
Chapter 16 Warning The Satan

Chapter 16 Warning The Satan

Looking into the unkind eyes of Goten and Krillin, Mr. Satan felt a sudden surge of cold sweat.

After all, eight years ago, he had stolen the glory that rightfully belonged to these individuals standing before him.

Despite having an incredibly thick skin, he still felt a twinge of shame. But, more than anything, he felt fear and trepidation.

For he knew better than anyone the sheer horror these individuals were capable of.

While he had always maintained, in front of others, that they relied on deception, deep down, he knew it was impossible to generate such destructive power through mere trickery.

Only fools would believe their own nonsense!

Just as Mr. Satan stood bewildered, unsure of how to greet Goten and Krillin, his gaze shifted and caught sight of Cell's severed head.

In an instant, his shock transformed into ecstasy. With Cell eliminated, he no longer had to face monsters like him.

He wouldn't be killed... This was undoubtedly fantastic news for him!

"Cell... defeated?!"

"Is it really Cell??" Mr. Satan stared at Cell's decapitated head on the ground, his excitement reaching its peak.

Without hesitation, he beckoned to the nearby reporters and photographers.

Shouting, "Everyone, come here! Cell has been killed." Upon hearing these words, several photographers and hosts hurried over.

"What... what's happening?"

"Mr. Satan hasn't even lifted a finger, how was Cell defeated?"

"Who did it?"

"Could it be these two individuals standing in front of me?" Both the host and cameraman were left dumbfounded.

The same feeling encompassed everyone watching the television.

"Wow haha!!!" Just as everyone was bewildered and puzzled, Mr. Satan's powerful laughter, filled with enchantment, echoed through the air.

"Needless to say, it's all thanks to my heroic efforts."

"This fellow must have learned of my impending arrival to deal with him, so he was scared witless and chose to end his own life." With these words, the host, cameraman, and even 99.99% of the TV audience were instantly fooled.

In an instant, the entire planet erupted in celebration and jubilation.

The name they chanted was none other than Mr. Satan's.

"This guy is shameless to the core!"

"Someone wants to take all the credit for themselves!"

"Goten, you can't indulge him any longer. I've grown weary of this man." Krillin furrowed his brow and spoke to Goten.

Eight years ago, this man had displayed such shamelessness!

And now, he was resorting to the same old tricks.

Goku and Gohan were magnanimous and forgiving, choosing not to concern themselves with such matters.

But Krillin remained deeply dissatisfied. After all, that hard-fought peace had been exchanged for with the lives of Goku and Gohan.

And now, this scoundrel had become the savior!

Goten approached Mr. Satan, step by step. At that moment, Mr. Satan was drenched in sweat, fear overtaking him as he instinctively backed away.

Though the child before him bore a striking resemblance to the young Goku and Gohan from eight years ago, the look in the boy's eyes was entirely different.

It seemed as though he had kicked a steel plate this time.

As Goten stood face-to-face with Mr. Satan, the latter collapsed to the ground in fright.

"Mr. Satan, I couldn't care less about your past shameless deeds, as they have nothing to do with me."

"But your actions today have deeply disgusted me."

"If you think you can take away the glory for which I, krillin and many others sacrificed our life for, you're sorely mistaken, even if I don't care about such things." Goten's face was cold, his tone even colder.

Satan couldn't help but feel as though he was surrounded by an aura of death, a chilling Ki that threatened to end his life at any moment.

The cold stare from Goten was truly terrifying.

Then, Goten turned his head, looked into the camera, and said, "And you idiots, take a good look. Is a coward like him really qualified to defeat Cell?"

"Think about it, you pea-brains. How could the destructive power unleashed in the battles of eight years ago and today be a mere facade?"

After his indifferent remark, Goten approached Cell's head. Lifting his foot, he mercilessly stomped on the remains, crushing them into pieces.

This sight left everyone present, including those watching on TV, in shock.

As for Satan, he was nearly scared out of his wits.

Goten glanced at the trembling Satan and continued, "If you continue your shameless behavior, You will be the next example, Like him!" With that said, he paid no attention to the thoroughly frightened Satan.

Turning around, Goten leaped into the air and vanished in an instant. Krillin hurriedly followed suit.

After leading the two away, Satan wiped the sweat from his forehead. It felt as if he had walked through the gates of hell just now.

The gaze of that boy was truly terrifying. It seemed that the title of "savior" had nothing to do with him anymore!...

By this time, Goten and Krillin had returned to Capsule Corporation.

"Goten, what you said just now was so satisfying!"

"It was pure joy to see that Satan guy looking so scared." Krillin spoke to Goten with a satisfied expression.

He lacked the pure selfless kindness of Goku and Gohan.

So it infuriated him to watch helplessly as the honor they had fought hard to regain was snatched away by that man.

Clearly, Goten felt the same way!...

"Goten, you were so cool and badass just now..."

"That guy Satan has been shameless for eight years, and now he probably won't be able to pretend anymore." At that moment, Bulma emerged from the laboratory, also expressing her relief.

Every time she saw that man's audacious interviews on TV, where he boasted of his "heroic deeds" in defeating Cell and even selling commemorative videos, it made her furious.

She had also witnessed Goten's confrontation with Satan through live TV just now.

She couldn't help but feel a sense of relief...

"Haha!" Goten awkwardly smiled.

In truth, he didn't find Satan's role all that bothersome. After all, Satan was just an ordinary person, not worthy of taking to heart.

But his behavior was undeniably shameless, so it was necessary to give him a warning!

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Krillin..."

"Since we met, I can't sense your aura at all!"

"Did you turn yourself into an android or something?" Goten didn't want to dwell on the topic of Satan any longer, so he changed the subject.

He was genuinely curious about this matter.

Ever since he emerged from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, he couldn't sense Krillin's presence at all.

There were only two possibilities for this.

Either Krillin had become a deity! Without accessing Ultra Instinct, he couldn't perceive the god ki of a god.

But that was clearly impossible.

The other possibility was that Krillin had transformed himself into an android.

Because the aura of an android couldn't be sensed either.


Saiyan Dragon Ball: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C16
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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