80% So What If I'm In A Hentai? / Chapter 3: Tests And Engaging With Vermin...Again But This Time With A Reward! (R18+)

章 3: Tests And Engaging With Vermin...Again But This Time With A Reward! (R18+)

Taking a deep breath, I looked up at the moon.

"Sure is shining bright, huh?" I asked to no one in particular. Feeling the soothing rays of reflected light hit my skin, I wondered how the sky could look so beautiful with so much light pollution before shrugging off the discrepancy as 'anime/hentai world logic'.

As I basked in the moonlight, I realized I felt a tiny bit more energized. Maybe even a little agitated. But then I remembered that the Beasts from 'Beast Burn' got more active on nights with a bright/full moon. Nothing like 'I'm suddenly a bajillion times stronger'. Just 'I feel like I've had a cup of coffee and it was damn good'.

Right now, I was on top of a pretty tall building somewhere in the city. After walking Akane back home and avoiding raising anymore flags (I hope), I'd gone to bed early as planned. The day was spent on the internet, looking up stuff and trying to figure out just how much in common it had with my old world. The answer? A surprising amount. Normal politics, normal business stuff, surprisingly decent movies and whatnot.

Helluva lot more scandals though. Saw a video of some Idol getting up on stage and stripping, showing off some very...unusual signatures from her 'fans'. That was pretty nasty and a firm reminder of where I was and what it was like. Not to mention that my search for the supernatural hadn't really shown up very much at all but I guess that's to be expected. I'd still keep my guard up for that sort of thing though. God knows how many hentai revolved around succubi or some other supernatural being just randomly deciding to have sex with an average joe.

...Depending on the supernatural being, I wouldn't be that opposed though.

Anyway, testing myself. I'd done a bit of it at home but it was mainly just testing minor things out. I'd already known my strength and speed were obscene but so was my durability and my dexterity/body control. I'd already suspected the latter but the former was a pleasant surprise. In the Manhwa Beasts are from, there weren't many durability feats and I was a bit squeamish to test them. I mean, who wants to try and hurt themselves? But after thinking about preparedness and all that jazz, I did test it out reluctantly.

Good news, I'm knifeproof. Bad news, my main kitchen knife is broke now.

Dexterity wise, I was basically gifted with athleticism and body control beyond even the finest human athletes but that should've been obvious. Still, pretty sick that I can do complex gymnastic routines without any prior training and my body just moves how I want it to. What is really inhuman about my body control is how much I can actually control about my body. Not just muscles but also my organs and my bones. Growing spikes made of bone isn't even a challenge. Rushed into cosplaying as Wolverine and let me tell you, that shit really hurts.

I really don't know what I thought it would feel like but creating new bones and then pushing them out and through skin is not a pleasant experience. Again, good news I know my healing factor is actually pretty quick. Bad news, I had to eject the Wolverine claws from my body and now I have six bones spikes in my bedroom.

You win some, you lose some I guess.

Deciding I'd had enough of standing in the moonlight, I flexed my legs and I was off. Soaring through the air, I enjoyed the feeling of weightlessness before gravity being a bitch-ass yandere dragged me back down on another rooftop and I landed with a lightness that defied a few physic's lessons I could still remember. Ignoring that, I continued jumping and doing my best impression of a ninja.

I'd done more than just looked for similarities between this world and my old one when on the computer and researched proper places to really test myself. After all, I couldn't just rock up to a gym and start breaking world records unless I wanted some secret government agency on my ass. Maybe even literally, which caused me a not so insignificant amount of terror, so I vowed to be as secretive as possible.

Which is why I was heading toward an abandoned junkyard where people continued to dump their shit even after it went out of business. It was out of the way on the outskirts, had a lot of heavy shit and plenty of places to hide if someone decided to make a midnight trip to it like myself.

Tonight was strength-related testing. Tomorrow night, I'd try out speed testing. After that, I needed to figure out my Beastly Fang and what it did. I was well-aware what type of missions I'd have to go through as a part of the multiversal group chat thingy, and knowing my trump card before then would be much better than hoping and praying that some sort of hardfought battle would help me miraculously awaken it.

