/ Anime & Comics / JUNIORS HALF BROTHER!? (RWBY)
lets hope I actually finish this one
Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)=Rooster-teeth, Monty Oum) the only thing I own are my OC
well I guess is time to explain the story a little
the first Arc is going to be more about the Xiong family and Hei than anything cause is going to be kinda boring writing about the main character because he's still just a kid in first arc and doesn't have his cheat yet so yeah first arc is basically going to be gang shit with Hei Xiong yay. (also I suck at writing so yeah English is not my first language.)
i don't own the cover so if you are the artist and want me to take it down let me know.
作者 Lives954
Do your best at all times I love rwby books so make it good