63.79% Marvel: Abysmal Spider-Man / Chapter 36: Attack on Hero Part 3

章 36: Attack on Hero Part 3

-On the bus to Stark Tower-

Something changed.

Peter could feel it, a subtle shift in his sense of self. Something fundamentally took place within him again. It was like that night with Gwen when he ingested her blood but different. He wasn't paying any attention to that feeling at the time but now it was more pronounced, vivid, a change in his mental space. 

Something happened when he touched Jean Grey, either his powers had an adverse reaction or something else was going on. It was only a moment but he saw things he couldn't explain, he found himself in a black space with a being surrounded by eyes and pale hands, its own hands covering its face. It looked at him and pulled its hand away from its face only to reveal his own face. 

It was him but it wasn't him, its eyes were empty devoid of anything that resembled a living creature. It looked human but nothing about it seemed human, it was as if this being lacked something fundamental within it that made it human, like it was it was trying to mimic something it couldn't understand. The very air around it hummed, vibrating with distortions that warped the space around it. 

It slowly brought its hands up and opened its palms, space flickered as matter took shape, on one palm golden energy transformed into a flaming baby bird, on the other palm crimson liquid bled into the space and transformed into a crimson spider. It then crushed both in its palms as the golden flaming bird and the crimson spider were absorbed into its palm. As it did it writhed and twitched muscles expanding, limbs pulsing as its entire body began to metamorphize, Peter's eyes widened as it grew into a colossal creature that was like nothing he had ever seen before. 

Multiple eyes like a spider formed over its face, its mouth extended until pincers formed and it resembled a spider human high breed. Its form bathing in black flames with large spider-like legs behind a constantly changing body, it was a dark mass of what looked like fluid and matter; it was too large for Peter to see the rest of its body as it grew. Its body was so large Peter was now an ant in comparison, in fact, it could see his entire form reflected in one of its eyes. 

 It blinked its multiple eyes and watched Peter in silence.

"What the hell are you?" Peter asked the thing, he felt something tugging at his senses, something else was lurking around the edge of this space, and it put him on edge. 

Suddenly he fell still, his body relaxed almost instantly as a hand reached over his shoulder. It was human, pale, and feminine, more and more appeared and hugged him almost soothingly. He felt someone rest their chin on his shoulder as they breathed out a content sigh. Before he could talk the ever-changing form of the spider-like being moved its limb to point at Peter. Its eyes drawing closer. 

"What are you?" its voice, if it could even be called that, caused the space to vibrate. It drew even closer.

"What do you think you are?… Human? Disgusting…" it spoke. it moved its limb forward as the fluid form took shape and stabbed into his chest. The figure behind him held him close as pain assaulted his senses.

Then the world flipped, it wasn't the spider stabbing him, it was him stabbing someone who looked like him with his spider-like limbs, it disgusted him, the human that looked like him, so weak, mortal, lowly creature. He was then back to himself writhing in pain as the spider stabbed him, it repeated itself in a loop until he found himself screaming in pain and confusion as his vision as both a human and this being overlapped as he was left staring at himself through the spider's eyes and at the spider through his eyes. 

Information streamed into his mind as IT spoke and the world around him fractured. 

{Accusation Complete_Slot_7_Active_Awaiting_Evolotion}

{Condition Override_Slot_1_Unsealed_Awaiting_Evolotion}

"Until next time, Peter. See you in the real world~" A feminine voice sang to him. 

Then it stopped. Everything disappeared as Peter blinked and his hand left retracted from Jean's form. He never felt so thankful for a fool's mask, otherwise, he would have been shouting out in panic. He found himself unable to remember why or what happened. He knew something occurred but he couldn't remember what it was.

"Sorry just reflex" he apologized to mask his feelings.

He took a moment to center himself back to reality. He turned over and it seemed something similar was occurring to Jean if her expression was any indication. Techno streamed into his thoughts with its analysis to confirm his thoughts. 

'Was it her ability or something? what just happened? What did she do?' He wondered, what kind of ability warrants that kind of reaction from him and why couldn't he remember why. 

