70.83% Only I Level Up Across The Multiverse / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Trial of Battle

章 11: Chapter 11: Trial of Battle

A/N: Longest chapter yet, hope you enjoy it!




"Hey, how come yours is empty, Yuuto?" Kirishima asked, seeing how Yuuto's box was empty.

"I forgot about the whole 'costume' thing," Turning his attention to All Might, Yuuto asked "Am I able to go home real quick and get a change of clothes? I only live about 5, maybe 10 (Coincidentally) minutes"

All Might nodded and replied, "No problem. Though, try your best to come up with a costume design by next week, if possible"

"Thanks" Yuuto thanked, heading back to the orphanage to grab a change of clothes whilst the others went to the locker room.




Arriving at the orphanage, Yuuto greeted the staff, kids and Froakie and hurriedly went to his room and grabbed a plain white shirt, a long black cloak with a hood, and black bottoms - he proceeded to get changed into it [Image]

"Noice" Yuuto released, checking himself out for a bit before leaving.

"See you guys"




Returning back to UA, Yuuto already knew he was the last one to arrive as he heard All Might cheer, "Let's see what you're made of! It's time for the trial of battle!!" Before people started complimenting each other's costumes.

Entering the area, Yuuto could see Kirishima, Kaminari and Nejire being the first people to notice him.

"Woah!" Kirishima exclaimed, turning a few people's attention on Yuuto, "No homo bro, but you look sexy!" His comment caused the class to giggle simultaneously.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself" Yuuto replied before adding, "But that's with the mask thing? Ain't that uncomfortable?"

"Kinda... I'm thinking of getting rid of it to be honest" Kirishima agreed with a sigh. He then shrugged it off and proceeded to carry on complimenting Yuuto, "Seriously though, how the fuck have you been blessed with such a toned physique. I'm tryna be like you bro!"

"I'm really starting to question your sexuality, how about looking at the girls rather than looking at my body and analysing, my friend" Yuuto said, causing Kirishima to sigh in complaint

"I'd love to, but you know how girls are. One glance, and next thing you know, I'm on the floor in bruises. Playin' it safe, y'know?" Kirishima and Yuuto both nodded, ignoring the others looks.

"Hey Yuuto! Nice outfit, you look handsome!" Nejire innocently complimented, causing Yuuto to check her out - in a normal way.

"Thanks, Nejire. You look really good yourself, I like what you did with your hair - makes you look cute" Yuuto said in response, causing Nejire to giggle.

"Thank you-" Fortunately Yuuto heard her in time, before she got cut off by All Might.

"All right, that's enough! It's a good thing you guys are bonding well as a class, but please do not forget that you're here for hero training as well" All Might faked coughed, causing everyone to stop chattering and turn their attention on him.

Iida then put his hand up as if he was still in middle school, to which All Might nodded at him, causing Iida to ask, "Sensei! Regarding the performance ground we'll be using, is it the mock-city from the entrance exam!?"

'Damn, that's actually quite a cool costume' Yuuto thought before All Might answered Iida's question.

"You'll see - In fact, take two steps and you'll be there!" He responded, to which class 1-A looked around to see a couple tall buildings

"This will be an indoor battle trial!

Villain clean up is usually seen out in the open, but statistically, the better part of it is an indoor job. Most acts of villainy are committed indoors.

Imprisonment... House arrest... the black market... These are only a few examples. In this hero-saturated society, any villain with intelligence is lurking in the shadows!!" All Might explained

Little did he know, everything he said was heavy foreshadowing, thought, that's for the future.

All Might then proceeded to explain about the the 'Trial of Battle' would be a two-vs-two team battle, with one team being the 'Heroes', and the other the 'Villains'.

The 'Villains' Team would defend a nuclear weapon they intend on deploying. The 'Heroes' team must stop them by either touching the nuclear weapon, or capturing the 'Villains' before time runs out.

If the Villain team defeat the heroes or time runs out before the hero team touch the bomb or arrest the villains, the villains win. If the Hero team touch the bomb or arrest the villains, they heroes win. Quite simple to be honest.

"Your teammates and opponents will be selected by..." All Might dramatically began

"Lottery!" Just for him to pull out a box out of nowhere for everyone to select their teams:

A team - Uraraka and Midoriya

B team - Todoroki and Shoji

C Team - Sato and Yaoyorozu

D Team - Iida and Bakugo

E Team - Ashido and Aoyama

F Team - Yuuto and Nejire

G Team - Jiro and Kaminari

H Team - Tokoyami and Asui

I Team - Hagakure and Ojiro

J Team - Kirishima and Sero

"Wow, how have we managed to luck out and be on the same team?" Yuuto asked, looking at Nejire who was smiling happily

"I don't know. Maybe it's fate! Though, I'm not complaining!" Nejire exclaimed, to which Yuuto nodded in agreement

(A/N: All a coincidence ;) 100%)

"And the first two pairs to combat will be...!" All Might announced while putting his arms in a 'Villains' and 'Heroes' Box, "Pair A will be heroes! Pair D will be villains!"

And so, after quite an entertaining match, Pair A - The Heroes - managed to win. Even though physically, others may think Pair D were the winners since they had the least amount of injuries.

After that, it was Team B (Heroes) vs Team I (Villains). In which Team B won instantly by freezing the building and opponents mercilessly.

The other matches weren't really worth noting, until it was finally Team F's turn.

