77.7% Naruto : Pure Blood / Chapter 115: chapter 101 Fight with Otsutsuki Part 4

章 115: chapter 101 Fight with Otsutsuki Part 4

A/N* Long chapter Enjoy, [Words-4100]


Chapter 0101~ Fight with Otsutsuki Part 4 




Everything fell silent for a brief moment before Naruto swung his hand in a claw-like motion, attempting to tear through everything in his path. The time strings responded to his command, ripping through everything in their way.

Jigen raised his hands, summoning a colossal cube in front of him, but it provided no resistance; it was sliced cleanly in five. Just as the time strings were about to reach him, Jigen opened a portal and vanished.

Hinata had her Jougan activated, and before Jigen could reappear on the battlefield, his face was struck by a thick bolt of lightning, sending him flying from the portal.

He glared at Hinata with eyes filled with hatred and muttered, "Damn you..."

He disappeared from there and appeared in front of Hinata. He punched her with all of his might, but before his punch hit her, she was scattered into countless papers and appeared beside Naruto.

Jigen's speed was too great to follow. If they hadn't been using their lightning release continuously, they would have been killed already.

Naruto looked at Jigen, his face filled with anger. He was ready to kill anyone. "I think you've pissed him off," he said.


The air ripped apart, and the sound reached their ears a few moments later. Three chakra rods impaled Naruto once more, this time in his stomach, suppressing his chakra to some degree.

~~Drip Drip~~

Blood drops fell to the ground as Naruto pulled out the chakra rods. His wounds began to heal once again. The speed of the chakra rods was too fast to follow, and they were too small to see. Even with his eyes, he could detect the incoming projectiles, but his body couldn't react fast enough, even after infusing it with lightning chakra.

"It's not that I'm weak, but that man is just too fast," Naruto thought to himself.

Jigen gazed at them and leaped into the air, spreading his hands. Thousands of chakra rods materialized behind him, poised for an attack. With a swift motion of his hands, the chakra rods tore through the air, descending at incredible speed. From above, Jigan wore a smug smirk, leaving no space for escape.

Seeing the incoming projectiles, Hinata stepped forward and extended her hand. A purple portal appeared in front of them, and all the incoming chakra rods were engulfed into the portal.

"You're starting to irritate me, girl," Jigen snarled, raising his hand for another assault.

Before he could make another move, Naruto appeared behind him, his leg enveloped in lightning-charged chakra, utilizing his teleportation ability. "No, you don't."

Before Jigen could react, the lightning-infused kick struck his back. 

The kick was so fast  that it shattered the sound barrier, creating a sonic boom as Jigen crashed to the ground, a leg-shaped imprint left on his back.

The ground was devastated, and the dust rose in the skies, but this time Naruto didn't give his opponent a chance. He extended his hand, and a Rasengan began to form in his palm. Fire, wind, and earth chakra started to seep into it, with a pure black core and swirling wind rings around it. 

"Dai Rasengan" 


The Rasengan in Naruto's hands fell like a shooting star.


A deafening explosion erupted, creating a dome of high-speed rotating chakra on the battlefield. The chakra dome rapidly expanded outward, erasing everything down to the atomic level. The white chakra dome covered an area of 1000 meters, leaving behind only a massive crater.

Jigen, who found himself trapped in the midst of the explosion, attempted to absorb the inhumane level of chakra. However, there was a limit to everything. He managed to absorb 95% of the jutsu, and just before his body started to crack under the strain, he opened a portal and disappeared.

This jutsu could erase everything in  kilometers.

Hinata tilted her head, and soon a portal appeared, with Jigen emerging from it. He extended his hand toward Naruto.

The immense chakra he had absorbed needed to be released, or his current vessel would break down. This wasn't his original body; it was merely a vessel.

When Jigen extended his hand toward Naruto, Naruto sensed the chakra. He knew that if he were hit by it, he would be gravely injured. All seven Truth-Seeking Balls appeared in front of him. Naruto appeared in front of Hinata, and the Truth-Seeking Balls expanded and formed a black spear around them. And then it happened.


The attack was wide-reaching, the red cannon of chakra covering everything. It was the absorbed chakra, and amplified by him. The red cannon collided with the black spear, causing it to shake violently and heat up, turning it red due to the intense heat.