That said, it kinda felt like I was lacking something. A little piece of the puzzle that'd help me crack open the lock on my Beastly Fangs. Felt almost like I was strong enough for it. Whether that was my instincts or some sort of higher power telling me, I don't know. Could be both or neither.

Coming out of my thoughts, I saw that I'd arrived at the junkyard. Pulling out my phone, I turned off the stopwatch and saw it'd taken me around a minute to get here. I know I said speed testing was for tomorrow but it's just a little multitasking, you know? I'm a big boy, I can handle that one little thing.

"Must've been going at around..." I paused my hushed whispering and did the mental arithmetic, quickly getting my answer, "...292 meters per second. Getting pretty close to the sound barrier there. I wonder if I'll actually make a sonic boom or if the weird logic of this world will nullify it," I mused before jumping the fence to the junkyard with a casual hop. Speeding around a little, I made absolutely sure there was no one else here. To the best of my ability, anyway.

Satisfied I wouldn't have any voyeurs, I looked around the deserted place before my eyes landed on a metal fridge. It was a french door-type and looked in the ballpark of 300lbs or 137kg. Not extremely heavy but a good start for tonight. Thank God I only needed four hours of sleep a night.

Walking up to the fridge, I moved the junk surrounding it out of the way before digging my hand underneath it. Bracing myself a little, I gently started trying to lift it as the last thing I needed was to fling it up and out of the junkyard, making a ton of noise. Even if this place was out of the way, I didn't want to tempt fate.

With a groan of weathered metal, the fridge came free of whatever I hadn't moved and slowly got off the ground. Getting a feel for it's weight, I lifted it up fully and held it aloft at about shoulder height pretty casually. It had a meager amount of weight to it and it definitely didn't feel like 300lbs to me.

Doing a few up and down motions, I nonchalantly tossed it to my other hand, nearing smacking myself in the face in the process as the fridge door swung open due to the movement, and began tossing it a few feet up into the air and catching it after shutting the door. Repeating the motion a few times, I got bored and put it back down.

So, more than a human could ever lift back on normal Earth but far from my limit and no doubt far from the max in this world. I'd looked up some of the world records earlier today and the max single-arm bicep curl was 255kg which is seriously insane by normal Earth standards. People weren't even doing half of that with both arms curling back there. Remembering that, I got a little competitive. I was an athlete back before my death as well, you know? You don't get anywhere without a competitive drive.

Looking around once more, I spotted a good next step. Strolling over to it, I stopped and looked down at the V10 engine in front of me. It was a big one too, probably upwards of 600lbs or 273kg in weight. Gripping the underside of it with a hand, I called on my claws to come out and pierce into the metal for a bit of extra grip before picking it up. Doing some bicep curls, I grinned, "Man, I'll be here all night doing this and by the end I'll have broken every single record. After all, if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying to win," I chuckled and my grin unconsciously stretched further as my teeth sharpened, turning my grin into something a little more monstrous.

Dropping the engine, I turned my sights to the rest of the crap here. I was gonna see just how strong I was tonight.

. . .

"Right..." I grunted, "That's definitely got some weight to it." My hands ached from the act of holding up the weight, my lower back and legs also burning from handling it as I completed yet another deadlift. It was far from my absolute limit, sure, but it was definitely enough to give me a workout and it was the heaviest thing in the junkyard.

I smirked as I let the whole thing down as gently as possible, careful not to get my fingers trapped under it.

What was I just deadlifting? A goddamn train locomotive. I'd searched up the the model and found it's weight, get this; it weighs a whopping 210 tonnes. For reference, that's four-hundred and twenty times a normal peak human's* strength. That seems to be how much stronger I am than a normal human; 420 times a peak human, basically. Which is waaay higher than I was expecting. Which wasn't my limit in terms of absolute strength or potential. I could get stronger, I know it. Instinctively I can just feel the potential laying in my body, in my very cells.

(*A/n - A peak human from our world. When I say peak humans from this point onward, know that I'm referring to ones from our Earth. The difference is pretty negligible between anime peak human and real world peak human when the MC is out here deadlifting 210 tonnes.)