"Team F, Heroes! Vs Team H, Villains!" All Might announced.

"Guess it's finally our turn, the wait felt long!" Yuuto said whilst stretching, waiting outside the building.

"I know, right!? It's gonna be so much fun though!" Nejire cheered, standing next to Yuuto.

"So, I don't really think there's a need for a plan, but how about we start by explaining our quirks?" Yuuto suggested, to which Nejire nodded

"Sure! I'll start!" Nejire said energetically, "I call my quirk 'Wave Motion'! And basically, I'm able to convert my own stamina into energy, and then release it in the form of exceptionally powerful spiral shockwaves! Cool, right? Right??" She said.

"Are you able to release that energy from any part of your body?" Yuuto asked, to which Nejire nodded

"Yep! I'm able to release it from the bottom of my feet and fly. Neat, am I right?!" Nejire said in a child-like manner, causing Yuuto to chuckle a little at her innocence

"Yes, very neat, Nejire. My turn now: My quirk is called 'Limit Breaker', and to explain it in the most quickest way possible, I'm able to break through any physical or mental limit and get stronger"

Nejire had stars in her eyes as she gasped, "Woahhhh! Is that how you're able to go really fast? AND be super-duper strong?"

"Yessir! Anyway, on to the plan" Yuuto said seriously, and surprisingly, Nejire also went serious.

'Guess she has a serious side too... I like that' He thought, looking at her face.

"It's not the most 'Big Brain plan', but I think we have a very high chance of winning by doing this..." Yuuto proceeded to explain the plan to Nejire, who nodded in agreement to his strategy of winning.




"BEGIN!" All Might announced in the mic.

Wasting no time at all, Yuuto and Nejire entered the building.

- Tokoyami and Asui PoV -

With Asui protecting the bomb, Tokoyami began to walk to the staircase in order to head down and face the villains 2-on-1 and waste as much time as possible.

Since the building was quite dark, his Dark Shadow was a little stronger than normal, giving them an advantage.

"Ribbit! Be careful" Asui warned Tokoyami, mainly about Yuuto since everyone in class 1-A saw what he was capable of.

"I know-" Tokoyami wanted to respond, but not before being abruptly interrupted by a massive yellow shockwave piercing the floor beneath them and roof above them.

"Shit! They're here!" Tokoyami warned, running back as quick as he could to Asui's side in succession.

Appearing from the hole was Yuuto, causing Tokoyami and Asui to instantly be on guard and prepare for the worst.

In a taunting manner, Yuuto did the 'Bring it' and motion.

"Don't, this is clearly a trap" Asui whispered to Tokoyami, who nodded in silent agreement.

"Well, at least you're not complete idiots..." Yuuto complimented, "Though, it's really a shame you came against me. After all, you have no chance of winning" He taunted.

"Nice try, but your taunts won't work" Tokoyami replied.

"What taunts? I'm just speaking the hard truth. You two are nothing compared to me" Yuuto smirked cockily, "Now come, and do your best" Seeing no instant response, Yuuto then added

"Fine," He then raised one leg and put one arm behind his back, "Then how about I only use 1 arm and 1 leg, should be fair enough, no?" Seeing how Tokoyami and Asui still did nothing, Yuuto groaned

"Ughhh, fine! I'll use no arms then-" Putting both arms behind his back, Asui finally took the opportunity to extend her tongue at a quick pace at Yuuto, attempting to wrap her tongue around him and capture him.

Unfortunately for her, Yuuto expected something like this and with his quick agility, he grabbed her tongue with his right hand and pulled with enough strength to pull her to him helplessly.

"Asui!" Seeing his teammate being pulled through the air with no effort, Tokoyami hurried to her 'rescue' and attacked Yuuto with his Dark Shadow at a distance, allow him to let her go.

"About damn time... now, let's see if you two can prove me wrong" Yuuto mocked, going into a fighting stance.

With this, Asui and Tokoyami were ready for the 2v1.

"Just kidding!" Yuuto joked, confusing Asui and Tokoyami for a second, before they both realised.

Unfortunately, it was too late as Nejire came flying through the hole and approached the bomb, touching it.

"Team Heroes, WIN!!!" All Might announced through the speakers.

"Sorry about all that taunting, I didn't really mean what I say. It was all just part of the plan, hope there's no hard feelings" Yuuto said, walking closer to Tokoyami and Asui who sighed in defeat

"No hard feelings. You got us good, we shouldn't have forgotten about Nejire, neither should we have fallen for your taunts. This is truly our loss" Tokoyami brooded.

"Ribbit! It's fine. It seems we have quite a lot to learn, ribbit" Asui responded kindly.

"Yuuuuutoooo! We won!" Nejire cheered, running to Yuuto holding her hand up for a high-five.

"Hell yeah we did!" He smirked, high-fiving Nejire - who went to both Tokoyami and Asui and began exploding questions at the both of them, catching them off guard.


A/N: The MCxNejire thing may be a bit forced/TOO coincidental, but come on, I'd say it's practically the same as IzukuxOchaco... except, it's gonna be better since Yuuto and Nejire won't be too dense like Izuku and Ochaco.

Also, if it wasn't made clear enough, I haven't finalised MC's hero outfit yet, meaning there's still time for me to decide what it will be :)

Thanks for reading

Hope you enjoyed

Have a good day

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Rizzler007 Rizzler007

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