Naruto touched the surface of the spear. "Ice Release."

Instantly, everything cooled down. The attack came to an end, and Jigan gazed at the floating spear in the air. Soon after, Naruto reappeared, and the spear transformed back into its seven individual spheres.


Naruto looked at the black spears; two of them cracked and crumbled away, leaving only five black spears remaining.

"I have to make more of them," he said.

"I see you survived that attack," Jigan commented.

Naruto remained silent. With a mental command, the five spears transformed into thousands of piercing needles.

With a wave of his hand, thousands of needles surged through the air. However, just before they could reach Jigen, a black and red cube materialized in front of him, blocking all the needles.

Then, Jigen heard a voice, "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu." He looked up at the sky, which was now filled with smoke, and he heard the sound of wind howling.

In the sky, thousands of clones appeared, freefalling from above. A multitude of voices echoed, "Rasengan," "Rasenshuriken," "Massive Rasengan," "Fire Style: Rasengan," "Water Style: Water Sphere," "Adamantium Chain."


A massive Rasengan struck Jigen, and he began to absorb it. Another massive Rasengan hit him from behind, and one shadow clone wielded a black staff.


With all his might, the clone swung the staff, and Jigen blocked it with his chakra rod.

A chain emerged from beneath the ground and coiled around Jigen's ankles, suppressing his chakra to some extent.

A lightning-coated punch struck his face, but it didn't send him flying backward.

"Shadow Possession Jutsu!" one of the clones shouted. Suddenly, the ground turned black, with only Jigen's movements restricted. All the clones moved freely on the darkened ground.

A punch to the face, a punch to the guts, a kick to his shin, a knee to his stomach, and a Truth-Seeking Ball hit his back. Jigen was brought to his knees.

Original Naruto stood in the sky. He extended his hands, pointed his fingers, and gripped his right wrist with his left arm. He steadied himself and looked at Hinata, who nodded to him.

A small portal appeared in front of Naruto's finger, two feet away. Hundreds of small portals appeared all around Jigan, facing him.

A small Rasengan started to form on Naruto's fingertips. The chakra was immense, ready to shoot. With a sonic boom, it tore through the air and entered the portal.


The mini Rasengan shot out from one of the portals surrounding Jigen.


The Rasengan hit Jigen in the back, and blood gushed out.

Another Rasengan appeared on Naruto's fingertip, and with a boom, it entered the portal. This time it exited from the portal above Jigan's head.


The mini Rasengan struck Jigen on the head, causing the ground to shatter beneath his feet. However, he was still confined by the Shadow Possession.





Naruto continued to fire miniature Rasengans from his fingertips like a rifle. In just a few seconds, numerous projectiles were unleashed.

Jigen was having a really hard time dealing with the onslaught of mini Rasengans and the clones spamming massive Rasengans as if their lives depended on it.

He was confined by the shadows, and there were many bloody holes on his body, with blood gushing out like a fountain. The clones didn't give him a moment to even think.

"His body is something else. If there was anyone in his place, they would be dead already," Naruto commented, his breath heavy and 70% of his chakra depleted—1000 shadow clones and the continuous bombardment of mini Rasengans.

"You're right. How long do you think he will endure?" she asked him.

"I think it's time," Naruto commented.

"Arghhh!" Jigen yelled with his lungs, sending the clones flying away due to the sheer air pressure.

"Enough of this," he roared in an angry voice. The ground beneath him shattered, and all of the black bindings disappeared. There was a calm before the storm.


The sound of something cracking could be heard, and everything was engulfed in a white flash. Then, Isshiki appeared in his real form—his white skin, the Byakugan in his left eye, and a unique dojutsu with a wheel-like pattern in his right eye. He wore a white open high-collared robe with some tomoe on it. This was the real Isshiki Otsutsuki.

This was the real deal; his chakra far surpassed Naruto's in volume and density. He was exerting pressure all around him.

Naruto activated his eyes and saw the man's inner workings. His chakra was too dense, and his chakra pathways were designed in a way that could store any amount of chakra. What surprised Naruto even more was his heart. It wasn't a normal heart; it was divided into two parts. While normal humans have a heart with four parts, his heart was divided into two, each with four parts.

