75% Big Book of Seggs / Chapter 3: Blue Archive - Chinatsu (Hot Spring)

章 3: Blue Archive - Chinatsu (Hot Spring)

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He was enjoying his vacation, a week-long trip he had won through his company's lottery, to a place called Kivotos for sightseeing. Today marked the last day of his stay here.

The people in this place were undoubtedly eccentric, or rather, he should say... unique. Everywhere he looked, there were teenage schoolgirls with peculiar gadgets or dangerous-looking weapons, talking robots, and even animals walking upright. The fact that the animals could talk and behave like humans amazed him.

He couldn't help but wonder, "What is this place, really?" This vacation didn't feel like a relaxing getaway with all these puzzling thoughts occupying his mind.

Luckily, his final destination was a hot spring owned by one of the renowned schools in the city. Hoping to find some solace and relieve his weary mind, he immersed himself in the warm pool, allowing the soothing warmth to ease his aching body.

The sight of the snow-covered mountains illuminated by the moonlight added to the serenity. It made the taste of his drink even more delightful. This was the life, he thought.

Suddenly, he perked up his ears, hearing the sound of the door sliding open. Someone else had arrived, probably another guest like him. As the mist enveloped their face, he sensed their presence and the ripples in the air as they settled down next to him.

Curious and thinking it would be polite, he turned his head to greet the newcomer, "Good evening the-- eh?"

"Eh?" came the surprised response. Slowly, the figure's face became visible, revealing a distinctly feminine appearance. The voice confirmed it.

His heart skipped a beat as he took in her beauty, and he coughed lightly, trying to dispel the awkwardness between them. "Good evening, miss," he managed to compose himself and greet her.

"Um... Good evening to you too?" she replied, her voice trailing off uncertainly. She seemed unsure whether to continue the conversation or make a hasty retreat.

Her name was Chinatsu, and she had come to here on the insistence of her colleague from the disciplinary committee to take a holiday and rest.

Chinatsu was certain that the only male in Kivotos was her Sensei, yet here she was, encountering another man. She had even invited her Sensei to join her, but he had declined, mentioning pressing matters on the other side. What a shame.

The hot springs did not segregate baths by gender since there was no need for such distinctions in this unique place. However...

"Do you drink, miss? Would you like to enjoy the evening with me?" the stranger offered, trying to break the ice. He held a glass of alcoholic beverage in his hand.

Chinatsu hesitated, considering declining, but the intoxicating aroma and the warmth of the bath had made her slightly lightheaded. Combined with the awkwardness of the situation, she decided to go with the flow. After all, she was on holiday and should make the most of it by relaxing as much as possible. "If you insist... then, yes, thank you."

She took a sip of the warm drink, enriched by the natural heat of the spring. "How is it?" he asked, smiling. "Doesn't it enhance the experience?"

"I suppose you're right… err can I know your name?"

"Ah, my bad. I'm…" His name lost in her ear as she felt dizzy and breath shortly.

"Oi-" someone called to her amidst her drowsiness then she blacked out.

The man shook his head, unsure what to do as she just fainted on the water, he quickly hurried up to bring her out from the pool.

Laying her on the longue and he went to search for the proprietor and yet he didn't find anyone in these empty halls.

In the end, he returned to the girl.

He'd thought giving her an alcohol would be a good gesture thought he was unsure whether she's legal or not, though judging by her bountiful body, and the mature presence she exuded it wouldn't be wrong for him to assume she was around his age. Maybe a little bit too short but that's just how woman is, right?

He looked at her, eyes still closed on the chair.

Her large chests puffing up and down in rhythmic motion covered only with a single bathing towel as her decency. Her flushed cheek just makes his thoughts running wild.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he decided it was best to focus on helping the girl rather than getting lost in inappropriate musings. He gently patted her cheek, trying to rouse her from her unconscious state.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked softly, hoping she would wake up soon. "Can you hear me?"

Her eyelids fluttered, and she groggily opened her eyes. "Huh... what happened?" she mumbled, still disoriented.

"You fainted in the water," he explained, his voice filled with concern. "I brought you out of the pool. Are you feeling alright?"

She blinked a few times, trying to fully regain her senses. "I... I feel a bit lightheaded," she admitted, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"It's okay," he reassured her. "Just take it easy. Do you need some water or anything?"

