72.72% MMORPG : King of Supernatural / Chapter 72: Boosting

章 72: Boosting

Finding that Blake is leaving her to fight against one Skeleton Soldier, Angel was nervous.

It's true that she's level 18 already, but she actually hasn't killed an actual mob before. Nature Sprites didn't fight back and they also look fluffy and cute, she has no problem raising her level by killing those little things.

Compared to that, the Skeleton Soldier is an actual monster.

Maybe for Blake, the Skeleton Soldier looks like an ordinary mob. But on the other hand, in Angel's view, she could see a dark aura coming out of the Skeleton Soldier. A disturbing bony sound can be heard as it snapped its head towards her, fixing its red-dotted eyes menacingly.

Unsheathing her sword, she finds her hands trembling in fear.

Blake who is playing around with seven Skeleton Soldiers is oblivious to Angel's terrified state, he thought that at the very least, she could take down one even if it's going to take her quite a long time.

Although he thought of that, he was surprised to hear a loud high-pitched scream.

Whipping his head towards the source of the scream, Blake finds Angel crouching in the corner at the sight of the Skeleton Soldier charging straight at her, 'Is she that scared? Why? It's not that she would actually die'

Realizing that this won't do, Blake's eyes turn fierce as he let out his Spectral Vampire aura.

In an instant, all of the Skeleton Soldiers fell to their knees.

Not stopping at that, Blake uses his sword to chop their heads off, killing them rather easily.

[Level 17 Skeleton Soldier killed!]

[Level 15 Skeleton Soldier killed!]

[Level 19...!]

[Level 19...!]


"Angel, are you okay?" Blake quickly rushed over to her to check on her.

Upon hearing this, Angel raises her face and exposes her teary eyes before she finds the Skeleton Soldiers were all dead. None of them were left, only their skeletal remains can be seen scattered on the ground.

Instead of calming down, her tears poured out even more as she grabbed Blake's shirt.

"I'm scared..." She whimpers.

Blake was surprised by this but seeing how hard Angel clutched his shirt, he could only rub her back gently, "It's only a game, even if you die here, you wouldn't die in real life. But I understand, we could take it slow if you want"

Listening to this, Angel started sobbing while also nodding her head.

'Seems like I was rushing things, she's not used to the game. Maybe she got hurt the first time and realized that the pain is very real, I can't blame her for being like this' Blake thought with a sigh, he was also surprised when he has his HP drained to 50%.

After calming down in a minute, Angel raises her gaze once again.

"C- Can you help me lower their HP and let me land the last hit? I don't think I can fight them for now..." Angel pleaded, the vulnerability in her puppy-like eyes was impossible to resist as she sought reassurance. "At least until I feel like I'm ready. Please...?"

Feeling his heart melting, Blake could only scratch the back of his head, "Fine, I'll do that"

Upon hearing this, Angel's eyes glistened excitedly once again.

Blake couldn't refuse her and decided to just roll with it, he turns around and stands up while looking around the place in search of more mobs, 'I'll help her get rid of her scared nature, then we could actually play and grind together'

Nodding his head, he then turns to look at Angel but frowns when he saw her smiling.

"What are you smiling about?"

"Oh, nothing... I was only thinking about how lucky I am to meet you. Shall we move again?"

"O- Okay, let's move"

It was then, the two started grinding inside the Unholy Crypt like a maniac. Blake feels like he was boosting a newbie's account, he breezes through all eerie and grotesque spectacles coughed forward by the dungeon and gave all the kill to Angel.

Compared to the Dungeon before, the drop rate in this dungeon is quite high.

Since his inventory only has 5 storage capacities, Blake increased the capacity that requires gold. He spent 500 gold to increase the capacity to 20 and put the items and materials he gained from killing the mobs inside the dungeon.

Time flies by as the two keep on grinding endlessly.

Under the boosting from Blake, Angel quickly rose in level and reached level 25 in an instant.

Angel was euphoric seeing that her levels were rising rapidly, the kills were given all to her. In addition, Blake also suggested she focus on increasing her intelligence, spirit, and agility stats as well as upgrading the mastery of her Piercing Thorn skill.

If she wanted to be capable, she need to at least fix her messy build.

Moreover, Blake also told her to try killing one herself. Angel was hesitant at first, but since the mob was completely crippled by Blake's aura, she decided to give it a go and managed to kill one.

Even though it was meh, it's still a great improvement for Angel.

Due to running around and killing mob after mob, the two eventually decided to take a break. It was Angel that wanted to take a break, she was completely exhausted, "Phew, today is very productive. I'm happy, Blake..."

"Yeah, you gained quite a bit of level" Blake replied, giving her a thumbs up.

But as he said this, he looks up to his information menu and finds himself still at level 32.

