

"Because I felt like it, brat." Zeff grumbled back. Luffy snorted.

" Head chef!! Can you stop Sanji?!" The chefs holding Sanji back asked Zeff.

"Huh?" Zeff angrily walked towards Sanji. Luffy quickly looked at Sanji.

'So that's Sanji, his eyebrows are funny.' Luffy thought while snickering a little. Zeff looked at Sanji angrily.

"Hey, Sanji! It's you again huh?"

"Shut up, old man!" Sanji growled back angrily.

"Yes, boss. He has hurt Mr Octopus Head, our customer." Patty explained standing behind Sanji. Zeff kicked Sanji in the face with his peg leg.

"Do you want to destroy my restaurant!?" Zeff scolded Sanji who grunted from the kick. Luffy looked at Fullbody and snickered.

"You probably deserved it." Luffy muttered, angering Fullbody.


Zeff kicked Fullbody in the face with his peg leg. "Get the hell out of my restaurant now!!" Zeff declared.

'Even the owner!? Who do they think they are?! Didn't they realize how powerful I am? The people here are no different from pirates! Are these people.....really chefs?' Fullbody shouted in his mind while looking at Sanji, Patty and Zeff.

Patty looked at Sanji. "Listen! Customers are our gods!!" He shouted. Sanji blew out smoke from his cigarette at his face.

"Only our customers can eat your shitty food right?" Sanji asked back nonchalantly. Zeff growled.

" Patty! Sanji! If you want to fight, just go back into the kitchen!" Zeff scolded them. Suddenly, someone barged in. It was a Marine soldier.

" Lieutenant Fullbody! It's an emergency!! Our ship..... it was destroyed by Mugiwara no Luffy!!! Our captive has also escaped!! Krieg's crewman has escaped!!" The Marine shouted. Fullbody widened his eyes in horror and looked at Luffy who smirked evilly at him.

"You tried to destroy my ship, I'm just returning the favor. How does it feel like to have nothing." Luffy looked down at him. Fullbody started trembling. The marine started sweating uncontrollably.

"Forgive me—


The marine soldier was shot through the heart by someone. He fell down and died there.

The customers screamed in horror witnessing the murder. They ran out of their seats and to the back of the spacious room.

"Here comes another customer." Patty muttered.

"I just hope he doesn't destroy my restaurant." Zeff grumbled while looking at the person who murdered the Marine in cold blood.

Meanwhile with Luffy, he was not so subtly looking at Sanji's funny eyebrows.

Sanji blew out smoke from his cigarette and looked at him. Luffy immediately looked away. He looked at the newcomer of the restaurant.

He was a relatively lanky, average-sized man with short, scruffy hair and slight stubble. His eyes are surrounded by dark rings, possibly stemming from the terror and exhaustion.

His clothes consist of an open gray-white jacket lined with twin red sea-serpent designs, a green undershirt, gray trousers, a gray headband with blue stripes, and two round earrings on each ear.

This man is Gin the 'Man-Demon'. He is a pirate and the Combat Commander of the Krieg Pirates.

Gin who had dried blood on the side of his face that flowed down to his neck, walked into the restaurant and sat on a seat. He put his right foot on the table and leaned back.

He looked at the chefs present at the scene with those tired eyes of his.

"This is a restaurant right?" He asked. Patty approached him and put his hands together. He then smiled at Gin with the most fake smile Luffy has ever seen.

"Welcome to our restaurant sir." Patty greeted Gin with the softest and most feminine voice Luffy has ever heard coming out from a man. The customer gasped in shock at his greeting.

"I won't say it again, so you'd better listen. I am the customer, get me some food now! " Gin demanded while clutching his stomach in pain.

Luffy noticed it. He knew that feeling very well, it was the painful feeling of extreme hunger. Gyatsu had taught him how to control his urges by starving him.

"That chef will die...." Fullbody whispered weakly. Patty put his hand on his head.

"I'm most sorry moron. But do you have any money?" Patty insulted him nonchalantly. Gin looked at him with sweat falling down his forehead.

"...." He was silent at Patty's insult. He then pointed a flintlock at Patty's forehead.

" Do you want me to pay with a bullet? Because I don't have any money." Gin asked him with a tired smile on his face. Patty growled and slammed his fists together downwards, hitting Gin and breaking the chair he was sitting on.

"Wow!!!" The crowd cheered at Patty's show of force.

"Patty! You broke one of my chairs damnit!!" Zeff shouted angrily. Luffy watched with a shocked face.

" If you don't have any money then you're not a customer." Patty declared while crossing his arms. Gin's stomach growled loudly.

"Ho! Your stomach is crying loudly!" Patty taunted. Gin looked at him and smiled.

"Nah dumbshit, I just farted. Now get me some food." Gin replied. Patty growled angrily.

" Get out! You are not a customer!! " Patty shouted and started kicking Gin relentlessly. Sanji didn't do anything, he just kept smoking his cigarette.

"This is a restaurant that welcomes only customers!! A poor pirate like you!! I won't even give a crumb!! " Patty shouted while kicking a downed Gin. Fullbody quickly left the scene, not wanting to be a part of this mess.

Patty wanted to kick Gin in the face when suddenly.....


He was sent flying away by a nasty punch from Luffy. He crashed through the table and groaned in pain.

Luffy had an enraged expression while he was clenching his fists tightly. He grabbed Patty and started punching him in the face repeatedly.

He was not pulling back his punches. He had already broken Patty's jaw from his first punch, now he was going to break his skull and crush his brain into bits.

Patty's face was extremely bloody as he was missing a lot of teeth. Luffy stood up and spat at him. He then took out his flintlock and pointed at Patty.

The customers gasped as Sanji and Zeff widened their eyes in horror. They wanted to move so badly but they just couldn't for some reason.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! You must be fatherless with how you act!! Do you have no morals at all?! " Luffy shouted angrily. He then looked at Zeff and Sanji.

" You two!! Why are you just watching him get beaten up!? Are you two fatherless too?! I'm a pirate and I have more morals than you! Even if that guy's a pirate, he's still a person!!"

"The Baratie isn't a charity, kid! You pay or get kicked out, it's as simple as that." Zeff muttered. Luffy snorted and put back his flintlock.

" Then I'll pay for him!" Luffy shouted before grabbing Sanji's wrist. Sanji looked at him with a surprised expression.

"Oi! Let me go asshole!" Sanji shouted angrily at him. He tried to escape but Luffy's grip was too strong.

Luffy glared at her, making him freeze at his overwhelming gaze.

"Shut the fuck up and help me cook!!"

To be continued.....

(Nothing happened here....)

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C54
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


