Victoria had always commended me for my impeccable tracking skills. Now I am going to have to see just how good they really are. Luckily for us, I had thought ahead to occasions such as these. When I had left my brother with the doctor, I had taken one small thing. I'd torn a piece of his hospital gown. It was for exactly the situation I was in now that I had done so. I needed a backup plan, just in case I would ever need to find him again. Now was that time. I always kept that small shred of fabric in my pocket; my one shred of hope in this disaster. No matter where I have been in my whole second life, I always have it with me. My hand moves to my jeans pocket now, where it is kept.
I stand, and Fred's hand drops from my shoulder. I turn to face him and watch as his expression hardens. We need to be strong if this group is going to stay alive. He knows this. My eyes fall on where Diego and Bree sit. Bree's eyes are wide and panicked. "What's going on?" I hear her ask. Diego hushes her and strokes her hair. He plants a light kiss on her forehead, before helping her to her feet.
By default, I have become the leader of this small 'coven'. They were looking to me to make the next move. Fred, Diego and Bree stand before me. I see the determination in their eyes. Tonight has changed us all.
"I have a plan."
Fred nods. I can see that they are willing to listen to what I have to say. I have to try and push my devastation aside and be responsible. "I can't just leave Ophelia and Max," My voice chokes a little. Fred squeezes my hand.
After I have explained my plan, we set about putting things in motion. I haven't told them about my brother yet; one thing at a time.
I'm not sure I can face going upstairs. I don't think I could see Max and Ophelia as Victoria has left them. After all the pain I've been through, all the people I've lost, I can't see two more dead bodies.
As we reach the foot of the stairs, Bree notices my hesitation. She puts both arms around my shoulders. "You don't have to do this, you know?"
I take a deep breath, even though it's pointless. "I feel like I have a duty to them. I led Victoria here; even if it wasn't on purpose. I should at least say goodbye." Bree nods and takes my hand. "I'm here if you need me."
The journey up the stairs feels like the longest climb. I see the bedroom door flung off its hinges. The scent of blood hits us like a tsunami. Diego growls. I feel Fred's aura circle us. He doesn't trust that Victoria is gone.
The first thing I see when I walk through the door frame is the blood. It's a vampire's first instinct; to look for blood. However, it was not difficult for us to find this blood. It's everywhere; scarlet; the colour of a rose. This is far from pretty, though.
I hear Bree suck in a gasp of shock. I don't want to raise my eyes to the bed. I know that all three of the vampires behind me have already seen it. I can feel their tension and horror. "Maia?" Fred's tone is gentle, but firm. "What would you like us to do?"
I finally do it. I force myself to look at what's left of my best friend and her husband.
Their bodies are flung across the bed. The blood that's left on them is dried. Victoria doesn't like leftovers. The rest of the blood covers the bedsheets that were probably once snowy white. My hand goes to my mouth. I can't help it. There's so much to take in. Suddenly, Fred is right there beside me. He puts one supporting hand on my back, as I feel my body begin to fall. He stops me. "I know it's tough, Maia. We have to sort this out." Always the voice of reason.
It doesn't take us long to tidy the room. Diego finds a match from the kitchen and lights the blood-ridden sheets in the fireplace. Fred is always there, making sure I'm ok with everything that is happening. He asked me if he could take one of Max's shirts, seeing as I had destroyed his. Fred is such a gentleman; so kind and respectful. I love him for all of these qualities. Being a vampire hasn't changed his personality.
Bree, surprisingly, takes charge of the bodies. The reason I am surprised is that she is the youngest vampire. She should struggle more with the blood than the rest of us, but somehow she's fine. Bree scoops up Ophelia in both arms. Fred takes Max in his. I know of a dock, not too far from the house, where we can bury them. No one will ever find them. We'll make sure of that.
Diego rushes around the house, fixing and collecting any evidence of a disturbance. We want it to appear as if they simply went missing. Ophelia was quite a private person. She didn't belong to a pack, nor did Max. I knew that for sure. We have to hope nobody will come looking for them.
Diego and I do one more house check. I don't know how he's done it, but the house looks brand new. The doors are back on their hinges, the bed is freshly made. I am so grateful to him.
The four of us leave through the back door. It's still dark outside. I glance at the clock before we leave. It reads 2:30 am.
We take Max and Ophelia's body's to the dock and buries them deep underwater. Fred finds a rocky cave at the very bottom. There's a deep abyss inside. I swim forward and place a kiss on Ophelia's head. If I were human, I would be crying at this point. Bree lets Ophelia's body float down into the dark unknown. My heart grows heavy, as I watch Max's limp body follow his wife. "I'm so sorry," I say, though no one can hear me. I feel empty and guilt-ridden. Bree and Diego are full of sorrow, Fred of devastation. These are the strongest feelings I've felt from anyone. Fred pushes a boulder in front of the cave entrance and Diego helps him secure it. None of us say anything, as we reach the surface of the water. We just stare solemnly at the ground.
It's Diego who speaks first. "I'm sorry to do this, Maia, but we have to go. We can't risk Victoria coming back for us." I nod in agreement. I know he's right, it's just leaving here and saying goodbye seems so final. I can't seem to accept that I'll never see them again.
I compose myself. I'm responsible for three other vampires now, not just myself. Although I know they can look after themselves, I've been around a lot longer and have more knowledge of the vampire world.
Fred narrows his eyes, trying to read my expression. "What's next, Maia?" he asks, softly. He's being careful not to upset me. I smile reassuringly at him. I can feel his uncertainty.
"We're going to find my brother," I reply.
Fred's mouth forms a perfect 'o'. Bree's brow pulls together and I feel Diego's puzzlement.
"You have a brother?" Fred asks, clearly surprised. I don't need my power to work that out. I nod. "I'm sorry I never told you. It's been a secret of mine. Nobody knows. I'm kind of ashamed to tell you, actually."
"Why are you ashamed?" Diego says. I am now faced with the difficult task of explaining my beginnings as a vampire. This is always something I have kept to myself. Now I have no choice but to share my secrets.
All four of us sit on the hard concrete surrounding the dock, whilst they hear my story. It's still very early morning, so no humans are about.
I told them where I came from and about the Spanish Influenza. I also told them about my parents and my brother, and finally about the doctor. I told them about how I abandoned my brother because of my fear and selfishness. It's at this point that Fred shakes his head. "You weren't selfish, Maia. You were scared. We all would have done the same." Bree and Diego nod in fervent agreement.
"How do we find your brother?" Bree asks. I reach into my pocket and pull out the torn material, yellowing with age. "This was from my brother's hospital gown. I took it in case I would ever need to find him again." I sigh. "It may be a long shot, but it's all we have."
"We trust you," Diego leans towards me and takes my hand. "You will definitely find your brother as well as will keep us safe."
************THE END**************
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