2.27% HunterXHunter FanFic: The rise of the Dragon / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Rebirth
HunterXHunter FanFic:
The rise of the Dragon HunterXHunter FanFic:
The rise of the Dragon original

HunterXHunter FanFic: The rise of the Dragon

作者: john_benjamin_kai

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1: Rebirth

Kai had always been fascinated by Hunter x Hunter, a manga and anime series that portrayed a world where people could wield a mysterious power called nen to perform incredible feats. He had watched every episode, read every chapter, and collected every piece of merchandise he could afford.

He loved the characters, the story, and the adventure. He especially admired Gon, the optimistic and determined protagonist who wanted to find his father, a legendary hunter. Kai often fantasized about what it would be like to be in Gon's place, to explore the world and meet amazing people.

But he never thought he would get the chance.

Kai was a 25-year-old man who lived in Tokyo, Japan. He worked as a software engineer at a gaming company, where he created and tested various applications and programs. He was skilled at his job, but he hated it. He felt bored and unfulfilled, as if he was living a meaningless life.

He had no friends or family who understood his interests or hobbies. He had no girlfriend or partner who cared for him or supported him. He had no goals or dreams that motivated him or inspired him.

He had nothing.

Except for Hunter x Hunter.

It was his only source of happiness and escape. It was his only link to a world of wonder and excitement. It was his only wish for a better life.

He wished he could be part of it.

He wished he could be reborn.

And his wish came true.

It happened on a stormy night, when he was driving home from work. He was exhausted and distracted, and he didn't see the red light until it was too late. He stepped on the brakes, but it was futile. A truck smashed into him from the side, destroying his car and his body.

He felt a searing pain, then nothing.

He thought he was dead.

But then he opened his eyes.

He saw a blinding light, and heard a woman's voice.

"It's a boy!"

He felt something warm and wet around him, and realized he was wrapped in a blanket. He tried to move, but he couldn't. He was too frail.

He looked around, and saw a man with silver hair and cold eyes holding him. He recognized him instantly.

It was Silva Zoldyck, the leader of the Zoldyck family, a clan of infamous assassins.

He felt a surge of terror and confusion.

What was happening?

Where was he?

Who was he?

He wanted to scream, but he couldn't. He felt like he was trapped in a nightmare.

He heard another voice, this time from a girl with long black hair and purple eyes.

"He has a twin brother!"

He turned his head, and saw another baby lying next to him. He had spiky white hair and blue eyes. He looked exactly like him, except for the hair color.

He felt a strange bond to him.

It was Killua Zoldyck, the successor of the Zoldyck family, and one of the main characters of Hunter x Hunter.

He felt a shock and disbelief.

How could this be?

How did he end up in the Hunter x Hunter world?

How did he become Killua's twin brother?

He had no answers.

He only knew one thing.

He had been reborn.

And his life would never be the same again.

5 years later.

"Look at him go. He's a monster," Silva said as he watched Kai, 5 years old, practice his martial arts in the training room. His eyes were cold and calculating, admiring the boy's potential as a weapon.

"He's only been here training for a year, and he's already surpassed the basics of nen and assassination techniques. He's a prodigy," Kikyo said as she watched Kai use his nen to create a dragon-shaped aura around his fist and punch a dummy. The dummy exploded into pieces, leaving a hole in the wall behind it. She smiled wickedly, imagining the boy's future victims.

"He's way better than Killua. He's faster, stronger, smarter, and more creative than him. He can do things that Killua can't do, or do them better," Milluki said as he watched Kai use various weapons, such as knives, guns, needles, wires, and bombs with skill and precision.

He hacked into the security system and controlled the training room's traps and obstacles, making them harder for Kai to overcome. But Kai dodged them all with ease, showing no fear or hesitation.

"He's the ultimate assassin. He's the pride and joy of the Zoldyck family," Zeno said as he watched Kai use his nen to enhance his physical abilities, emit his aura as projectiles, transmute his aura into different forms, manipulate objects or people with his aura, conjure objects out of thin air, and specialize in unique abilities that suited his personality.

