79.16% Only I Level Up Across The Multiverse / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: USJ Attack

章 13: Chapter 13: USJ Attack




With the people exiting from the portals, and Aizawa on guard, someone from the class obliviously asked

"Woah, what's that?! Is this something similar to an entrance ex-"

Cutting them off, Aizawa shut them up and shouted in alarm, "DON'T MOVE! Those are villains!" Striking fear in some of the students.

Suddenly, one of the purple portals revealed 2 yellow eyes and revealed "Eraser Heard and No. 13... according to the teacher's curriculum, All Might should've been here..." His yellow eyes scanned across the building, "But it seems he's not here right now..."

In realisation, Aizawa muttered, "I knew it, that incident was your guys' doing..."

Creepily, the blue-haired villain proceeded to relentlessly scratch his dry neck and complain loudly like a spoiled child, "Where is he... We went through ALL this trouble! And rustled up so many of us to bring along! You can't tell me... That All Might, The Symbol of Peace...

Isn't. HERE!" He screamed in desperation.

Mere seconds later, his scratching came to a pause as he released an eerie chuckle.

Looking at the students of class 1-A, the villain playfully said, ""I wonder if he'll show up if we kill the kids!"




With the class and heroes, the students began to go in a slight panic as they heard the villain's evil words.

Pulling his goggles down and rearranging his scarf, Aizawa began walking - ready to fight the villains.

"Sensei! Are you seriously going to go down and fight them all yourself!?" Midoriya asked with worry before adding, "Even if you erase all their quirks, it'll be hard to face so many of them! This type of battle doesn't match your usual style!"

Smirking at Midoriya's words, Aizawa simply replied coolly, "A hero always has more than one trick up their sleeves!" And with that, he ran down the flight of stairs to the villains, but not before shouting at Thirteen, "No. 13, I'm counting on you!"

With his final words, Aizawa ran through the horde of villains, doing a pretty solid job at cancelling their quirks and beating them up.

Whilst Aizawa was fighting and protecting the students, Midoriya carried on squabbling and analysing about irrelevant stuff even in this type of situation, triggering Thirteen who bickered, "This is no time for analysis! We've got to evacuate!"

Unfortunately, the purple portal villain appeared in front of Thirteen and class 1-A, informing them of some bad news, "I'm afraid I can't allow that.

Greetings, we are the League of Villains, I apologise for this presumption, but we took it upon ourselves to enter UA academy, the base of heroes. This was in order to engage with Mr. All Might, the 'Symbol of Peace'.

We were wondering if we were able to... 'extinguish' him, per se" The villain announced, worrying the students for both their sake's and All Might's.

Not letting the class or Hero say anything in response, the villain added, "Was Mr. Symbol of Peace not able to make it to class today? Perhaps something had been altered? Or was he too busy saving people, being the oh-so-righteous hero he is...

Ah well, setting that aside...

This. Is my role!" The villain said, shrouding the purple mist that formed the portals around the class.

Wasting no time, Kirishima and Bakugo jumped at the villain, releasing their attacks with a battle cry.

"Bet you weren't expecting that, HUH!?!" Kirishima hyped up, causing the villain to seemingly shrug - it was hard to tell since he was simply mist - in annoyance.

"That was quite perilous of You. As expected of you 'Golden eggs', the future heroes of society. It's a shame really..." Releasing his purple mist once more, Thirteen shouted in alarm to both Kirishima and Bakugo


"You will be scattered..." The villain whispered, enveloping the class in a purple dome,

"You will be tortured..." He added menacingly, dispersing the mist dome to reveal only a handful of students being left behind: Iida, Sato, Shoji, Sero, Mina, and Uraraka.

"..." With a random silence, the villain said nothing.

"...Master Tomura" The villain said, with a small portal appearing next to the blue-haired man

"What now, Kurogiri!?" Tomura complained

"It appears that one of the students have managed to disappear" Kurogiri dropped, clearly triggering Tomura who proceeded to, once again, scratch his neck.

"For fuck sake, Kurogiri...! How the hell have you managed to let a little brat escape, huh!?" He yelped, before lowering his volume and temper and saying "Oh well... it's fine" He smirked evilly, "It's just a kid... it's not like he can mess up the plan"

"Indeed, Master Tomura. There is nothing they can do"




Having used his system abilities to the fullest, due to his [Danger Sense] going off on top of the stairs before Kurogiri appeared, Yuuto hurriedly used [Stealth] to get away from that area.

Though he didn't really like the idea of leaving his classmates and friends... he knew they could fight for themselves atleast a little, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to get into the school in the first place.

Plus, if need be, Yuuto was fast enough to get to where they were and help them.