Naruto tapped his hand on Hinata's shoulder and closed his eyes.


Hundreds of chakra rods appeared in front of them, mere 2 inches away from them, ready to kill.

Naruto waved his hand, and all the rods were sent flying. When Naruto looked in front of him, Isshiki was nowhere to be seen.

"It will not save you any longer," Naruto heard a voice from behind. Isshiki swung his leg, delivering a swift kick to Naruto's back. His kick was lightning-fast, breaking through the spatial protection.

Hinata crossed her arms in front of her, feeling the intense pain in her limbs. The kick had exceeded the speed of sound, and with a sonic boom, Hinata was propelled away, causing ripples in the air.



She tore through numerous stones, her Storm Release acting like armor to shield her. The force was overwhelming, and she couldn't stop herself. Suddenly, Isshiki materialized in front of her, delivering a powerful punch that sent her crashing to the ground, her arms still in a crossed position.


"Rotation!" she exclaimed as she hit the ground with a resounding bang. Lightning crackled around her, creating a 10-meter-deep hole. The rotation continued to grind the ground around her.

Blood gushed out from her mouth. She was protected by her lightning armor and her Rotation, but the impact was too much. "That hurts like a bitch," she said while wiping the blood trail from her mouth.

"Are you ok," Naruto asked from another hole. The kick he was hit by was too fast, and upon impact, some of his ribs were broken. However, due to his healing factors, they had already healed. But his chakra was depleting due to the constant healing of his brain and injuries.

Naruto lifted his hand, and all five Truth-Seeking Balls appeared in front of him. Three of them wrapped themselves like shackles around his left arm, and two of them transformed into a sword.

Naruto was still lying on the ground. He gripped the hilt of his katana, and its tip was aimed towards Isshiki, who was still in the air.

A Rasengan started to build on the tip of the sword, and in an instant, it became so large that the ground around him was eradicated. Naruto thrust his sword with all his power.


Another sound barrier broke, and a massive Rasengan shot out at the speed of sound.

Isshiki, who hadn't expected the attack to come so soon, extended his hands and started to absorb the massive Rasengan.

This was the moment Naruto needed. He stood up and slid his hand over his sword, which was engulfed in dark green fire. The flames came alive, the forever-burning flames emerged. "Ender Flames."

Naruto swung his sword in a semicircular arc, and a massive sword slash was sent flying towards Isshiki. His Rasengan was cut in half, and as the slash was about to hit Isshiki, a large cube appeared in front of him, blocking the sword slash.

Isshiki stood on his cube and looked at Naruto, then at the flickering green flames on his sword. He squinted his eyes and nodded. "I see… fire, Yin chakra, and Nature Energy."

He could see through Naruto's jutsu, after all, he was an Otsutsuki. Naruto didn't say anything. He infused his lightning chakra all over his body; his body was running on lightning. He knew that if he was any slower, he would be killed. His current speed was not enough to fight with Isshiki. He glanced at where Hinata was and appeared in front of Isshiki.


His blade sliced through the air as a staff materialized in Isshiki's hand.


Their weapons clashed.


Isshiki's staff shattered, but before the blade could reach him, he jumped backward.


Three chakra rods impaled Naruto's chest. He was using his eyes continuously, but the information was coming in too fast for his brain to process. The light sensitivity and constant stream of information overwhelmed him, and his healing factor was working overtime. 

Naruto gripped the rods, yanked them out, and his wounds began to heal.

He disappeared from his current location and swung his sword in a semicircle, creating a green arc. Isshiki leaped and executed a full roundhouse kick in mid-air.


Naruto extended his left hand in front of his head. The kick struck the Truth-Seeking Balls wrapped around his hand, but the force behind the kick was tremendous.


Naruto was sent flying, and he stabbed his sword into the ground to steady himself, leaving a trail of green flames behind.

As Naruto regained his composure, Isshiki appeared in front of him. However, before he could strike Naruto, a portal materialized behind him. 

With a deafening boom, he was slammed into the ground, Hinata's feet firmly planted on his back.

This was humiliation. How could anyone stomp on him? His anger rose to the highest degree, but before he could do anything, Hinata scattered into a flurry of papers, and Naruto appeared and kicked him, sending him flying.

