44.44% MMORPG : King of Supernatural / Chapter 44: He's a Monster!

章 44: He's a Monster!




Lying flat on the rooftop from the building across, eyes on the scope was a woman who seemed to be a sniper with her long black hair tied into a ponytail and a hat on. Currently, her heart is thumping inside her chest violently.

It was her second shot at the target, the smoky scent can still be smelled by her.

But at this current moment, her hands are now slightly trembling, and she was breathing heavily as she finds that both of her shots were dodged and blocked by the supposed normal guy living in this apartment.

Of course, she was doubtful, this can't be possibly happening.

'Did the Limited VR Helmet make him this strong? Is this why we are tasked to get it...?'

Pure doubt and confusion can be seen inside her eyes, she was tasked here to search for the second Limited VR Helmet and decided that it will be a good idea to also take out one witness they had that night in the process.

Finding that person is not hard, as he lived in the apartment building next to the incident.

Just about a moment ago, she doesn't even think that she would need to help Damon and Hunter. Both of them are more than capable of taking out a regular civilian, yet she went for her sniper when she saw that the target was wearing a VR Helmet through her binoculars.

Additionally, that VR Helmet doesn't look to be the norm, it was the limited version.

Knowing that she had hit the jackpot with the witness possessing the Limited VR Helmet, she becomes impatient and wants to quickly finish this mission. But noticing that the target is acting weirdly, she decided to take the shot.

It was then she realized that the mission is going to be very difficult.

Now the three of them, Damon, Hunter, and the target have disappeared under the window.

Due to the fact that the target possesses inhuman capabilities, the woman could feel her heart pounding with worry for Damon and Hunter's safety. However, she remained vigilant, intently peering through the scope of her sniper rifle, patiently waiting for any signs of movement from inside the apartment room.

"Hunter, Damon, do you copy?"


Talking to her intercom, she didn't receive any answer from them.

"Bring the target back to the window, I don't have a clear shot. Answer me!"


Upon saying that her heart skipped a beat and her breath was caught in her throat when she saw blood splurting to the wall, she also vaguely saw a hand, holding a broken knife that repeatedly stabbed down.

Looking at this, the woman taps on her rifle with her thumb anxiously.

"What's going on in there, I can't see anything! Hunter, Damon, your status!"


Even after waiting for half a minute, the woman didn't receive an answer. At this current moment, she was already expecting the worst, and she even started cursing inside her head about how the situation developed.

Out of nowhere, a figure suddenly stood up in her line of sight inside the apartment room.

Instead of being either Damon or Hunter, the woman saw the target standing straight inside the room with smears of blood all over his clothes, hands, and face. On top of that, his appearance was also akin to a homicidal maniac.

Blood is coming down from his eyes like tears, striking fear right into the woman's heart.

Soon, he raises his hand and tapped something on his hand.

Right after she saw that the intercom buzzed in her ear which startled her.

"You're next..."


Upon hearing the rasping voice speaking directly in her ears, the woman's eyes were wide open. Glancing back at her sniper scope, she saw that the target was looking and pointing straight at her as if he know exactly where she was.

Only two shots were fired, yet the target somehow managed to find her location.

Despite only being about a hundred or two hundred meters apart, a civilian wouldn't be able to find a sniper's location that fast. Even trained soldiers need to see visible cues a couple of times to locate a sniper's campsite, a feat that is hard to master.

But the target could find her in an instant, and that makes her entire body runs cold.

Not intending to stay idle, the woman gritted her teeth and started to pack her equipment quickly with the intention of leaving the place. It was clear that she was dealing with something beyond her abilities.

'How can a person change that much in a mere couple of days?!' the woman thought.

It was not too long ago that the target was nothing more like an actual regular person, he got knocked out easily with one hit and was scared shitless at the sight of a gun being pointed at him like a baby.

Skim past a couple of days later, now he could even dodge and block bullets!

A couple of thoughts came to mind regarding the target, but none of them are important as she needs to get away before the target finds her. Quickly, she barged into the emergency stairs and started running downstairs.

Unlike earlier, her expression slowly shows signs of dread, the mission is a total failure.

Despite there being things inside the room she rented for this particular mission, she didn't go and retrieve them and instantly go to the basement where she spotted her car, gets inside, and quickly tries to turn it on.