She nodded weakly, and he went to fetch a bottle of water from a nearby table. Handing it to her, he watched as she took a few sips, trying to rehydrate herself. As she drank, he couldn't help but notice the graceful curve of her neck and the way her wet hair clung to her skin, making her look even more alluring.

Realizing he was staring, he quickly averted his gaze, feeling slightly guilty for his thoughts. "Sorry about that," he said, scratching the back of his head. "I didn't mean to stare."

She chuckled softly, her voice still a bit shaky. "No need to apologize. I guess fainting in front of someone does invite some curiosity."

"I suppose everything is okay then," He said, "Maybe it's time for me to turn on the night. I have my flight departing tomorrow after all."

"You're already leaving?" She asked.

He chuckled, "It was a week vacation but sometimes it has to end. Would you like to escort me to your room?" He offered.

Chinatsu's cheek heated up, before turning her head down, while murmurly speak, "If you would, please." She felt a bit light-headed still, and fainting on the corridor would be bad right?

To his surprise they were actually neighbor after all, so much coincidence, is this the way god telling him to?

He peered to her, she had donned a light yukata in place of her towel, but he couldn't help but drifted his eyes over her large bust from above.

He was unsure to pick this girl up or not. Leaving this place without remarkable memory seems to be a waste, he would like to make one if he hopes so.

Just as he turned around, about to say his farewell, the girl tripped on the floor, causing her to yelped out but he caught her before she falls flat. His large hand on her narrow waist and her face flushed when she his face.

There's unexplainable atmosphere between them and coupled with alcohol perhaps made their judgment too hasty.

He brought her to him, Chinatsu didn't even resist as she braced herself, his lips met her in gentle embrace under the full moon.

As their lips touched, a spark ignited between them, and time seemed to stand still. The warm sensation spread from their mouths to the depths of their beings, an unexpected connection that felt strangely right.

Breaking the kiss, they both stared at each other, their breaths slightly labored. Chinatsu's cheeks were flushed, and her heart raced with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. The man, too, looked a bit taken aback by the intensity of the moment.

"I... I'm sorry," he stammered, looking genuinely regretful. "I didn't mean to overstep any boundaries. It's just that the atmosphere and the alcohol... I shouldn't have."

Chinatsu gently placed a finger on his lips, silencing him. "It's okay," she said softly. "There's no need to apologize. It was... unexpected, but not unwelcome."

He searched her eyes for a moment, trying to gauge her feelings. "You're sure?"

She nodded, offering him a small smile. "Yes, I'm sure."

He brightly nodded, not one to take an opportunity before him. Instead of letting go, he scooped up the girl as she flushed in embarrassment, doubt filled her head, before the man made sure to erase all of it as she lays on the futon, their meet tasted each other again.

As their lips intertwined, a surge of desire coursed through their bodies. The room filled with a mixture of anticipation and the sound of their passionate kisses. The man's hands caressed her delicate curves, while she responded with eager reciprocation, her back arched to better reciprocate his attention.

His calloused hands explored every inch of her body, each touch eliciting a gasp of pleasure. With a sense of boldness, he paused at her obi, the sash holding her yukata in place, and without a word, he gently loosened it. Her cheeks flushed with a mix of excitement and shyness as her yukata fell open, revealing her naked front to his gaze.

Her ample breasts spilled free, their pink nubs standing erect in the cool evening air. His eyes drank in the sight before him, captivated by her beauty and allure. The atmosphere crackled with desire, and a mutual understanding passed between them, words becoming unnecessary in the intensity of the moment.

Time seemed to slow down as they savored each other's presence. The man's hands continued their exploration, tracing a fiery path over her skin. He marveled at the softness of her curves and the way her body responded to his every touch. Her breath hitched with each caress, and she instinctively pressed closer to him, seeking more of his warmth and affection.

His rough hands gently massaged her breasts, teasing and playing with them as if molding a delicate work of art. As her back arched in response, she tried to stifle her moans, the pleasure surging through her being. Her gasps filled the air like sweet music to his ears, fueling his desire to elicit even more from her. He focused on her puffy pink nubs, skillfully manipulating them with a combination of gyrating and gentle pulling, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her.

Amidst their passionate kiss, her muffled moans filled the air, and she felt herself getting lost in the pleasure he was bestowing upon her. Her mind became a blur as waves of ecstasy washed over her, leaving her in a state of blissful abandon. Surprising even herself, she found that her body was responding with newfound desire, evident from the wetness pooling between her thighs.