He used his nen to sense the boy's aura, and felt a cold and ruthless killing intent that matched his own. He nodded approvingly, feeling no warmth or affection for the boy. He was only interested in his power.

"I know. He's amazing. He's my brother," Killua said as he watched Kai with admiration and envy. He wanted to be like him, but he also wanted to be different from him. He wanted to be his equal, but he also wanted to be his friend. He wanted to be an assassin, but he also wanted to be a hunter.

He wanted to be himself.

He also developed a close bond with Killua, who was his only friend and ally in the family. They shared everything, from toys to secrets. They played with their yo-yos, their favorite toys, which they used as weapons and tools. They shared their thoughts and feelings, their hopes and fears. They trained together, sparring with each other or practicing their nen skills. They challenged each other to improve and grow.

They played together, exploring the mansion or sneaking out to the outside world. They had fun and enjoyed life. They dreamed together, imagining a different future for themselves. They wanted to see the world and have adventures. They wanted to be free. They were inseparable. They were brothers..

But they also faced many challenges.

The Zoldyck family was not an ordinary one. They lived in a secluded mansion on top of Kukuroo Mountain, surrounded by deadly traps and beasts. They followed strict rules and traditions, and expected their children to become elite assassins. They did not tolerate weakness or disobedience.

Kai learned this the hard way.

He suffered from harsh training sessions, where he had to endure physical and mental torture. He was beaten, burned, electrocuted, poisoned, and stabbed by his trainers, who tried to break his limits and test his endurance. He felt pain in every part of his body, blood in his mouth, sweat in his eyes. He heard screams in his ears, insults in his mind, laughter in his soul. He saw bruises on his skin, scars on his flesh, wounds on his heart.

He was forced to solve complex puzzles and riddles, while being distracted by loud noises and flashing lights. He had to memorize long sequences of numbers, words, or symbols, while being bombarded by sirens, horns, or bells. He had to find hidden clues, patterns, or meanings, while being blinded by flashes, sparks, or flames. He felt confusion in his brain, pressure in his head, stress in his nerves. He heard questions in his ears, doubts in his mind, errors in his soul. He saw puzzles on the screen, riddles on the paper, mysteries on the wall.

He was made to face his worst fears and nightmares, such as spiders, clowns, or heights. He had to touch hairy spiders, look at creepy clowns, or stand on high ledges. He had to overcome his phobias, panic attacks, or traumas. He felt fear in his chest, terror in his stomach, horror in his bones. He heard hisses in his ears, laughs in his mind, screams in his soul. He saw webs on the floor, balloons on the ceiling, abysses on the edge.

He was pushed to the edge of his sanity and survival.

"Come on, Kai. You can do this. You're a Zoldyck. You're an assassin. You're a killer," Silva said as he watched Kai endure the physical torture.

"I can do this. I'm a Zoldyck. I'm an assassin. I'm a killer," Kai repeated as he clenched his teeth and bore the pain.

"Come on, Kai. You can do this. You're a genius. You're a master. You're a solver," Kikyo said as she watched Kai solve the mental puzzles.

"I can do this. I'm a genius. I'm a master. I'm a solver," Kai repeated as he focused his eyes and solved the riddles.

"Come on, Kai. You can do this. You're brave. You're strong. You're fearless," Killua said as he watched Kai face his fears and nightmares.

"I can do this. I'm brave. I'm strong. I'm fearless," Kai repeated as he calmed his breath and faced the horrors.

He did it.

He endured the physical torture.

He solved the mental puzzles.

He faced his fears and nightmares.

He passed the training sessions.

He suffered from brutal punishments, where he had to pay for his mistakes and failures. He was whipped, locked up, starved, or isolated by his parents or siblings, who tried to teach him discipline and obedience. He was humiliated, insulted, or ignored by his family or servants, who tried to make him feel worthless and inferior. He was threatened, blackmailed, or manipulated by his family or enemies, who tried to control him and use him.