Naruto and Hinata looked at each other, their gazes meeting. They both nodded in agreement.

Isshiki stabilized himself in the air and landed on the ground.

His eyes filled with anger. "You will die."

He disappeared from there and appeared in front of them. "Eight Trigrams 128 Palms!" Both Hinata and Naruto shouted, lightning crackling on their fingertips.

Naruto's palm appeared in front of Isshiki. He tilted his head, and Naruto swung his extended hand to the left. Isshiki ducked down and countered with his own punch.

Hinata appeared behind him and thrust her palm. Isshiki turned his body and punched her, but she twisted her hand and deflected his punch.

Isshiki was in the middle of the onslaught, handling both Hinata and Naruto.

The Taijutsu battle ended in a few minutes. Isshiki leaped into the air; some of his chakra points were sealed, and there were some bruises on Hinata and Naruto's faces.

Isshiki raised his hands and descended, summoning thousands of cubes into the air, leaving no escape this time.

Hinata scattered herself into countless butterflies made of paper.

The cubes fell with incredible speed. Naruto extended his two fingers, then focused his attention behind the cubes. "Repel," he uttered.

The cube that was aiming for him was halted in mid-air and sent flying backward. Naruto manipulated negative forces in reality, concentrating the repulsive force on the cube.

Isshiki observed him, saying, "Cutting the space to bring out the force of attraction and repulsion. I must say you are very versatile."

"I'm really getting annoyed by this man," Hinata said, and countless portals started to appear all around the battlefield. This was the first time she was using all of her powers.

A portal appeared in front of Naruto. He thrust his sword, and it exited from the portal behind Issiki. It was too quick; he was only able to evade the attack due to his battle instincts. A piece of his clothing was cut off, and flames began to engulf his body.

But before the flames could harm him, Isshiki absorbed them effortlessly. He extended his hand, commanding, "Get back your things."


In an instant, the flames engulfed Naruto. Naruto took a deep breath, then grabbed his shirt and tore it apart, letting the pieces fall to the ground. He slicked his hair back, now only wearing black pants. A strand of hair fell from his slicked-back hair. His eyes glowed red, and a battle-crazed grin spread across his face. "Let's begin, bitch"

" ice release: Absolute Zero"

He closed his eyes, and an immense surge of chakra pulsed through him. The ground around him began to freeze, and snowflakes drifted from the sky. The temperature plummeted, the air turned frigid, and frost started to form on his body. His black pants transformed into white, and his red hair turned white due to the snow. The frost infiltrated the green flames, making them white. All of his chakra was now a combination of wind and water, with all other elements gone.

He looked at Isshiki, his red eyes glowing in the white ice. He swung his sword to his right, and all the ground around him was frozen by the mere swing of his sword. Naruto wasn't even trying to affect the surroundings, but the power seeping out from him was doing the work.

Naruto was using his kekkei genkai to the fullest. In this form, he could not use any other elements, but his powers became too powerful. He had the cutting power of wind and the fluidity of water. The temperature around him was down -273 degrees Celsius. Causing the surrounding to effect by just his presence. He had full control over ice. 

Naruto looked at Hinata, and she nodded to him. With a hand sign, chakra surged forth from her, and black clouds started to appear above her head, crackling with lightning.

Hinata raised her hands as if she was trying to grab something. With a thunderous boom, natural lightning struck her hand. With her mastery over the lightning element, the natural lightning started to take the shape of armor. Her arms, legs, and torso were covered in thick lightning armor, and her Jougan came to life, with streaks of lightning visible in her eyes.

Naruto observed Hinata, noticing that all of her Eight Gates were half open due to the natural lightning. There were various ways to open the Eight Gates, but what Hinata was doing seemed to be subconscious.

Isshiki looked at her and remarked, "So, you've turned off your natural limiters." In the Otsutsuki clan, there was no concept of the Eight Gates because their bodies could handle vast amounts of chakra. However, normal shinobi couldn't handle excessive chakra without risk, which was why the Eight Gates existed to prevent them from dying.

Naruto disappeared from there and appeared in front of Isshiki. He swung his sword, and Isshiki ducked down. Everything behind Isshiki froze; the power emanating from Naruto was too much.

