40% Becoming The King of The Omniverse / Chapter 2: Huuuh? You Love Me?!?!

章 2: Huuuh? You Love Me?!?!

(Keep in mind. Personalities/behaviours/demeanours and even names of characters around MC, will or might change, it depends if you want me to be honest.)

A wide, open white place with thick brilliance of golden light. Our MC can be seen lying on his back with his eyes closed. He's still wearing the same clothes and gears but his face isn't covered by the mask now. After few seconds, his eyelids started shaking, then he opened his eyes and looked around to only be welcomed by this blank place.

(Our MC's POV:)

"Where...am...I..." I mumble to myself, feeling astonished by this sight. "Oh... I was fighting against hordes of red-skinned bastards with my men... But unfortunately I died...is this because of bad luck or something? Haaah...whatever... What I'm really curious about is what the fuck is this place?"

Suddenly, a glowing figure with a faint golden light, the figure seems to be of a female, appeared out of nowhere and is now standing in air infront of our MC.

"W-Wh- Who are you?!" I shout in panic.

"Calm down. No need to panic." The figure tells me in a very gentle tone, then, waved its right hand and its figure can be vividly seen now. What appears to me is a woman with voluptuous body; she has an otherworldly beauty that cannot be compared to any woman, a large buxom, slender waist, and slight dark skin. She has long purple hair that reaches down to her hips, blue eyes, wolf ears and tail, and curved coal-like horns on her head. She wears very little clothing, with red cloth outlined with gold that covers her woman parts. She also wears black and blue drapes over some of the cloth. And lastly, she wears a red hood over her head, with her horns and animal ears popping out.

Her peerless beauty has already mesmerised me. After all, I've never seen such beautiful woman.

"To answer your question. I am Celica, one of the three Goddesses of Reincarnation, but I'm mainly the Goddess of Wealth, Love, and Passion." She introduces herself in a calm manner, while I see a small ball of energy I've no clue about. I think that's to prove she's an actual Goddess? However, her eyes seem to be holding affection towards me... Honestly, it's scaring me—not like I wasn't scared in the beginning.

I'm confused by what I just heard. "Wait- Wait- Wait... So are you a human or not?" I ask this so-called "Goddess" in wonder.

She smiles, "Fufufufu. No, young man, I'm not a human. Hehehehe..." She says while laughing.

I'm angry now, what's she laughing for?! "Hey! What's funny?" I angrily ask her.

"...Hehehehe... The way you asked your question with that confused expression was sooo cute~" She playfully answers me with the same affectionate way she's gazing at me.

I sweat and blush a bit. "A- Ah... I see..." I nervously reply, sweats can be seen falling from my forehead.

"Fufufu~ You seem to be calm now. Alrighty! I've a question for you, hope you don't mind~?"

"I- It depends..."

She finally lands on the ground, I think? She then starts to slowly walk towards me while moving her hips in a seductive way. And of course, as a man, and as a virgin guy with no experience with women, looked at her with wide eyes. It's not like I'll act shy whenever I interact with women, but I go shy-mode when they look at me affectionately or try to seduce me.

I fall on my ass, and she reaches me, then gets ontop of me and leans forwards while moving up to get closer to my face. "Hmm~? Fufufu~ Do you already like this body of mine~?" She says, passionately. She touches my chest with her left hand while her other hand is on my cheek. My little brother wants to move out of his cage but I immediately tell him 'NOOO!' And so, he instantly pipes down.

Do you really think that'd happen, dear readers? I'm not a fucking goddamn superhuman with great mental strength that surpasses others, you know? Haha! I got you all! Haha! A huge bulge is now on my trousers!!! I proudly admit!!!

"Hm? Oh my~~~ Already want to do it with me~?" She says with the same passionate tone of hers.

"N- No! It's just a normal reaction from the brain due to intensive stimulation!" I hastily say with slight red cheeks. Haaah... This is really tiring.

She gets up, still ontop of me, her butts on my stomach and I feel my schlong is between her butt cheeks.

"If it's with you, then I will not mind at all..." She mutters to herself but I can hear it well, so I blush a bit. Anyways, back to where we were. My question is: Do you remember the time when you saved a woman from an attack of the Demonic Beasts?" She wonderingly asks me.

