100% A special mother for Harry Potter / Chapter 3: Chapter Two - Finding my place, a peculiar friend.

章 3: Chapter Two - Finding my place, a peculiar friend.

Sometimes you have to inject FANTASY

As not to die in REALITY


Sakura wakes up somewhat disoriented, blinking a couple of times to be able to focus her eyes around her, realizing that she is in what appears to be an alley.

A slight stab in her head makes her close her eye again, all the memories that have happened up to now come to her mind.

Now she had chakra and also Magic and a new opportunity too, trying to clarify all her emotions, she began to think.

What is she supposed to do? What would she do now?

Getting up slowly, she detailed her surroundings a little more, the walls of the alley were clean and had a gray and light brown color.

She now directed her view toward its exit and managed to see people passing by, she was a little confused when she saw that they were wearing something strange for her liking, but slowly she got out of there.

She noticed that she received several looks from those who passed by, some saw her with some confusion and intrigue but they continued, and others saw her with some disgust as if she were some disgusting being for them.

She clenched her fists tightly at these looks, her ramblings were interrupted by a voice in her head, it seemed almost like whispers because of how soft it was.

"Go to a bank called Gringotts, this one has a huge dragon on top of it, you will find it easily my little one"

Once recovered from the surprise at hearing her and knowing to whom said voice corresponded, she decided to obey it, Passing through the streets looking around her with curiosity and well-hidden surprise, she stopped suddenly in front of a store.

Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw her reflection through the window, she couldn't believe her eyes, her complexion, height, everything had changed, she was now a girl, how was that possible, how old was she supposed to be now, she knew she looked at least 4 or 5 years old, her hair was still pink and short, the seal of strength was still there, she was wearing a black blouse with white figures on the sides of her arms, light green shorts and black shoes, she understood a little because they looked at her with curiosity, she dressed very differently from them.


She decided not to dwell on the matter for now, continuing on her way until she found what she was looking for.

She stopped in front of the bank, and that was when she got another surprise when she was able to see some written words but the surprise was knowing that she could understand them.

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn,

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

She swallow hard at that clear warning, she didn't need to know this world to know that there they clearly told you that thieves and liars didn't fare well.

Walking a little further as she approached the entrance, she found two creatures just as small as her, they had armor on, they looked at her with some distrust, like all the wizards who passed through those doors.

Sakura by inertia held the gaze of one of them, he smiled showing his sharp teeth he looked like a miniature predator, although his smile was somewhat disturbing she did not hesitate, she lived many things for that smile to scare her.

"Bow to them as a greeting, they are goblins who take care of magical money" - That soft voice gave directions again.

Sakura obeyed, bowing to the goblins in front of her.

They blinked somewhat surprised by the greeting, but even so, they returned it and opened the door.

Thanking them with a slight smile, she prepared to enter with something of nervousness.

Once inside, she noticed that there were more of them, some of them were serving the adults with a bad face, and others were writing and weighing jewelry behind the desks.

She approached one who was writing while looking at a jewel, she heard the voice in her head again giving her more instructions.

"Wait for him to stop writing and pay attention to you, when this happens greet him saying these words 'May your gold flow and your wealth multiply', you must make a slight bow and wait for him to answer you, mention that you want to speak with the director of the Bank, about your family matters, mention that Eileen sends you, that will be more than enough little girl"

Sakura listened carefully to the instructions trying not to forget any details.

She wait patiently for the goblin in front of her to pay attention to her, which took another 3 minutes.

He looked up and fixed on the girl in front of him, it seemed strange that she had not demanded attention minutes ago.

Goblin - "What do you want girl, I'm not used to dealing with children" - He spoke abruptly, something nothing new for the wizards who frequented the Bank.

Sakura - "Good morning, may your gold flow and your wealth multiply" - She spoke softly as she bows slightly.

The goblin in front of her was surprised to hear the greeting, he didn't think that a wizard, much less a girl, would know the goblin greeting, there weren't many wizards like that anymore, he hurried to answer her.

Goblin - "May your enemy fall and your magic be strengthened, tell me how I can serve you" - He said a little softer, the girl knew his greeting so he would give her a better deal for now.

Sakura - "I need to talk to the bank manager, please, it's about my family's accounts" - She spoke a little low so that only he could hear her, the goblin grimaced at the mention of his lord.

Goblin - "What's the reason for your request, the bank manager doesn't serve wizards without an announcement in advance" - He said trying not to be too reluctant with the girl.

Sakura - "Please sir, I need to talk to him, the one who sends me is Eileen, she asked me to come here" - She speak with some nervousness to see that he was not convinced.