"Hey, You OK?" He quickly faked normalcy by asking her if she was alright. She told him she was fine and after asking her again which only served to annoy her he excused himself with the excuse that he was going to sleep. He asked her to wake her up when they got there. 

He had a lot on his mind right now. 

He needed to figure that out, he guessed it was the formation of a new ability but one couldn't just ask to meet the cosmic god-like entity that shares your head space. The last time he was there was due to his death, he wasn't sure if he needed to die again or try something that would allow him to talk with it. 

'So much for a normal day in school' He thought. 


-Stark Tower 2 hours later-

'So much for a normal day in school,' He repeated. 

Peter sat across from Jean Gray, Katty Pryde, and Bobby Drake with a pizza between them, they were taking a break in one of the many cafeterias within Stark Tower. Jean introduced them when they got off the bus, they were her classmates from her school. As luck would have they were all paired up as one group for the remainder of the trip. 

They were allowed to wander around for a while after a short tour of Stark Tower which lasted an hour and after a short break, they would be gathered for the unveiling of the Virtual Reality Augmentation Device. Peter used the tour to get a layout of the building, he allowed Techno free reign to sweep the building for a chance to tap into their system. Techno's simulations were right, whatever they had protecting the Stark network was too adaptive, too reactive to be a simple program. After one hour of Techno going at it, all he gained was access to open a few doors and the cameras around the building. 

Techno was trying to get into the system without being detected which made its job a little more complicated. 

But he could do that while focusing on other things within the tower, like say, being dragged to the side so for a meeting with Jean Grey and friends. Curiously enough after a somewhat animated meeting with them they hit it off quite well. They were an enjoyable bunch to hang with, Katt was a bubbly hyper one while Bobby matched her energy in a controlled manner and Jean served as the group's voice of reason. 

But that changed the moment they sat down. The group fell into silence as Jean watched him intently as if she was mulling over something. Kat and Bobby glanced at each other in awkward silence. 

"So what is it? You dragged me all the way over here so it's gotta be important right." Peter said. 

"Peter," Jean Began but Kat interjected before she could finish her sentence. 

"You're a mutant like us, I'm a mutant, and Bobby and Jean are mutants too and we gotta get you out of here to our school before some other mutants come and take you away, maybe, possibly, kill you cause you're powers are kinda special even for people like us and depending on who you ask you could be their answer to everything or they could hurt you because of it, and I think you should totally come with us cause we're like the good guys and the bad guys are gonna come find you and that'll be really bad for everyone so yeah…. Fffua" Kat interjected in one breath and finished with a breath. Everyone stared at her in shocked silence after her short unexpected speech. 

"What?" Peter asked after what she said started to settle in. 

"What the hell Kat?" Bobby asked in a low voice, Jean simply sighed in frustration, her eyebrows twitching as she nursed her head in her fingers. 

"What? You guys were taking too long… I mean you were gonna tell him anyway." Kat reasoned as she picked up a slice of pizza and took a large bite out of it. 

"I'm sorry Peter, but she's right. I was gonna break it to you slowly but some people just couldn't hold it in" She glared at Kat who continued to stuff her face with pizza as 

"Hmmts nah mmah fahhlt" she mumbled as she chewed on her pizza. Bobby teased her for eating like an animal only to dodge a pizza crust flying to his face. 

"So what do you say, I know this is hard to understand right now but there's this other group of Mutants called the Brother Hood who are trying to find you too. It will be dangerous for you, so we weren't sent to find you before they did. Our school is a school for mutants like us, it's a safe place where we can learn to control our powers. If you come with us we can protect you." she said to Peter. 

Peter calmly observed them as his thoughts wandered to the meta-verse. Accessing anything related to Jean's school before a match was found almost instantly - Charles Xavier, he recalled running across his name during his unintentional infiltration of SHIELD's network. He was on the SHIELD's watch list as a person of interest, at that time it held no interest to him so he ignored it but no it seems he's gonna have to open that back door into their network he left when he was covering his tracks. 

This was gonna take time, he needed to stall. 

"So let me get this straight, you think I'm a mutant and some other mutant group called the Brotherhood also thinks the same thing and if I don't come with you they will find and kill me? Am I getting this right?" Peter asked, his expression was one of disbelief. 