Admittedly, though, I'll need to see about how I can actually get stronger. It could be a case of I'll naturally grow stronger as I grow into my powers and get more used to them or I'll need to train. Could be both, for all I know.

But seriously, hundreds of times stronger than even a peak human? That's insane. I guess it does depend on who turns up in the group chat though. If DBZ Goku makes an appearance, I might as well throw my measly four-hundred and twenty times stronger than a peak human in the trash. Plus side, at least I can ask Goku for some training and I'm sure he'd happily oblige. I somehow doubt he'd get put in the group chat which is kind of a shame. If he were there, I could just sit back and watch him Kamehameha the mission objectives.

Useless dreams of laziness and mediocrity aside, I pulled my phone from my short's pocket and checked the time. 1:01 AM. Seeing that I got here around 11:48 PM, I was here for about an hour and some change. "Best to head home then," I said before pocketing my phone and bursting from my current position into a blur of motion and over the junkyard's fence, far too fast for an ordinary person to see.

Going back to my new favored past time of running across the rooftops of buildings, I soon stopped when I heard something. Peeking over the edge of the building, I froze and then slowly sat down and leaned my head against the concrete border of the roof, "Why me?" I asked aloud, "It's the second time this has happened and I've been here for two goddamn days!" I whispered harshly before looking over the edge of the building again.

And what a sight it was.

A bunch of juiced up gymbro-lookalikes surrounding a fucking amazonian of a woman. Worst part? I remember her. The coach for the swim team, Nagiko Uwabami (A/n - from a work by Ando Hiroyuki; the one with the cat woman and the holy numbers are '444306'. She makes an appearance near the end) and an absolute babe. Sure, she's as pretty well-muscled as an athlete should be...but she's also got a massive rack and a fantastic ass. Not to mention, from where I'm looking, her muscles do pretty much nothing to detract from her feminine charms. But maybe that's just me and I have an undiscovered muscle mommy fetish...Who knows, really.

If I remember correctly, she's a character in some odd series about some overly muscular guy who looks like a character from 'Baki' and they have some weird rivalry/sexual tension thing going on. Far as I can remember though, my school doesn't have a guy like that.

So...this world has characters just show up without the rest of the plot surrounding them coming along with them or something? Nice, I guess.

This situation does beg the question; what the hell do I do here? Nagiko seems like she can handle herself. She's athletic and seems to be around 184cm tall, so she's not even shorter than most of the guys surrounding her. But...would I put it past this messed up hentai world to be illogical? Besides, there's three of them and those aren't great odds--

Oh and one of the guys behind her just pulled out a weird syringe. Right, not gonna let an innocent woman get drugged and SA'd.

Blurring into motion once more, I scaled down the building with my claws and dropped down into a darker part before coming up behind the muscled behemoth holding the syringe. And when I say 'behemoth' I don't mean his height. The guy's width and muscle mass just looks...grotesque on his average height frame. Seriously, he'd look obese if he weren't wearing a tanktop-shorts combo. Even with those muscles of his, however, he was using drugs to after women--or is it because of his muscles and how grotesque they look? Probably should've laid off the juice a little (or a lot), buddy.

Gripped his wrist just as he lunged for Nagiko, I looked down at the man with a carefree smile, "Hello," I said in a genial manner, "You really shouldn't be doing this, Mr. Don't you know it's illegal?" I asked but it was definitely rhetorical as before he could think to answer, I flung him into the wall of the alleyway like a ragdoll and he collided with a wet thunk as his nose smashed against the building.

"Wha--!" the furthest guy and by far the tallest of the three shouted in surprise before I dashed at him. I kept my speed as slow as I could but I'd still say I was breaking the records of this world. Gripping his face like a vice, I smushed his flesh up as I lifted him off his feet and had him dangling.

With a flick of my wrist, he joined his buddy and his meeting with a dear friend also known as the wall was quite intimate. Just as I turned to deal with the third, Nagiko trashed the guy with a kick to the stomach that had him bend over, throwing up bile before a second kick to his head had him out cold. Damn, is it me or are strong women who know how to handle themselves really hot? Especially when they're handing out beatings in a tight as hell black mini-dress.