I'm a bit confused, "How do you know that?" I ask her back, feeling suspicious.

"My- My~ Just answer my question and you'll know why. Trust me, please." She pleads me with- with... PUPPY EYES! GAAAAH! BLUE PUPPY EYES!!!

I sweat more. "Y- Yes... I do remember that..." I nervously answer her. 'Now that I think about it, that beautiful lady also had a purple hair and dark skin... THIS!' I add in my mind.

"It was me." She tells me with a smile while looking at me affectionately.

"Eh..." I say, feeling confused.

"The woman and the two others whom you had saved... They were me and my sisters." Again, she says with the same tone and gaze.

"A- Aren't you a Goddess? Why would you be in such a broken world?" I suspiciously ask her. "And wait! Since you are a Goddess, that does mean you are powerful enough to eliminate those monsters, right?"

"Indeed, I'm more powerful than you'd imagine-"

I interrupt her for my outburst, "Then why did you not fucking help us!?!? My friends! My brothers! Too many people died there! Why did you not come and help us?!?!" I angrily shout at her, while looking at her furiously.

But I'm startled by seeing tears falling on me, I look up to check on her, only to see her looking at me with teary eyes and a frown. Why's my heart aching right now? It's still not confirmed if she really is the woman I fell in love with, yet.

"I-I-I- I couldn't d- do a- anything..." She stutters and says in a very low voice while trembling.

"We were not allowed to interfere with that world, not to mention, it is prohibited for us to interfere with any world." A new voice of a newcomer came from my left, I turn my head aside only to be welcomed by another woman with peerless beauty.

She is a woman with voluptuous body like the former; she has larger buxom though, slender waist, and pale skin. She has long purple hair that reaches her calves, and violet eyes. She appears to wear some kind of a latex bodysuit, revealing her breasts and the knot-work of the rope-like strings tied around her body. A piece of cloth is found over her crotch, tied by a rope around her waist. She possesses some armor in the form of tight gauntlets and grieves, elbow and knee-length respectively. She carries a Katana, which is seen sheathed, connected to her by another sort of rope.

I think I'm getting used to their beauty now? I'm not in a daze anymore! Haha! Haha...

"Oh..." I say with a frown. "But! If you aren't allowed to interfere, why did I encounter you back then?" I say to the Goddess whose name is Celica, who is still ontop of me.

She flinches a bit, but looks at me in the eyes. "Back then, me and my sisters were sent there by our father, the God-Emperor - to only know the reason of why and how did those creatures exist...

Later, we found out that a secret organisation in a land called America, something like that, was working on a project they called "World's Salvation", where they studied and researched superhuman powers; to create super soldiers by doing experiments on various animals, to transfer their genetic abilities to the orphan children they kidnapped... And at the end, the monstrous creatures were created." The Goddess gave me a brief explanation, but I felt like the more she went deeper into the topic, the more her mood went down...

So I decided to change the topic, "I'd really like to know then, how did you meet me there?" I ask her with a smile.

She perks up and smiles aswell. "Since we were in a world of mortals, our father put limiters on us, to seal our original powers and forms. That's why you saw us running away from the monstrous creatures—created by the humanity in your world." She ends her answer with anger visible in her eyes, which is replaced with affection right after a second.

"I see...but who are your sisters? If I may ask, of course." I say respectfully towards her. I'm convinced that she's a Goddess and the woman I fell in love with, afterall, she told me enough evidence to believe her.

"My name is Raikou, one of the three Goddesses of Reincarnation, but mainly the Goddess of Wisdom, Love, and Passion. I'm also the eldest sister~ You may call me Mommy if you want~ Nice to meet you~!" The other woman introduces herself with a sultry tone. Did she just say I can call her mommy? Bruh...

I sweat but force a smile on my face. "A- Ah... Nice to meet you...Raikou-sama-" She somehow appears on my right side in the blink of an eye, then places her finger on my lips to interrupt me. Still, I'm stunned and both my eyes and mouth are wide open.

"No- No! You don't need to use formalities with me! Not even with any of us! You can only call me Mommy, understood?" She scolds me in a serious tone, with a stoic face.

'Is she being serious right now?' I think to myself. "Yes! Indeed! I'm serious!" She exclaims right after I thought to myself.

My mouth is wide agape right now, and I'm sweating profusely. "D- Did you just read my mind?" I nervously ask her.