"Yep that's right, You don't have to hide it, we know you are one of us" Jean answered, she tried to reassure him that he was among friends. 

"And you know this how?" Peter asked, still holding his expression of disbelief as Techno went into overdrive to dig up any info on everyone here and their school to give him an edge on them. The fact that they found him wasn't something he anticipated happening anytime soon, he figured the mask of the fool would mask him from others. 

How did they find him? 

"I…I can read minds, but don't worry I didn't read your mind, I couldn't really hear your thoughts when I tried so it's your ability that confirmed that you were one of us" Jean explained, she seemed rather uncomfortable when talking about her ability.

"My ability?" Peter asked curiously as he kept his calm exterior while internally panicking when he figured out just how they found him.

 'oh shit, imagine breaker, shit, shit, shit', he thought, he didn't consider how it would affect mutant abilities since he never tried to understand what falls under the umbrella term of supernatural. 

Well, now he knows.

" You don't have to pretend you know, we're not here to hurt you or anything," Bobby said. 

"Yeah Pete, loosen up, we're the good guys" Kat added reaching over for another slice of Peter. 

"You can nullify other abilities, I figured it out when we were on the bus. That's the first time anyone has ever heard of that ability like that. It means a lot to mutants when you can take their power away, and some of them aren't all that good. You know you could just come with us for a while until we can be sure you're safe, after that we'll leave you alone if that's what you want." Jean asked, her voice conveying concern for his safety. 

Before Peter could reply his instincts buzzed as he turned to follow someone rushing in with unnatural speed - he had to will himself not to react in any way that would away his capabilities. 

There was a rush of air and the sound of a plastic chair sliding to a stop. 

"Aww, what's the rush tomato face, going somewhere so soon? Easy their iceman, don't wanna make a scene know do ya," A boy appeared beside Bobby sitting in a chair in a flash of speed - he had a lean athletic build and was dressed in a leather jacket, a bluish green t-shirt with a lightning bolt symbol center, jeans, and silver jordans which could be seen when he places his feet on the table. His notable feature was his pale skin and white hair with sharp features, he held a serious expression despite his jokester attitude. He took a slice of pizza for himself earning Kat's ire. 

Bobby brought his hands up in defense as it froze over almost instantly, but dissipated as he realized who it was although he kept his guard up. 

"Great it's Speedy Gonzales, don't you have some cheese to chase somewhere else, and don't touch my pizza. Where's your bitch sister, if you're here she's not far behind." Kat glared at the newcomer as she too prepared herself. Jean was already looking around as if searching for someone else in the crowd. 

"Don't try it, Grey, we both know you can't get in my head that easily" Another person appeared dragging over another chair and sat beside Peter nonchalantly. She had long dark brown hair with red streaks running through it that reached her waist. She had an angular face that hinted at her of European descent and clear brown eyes that had a hint of crimson hue within them, she was dressed in a red trench coat black tank top with black cargo pants, and red steel-cap boots. 

"Wanda" Jean acknowledged as she glared at her but the girl, Wanda ignored her and focused her attention on Peter. 

"So did they give you the whole good mutant, bad mutant speech yet cause let me tell you, whatever they told you is a load of bullshit so some bold pedo in a wheelchair can increase his collection of mutant child soldiers. I'm Wanda, Wanda Maximoff and that buffoon over there is my brother Pirtro, we're here to give you a chance to join the real good guys, So how about it, Peter right. " She smiled coyly at Peter when she finished.

'And the plot thickens', Peter mused internally as he calmly assessed the sudden change in his situation.

'What to do now?'.

-Chapter End-

{Slot 7: Active_Awaiting_Evolution

Trait: The Abysmal Spider

Class: Planetary - abilities can directly or indirectly affect or influence the planet on a planetary scale

Growth: N/A (A/N: abilities like Incarnation of Garou or will of Saitama have this)

Tier: Multiversal - abilities can directly or indirectly affect the universe on a multiversal scale

Due to the consumption of blood blessed by a higher being a trait has manifested within a slot. Peter Parker's resonance with the essence of The Great Weaver has granted him the spider-like abilities of a spider totem. 