Seeing that Blake still have a high spirit, Angel smiled brightly before she went over to sit beside him. Reaching out her hand, her hands then glow with a green light. It seems she was going to heal Blake that has scratches and cuts all over.

But seeing this, Blake quickly stops her, "Wait, I don't think you can heal me"

"Why? Is it because of your Spectral Vampire race?" Angel asked back in confusion.

Blake nodded his head as if he was an Undead, he doesn't know whether nature's life energy would actually heal him or damage him. The only thing that's certain is drinking blood, it was his way of recovering.

Albeit that's the case, Angel decided to try, "Just in case, let's try it. I'll stop if it hurts you"

"Nature Touch..."

It was then, Angel's hands glowed once again before she touched Blake's shoulder. Expecting it to hurt, he was surprised to find that it doesn't hurt, and he also saw a System prompt that shows the skill is working.

[+200 HP...]

[+500 HP...]


Eventually, his HP recovered completely before Angel stopped her skill.

"Ooppss... I ran out of MP from healing you, I guess putting most of my attributable stat points into vitality is not a good idea" Angel covered her face in embarrassment, she almost couldn't heal Blake completely.

But seeing her cute reaction, Blake laughed, "It's alright, you're not a gamer after all"

With that, the two rested inside a small prison cell.

About two minutes later, Blake opens his status window to check his condition.

[Condition: Extremely Fatigued]

Upon seeing this he could only smile wryly as he was sweating right now, he needs to be constantly alert in case the mobs attacked Angel while simultaneously holding back his attacks to not kill them.

Moreover, he also uses his aura to intimidate a couple of mobs to let Angel lands a hit.

It comes as natural for him to be this fatigued because of that, but then again, he couldn't waste this opportunity, 'While she's resting, I need to keep on grinding to make up all of the kills I gave to her' Blake thought with a nod.

Standing up, he then looks at Angel, "We've cleared the mobs around this area"

"I'm going out for a bit, you stay here until I come back, okay? If you hear anything approaches, pull this level over here. I think this will close the prison cell and keep you safe" Blake added while carefully giving her pointers.

Albeit she was scared, Angel decided to nod her head, "Okay, be careful out there"

"Yes, I won't take long" Blake replied before he dashes away.

Peeking from the prison cell to the direction Blake dashed into, Angel make sure that he was gone before she sat back down with a wide smile on her face. Looking at her status window, her eyes flashed excitedly.

"I hit the jackpot~ I couldn't believe that he was actually the MoonDespoiler"

"Now that I know, I can't let him go. I'll try and make him cling to me harder~"

Meanwhile, Blake traverses through the crypt with heavy breaths. He was searching for more mobs but he couldn't find any. It would be great if there are more batches of Skeleton Soldiers, but there doesn't seem to be more of them.

It's unknown how much time those Skeleton Soldiers need before respawning.

'Some of the people inside the dungeon are avoiding the place at the center. I deliberately scour the outer area of the crypt to not meet any strong mobs, but I think I should go deeper now' Blake thought while he was dashing through the hallway.

With Angel earlier, he couldn't afford to meet stronger mobs.

Blake wouldn't be able to protect her if the mobs were level 30 or even higher, and he decided to avoid that situation by playing it safe. Now that Angel is resting in the outer area, he could go deeper.

Passing through gates and rooms, he eventually finds a big royal hallway.

There were more banners and big windows inside on top of the wider space of this hallway. At the end of the hallway is also a slightly opened gate, it seems to lead into an even more spacious room.

Coursing through the hall slowly, Blake reaches the gate before a prompt appeared.

[Boss Room]

'Oh, I think I went in too deeply. Well, I could use this chance to check how strong is the Boss. As long as I don't enter the room, then I should be safe' Blake thought, he then carefully steps closer to the gate to properly peek inside.

At this moment, there are only about 30 people inside this dungeon right now.

Taking into account the logic of the dungeon from Salana's explanation, the Boss shouldn't be that strong with only 30 people inside the dungeon. If it's plausible, then he really wanted to take down the Boss and gained its loot.

Peeking through the gap, as expected, he finds a spacious room on the other side.

It was completely empty and there was no light illuminating the Boss Room. At a glance, it should be some sort of chapel. Through his night vision ability, he could see there was a big statue at the center, a monster with four arms and legs.

Just from looking at it alone, he could already tell that the statue is the Boss.

[Crypt Main Keeper - Boss]

Level: 47

Grade: Wild

HP: 80,500 / 80,500

Looking at the Boss, Blake ponders for a second and finds that it's very plausible to take down the Boss. If he leveled up to level 40 or more, then he could probably solo the Boss with Angel as his support.

But as he thought of that, he snapped his head around with widened eyes.

Blake heard a high-pitched scream in the distance, it was also a familiar scream that he heard earlier. In that instant, he quickly rushes back, exerting everything he has despite the pain and exhaustion his body is suffering.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C72
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


