24.32% Wolverine in The Boys / Chapter 7: Ch.7

章 7: Ch.7

I used the tanks in our unit to spearhead the attack, with my infantry behind them to push forward. I stood at the back of the main tank leading the charge, nicknamed 'Fury' and the crew was the same from the movie, with the squad sergeant having the spitting image of Brad Pitt. 

Switching between the 50cal (12.7mm) machine gun and the bazooka, I shot at the Germans. My radio operator was hiding behind the turret of the tank reloading for me. Somehow, by the hand of God or luck, none of the Germans could pen my tank. 

"Keep going!!" I yell as I continue to shoot at the Germans with a few rounds zipping past my head. 

Then the sounds of war took over the area, with men screaming as they bled out in the field. Tanks exploded after being penned, and men then caught on fire and ran around screaming as they burned. Overall this battle became a symphony of death and pain, drowning out all other sounds. 

"SIR!! THE PLANES ARE FIVE MINUTES OUT!!" my radio operator screams to me as we request air support, but they did not respond until now. 

"RELAY THAT EVERYONE HOLD HERE!" I yell back as he relays the commands to the other radio operators. 

My men then held their positions as another set of our tanks exploded. Just then we heard the sounds of our allied planes coming in. A few seconds after they let loose on the Germans strafing them, along with a few dive bombs exploding a few tanks they had. Then the sounds of German planes came in with now an aerial battle taking place. 

"FUCKING MOVE!!!" I screamed as the sounds of German bombers could be heard heading toward us. 

Then a few bombs were dropped, with one landing a few dozen feet behind the tank I was on. It exploded, killing the surrounding men and flinging me off the tank. My hearing was gone as I lay on the ground with only a ringing sound. Sitting up I looked around and saw what hell had to be like. 

Men on both sides let out animalistic screams as they beat one another to death with anything they could use. While others sat on the ground staring off with a dead look in their eyes holding what remained of their friends. Some cried out for their loved ones as they bled out, others rolling around trying to put out the fires on them. 

'I'm done with this shit once this is over,' I think seeing the obscene amount of death around me. 

For the first time in a long time, I feel regret, regret that I thought I could actually make a difference in the war and send men to die in droves. Then all my repressed feelings started to bubble up quickly overwhelming me. Just as I was having a full-blown panic attack, one of my officers ran over to me grabbing me and screaming something at me. 

"What?" I say since my hearing was just coming back and I was not paying attention. 

"SIR WE–" he says just as his head explodes from a huge caliber round going through it. 

Now more human pieces littered me, I just sat there staring at the hellscape. Then another explosion occurred right next to me sending me flying once again. My hearing gone and disoriented, I sat up again. This time I saw the horrified looks of German soldiers as I must have no flesh in most places which is now quickly healing. 

"Was zum Teufel... Töte es!" (What the fuck... Kill it!) one of them shouts as they begin firing at me. 

I just sat there as they shot me and I healed just as quickly, with a heavy defeated sigh I stood up making them all stop and stare at me in complete fear. Then I began slaughtering them pushing my emotions back down and regaining control of my panic. 

"FUCK YOU ALL!!" I yell as I begin killing the Germans until one sets me on fire with a Flame Thrower. 

I screamed in pain as he kept burning me alive, but my body was healing as fast as it was burning. This was by far the most pain I've ever felt in my entire life. He finally stopped after a minute of continuous burning. My rage threatened to spill over from this, however, I was able to keep it subdued for now.

"I'm going to break you," I say with a growl standing up and making a few men piss themselves in fear seeing a half-burned man still alive. 

Just as the German was about to light me back on fire, I charged him and grabbed both his arms snapping them like twigs. Then grabbed his legs bending them up toward his head breaking them next. He was screaming in pain the whole time as the surrounding Germans watching in complete fear unable to move. 

"Now we all burn," I say grabbing the flamethrower and smashing it making it explode and engulf everyone in a fiery blast. 

Walking out of the fire, my body quickly heals though now I'm completely naked. The only downside is my hair doesn't grow back right away meaning I'm gonna look funny for a few weeks at least. As I grabbed the pants off a dead man, I saw the battle was finally ending with our victory. Once again my emotions disappeared, making me feel robotic again. 

'Gonna need a therapist or something after this… Can't let my emotions overwhelm me again,' I think as my men went around killing the remaining Germans. The aerial battle ended too, as the few remaining German planes retreated. 

"Sir… Uhm… Sir, the Germans are retreating," one of the officers says having run over to me and seeing me only wearing pants and boots that I got off a dead man. Plus with no hair, I must look very weird. 