Seeing what she had seen, her hands were trembling violently.

"Come on, come on, come on!" the woman cursed as her hand was shaking visibly, and it was hard for her to put the car key into the keyhole. She was completely off of her game and even dropped the key.

Cursing loudly in frustration, she went down to grab the key.

Grabbing the key firmly, she then went back up and managed to do it properly this time.

But as she was about to turn the car key and starts the car, her heart suddenly stopped when she noticed someone standing right beside the car. Slowly glancing to the side, she finds a man wearing a black hood.


Out of nowhere, the woman yelped when the window beside her exploded.

Not even given time to recover, she was grabbed by her collar and yanked out of the car through the broken window. "Arggh!" the woman groaned as she got thrown to the side roughly, her body got a couple of scratches from the broken glass.

Without even needing to look properly, she already knows that this man is the target.

'He got here so fast, he's a monster!!' the woman screamed inside her head.

Looking around the place while trying to crawl away, she curses when she finds that there was nobody around, she was on the lowest floor of the basement, and her car was parked at the corner of the place.

She even deliberately parked here because it's a blindspot, there were no CCTVs around.

But now, her choice of place has bitten her from the back.

'Damn it, I'm screwed! How could things escalate this quickly?!' the woman cursed again, the situation is very dire for her. Just then she felt the man grab the back of her leather jacket before she got flung back strongly.



The woman got slammed onto the wall, and the air inside her lungs was forced out.

Cornered against the wall in a sitting position, the woman clenched her jaw and raises her gaze slowly to look at the man. It was horrifying, the fact that the man could fling her body that weighs 70 kilograms back is out of this world.

Clearly, the man also has monstrous strength on top of his inhuman reflexes.

Squatting in front of the woman and taking down his hood, Blake fiercely looks at the woman with pure anger inside his eyes. Unlike the gaming world, using the Nocturnal Blood Sight abilities hurt him pretty badly.

It was the cause of his bleeding eyes, yet he didn't care thanks to the adrenaline inside him.

"W-What are you, really...?" the woman asked.

Having no intention to answer the woman, Blake reaches out to his hand and pulls up her sleeves to find the dragon tattoo coiling on her arm. Now he was completely certain that these people are the ones from last night.

Despite Blake having the decency to not hurt a woman, this is a completely different thing.

It's a matter of life and death, and he can't be soft.

Grabbing the woman by the neck, he lifted her entire body up with a little bit of struggle, raising her up high on the wall. Her feet barely touched the ground as she gasped for air through a locked throat.

"One of your comrades told me that I'm at the wrong place and the wrong time..."

"I didn't do anything wrong, yet through luck I survived that encounter. But then a couple of days later, when I didn't even file a report on you, when I'm minding my own business, the three of you came back and tries to kill me again? I'm a normal man, but this... this I cannot allow" Blake said grimly.

Even though he was a good man at heart, this is unacceptable.

Just like any other normal person he didn't want any problem and also didn't want to die, but if it keeps on happening to him then this, whatever this is has become personal for Blake and the woman needs to pay.

"Should I crush your neck right here?" Blake asked, and he was not joking.

Although killing people is bad knowing that this is the real world, he has already done it to those two men inside his room right now, so it's not that much if he adds one more to his kill count this day.

Upon hearing this, the woman tries to speak but it was hard for her.

"D-Don't, kill me... I- I'll tell you, e- everything!"

"Hmm... I'm not convinced whether I should spare you right now"

Flares of anger are still burning inside Blake right now, this is the first time that someone has actually tried to kill him. If he was not as strong as he was, then these people are not going to show him any mercy.

If that's the case, then he doesn't feel obligated to show mercy to this woman.

"P-Please, i-if you want to s-survive, then y-you need m-me alive"

But as he was inspecting the woman's painful expression as her eyes began to watery, he suddenly gulps harshly, 'Eugh... now that the situation calmed down, I'm starting to become thirsty again. Seeing all those blood, I really need to drink some right now'

Deciding on what to do, Blake ponders for a second.

Just then, his purple eyes sparked as his last thread of sanity broke, 'Ah, fuck it!'


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C44
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


