spread fast and sent Orario into shock, a lot of people didn't want to believe it and thought it was a trap for Evilus, so they just choose to stay silent and wait and see it with their own eyes, while the gods smelled something interesting and wanted to join the fun, while the ones that were meant for the treatment didn't feel much or rather they didn't want to get there hopes up only for it to crash down.

Orario was restless when the news was released, but the one responsible for it was oblivion to it and stayed in a dark basement silently doing research on his own, and from time to time he start laughing and saying 'I'm a genius.' like he is on his own world.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C25
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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