"I can see that… Tend to our wounded. Send word back to HQ we need reinforcements, we will stay here until they arrive," I say dismissing him as he looks like he wants to question what happened to me, but holds his tongue. 

"Sir, yes, sir," the officer says running off to relay my orders. 

An hour later, we counted our dead and wounded. Our supplies and remaining tanks. We lost more than half of our men with only a bit over fifty men left. Two Tanks survived the battle, one being 'Fury' and another being 'War Daddy'. Our supplies were very limited, meaning we had no choice but to hold here anyway. Out of my officers, only the lieutenant who met me at the end of the battle was left, along with a handful of sergeants. 

"How long until our supplies and reinforcements arrive?" I ask Lt. Aldo Raine who is the only survivor from the original officers of my original unit. 

"HQ is saying about a week out," Raine says as I sigh and nod my head smoking my cigarette. 

"Think they will come before the Krauts send more at us?" Sgt. Collier, the commander of the Tank nicknamed Fury, says while smoking too and looking dead inside like every other survivor. 

"God hopes so," Sgt. Miles, the commander of the Tank nicknamed War Daddy, says puffing on his cigarette. 

"Get some rest… Though have a few men stand watch," I say dismissing my barebone officer meeting. 

Over the following week, the Germans left us alone. While we tended to our wounded and prepared our dead to be sent home. While we stacked the German dead away from our camp. Finally, our reinforcements arrived along with more supplies, we then sent the wounded back to HQ with a small convoy. Now our men are just over two thousand, with my original unit telling them what is expected of the new men. Our tanks got boosted to fifty. 

"Lt, congratulations you are being promoted to Captain. Now you are in charge of our Unit under me. Sergeant Collier, you are promoted to Master Sergeant and I'm placing you in charge of the tanks," I say to Aldo Raine and Don Collier. 

"Thank you sir and I will do my best to lead the men," Capt. Raine says before running off to inform the new unit who is in charge of them directly under me. 

"Fuck… Understood," M/Sgt. Collier says looking annoyed he got promoted and placed in charge of the group. 

"Not much has changed you were in charge of the old tank group, now you just have more under you," I say to him as he grunts in annoyance. 

"That's exactly it sir, now I have more men to worry about," Collier says looking stressed at the men who will most likely die by the end of the war. 

"Just blame me for any issues… I've already sent more men to die than I should have," I say looking at him with a face filled with regret. 

"We know what we were getting into… Plus it's the damn Krauts fault, they started this war," Collier says as I sigh and shake my head. 

"It was actually the fault of the leadership of Europe back in the first war. They made it worse by placing all the debt on Germany which was already suffering the after-effects of the war. That let a man like Hitler become in charge, promising them prosperity, then once in power, it quickly corrupted him letting him use it to abuse all his sick fantasies," I say making Collier look at me in silence realizing it was the failure of the leaders back in World War One that leads to this war. 

"So basically because of the rich and powerful we all have to go through this hell?" Collier says letting out a very angry grunt. 

"That's usually how it always goes," I say nodding my head. 

"Fucking bullshit… I'm gonna go, need to cool down," Collier says walking off as I just silently nod my head at his leave. 

"Any news from command?" I say walking into the command tent where the radio operators are constantly relaying back and forth from HQ. 

"Sir, General Eisenhower is requesting we hold here, as they are pushing the remaining Germans toward us. We will be doing a pincher move wiping out the remaining Germans in North Africa," one of my radio Operators says showing me the Morse code sent to us. 

"Then that's what we will do… Have everyone begin making this a real fortified area. Have HQ send us more supplies to make this even more fortified if we have the time," I say as they nod and begin talking with HQ. 

Like that, we begin making this a heavily fortified area and preparing for the remaining German forces to be pushed to us. Should be another month or so before they arrive, letting us train the new men better and prepare more. Over this time, a few of our tanks were upgraded to the newer Shermans being released. 

Finally, after a bit over a month of waiting, we received a coded message from General Eisenhower saying the remaining Germans should be arriving in a day or so. Like that everyone was on edge waiting as the General was pushing them toward us. The reports say there should be about five thousand Germans heading toward us. Outnumbering us one to five, though with the men behind them we will outnumber them two to one. 

The next morning, right as the sun was rising alarms began going through the camp, as news of the German being a few hours out reached us. Everyone quickly readied themselves for what would be another blood bath. I steeled my emotions making sure I'd not freeze again or get overwhelmed. Then I walked to the front line looking with a binocular for them and I could see the large army quickly marching toward us. 

"To battle stations!" I shout as everyone is quickly rushing around doing the final touches for the coming battle. 

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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