
Chapter 111

After a round of negotiations, the tense situation between the two friends who were on the verge of fighting was finally resolved, and Mark breathed a sigh of relief.

Subsequently, he led the others towards the magical prison where the Evil Andrew Parker was being held.

Inside the magical prison.

The Evil Andrew Parker had long been in a state of shock.

His attention was immediately drawn, and after wandering between Spider-Gwen and Gwen Stacy for a while, he was caught by the figure of Gwen Stacy.

Although the two looked similar in appearance and figure, he quickly distinguished from their temperament that the one on the left was closer to his Gwen.

His eyes watched as Gwen Stacy approached step by step, his body trembling slightly, and an involuntary tear rolled down his cheek.



As they got closer, Gwen Stacy finally saw the pitiful state of the Evil Andrew Parker.

His handsome face was marked with several scars. Given Spider-Man's body recovery capabilities, they should have healed quickly, but they were left there, perhaps as a kind of farewell ritual to his identity as Peter Parker.

His demeanor had changed from the original sunny and cheerful to the current dark and gloomy state.

This made Gwen Stacy can't help but feel distressed.

In the Evil Andrew Parker, she vividly saw another future for her boyfriend.


The hands of the two touched through a layer of magical barrier, creating ripples in the magical barrier.

Gwen Stacy looked back.

Although the Good Andrew Parker was also surprised by the pitiful state of his other self, he quickly noticed his girlfriend's emotions and cast a firm gaze at her.

He knew what Gwen wanted to do, and he chose to support her.

Mark probably also understood the meaning behind Gwen Stacy's gaze, but he hesitated.

Her intention was simple; she wanted to remove this magical barrier, or let her enter the magical prison, or release the Evil Andrew Parker.

But this carried significant risks.

The Evil Andrew Parker was a genuinely dangerous individual. He wasn't even considered mentally ill; he was thoroughly corrupted.

It's hard to predict what such a person might do.

At this moment, Spider-Gwen held Mark's hand. "Mark, I believe in her."

Mark nodded and soon felt reassured.

In reality, there was no need for an overly dramatic reaction.

Even if the Evil Andrew Parker suddenly erupted, there were eight individuals present with extraordinary combat capabilities. Among them, the middle-aged Tobey Spider and Electro had strength comparable to his, and Mark and Doctor Strange could easily overpower him.

As for the remaining Spider-Gwen, Spider-Andrew, Spider-Tom, and Sandman, their strengths were only slightly weaker than him.

With all these forces combined, they could easily overwhelm him in an instant.

Mark turned to look at Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange nodded helplessly. He was truly fed up with these Spider-Men. Right now, he just wanted peace and quiet. (A/N: Blud's been through a lot, lol)

Nevertheless, Doctor Strange waved his hand and lifted the magical prison barrier.

The Evil Andrew Parker immediately hugged Gwen Stacy and burst into tears.

Mark wasn't particularly interested in how Gwen Stacy planned to comfort the Evil Andrew Parker. He turned to Max and asked, "Max, Flint, uh, that Sandman, how did he end up here?"

Middle-aged Tobey Spider walked to Mark's side with his hands crossed over his chest and said, "Flint is a good person. In order to rescue them, the thugs placed two bombs with extremely large power outside, blowing up half the street. Flint saved dozens of civilians trapped under the rubble."

"Yeah, yeah, he's even called 'Sand Hero' by people!" Ned added, curiously observing Spider-Gwen while speaking.

"Hey, Flint, how's it going?" Mark smiled and greeted Sandman.

Sandman nodded but didn't reply.

Ned lowered his voice and said, "He feels a significant responsibility for the casualties, so he's still in self-blame. That's why he doesn't talk much."

Mark nodded slightly. Sandman was indeed one of the more rational adversaries among many Spider-Men villains.

However, Mark didn't have any intention of recruiting Sandman. Recruiting Sandman was simple; offering money and helping cure his daughter would likely be enough. But given Sandman's concern for his daughter, he probably wouldn't leave his own world and follow Mark around.

In contrast, Electro Max was different.

Max stood alone, and in his own words, wherever Mark went, he would go. Extremely reliable.

"By the way, we found a corpse outside," Spider-Tom also walked over and said.

Mark noticed that his foot had improved a lot. Although he still walked somewhat awkwardly, he could now walk on his own.

"A corpse? Who is it?" Mark wondered, 'Could it be Kraven?'

Suddenly he thought that, among the many villains discovered in this world so far, this guy was still in a fugitive state.