The man, attuned to her body's signals, shifted his focus to the sensations he had awakened within her. With a teasing tenderness, his fingers traced along her skin, evoking a mix of confusion and delight in the girl. She surrendered to his touch, feeling emotions she had never experienced before, until finally...

A stifled gasp of pleasure escaped her lips as his finger found its way to her entrance, expertly gyrate to heighten her arousal. Her heart raced, and her body quivered with anticipation, urging him on. The intimacy between them deepened as he skillfully coaxed more liquid from her, further enticing him to explore.

"Ah... Oh!" Her lips parted, inviting him further as her body responded to his every movement. She couldn't help but moan in response to his caress, the warmth of his touch against her sensitive clit driving her to new heights of ecstasy.

His finger delicately breached her untouched, eager walls, eliciting a mixture of pleasure and a hint of discomfort. Her body instinctively spasmed, trying to hold onto his finger, but it slipped out too quickly, leaving her craving more. The man established a steady rhythm, skillfully sliding his finger in and out of her entrance, coaxing her to secrete more of her desire.

With his other hand, he tenderly teased and rubbed her sensitive clit, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. He could sense that she was ready for more, her walls pulsating with anticipation.

"Oh... mmm," she cried out, desperately trying to stifle her moans as two thick fingers entered her. Her tightness resisted their intrusion, but gradually, her walls yielded, welcoming the foreign objects that brought her both pleasure and a gentle ache. A rush of wetness escaped her, easing the way for her budding pleasure

"Relax," he whispered soothingly, peppering her with tender, chaste kisses to calm her racing mind. He understood that she was tight, and he wanted to ensure her comfort and enjoyment.

He continued to kiss and caress her, his fingers exploring her innermost depths with care and consideration. As her body slowly adjusted to his touch, she began to relax, giving in to the sensations that consumed her.

Her moans grew louder, escaping her lips in unrestrained pleasure. The man knew he was taking her to new heights of ecstasy, and he reveled in the knowledge that he was the one driving someone as beautiful as her to such erotic display.

He felt her walls clench around his fingers, a sign that she was reaching the peak of her arousal. With each gentle thrust and expert caress of her clit, he brought her closer and closer to the edge.

His fingers moved with purpose, skillfully exploring the depths of her being, seeking out every hidden corner of pleasure within her. The rhythm of his movements intensified, matching the increasing pace of her breath and the arching of her back. She clung to him, her nails digging into his shoulders, as waves of ecstasy surged through her body.

She gasped, her body trembling with delight, as the waves of pleasure surged through her. Her entire being seemed to be on fire, consumed by the passion he awakened within her.

Just as she was about to reach the pinnacle of her pleasure, he withdrew his fingers, leaving her yearning for more. She whimpered at the loss, but he was not finished with her yet.

He positioned himself above her, his eyes locked onto hers, reflecting a mixture of desire and tenderness. Without uttering a word, he sought her silent consent, receiving a hazy nod in return. Slowly, he eased his tip into her entrance, gauging her wetness and reveling in the warmth that radiated from her arousal.

"Hyaaa~!" She moaned, lost in pleasure, her fingers tightly clenching his shoulder as he tried to ease himself inside her. But it wasn't easy; she was tight, and her walls refused to budge.

Standing up, he disentangled her hand from his shoulder and leaned back, allowing himself a view of the union between his engorged member and her delicate femininity.

A trickle of blood marked the significance of their first joining, and a sense of pride swelled within him at the accomplishment. Chinatsu's face flushed with a mixture of pleasure and delight, captivating him and urging him to delve deeper as he firmly gripped her soft, inviting thighs.

As the tension eased, he felt her walls begin to yield to him, inch by inch. Each movement was deliberate, making her virginal wall used to the size of his girth as it conformed to his shape. He tightly groaned, easing himself inside her, her pussy throbbing with delight, making him eager to claim her deeper.

Finally, with a soft gasp, Chinatsu whispered, her long ears red and twitching, "I'm ready. Please, take me."

He gazed into her eyes, seeing the trust and love reflected in them. With a deep breath, he pushed forward, slowly and carefully, until he was fully inside her.