Catching those thoughts before they went out of control, I brought my eyes up from Nagiko's thick as fuck thighs and saw she was staring at me with a weird look in her eyes. It was at that point that I picked up the scent of alcohol on her person. She seemed a bit drunk as she stood there and then she made her way over to me and before I knew it, she was kissing me.

What...what the fuck, hentai world?

- - - R18 Content From This Point Forward, Nothing But Hentai Logic And A Lemon - - -

Almost instinctively, but definitely a little consciously, I kissed her back. She might be a tomboy muscle-type but her full lips and beautiful face felt so soft against my own. The sweet but burning taste of alcohol on her tongue and in her mouth were intoxicating in more than just the obvious way.

She'd probably freak when she discovered I was a student at her place of work but for now, I was gonna enjoy this. I've never been a prude and that definitely didn't change when I arrived in this world. If anything, the thought of fucking a hentai woman has it's own appeal and I was curious on how it would feel. Better? Worse, somehow? This is for science, and damn do I love 'science'.

Reaching around her, I palmed her firm ass - I bet you could bounce quarters off it - and pulled her closer toward me. She let out a sultry moan, her kissing becoming more needy, more demanding. Pulling her leg up to wrap around my thigh, I pulled her closer still and ground our nether regions together. That got a much louder moan and she began grinding her scantily clad pussy against my rapidly hardening cock.

She moaned all the louder when she felt the size of my member and pulled back from the kiss, breathing heavily and looked up at me with half-lidded eyes, her gaze flowing over my features as her grinding became more leisurely and her hands roamed across my body.

Unlike the three Hulk rejects that were in various states of unconsciousness, my body was perfectly proportioned. I was practically a modern day Adonis. Nagiko was obviously enjoying that to the fullest extent that my clothes would allow.

One of her hands laid to rest on the back of my head, playing with my hair and her brown eyes alight with lust as she looked at me, "You know," she said and it was already clear to me she wasn't as drunk as I'd expected. This was a woman in full control of her mental faculties...well, mostly. "Seeing you manhandle those ugly brutes...it's got my engine going something fierce," she leaned in closer, her massive tits squishing up against my chest and allowing me to feel her rock hard nipples, and continued speaking in my ear, "I don't usually do this but a man like you is pretty rare. So handsome and so strong," she purred into my ear, "Wanna come back to mine for the night?" Her voice was one filled with promise and seductive tones and I couldn't believe my luck.

I mean, did stuff like this happen back on my Earth? Yeah, for sure. Just go to a nightclub somewhere and you'll eventually get an offer. Did it happen with women like the gorgeous amazonian in front of me? Fuck. No.

Most of the women who offered this type of stuff out, this quickly, were usually not the best looking. Nevermind the possibility of them most likely having a sexual disease of some kind. Considering this woman ticks more boxes than I was expecting and I don't need to worry about disease anymore because of my healing factor, well...I guess what I'm saying is this:

How on Earth, both past and current, could I turn down this offer? I'd be mad to do so.

I wasn't a virgin in my past life and while I'm taking suddenly being dropped in a hentai world pretty well, I do think fucking a beautiful woman to take my mind off it would be a good choice for relaxation purposes and the act of releasing my pent up sexual energy at the same time would also help me in the long run. Two birds one stone and all that jazz.

"Sure," I replied in a husky whisper before grinding my cock into what I knew was her clit, the somewhat hard nub and the act of rubbing it giving the both of us a taste of the delicious friction to come, "But how about you help me calm down a little first? Without a little help, I'm liable to poke someone's eye out if I turn too fast," I joked with a low chuckle. Nagiko caught onto my meaning and looked a little shocked at my request but by the way her heart began thumping in her chest and the damp scent of arousal flooding my nose...she secretly loved the idea of doing something out in public.

