

Kiritsugu's mind raced as he contemplated the complex web of possibilities that lay before him. He understood the potential benefits of having someone of Touko's caliber mentor Shirou, especially when it came to his unique abilities. Her expertise could provide invaluable guidance and could ensure his son's safety within the moonlit world.

However, Kiritsugu couldn't shake off his apprehensions. He had sought out Touko not only for her knowledge but also for her discretion(she has a sealing designation and doesnt deal with the clocktower anymore). He wanted Shirou to lead a normal life, free from the prying eyes of the magical society. The thought of inadvertently exposing his son's identity and possibly subjecting him to unwanted experiments gnawed at his conscience.

With a heavy expression etched upon his face, Kiritsugu pondered the various paths he could take. How could he ensure Shirou's well-being and keep him sheltered from the dangers that lurked within the magical world? Was there a way to strike a balance between gaining Touko's assistance and preserving his son's anonymity?

Not finding anyway out, he steeled himself and tryed to reach inside his coat. Shiki noticed this and tensed looking like she would strike as soon as he tried to move a muscle.

In Shirou's POV:

The pressure in the room intensified, its suffocating weight bearing down on me because Suddenly, Epitaph activated, projecting a haunting image of my father, Kiritsugu, lying lifeless on the ground, a gun clutched tightly in his hand. Panic surged through my veins. In a desperate bid to find a solution, I swiftly removed my blindfold, unleashing the full power of Epitaph to peer minutes into the true path of the future.

Expanding my perception with the unfathomable capacity that my mystic eyes gave me, I frantically searched for any conceivable means to save my father from his imminent demise. Yet, with each passing moment, a growing realization settled upon me like a heavy shroud—I couldn't reach Kiritsugu in time to prevent Shiki's lethal strike. She was too close, too swift, and the threat she posed loomed ever closer.

Fear and despair threatened to overwhelm me, like dark tendrils snaking their way into my very soul. But then, as if guided by an unseen force, the system's voice resonated in my mind, breaking through the chaos. "Skill: Gamer's Mind activated," it announced. In that instant, a profound calmness washed over me, erasing the turmoil within. I regained control of my racing thoughts and harnessed the strength to press on.

Using Epitaph's foresight, I relentlessly scoured the path of destiny for a glimmer of hope, for any sliver of possibility to alter the course of events. Yet, try as I might, the bleak truth remained unyielding. Desperation threatened to consume me, and a flicker of hope began to dim within my heart.

But then, as if the universe heard my unwavering resolve, a surge of determination ignited within me. I refused to accept the cruel hand fate had dealt us. 'No! I have to do something! I won't let you die!' I declared in my mind, my inner voice resonating with unwavering conviction. And in that critical moment, the system's voice resounded once more. "Perk: Survivor of All Worlds' Evil activated... Perk: Joestar Bloodline hidden ability activated... King Crimson temporarily reached MAX LVL... Skill: Six Eyes active at full capacity, utilizing the equivalent of 65,300 units of prana(for him it wouldn't be actually 65300 it would just feel and act like from the others POV) into King Crimson's activation... complete."

a surge of energy coursing through my veins was the last thing I felt when, the world around me abruptly plunged into an all-encompassing darkness.

3rd Person POV

The room was engulfed in an overwhelming surge of magical energy, suffusing the air with a thickness that the occupants had never experienced to that level before. Their attention turned towards the source of this immense power, their eyes drawn to the motionless figure of the young boy they had been discussing mere moments ago. The crimson aura surrounding him intensified, expanding in size and radiance, its presence captivating and mesmerizing.

As the boy, Shirou, slowly raised his gaze, his eyes gleamed with an otherworldly brilliance. The sheer intensity of their shimmering glow held everyone present in a trance, their breath caught in their throats. However, Kiritsugu, ever watchful, noticed something amiss in his son's gaze. There was an air of arrogance, a hint of superiority that didn't align with that of his son. A sense of unease settled within Kiritsugu, his instincts on high alert.

Shiki, recognizing the unusual shift, removed her glasses and activated her own mystic eyes, the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. What she witnessed sent shockwaves through her being. The lines she usually observed, the lines of death, were moving, shifting in a way that defied explanation. "Impossible," she muttered, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Touko, sensing the disturbance, turned her attention towards Shiki, silently seeking an explanation. Shiki's revelation left Touko equally astonished, her mind racing to comprehend the implications of what she had just witnessed. She locked her gaze back onto Shirou, her eyes searching for any signs of what he might do next.

With a voice that resonated far deeper than that of an ordinary eight-year-old, Shirou addressed the room, his tone laced with an eerie authority. The words that spilled forth were both chilling and commanding. "Don't move, or you will die." Through Epitaph, he projected an image of each person present being impaled by a pale hand with green-knuckled fingers, their hearts pierced without mercy.

Fear and trepidation washed over the others, their expressions betraying a mixture of shock and apprehension. However, Touko, her demeanor unwavering, gave a subtle signal to Shiki, silently communicating that they should stand down. Shiki, understanding the gravity of the situation, calmly placed her glasses back on, taking a step back as a gesture of compliance. Kiritsugu, his hand frozen midway to his coat, withdrew and waited for his "son" to continue.

The boy's words reverberated through the room, his voice filled with an undeniable authority. "For you to judge the course of my own fate... you should understand that only I hold dominion over destiny! Anyone who dares deny this truth shall meet their demise by my hand! Do you UNDERSTAND!?" (DO YOU UNDERSTAAANDUUU)

The room remained in a state of shock, frozen by the unsettling presence that had taken hold of Shirou. Kiritsugu's heart sank as he witnessed his son being seeminlly controlled by somesort of entity, the realization of the danger Shirou now posed weighing heavily on him. Before he could voice his concerns, Touko interjected, undeterred by the ominous atmosphere.