Anyway, with Yuuto undoing his [Stealth] he watched Aizawa fight the lowly villains from the sidelines.

Seeing as to how not even half the villains were dealt with by Aizawa, Yuuto decided to get involved and stepped in to help.

Combining [Dash] and [Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist] in order to blitz through the low-rate villains, Yuuto went on a spree as he knocked the villains unconscious.

Suddenly, to the slight shock of Yuuto, a system message he'd have never seen before appeared after knocking about 5 villains unconscious.

'About damn time'

[You have Levelled Up!]

HP: 2200 (2400) -> 2220 (2420)

MP: 70 -> 71


Strength: 110 -> 111

Vitality: 110 (120) -> 111 (121 - Gilg's Chestplate)

Agility: 110 -> 111

Intelligence: 70 -> 71

Sense: 50 -> 51

"Oi! What do you think you're doing!" Aizawa shouted across to Yuuto while handling a few villains that jumped him.

"What does it look like? I'm helping you and my classmates" 'Shoutout to Thirteen aswell, though with your OP-ass quirk you should be able to do quite a lot yourself'

(A/N: Well that didn't end well)

"Tch, goddamn kids, not knowing how to stay out of trouble..." Aizawa facepalmed while easily dealing with the little thugs.

'Bro... you know what, I'm not even gonna bother explaining myself no more' Yuuto sighed, proceeding to carry on with his own beatdowns.

'Oh, nice. "About damn time" times two' Yuuto cheered

[Skill: Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist (Low-Newbie) -> (Mid-Newbie)]

[You have Levelled Up!]

[You have Levelled Up!]


After dealing with all the low-end thugs and whatnot, Aizawa and Yuuto were left standing against the blue-haired boss, Tomura, and Kurogiri the portable portal-man.

"Though what you're doing is idiotic... I appreciate the help" Aizawa said with both gratitude and spite.

"Right... no problem" Yuuto replied dryly, 'Didn't know this teacher was such a tsundere, sheesh'


Name: Yuuto (No family name)

Level: 1 -> 5

Class: None

Title: None

HP: 2220 (2420) -> 2300 (2500)

MP: 71 -> 75


Strength: 111 -> 115

Vitality: 111 (121) -> 115 (125)

Agility: 111 -> 115

Intelligence: 71 -> 75

Sense: 51 -> 55

(Available Points to Distribute: 86)

Standing side by side, Aizawa and Yuuto stood at a standstill against Tomura, who - unsurprisingly at this point - began scratching his neck in clear annoyance.

"Damn it. Damn it! Damnit damnit damnitdamnitdamnitdamnit!" The 'big-boss' cried, glaring at Yuuto and Aizawa with bloodshot eyes, shooting daggers at them.

"YOU FUCKING EYESORES!" Tomura shouted, running at Aizawa, "ALL YOU STUPID HEROES-" He swung, missing Aizawa due to a simple head-movement dodge

"-PISS." With another swing of his arm, Tomura missed another attack due to Aizawa dodging

"ME." With another swing, Tomura missed Aizawa again. Big shock.

"OFF-" With a swift dodge, Aizawa avoided Tomura's attack once again. Suddenly, to the surprise of both Aizawa and Tomura, a fist connected with Tomura's face, pushing him off the floor and sending him a few metres away, as well as dropping the hand off his face.

"Did you really think I'd stand here and do nothing? Be real" Yuuto shrugged, 'He's just an immature, childish villain who has no experience clearly' he thought, looking at the crying face of Tomura who was kneeling on the floor, slowly picking up his hand.

"Father..." Tomura cried, placing the hand back on his dry, pale face.

He turned his head and glared at Yuuto, "You hurt... FATHER!!" Tomura screamed, causing Kurogiri to appear next to him after having failed to deal with the students on the stairs.

"Sorry, master Tomura. One of the students managed to escape and is currently calling for help" With this news, it was obvious Tomura was more pissed than ever

"THAT'S IT!" He angrily shouted, many veins appearing on his face and neck, "SUMMON THE NOMU!" He ordered


A/N: Next chapter will be end of USJ. The MHA arc will end in quite a few more chapters still (10+ minimum most likely) and then MC will go to next world.

Thanks for reading

Hope you enjoyed

Have a good day

If you like this story, leave a review :)

Any suggestions or questions, etc, put in comments/paragraph comments

Rizzler007 Rizzler007


Name: Yuuto (No family name)

Level: 5

Class: None

Title: None

HP: 2300 (2500)

MP: 75


Strength: 115

Vitality: 115 (125)

Agility: 115

Intelligence: 75

Sense: 55

(Available Points to Distribute: 86)

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