"Before that, though," I separated from her, despite the reluctant but genuinely adorable whine - who said a tomboy couldn't be cute? Huh? Who said it?! - that came from deep in her throat, "I need to get rid of these voyeurs."

Nagiko seemed to remember there were three other people in this alley with us and unconscious or not, she didn't seem like the type who wanted an audience for this type of thing. Budding exhibitionist or not, she seemed to like the thrill of potential danger. Not actually being found in a compromising position. That's good to know.

"O-oh, yeah, okay, uh," she stammered and I gave her a grin before walking over to the two men I'd taken care of. They were still face first against the wall and I would've been worried if not for my ears still picking up their hearts beating and their slow breathing patterns. Gripping them both by the back of the neck, I lifted them up and I swear I heard Nagiko cooing at the display of physical strength. She really likes strong guys, huh? She'll love me then.

Deciding to see just how much she liked strong men, I put both the ugly lugs on my left shoulder and turned to pick up the third brute Nagiko had taken out herself before picking him up and placing him on my other shoulder. Looking toward Nagiko, I'm pretty sure I could see love hearts instead of pupils and she's beginning to pant like an animal in heat.

I gave her a wink and turned to walk a little further into the alley. I didn't wanna take too long but I also didn't want these pricks waking up and ruining a good thing by rushing back, so I scouted around a little and found some discarded rubber tubing that I tied the terrible trio up with. Made sure it was tight and maybe a tiny bit compromising since I pulled their pants down and laid each of their hands on the other's junk. Let's just say they weren't built like the antagonist in an NTR hentai and leave it at that.

Turning back, I returned to where I'd left Nagiko and found her with her face up against the alley wall, the skirt of her short dress hiked up and her panties laying halfway down her thigh as she furiously fingered herself. Man, what a closet pervert.

Isn't this basically my very own hentai plot? Student saves teacher outside of school, teacher doesn't know it's a student from her school and she fucks him, only to find out the truth soon after at school...I really wouldn't be surprised if there's a plot like that in a hentai, somewhere.

Smirking to myself, I crept up behind Nagiko and suddenly embraced her. She yelped and then let out a muffled moan through teeth that were biting her lower lip and something splattered onto the floor below us as she trembled something fierce--she'd just orgasmed. Seriously, what a perv. She shakily looked over her shoulder and saw me before deflating with relief. Still smirking, I leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "You know, when I asked for your help to calm down, I was thinking you'd blow me or something. But here you are, preparing your pussy for me. I didn't know I'd helped such a lascivious woman."

She groaned and resumed fingering her pussy, the wet sloshing sound so erotic that my cock somehow got even harder but that could be because I was sandwiched firmly between her bubble butt and how heavenly that felt. Reaching around, I grabbed her humongous tits and gripped her nipples softly before teasing them and eliciting little moan.

"So, do you want my cock to fuck your slutty cunt?" I asked in a demanding tone and she practically melted like butter between my body and the wall, the wet sounds getting somehow even lewder and louder. She moaned out, her bottom lip coming free from between her teeth as she nodded. I dramatically heightened the strength with which I was gripping her nipples and pulled slightly, causing Nagiko to let out a spluttering moan, "Answer me."

She mewled at my tone of voice and the way I played rough with her tits, nodding again and opening her mouth, "OooOh! Y-yes! Fffuck yes!" she moaned out her words as her body turned to putty for me to mold and play with, "Fuck me! Oh god fuck my pussy, please!" she gave her answer loud and clear.

Never got that reaction playing with a girls tits back in my past life. So, hentai logic it is then. Thank God, because if this was using realistic logic the weapon I'm packing in my pants would split a woman in half and be painful as hell.

She gave a pitiful whine, low and needy, when I let go of her tits but she gave a hum of satisfaction when I trailed it down her abs and kept going down. Seriously, how can a woman be this muscular and soft at the same time? The two extremes felt amazing to touch. It couldn't be denied how good it felt to have such an obviously strong woman submit to me either. Goddamn, if I don't watch out for it I might get addicted to that feeling of pure domination over another person.

When I reached where her hands were playing, I diverted her expectations and instead of delving in with her I grabbed her hands and pulled them behind her back. Still leaning in next to her face, I growled out, "Don't move these."