He suffered from constant pressure, where he had to meet high expectations and standards. He was judged, compared, or evaluated by his family or examiners, who tried to measure his performance and potential.

He was challenged, provoked, or attacked by his rivals or opponents, who tried to test his skills and abilities. He was watched, monitored, or followed by his family or enemies, who tried to observe him and anticipate his actions.

He endured pain, fear, and loneliness. He felt physical pain from his injuries and wounds. He felt emotional pain from his isolation and rejection. He felt mental pain from his stress and anxiety. He felt fear of losing his life or freedom. He felt fear of disappointing his family or friends. He felt fear of facing his enemies or challenges.

He felt loneliness from having no one to support or comfort him. He felt loneliness from having no one to understand or relate to him. He felt loneliness from having no one to love or be loved by him.

He witnessed violence, death, and cruelty. He saw people kill or hurt each other for money, power, or pleasure. He saw people die or suffer from accidents, diseases, or disasters. He saw people abuse or exploit each other for greed, revenge, or hatred. He saw the worst of humanity and nature.

He hid his emotions, thoughts, and desires. He pretended to be cold and emotionless, hiding his feelings of sadness, anger, or joy. He never cried, never yelled, never smiled. He suppressed his tears, his screams, his laughter. He numbed his pain, his rage, his bliss. He acted like he didn't care, didn't feel, didn't live.

He pretended to be obedient and loyal, hiding his thoughts of rebellion, defiance, or escape. He always followed orders, always obeyed rules, always respected authority. He ignored his doubts, his questions, his opinions. He silenced his voice, his mind, his will. He acted like he didn't think, didn't challenge, didn't resist.

He pretended to be content and satisfied, hiding his desires of freedom, adventure, or happiness. He never complained, never wished, never dreamed. He accepted his fate, his role, his duty. He limited his choices, his chances, his goals. He acted like he didn't want, didn't hope, didn't aspire.

He wore a mask of indifference and compliance, hiding his true self and personality. He was a blank slate, a hollow shell, a puppet. He was a Zoldyck, an assassin, a killer.

He obeyed his orders, followed his role, and played his part. He did what he was told to do, without question or hesitation. He acted as he was expected to act, without complaint or resistance. He performed as he was required to perform, without error or failure. He was a good son, a good brother, a good student, a good assassin.

He still remembered the first time he saw the Zoldyck mansion. It loomed over him like a dark and menacing fortress, built of black stone and iron. It had dozens of towers, windows, and doors, but they all looked cold and unwelcoming, as if they were hiding secrets and dangers. It was surrounded by a high wall, which was topped with spikes and barbed wire, preventing anyone from climbing over or flying over. It was guarded by a massive gate, which was carved with the Zoldyck crest: a snake coiled around a dagger, symbolizing their deadly and cunning nature. The gate was also electrified, sending sparks and shocks to anyone who tried to enter or exit without permission.

He felt a chill run down his spine as he approached the gate, holding his brother's hand. He saw the gatekeeper, a tall and muscular man with a scarred face and a metal arm. He wore a black uniform and a black hat, which covered his eyes. He held a remote control in his hand, which could open or close the gate, as well as activate or deactivate the electricity.

"Who are you?" the gatekeeper asked in a gruff voice.

"We're Kai and Killua Zoldyck. We're here to see our parents," Kai answered in a calm voice.

"Kai and Killua Zoldyck? You're the twins?" the gatekeeper asked in a surprised voice.

"Yes, we are. Do you know us?" Kai asked in a curious voice.

"Of course I do. I've heard about you from your father. He said you were born with exceptional talent and potential. He said you were the future of the Zoldyck family," the gatekeeper said in an impressed voice.

"Really? He said that?" Kai asked in an excited tone.

"You'll see soon enough. Come on in," the gatekeeper said as he pressed a button on his remote control.