Venom was also on the run, but firstly, this lethal guardian formed by the fusion of Eddie Brock and Venom didn't really count as a true villain. Secondly, it would be difficult to kill Venom.

He remembered the Spider-Man from the cartoons he watched when he was a child. In the end, to defeat Venom, he used a rocket to send him back to space.

As for the records of killing symbiotes, there were very few.

In "Spider-Man 3," Venom was forced out by a burst of sonic waves, severely weakened, and ultimately died from a reinforced version of the Green Goblin's pumpkin bomb. That was one.

In "Venom." Riot was trapped in a spaceship and eventually blew up, dying. That was another.

Although noise and flames were weaknesses of symbiotes, they could only restrict and weaken Venom to a certain extent. It was challenging to directly kill them.

Venom also went through explosions, but Venom did not die, and Riot died.

This doesn't mean that Venom is necessarily stronger than Riot, but because Riot was confined in a closed environment and couldn't escape. Venom, unrestricted in his range of movement, whether hiding inside Eddie or somewhere else, as long as he could leave a "seed," that seed could quickly sprout and regenerate.

This was also why Mark was wary of it. The difficulty of eradicating symbiotes was so high that Mark found it hard to think of anyone who could kill it in such a short time.

Doctor Strange reached out, and a corpse appeared among them.

Looking at the corpse's clothing, it was indeed Raven the Hunter.

However, at this moment, the lion coat he was wearing had been torn into two pieces, and there were three huge tearing wounds on his chest, blood covering his body, with organs exposed, and he died miserably.

However, Mark quickly noticed that his fatal injury wasn't here but on his head.

It seemed like a sharp spike-shaped weapon had pierced his brain, causing direct brain death.

"Was it Venom?" Mark raised an eyebrow.

"Yes," Spider-Tom picked up a piece of paper from a nearby table and handed it to Mark.

Mark took a closer look. The paper, obviously picked up from the ruins, read: "I was just taking a stroll, not causing trouble. This is true. He wanted to kill me, so I killed him. It's self-defense, not illegal, right? — Your dear Eddie Brock."

Then there was an obviously added greeting at the bottom: "By the way, thanks to the magician who helped me escape the bill last time. But this time, I hope you won't come. I can escape on my own. Thanks."

Mark tossed the paper back onto the table in disbelief.

Then he looked at Doctor Strange. "Stephen, you helped him escape... a bill?"

Doctor Strange's face twitched in annoyance. "That was when I went to catch him!"

"So you did help him escape?"

"The situation was urgent!" Doctor Strange awkwardly defended himself. It was a shame he would carry throughout his life.

"You actually helped him escape!"

This statement wasn't from Mark; it was from Spider-Tom.

Doctor Strange gave him a stern look, and with a wave of his hand, he confined him in a magical prison.


Spider-Tom pounded on the magical barrier, causing ripples to appear.

"Stephen, Stephen, Mr. Doctor Strange, Doctor Escape-the-Bill, I was wrong, let me out!"

"Damn it!" Doctor Strange couldn't hold back.

Mark quickly intervened, "Stephen, can you open a portal to Stark Hospital? I want to check on that Peter."

"Hmm," Doctor Strange responded coldly, creating a portal for him.

"And there's another Peter?" Spider-Gwen looked at Mark and them amusingly.

Mark nodded, extending his hand to her. "That Peter is also Andrew Spider, but from ten years in the future."

Andrew Spider, engrossed in observing the situation between Gwen Stacy and the Evil Andrew Spider, didn't pay much attention to this side.

"Wow! So, there's so many counterparts from different parallel universes here?" Spider-Tom widened his eyes in amazement.

"It is indeed so. This is the charm of the multiverse," Mark explained. "Individuals with different trajectories, like you and me, can be referred to as the 'multiverse.' However, those three, like him, him, and the other Peter, can truly be called 'parallel universes'."

Middle-aged Toby Spider pondered. He had heard from Doctor Octopus that Mark knew a younger version of him, so at least there existed a parallel universe where he was still in the past.

However, he wasn't curious about what happened in that universe.

On the other hand, Spider-Tom, Ned, and MJ were ecstatic. As students from a science and technology high school, their interest in parallel universes was quite high.

"Hey? Why did you open a portal? How did you know the treatment was over?" Happy's head popped out from the portal, interrupting everyone's discussion on the multiverse and parallel universes.


Hungry for more chaps? Then check out our pătreon!

Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction

I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C111
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