She whined pitifully once more but didn't move her arms, holding them somewhat crossed behind her back. Pulling back a bit, I dropped my shorts and whipped out my dick, letting it slap against her ass. Looking over her shoulder, Nagiko let out a soft gasp at the size of it, "Oh god..." she whispered with no small amount of need in her tone. To prove that, she stuck her ass up and toward me as much as she could and her eyes filled with desire.

Looking down at my own dick, laying across that magnificent ass, I couldn't help but smile. Ah, what pure joy this is going to be. But seriously, I'm glad I'm in a hentai world. Any other world and a thirteen inch long cock would be nigh-unusable unless I was in a world where every woman was seven feet tall or taller. Not to mention how thick it is - like I said, it'd split a woman from a normal world in two.

Cock in hand, I pressed the thick and dark red glans up against the wet and hungry honey pot of Nagiko Uwabami. Then I slowly and teasingly pushed it in, going deeper and deeper. Even going as slow as I was, Nagiko groaned and moaned and whimpered as the flared head of my cock found and ground against every crease and muscle inside her pussy. For me? It felt absolutely fucking amazing. The tightness? Top notch. The wetness? Top notch. The way it writhed around me like it was sentient? Beyond top notch. Her pussy was designed to wring men of their cum and even with my wealth of experience in my past life, I'd never experience such a top-tier pussy before.

Finally, I was fully sheathed inside her. Her height helping this whole ordeal as her vagina was deeper than the average woman's (presumably) to match her above average height, otherwise it'd have been a much tighter fit. And any tighter than it already is and I'd lose blood flow to my cock.

Nagiko shivered and shook as she felt my glans nuzzled right up against her cervix. That? That usually hurts women in real life. In hentai? It's basically the main way of making them cum their brains out. As if to prove my point, Nagiko's shivering and shaking got worse and then she was humping her ass back and forth on the length of my cock, covering it in pussy juice as she hammered away at her womb with my member.

I just stood there, enjoying the wonderful sensations I was feeling. Honestly, this feels so good I would've cum my brains out but with the body control offered to me by my Half-Beast heritage, holding back my orgasm is child's play. I could go all night long without cumming once...but I'd probably drive myself insane if I did that.

Still, far be it from me to be a dead fish during sex. So instead of just standing there, I grabbed Nagiko by the hips and held her there. Before she could even begin mewling needily, I began hammering away at her pussy with reckless abandon.

Obviously I was holding back a major portion of my strength - I didn't want to kill her, for God's sake - but it was still enough to rock her back and forth up against the wall she was pressed against like she weighed absolutely nothing. This only set her off even more when she realized what was happening and with a howling moan her pussy clamped down on me and flooded my genital area with it's juice as she came, jerking with muscle spasms.

I didn't stop moving though. I kept fucking her through her orgasm and when she came back down from her orgasmic high, she was practically feral. Slamming her hips back against my pelvis, leaning her head back to plant kisses along my neck and gripping my shirt with her arms which she still held behind her back. She seemed insatiable.

That just turned me on even more.

Unfolding her arms, she took the hint and used them to hold herself up against the wall but soon yelped as I bent down and curled my hands underneath her legs, picking her up and moving her up and down my length. She let out another series of loud moans as I slammed her up and down, especially when I struck deep and hard against her womb. Her cervix practically latched onto my cock head when that happened and the never before felt pleasure had me feeling a certain way.

"Is it a safe day?" I grunted into her ear, her arms wrapped around my neck and the back of my head not really letting me speak anywhere else. Her pussy went into overdrive at the obvious implication of me asking that, seeming to turn up the heat. Literally, it felt like her pussy was on fire. Not to mention how needy it became as it writhed around and sucked on my cock.

"Y-yes!" she half-shouted half-moaned, "Fill me--Oooh fuck yes!--Fill me up!" she begged, her voice dripping with a visceral desire to be creampied, squirting all over the wall as she came from the very idea of it.

