
New Sign-In Loot!

Mu Yu dragged him into the room, smiling sweetly, "I got good things!" Jin Wu looked at her in surprise, "It's been a while!" Mu Yu smiled at him, "Let me get a good look at your shocked face, boom!" as she pressed out a hill of things.

Jin Wu was stunned and looked at the hill, Mu Yu took a picture with her phone, putting it back in her pocket, nodding in satisfaction.

Jin Wu scanned over everything with his Observation Haki, sorting it quickly.

He held up papers and squealed, looking at Mu Yu with excitement. Mu Yu turned her nose up, "Am I great?!" Jin Wu cheered, "Boss!" before turning back to the papers.

[Arc Reactor Blueprints (Badassium)]

[Pacifista Blueprints]

[All Firearm Blueprints]

Jin Wu absorbed all the knowledge like a sponge while a clone started sorting out the rest.

[Light-Light Fruit]

[Perfected Super Soldier Serum Recipe (Modified)]

[Willow Array Tower]

[World Tree Seed]

[10 tons of Vibranium]

[Forever Youth Fruit Plant]

Jin Wu was overwhelmed with high quality materials and plants, he was dumbfounded. He turned to Mu Yu and asked, "Did you see all this???" Mu Yu nodded and smiled, "Mhm! Why?" Jin Wu pointed at some things, saying "These are good for you, why didn't you take them?"

Mu Yu tilted her head, saying "I thought we were sharing?" Jin Wu was speechless, but smiled slightly. He turned back, sorting everything out, collecting what he needed into his Storage ring, leaving a few things for Mu Yu.

He held the World Tree Seed in his hand, handing it to Mu Yu, saying "Drop blood on this." Mu Yu looked at the seed and asked, "What i-" Jin Wu pushed the seed to her and she pursed her lips, dripping a drop of blood on the seed.

The Seed flew into her stomach and merged into her Dantian.

Mu Yu closed her eyes before opening them wide, "A world!?" Jin Wu smiled slightly, "Realm Cutting needs you to cut open a realm, you know?" Mu Yu looked at Jin Wu before sighing, this idiot…

He should keep good things for himself!

Mu Yu sat down and focused before chopping in her dantian with a Cleaver shaped Qi.

The Seed in her Dantian exploded and energy surged through her entire body!

Jin Wu pointed at the ground and inscribed runes, forming several arrays on the spot in an instant. One to block the energy waves from leaving, one for intensifying the qi in an area, one to suck the energy from the ground into Mu Yu's body, and a final one to return the excess energy back into the ground.

Mu Yu groaned slightly as an incredible amount of energy washed over her entire body. She started running her Cultivation technique as the energy was swallowed up like a black hole.

Her body started changing as her realm went from Foundation Building Stage 2 to 3 then 4 and so on.

Jin Wu frowned as she continued getting higher and higher, coming to Foundation Building Stage 13. He pressed on the arrays, infusing Space Qi into the area, Mu Yu sucked it into her body.

Her bones started changing as blood expelled from her body.

Blood poured out until it became the consistency of a thick slime-like material.

Inside Mu Yu's body her bones were constantly being broken and reshaped, turning into countless spine-like segments full of bone marrow, producing countless blood cells. Her slime-like blood pumped vigorously, just like normal blood!

Finally, Mu Yu's realm changed!

Golden Core Stage 1!

Mu Yu opened her eyes, and they flashed with a bright light.

Jin Wu exhaled and sat on the ground, he nearly emptied himself out!

Mu Yu looked at him and her smile became shy as she looked away, whispering "Idiot." Jin Wu was happy and asked, "Do you have a world in your body?" Mu Yu nodded and looked at him before turning up her nose, sneering "Now I can beat you to death! Kneel quickly for this Empress!"

Jin Wu's smile froze and he smashed the array, tackling her to the ground, staining himself with blood as they rolled around, "You bitch! I only kneel to nobody!" Mu Yu laughed, "You'll kneel to me, bastard! Come here!" they rolled around for a while until Jin Wu stopped, his arms pinned above his head.

He suddenly asked in shock, "Wait a minute! Can't I enter you?" Mu Yu froze and her face turned blood red as she slapped him hard, shooting him through the room into the courtyard.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C30
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