"Umu! This place is our own domain, it grants us the ability to hear anyone's thoughts, as long as we and them are here." She answers me, still with her serious expression worn on her face.

"Ahh... Does that not mean they can hear your thoughts aswell?"

"If they have an ability or a power that lets them read others' minds, then yes, they can. But mortals like you with no special traits cannot do that by themselves. However, as of this place is our own domain; a place that lets us do or create anything we want, a place that doubles our original powers—making us unstoppable unless a strong being like the God-Emperor or God-King encounters us. We are able to grant anyone the ability to listen to people's thoughts, we can also remove it from them."

This brief explanation from her is really easy to comprehend, or did she make it easy for me to understand it? I look at her in the eyes, "Interesting... Thanks for the explanation, Raikou-sa-" I stop talking because she gave me a glare that sent shivers down to my spine...I felt like my soul was about to leave my body... Wait. My body? Am I not dead though?!?!

"Um... Raikou-sa- MOMMY!" She glares at me again, and this one is more terrifying than the previous one, so I immediately call her the way she wants me to.

"Hai~~~" She replies passionately... I look at her with a panned expression and she just smiles in return...

"What happened to me? Like am I dead now or..."

"Don't worry. We brought you here before you were about to fall on the ground. Basically, you aren't dead." Goddess Celica answers me.


"Huh? But why did you do that? Is it all because I saved you? Or do you have other hidden motives?!" I nervously ask them, while I struggle to move, it seems the two are too strong for me to push them aside...

"Shhh. Yes, we brought you here not only because you saved us, but also because we..." The two Goddesses say in unison.

"Love you so much!" Another voice came out of nowhere and exclaimed, it also belongs to a female.

The newcomer is a gorgeous woman which possesses all traits of the other two; slender figure, large buxom, skin as white as snow, long purple hair that flows behind her back and covers one of her hazel-brown eyes. She appears to wear a crown that consists of two black horns forming a circlet. She's clad in a revealing black armour with golden accents, which shows off her cleavage as well as nether region.

The third woman gets to my left side and hugs me from my arm. The eldest sister is hugging me from my right, and the one ontop of me adjusted herself so that her buttocks are touching my crotch.

"Huuuh? You love me?!?!" I blurt out loudly with red cheeks.

"Indeed! And for the hidden motives... We all want you to be our husband!" The Goddess Raikou announces with a cheerful smile.

I regain my composure and look aside at the new one, "And...you are?"

"Oh my! Forgive me. I am Camilla, the youngest one, and the Goddess of War, Love, and Passion." She introduces herself while looking at me affectionately.

"Y- You all really have beautiful names... N- Not to me- mention, your otherworldly beauty that can not be rivalled by other women..." I timidly tell them. Yes! Good! Finally! I said it! Wooohooo! Dear readers! Please cheer for me! I've not even been to a date with a woman before!

After saying that, the three of them are looking at me exactly like how a predator looks at its prey, so I'm a bit nervous now. But I instantly regain my composure and decide to change the topic.

"So uhhh... Goddess Raikou is the eldest, right? And Goddess Camilla is the youngest. So does that mean Goddess Celica is the middle sister?"

"Yes~" Celica immediately answers with a sultry voice.

"I- I see... You really do look different though? If it was not for the purple hair, I'd have thought suspicious of your relation."

"That's because we're from different mothers." Camilla answers.

"However, we'll always be sisters." Raikou follows right after.

And then, Celica tags along. "We even agreed upon sharing the same man."

"I see..." Yeah, their bond is strong, I admit that I'm glad to witness that.

'Oh, shit! I forgot to introduce myself!' I think to myself, then open my mouth to speak, but Celica interrupts me.

"We already know who you are, Glenn Savant. Afterall, we've been watching over you, and even for a while~" She answers to my concerns in a passionate way, with her hands placed on my cheeks, looking at me affectionately. They really do love me so much just for saving them...

I think I'm getting used to this. "Well... You said the God-Emperor is your father, right? From his rank, does that mean he is the superior of all other Gods?" I ask, feeling curious.

"Mhm, our father is the ruler of all, and he also wants to meet with you. Hmph! He's really persistent about it!" Camilla talks about her father with a cute pout.

To be continued....

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