It was undeniable how turned on she genuinely was. Maybe a breeding kink of some kind? Bah, I'll think about it later. Right now, I've gotta bury my nut deep inside a beautiful woman.

As she began chanting a series of 'Yes's and 'Fill me womb's, I felt the pressure in my balls building and churning a colossal sized load of baby batter up. Before long, I began thrusting up to meet Nagiko as I moved her up and down with my hands, sending her into a pleasure frenzy as she began jerking and shivering with glee, having a few smaller orgasms as I built toward my own. I could somehow tell she was building toward a big one of her own.

When I finally buried myself the deepest I possibly could within her, Nagiko had charged over the edge pussy first. She wailed out her ecstasy so loud I was surprised no one had come to investigate but I didn't think about it too much as I finally let my own orgasm run it's natural course.

My ball clenched and I began shooting string after string of thick cum into Nagiko's womb. This only sent her even higher as her slowly dying wail picked back up as I felt her cervix greedily swallow every drop I passed through it, practically vacuum sucking it out of my balls. The rest of her pussy clamped down and milked my shaft with affectionate, gentle but forceful strokes.

...Hentai pussy is crazy. Definitely better than my past life. Way, waaay better.

I wasn't finished unloading yet and Nagiko was currently in orgasm land, so I just slowly rocked myself back and forth, milking as much pleasure out of the act for the both of us as possible. She eventually starting coming down, so I slowly pulled out of it to avoid agitating her now very sensitive pussy.

Consciously pulling the blood from my dick, I made it go soft as I let Nagiko back down onto her feet, supporting her as her legs nearly gave out from under her. I pulled up her black, lacy thong - sexy underwear for a tomboy - and made sure she didn't have to deal with cum leaking down her legs on the way back to her place. What? I wanna fuck more and she no doubt does too. I plan on slaking my lust on her body and nothing short of her telling me 'No' is gonna stop me.

When she finally came back fully, Nagiko looked up at me with wide eyes, still clutching at my shoulders to hold herself up, "Wow..." she said before blushing and looking away, "I, uh, that was--"

"Great," I interrupted her with a smile, turning her head back toward me so our eyes could meet, "I've never been with a woman and had it feel so great before," I smilingly reassured her. Seeing her practically melt at my words, I wrapped an arm around her waist, "So, I know this is a bit late, but what's your name, sweetheart?"

Her blush got even more pronounced, whether from the arm around her waist or me calling her 'sweetheart', who knows. "Nagiko Uwabami but I guess after what we did you can call me Nagiko," she grinned, giggling a little as she shyly looked up at me, "Did you...well, really mean it? What you said about it, you know, feeling great...?" she trailed off and the dichotomy between her adorable bashful expression and her image as a kickass athletic tomboy created such an amazing sight.

Deciding she needed a little more convincing, I leaned down a little and laid a kiss on her lips. It was a far cry from the frenching we'd done earlier but somehow much more intimate. It was slow but very personal, oddly enough.

When I pulled back, it was clear to see in Nagiko's eyes that he switch had been flipped again. God I'm beginning to love hentai women.

"Does that answer your question, Nagiko?" I asked and she seemed over the moon with my answer. Grinning down at her, I pulled her flush against my side, "You can call me Derek, sweetheart. Half-Japanese, half-American, in case you're wondering," I winked down at her and she let out another girlish giggle.

Seeing the same tomboy-adorable dichotomy again, I decided I was gonna rock her fucking world tonight. Hell, she was probably gonna rock mine right back. Either way, I was looking forward to the night ahead of me.

A_Pretty_Calm_Guts A_Pretty_Calm_Guts

First Lemon I've ever done, so it's no doubt a pile of crap. I know, I know, why write a fanfic set primarily in a hentai world if I don't know how to write proper lemons? Well, I never said I was clever. Or a good writer for that matter lmao.

Oh and sorry about the lack of updates. I post on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays because that's when I have the most free time to sit down and write stuff.

Again, feel free to drop suggestions for possible group chat members in the comments. I've had quite a few already but I want to explore my options fully and any suggestion given helps a lot!

Anyway, thanks for reading the chapter!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