They both gasped in unison, feeling the intense pleasure of his throbbing shaft filling her tight depths. Chinatsu trembled and quivered beneath him, her entrance secreting more juice to ease his penetration.

Slowly, it gobbled up the last inch of his length, his tip poking against her innermost wall, the sensual pressure enveloping him from all sides inside her.

He stayed still, allowing her to adjust to the sensation, murmuring sweet words of affection and admiration.

With time, the discomfort faded, replaced by waves of pleasure that washed over her. The man began to move, rolling his hips backward until just the tip of his shaft remained inside her, teasing her with a sense of emptiness before pushing his rod forward once more.

In one quick motion, he bottomed out inside her, pushing his cock against the tight confines of her walls.

Chinatsu's moans filled the entire room as she experienced a powerful orgasm upon his full insertion. He endured the sensations inside her, tight grunts escaping his lips as he held back his own climax, giving her the space to fully enjoy the moment before he resumed his movements.

Their bodies moved in sync, finding a rhythm that sent waves of pleasure through both of them. Each thrust was deliberate, aiming to please and satisfy her completely.

Chinatsu's fingers gripped the sheets tightly, her moans growing louder and more desperate with each passing second. The overwhelming pleasure coursed through her, and yet she yearned for more.

Her breasts swayed wonderfully, inviting his gaze. Chinatsu closed her eyes, her lips biting down as waves of pleasure assaulted her senses. Her muscles spasmed under his pounding. He grunted, hand clinging tightly to her soft thighs which trembled with each intense motion. The inviting depth of her warmth sent him a wave of bliss that he tried to endure fully.

Chinatsu opened her eyes, her mouth flapping uselessly as she gasped, her legs lifted into the air by his calloused hands. "F-faster!" she trembled, making her desire known, and he willingly complied. He held her hand, providing support as they both surrendered to the intense experience. Chinatsu pulled him closer, capturing him in a heated kiss while still holding onto his hand.

Plap. Plap. Plap. The rhythmic pounding of their pelvises meeting created a symphony of pleasure. The shift in position caused his pelvis to press down from above in a steady rhythm, driving his hot rod even deeper inside her as her insides tried to conform to his shape.

Her eyes flashed repeatedly, the surging pleasure bringing her closer to the peak. She moaned on him, urging him to take her completely and ravish her as if she were the last woman on earth. Her fingers clawed at his back again, and the man rewarded her with peppering kisses on her neck, marking her as his own. Her walls clenched pleasurably, trying to coax the stranger's seed that was yet to come, as they both moved in perfect harmony.

She gasped, her lips moist with desire, as he captured the captivating sight of her. The weight of the man pressed her deeper into the mattress, her ample breasts pressed against his chest.

He thrust deeply from above, causing her tight core to weep under his relentless assault. She squirmed beneath him, their breath growing rougher and shorter, synchronizing with his forceful but measured thrusts that never left her tightening opening.

Her muscles spasmed as she felt the heat of his substantial member inside her. Chinatsu panted and eagerly captured his lips in a passionate kiss as their pleasure peaked. He lowered his full weight onto her as their bodies understood each other, reaching a climax of shared ecstasy.

Dollops of his seed were deposited deep within her, an intimate offering she had willingly accepted. He groaned deeply as he pressed his pelvis even deeper, his load of cum coursing freely, bringing joy to her fertile depths.

The sound of wet squelches and his pulsing cock sending waves of fertile seed to her sacred chamber had made her quiver beneath his powerful weight.

Instinctively, her legs tightened around the man she had just mated with, an unconscious effort to ensure successful fertilization. The weight of their actions still hadn't fully settled in their lust-drunk minds.

In the aftermath of their intense encounter, they lay intertwined, their bodies still tingling with pleasure. Chinatsu's mind was a whirlwind of emotions - satisfaction and confusion mixing together as the reality of what had happened settled in.

As their breathing calmed, they exchanged a meaningful glance, acknowledging the transient nature of their connection. No words were necessary; they both understood the fleeting moment they had shared.

In the morning, the man would depart, returning to his familiar life, and Chinatsu would remain behind, grappling with the memories and newfound feelings that now filled her.

A fruit of that encounter had begun to blossom inside her, and it would be a reminder until their yet unexpected reunion near in the future.

Stalkah Stalkah

Hmm... maybe I'd forgotten about her point elvish ears and halo... yep, it's fine.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