The gate opened slowly, making a loud and creaky noise. The electricity stopped flowing, making a soft and crackling noise. A path was cleared for them to enter the mansion.

They walked through the gate, holding each other's hand. They looked at the mansion with awe and fear. They wondered what awaited them inside.

Kai felt a chill run down his spine as he approached the mansion with Killua. He felt like he was entering a prison, not a home. He felt the oppressive and hostile atmosphere of the place, which made him uneasy and nervous. He wondered what kind of people lived there, and what kind of life awaited him. He wondered if he would ever be happy or free there. He wondered if he had made a mistake.

He met his other siblings soon after he was born. There was Illumi, the eldest son, who had long black hair and emotionless eyes. He was a master of manipulation and disguise, able to change his appearance and control people's minds with his nen needles. He was cold and ruthless, and he took a keen interest in Kai's development. He often tested him with harsh questions and tasks, trying to mold him into a perfect assassin.

There was Milluki, the second son, who was fat and lazy. He had short brown hair and glasses, and he spent most of his time in his room, playing video games and hacking computers. He was a genius in technology and information, able to create and use various gadgets and weapons. He was jealous and spiteful, and he hated Kai for being better than him. He often bullied him with insults and pranks, trying to make him miserable.

There was Kalluto, the youngest son, who looked like a girl. He had long black hair and red eyes, and he wore a kimono and a paper fan. He was a master of stealth and concealment, able to hide his presence and use his paper shreds as deadly weapons. He was quiet and obedient, but also cunning and ambitious. He admired Kai for his strength and charisma, but he also envied him for his bond with Killua. He often followed him around, trying to learn from him or get closer to him.

And there was Zeno, the grandfather, who was old but powerful. He had short white hair and a long beard, and he wore a suit and a hat. He was a master of transmutation and emission, able to create dragon-shaped aura that could fly and attack. He was wise and experienced, but also strict and demanding. He respected Kai for his talent and potential, but he also challenged him with tough training sessions and missions.

Kai had to deal with all of them, as well as his parents Silva and Kikyo, who had their own expectations and plans for him.

He had to balance his loyalty to his family with his love for his brother.

He had to respect and obey his parents and siblings, who raised him and taught him, but also protect and support his brother, who befriended him and understood him. He had to follow the rules and traditions of the Zoldyck family, who expected him to become an elite assassin, but also follow the dreams and desires of his own heart, who wanted him to become a happy person.

He had to survive in a world of danger and darkness.

He had to face and overcome many threats and challenges, from enemies and rivals, who wanted to kill or hurt him, to missions and tests, who wanted to prove or improve him. He had to adapt and cope with many hardships and difficulties, from pain and fear, who wanted to break or weaken him, to isolation and rejection, who wanted to depress or alienate him.

But he never lost himself.

He never let go of his identity and personality, who made him unique and special. He never let go of his morals and values, who made him good and noble. He never let go of his passions and hobbies, who made him happy and fulfilled.

He never forgot who he was.

He never forgot that he was Kai, a boy who loved Hunter x Hunter, a manga and anime series about a world where people can use a mysterious power called nen to perform incredible feats. He never forgot that he was Kai, a boy who admired Gon, the cheerful and determined protagonist who wanted to find his father, a legendary hunter. He never forgot that he was Kai, a boy who wished he could be part of that world.

He never gave up on his dreams.

He had to find his own path.

He had to find a way to escape from the Zoldyck family someday.

He had to find a way to become a hunter someday.

He had to find a way to find his own happiness someday.

He longed to see the world outside the mountain, where he heard there were wonders and mysteries waiting to be discovered. He longed to meet new people and make new friends, who would share his interests and passions, and accept him for who he was.

He longed to have fun and enjoy life, where he could do what he wanted and liked, and express himself freely. He longed to be free, where he could make his own choices and follow his own dreams, and live his own life.

And he knew Killua wanted the same thing.

They made a promise to each other.

They would escape from the Zoldyck family someday.

They would become hunters someday.

They would find their own happiness someday.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