With a calm and composed demeanor, Touko smiled and addressed Shirou directly, extending an offer that defied the gravity of the situation. "then let me ask you directly Shirou Emiya, would you like to become my apprentice?" she asked, her curiosity undimmed by the disturbing transformation she had just witnessed.

Shirou, now consumed by this malevolent entity, sneered at Touko's proposition, dismissing it with a chilling arrogance. "You misunderstand," he retorted. "This conversation is over. The only truth that matters to me now is finishing lunch and enjoying the meal that I have prepared. Nothing more, nothing less. That is what will happen, regardless of your presence!"

Touko's confusion grew, her brow furrowing in bewilderment. "What are you talking about?" she questioned, struggling to comprehend the thought process in Shirou's mind.

In an instant, Shirou seeminly teleported, appearing behind Touko, his back turned to her. A barely discernible humanoid figure stood beside him, its features obscured from view. With the same deep and arrogant voice that emanated from Shirou earlier, the figure spoke, its words dripping with malice. "I said this conversation is over. You will either leave, drop the conversation, and enjoy lunch, or face your death!"

Taken aback by the menacing presence behind her, Touko stammered a response, her voice filled with trepidation and confussion. "O-okay..." she acquiesced, her own curiosity momentarily overshadowed by the overwhelming threat that loomed over her.

Despite the departure of the humanoid figure, Shirou's presence remained unchanged. The fiery crimson aura still enveloped him as he calmly returned to the kitchen to resume his cooking. The room was shrouded in an uneasy silence, the unsettling encounter leaving a lingering weight in the air.

Kiritsugu, Touko, and Shiki exchanged bewildered glances, their minds filled with questions and confusion. They struggled to comprehend what was Shirou's alarming transformation (not an actual physical on like diovolo btw) he had undergone, and why he seemed solely focused on completing his culinary task.

Shirou POV

"Huh? Where am I? What happened?" I blinked in confusion as I surveyed my surroundings. To my surprise, the lunch that I had been preparing was already plated and ready. As I moved, I felt the familiar sensation of my blindfold back in place. Questions flooded my mind, trying to make sense of what had transpired.

I recalled the presence of the two guests and the alarming situation with Kiritsugu, who had been on the brink of danger. Fear gripped me as I stepped out of the kitchen and into the living room, only to find Kiritsugu and the guests sitting silently, their gazes fixed on me with an odd expression.

"Dad, you're okay! What happened?" I asked Kiritsugu, my voice filled with genuine concern. Confusion echoed through the room as everyone seemed taken aback by my words. I waited anxiously for an answer, desperate to understand the events that had unfolded in my absence.

before Kiritsugu could respond, Touko interjected with a calm yet curious tone. "Shirou, do you have any recollection of what just happened? Your demeanor and actions were quite unusual."

I furrowed my brows, trying to recall the events that unfolded. "I... I remember activating my abilities, seeing that vision of danger, and then... everything becomes hazy. The next thing I knew, the lunch was already prepared and ready to be served." I glanced at my hands with a mix of confusion and concern filling my gaze.

Touko nodded, her eyes gleaming with intrigue. "It seems like there's more to your abilities than we initially thought. The presence you exuded, the crimson aura, and that voice... It's all quite remarkable and concerning." She leaned forward slightly, her curiosity palpable. "Tell me, Shirou, do you have any recollection over these transformations I just stated?"

I sighed, my shoulders slumping slightly. "Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what you are talking about. I don't remember anything about a different voice..." it was then that the system gave me a Notification "perk Joestar Bloodline deactivated King Crimson has returned to its previous state...WARNING STAMINA HAS REACHED 0..." then suddenly everything went dark again as I was knocked out

(btw this KC has a similia personality as the original but not quiete the same it will follow the will of shirou and since before the shiki and Touko showed up Shirou only wanted to finish cooking and after they showed up he wanted to stop the fighting KC followed that will and made it the truth it would have killed Shiki and Tryed to kill Touko if they didn't comply but that wasn't the main objective for KC)


inside of a basement full of worms

Inside the dark and eerie basement filled with writhing worms, an unknown individual contemplated the immense energy they had detected near the Emiya residence. Their thoughts were consumed with the need to investigate further, driven by a determination to prevent the Magus Killer from disrupting their plans.

With a sense of purpose, the individual dispatched their familiars to gather additional information from the vicinity of the Emiya residence. Satisfied with their actions, their attention turned to the pit of worms before them. A sinister smile crept across their face as they observed the expression of despair on their now-granddaughter's face.

In the depths of the basement, a chilling and maniacal laughter echoed, intentionally tormenting the young girl and amplifying her sense of helplessness. The unknown individual reveled in their power, relishing the control they exerted over the situation.

( I don't know if you guys would like to see shirou as touko's apprentice so a vote will decide it




anyway thank you for reading and remember to send in your feedback and questions I will try to read and respond to everything)

btw just to remind you on what this perk does

Survivor of All Worlds' Evil: This perk embodies Shirou's resilience in the face of adversity. It comes with a 50% reduction in wisdom gains and a perpetually locked Luck stat set at -10. However, it amplifies Shirou's resolve each time he finds himself in a seemingly hopeless situation, empowering him to overcome extraordinary challenges.

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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