Isshiki countered by punching Naruto in the gut, but the moment his fist made contact, it froze. He was  left with a cold burn. Naruto was sent flying back by the punch. Where he landed, the ground froze, but he managed to stabilize himself.

Before Isshiki could react, Hinata materialized in front of him, her hands covered in lightning. She extended her hand backward and, with all her power, struck her palm into his chest, leaving another handprint on his body.

Isshiki was launched off the ground and shot backward at breakneck speed. Some blood trickled from the corner of his lips. This was the most powerful strike of their battle.

Naruto fixed his gaze on his flying body, raising his hand upward. A fist materialized beneath Isshiki, and with a loud bang, it struck him, propelling him upwards. Isshiki stared at the sky, unable to stop himself as the force behind the fist was overwhelming.

Naruto lowered his palm, and Isshiki witnessed an enormous palm materialize in the sky. It was massive and made entirely of pure ice.

It descended from the sky with incredible force, freezing the air around it in place.


The colossal palm struck Isshiki head-on, burying him deep into the ground. A cloud of snow powder billowed into the sky upon impact.

If someone were to look from above, they would see a gigantic palm imprint on the ground, covering an area of 1000 meters.

Isshiki emerged from the crater, his body bleeding, and his clothing in tatters. Naruto stared at him and a smirk crept onto his face. "So, you also bleed."

Naruto didn't give him any moments, and he made hand signs in the air as if he were writing something in the sky.


A resounding twang of strings echoed, and Naruto clasped his hands together. "Binding," he uttered.

Isshiki froze in place, trapped by the time strings that bound him tightly. He couldn't move an inch.

"Now, Hinata!" he shouted. Hinata appeared in front of Isshiki, gracefully floating above his head. She grabbed his horn and twisted her body.


Isshiki was lifted off the ground and slammed forcefully back into it. The earth beneath him shattered from the impact. To add further insult to his injuries, Hinata stomped her feet onto his head, driving him deeper into the ground.



She continued to stomp her lightning-coated feet onto his head, inflicting nothing but pure humiliation.

"Arrghhhh!" Isshiki roared in pure anger, unleashing a powerful force that pushed everything away from him. However, Hinata had already appeared beside Naruto.

In this place, space was already distorted due to Hinata and Ishikki's portal openings, and time was also distorted thanks to Naruto's manipulation of time strings.

Isshiki managed to stand up from the ground, but before he could make any move, Naruto and Hinata materialized in front of him. They both drew back their fists; in Hinata's hand, the black lion flickered, while everything in Naruto's hand was so cold it could burn anything.

"Hhhaaaaa!" they both yelled and struck Isshiki with all their power.


Several sound barriers shattered simultaneously, and the ground crumbled, but Isshiki remained there. However, the force behind him was already on the decline.


With another thunderous boom, he lifted off the ground and was sent flying.


The sound of something shattering filled the air as the space behind Isshiki fractured, and he was sucked into the fractured space. The space was already fragile, and this was the final blow.

Naruto and Hinata wasted no time and entered the crack without delay. They couldn't leave Isshiki like this.


They both entered the cracked space, greeted by a mesmerizing sight: countless stars and the breathtaking beauty of space. Before they could fully grasp their surroundings, a purple portal materialized in front of them. Isshiki, still not in control of his body, was sent flying through the portal.

Soon after, Naruto and Hinata followed suit.


They exited the portal at breakneck speed and found themselves in a forest, specifically the Konoha Forest. 

As Naruto set foot on the ground, the forest started to freeze, transforming the lush greenery into a frozen landscape.


A short distance away, Isshiki crashed to the ground. "Dammnn... brats..." he muttered, his anger evident in his voice. He was on his last breath, utilizing his life force. If he didn't kill them, he would surely die.

They appeared in front of him, and Naruto stared at him. "Oi Otsutsuki, ready to die," 




A/N~ end of the chapter, how was the fight. 

Guess where Naruto and Hinata are. 

1. Past 

2. Future

3. Or still in the present. 


I am more excited than you guess  Who will find them? 

1. Kushina 

2. Or Boruto(Their son). 


This fight has come to an end, it was fun to write, if you like this chapter please comment and donate your power stones… 

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C115
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