Abilities Granted to Host: 

- The host has now forcefully inserted himself into the web of destiny defying his fate and taking up the abilities of a spider totem through resonance. 


Perfect Equilibrium 

- Spider Kinetics 

Grants the host perfect balance and control of his physical body when in motion.

Tactile Locomotion 

- Everywhere Crawling

The host can walk and stick on any surface with any part of his body, even water or air as his body generates a minor gravitational field that pushes or pulls against anything he comes in contact with including gravity itself. Although this doesn't enable him to fly as he can only isolate this phenomenon to anything he is in physical contact with, this does enable him to walk on air.

Enhanced Physique 

- Spider Totem Body

The host body is further enhanced to surpass that of a base human Spider Totem. 


- Third Eye

He can sense imminent danger to himself and to his surroundings. It's boosted further by the Incarnation of Garou and IBoy granting him a form of spacial Awareness that extends to his spider-sense range. Should he actively attempt to, he can become aware of everything that's taking place within a limited radius of his person.

Connection to the web of life - Arachnid Dominion (Sealed by Higher_Entity_Designation-The Great Weaver)

The host now has an intrinsic connection to the Web of Life and Destiny however unlike other Spider Totems his connection is anomalous because he forced and fully inserted himself into the Web which goes against the laws of the Web, therefore the Web of Life and Destiny can no longer influence, decide, or dictate his fate as a spider totem- this is also due to the trait of his Ajin or rather the aspect of death he embodies that he stole from death. 

Furthermore, because of his independence from the web of life and destiny, the host can exert influence and control over other Spider Totems ' fates and destinies through his actions as his existence is an anomaly itself. 



Totem Claw - God Slayer

The Host has Three claws that protrude from his hands, two from between the knuckles and one from below the wrist, these claws process strange properties due to their connection with the web of destiny and Imagine Breaker thus granting them the ability to deal true damage or harm to all beings, supernatural or otherwise including cosmic/celestial entities. In that sense, he now has the ability to slay gods and higher entities. 

In the presence of a hostile cosmic class entity, they will force themselves out in a defensive manner. 

Spider Totem Extrasensory Perception (ESPER) (Sealed by Higher_Entity_Designation-The Great Weaver)

- The ability to form a psychic link with the web of life and destiny granting one psychic powers such as telepathy, precognition, Psychic Defense, telekinesis, Proximity trace, etc.. 

Spider-Hive Imprint

 - The ability to break down one's physical body into a swarm comprised of millions of spiders controlled by a singular hive mind



Slot 1:Active_Awaiting_Evolution

The Thief Who Stole His Fate (Demi-human: Thief of Fate)

 Class: Boundless 

Growth: N/A

Tier: Boundless


True Immortality Through Death

- The host has stolen his fate from death itself, rendering him a true immortal. He is now unable to die as the concept of death no longer applies to him as he stole the aspect of death that is directly responsible for his fate.

Death of Destiny

- Peter Parker of Earth 65B is independent of the influence of any and all cosmic entity or other being with regards to his fate and destiny within the confines of any universe. He is his own death and his own fate. 


Ajin Bandages

-Grants the host usage of its bandages which are stronger and more durable than most materials on earth with no limit to how long they can go. Given the nature of the entity, it's invisible to most as are its bandages how ever should Peter choose they can become visible. In order to see the entity one must have experienced death in the past

Miasma Aura

-The host can release an aura of death invoking the feeling of death from those who experience it from his presence and conceal it. Only those who have experienced death can observe the miasma he exudes. 

Death's Shadow - False Ajin

- The host can temporarily summon past versions of himself in the place of his Aijin after his death although they are significantly weaker than him and remain summoned for a limited amount of time. 

True Ajin 

- The death of Peter Parker given form; his fate and destiny personified; an aspect of death that is the destiny of Peter Parker of 65B which was stolen from death itself and bound to Peter's existence. It takes an ever-changing physical form that resembles Death's human form and ties the host Peter Parker to the entity cosmic abstract entity Death.

-Further knowledge regarding True Ajin and death has been sealed by Death. Other traits and abilities have also been sealed by the entity Death.


{Fable Fusion Protocol_Phase_3_Integration_30%}

Othniel_Seth Othniel_Seth

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