On the other hand, when the goblin heard that name, he looked into the girl's eyes looking for some sign of a lie, and saw that she was telling the truth, and that also explained how she knew the greeting.

Goblin - "Very well, please follow me" - He spoke after a few seconds of silence looking at the girl, he led her through several corridors.

Sakura thought that the journey was so long that she forgot which way to turn, they stopped in front of a black oak door with brown decorations, in the corridors there were paintings of landscapes and several red sofas.

Goblin - "Sit down and wait here, I'll see if the director agrees to speak with you" - He spoke again, he saw Sakura nod and sat on one of the sofas and continued to enter from the Office.

In the Office was a goblin much older than the others, but his eyes expressed wisdom and experience of his years of life, he looked up from the scrolls and fixed on the goblin who had just entered.

Director - "What's going on? What is this intrusion Grilp" - The director spoke, for his part the goblin now known as Grilp hurriedly bowed and prepared to speak.

Grilp - "My lord, I'm sorry to bother you but there is a girl out there who says she wants to talk to you, she knows the goblin greeting and mentioned that our Lady Magic was the one who sent her" - He spoke with respect towards the goblin in front of him, the director showed a face stunned at such words but quickly pulled himself together.

Director - "Okay, I'll see if that's true, let her pass" - He spoke indicating the door with his hand, Gripp said goodbye with a bow and left the Office.

Sakura was waiting for something nervous, she didn't know what to do once she was attended to.

Would she tell the truth? It was the best option, she didn't want to end badly by lying, she got up quickly when she saw that the goblin who attended her came out from behind the door.

Grilp - "The director decided to receive you, please come in" - He spoke giving way to the office.

Sakura - "Thank you very much" - She thanked with a nod and a slight smile, followed by entering the room without being aware of the astonishment on Grilp's face and that the director had heard her.

Sakura detailed the room a little, it was spacious, and it had chairs that at first glance seemed comfortable, behind them there was a black sofa, and a small table on one side, she also saw several swords carefully placed on the wall, and she directed her gaze to the desk of brown to her left, he had several papers on top and behind him was an old-looking goblin with a hard look.

She felt nervous when she saw the analytical look that the goblin gave her, and she sighed secretly encouraging.

Sakura - "Good morning, may your gold flow and your wealth multiply, my name is Sakura, sir" - She said, bowing respectfully just as she did with the previous goblin.

Director - "May your enemies fall and your magic be strengthened miss, my name is Valknard Director of Gringotts Bank" - He spoke in response to the greeting and verified that Grilp's words were true up to that point. - "Please sit down" - Seeing that she was still standing.

Sakura sat down in front of the goblin without knowing how to start.

Valknard - "Tell me, miss, what is so important that you have to deal with, that you couldn't do it with the goblins of the Bank" - He spoke again, he saw how the girl in front of him became nervous and he closed his eyes thinking that maybe she was lying.

Sakura - "It's complicated, I don't know how to express myself without seeming to lie, what I'm going to say is not something normal" - She said nervously when she felt the goblin's icy gaze.

Valknard - "Say it like that miss, I'll see if you're lying or not" - He said after a minute of silence.

Sakura - "I'm not from here" - She spoke directly.

Valknard - "Explain" - He said without understanding.

Sakura - "My world is not this, I have died in my world and I received a second chance, a lady named Hecate told me to come talk to you" - I speak the truth but without many details.

However the goblin in front of her did not know how to take those words until he had an idea, he looked to his left and saw the pensive he had, if the girl in front of him told the truth he would help her after all supposedly his lady had sent her with him, he got up from his chair.

Valknard - "Be careful miss we are not tolerant of liars" - He spoke harshly. - "But if what you say is true let me check it, I don't usually do this kind of thing but given the circumstances, an exception should be made" - He spoke again.

Sakura - "I understand that you don't believe me, and if you can see if I'm lying or not, do what you have to do to see that I'm telling the truth" - She said seriously, or what a girl could.

Valknard extended his hand to Sakura's head and touching it lightly pulled out a large silver thread from it, he carefully took it to the pensieve being followed by Sakura's gaze behind him, he didn't care about that and poured everything he took out into the water and gave the girl a look before plunging his head into the pensieve.

Sakura didn't know what he was doing, she thought the goblin wanted to drown until she heard the voice in her head again.

"Don't worry, he's watching your whole life, so he'll check your story, you just have to wait and they'll help you"

Understanding what he was doing, she decided to wait until he finished seeing her life, even though she wasn't very happy about it.

Valknard saw the whole life of the now girl, from her childhood, when she became what seemed to be a ninja, how she found her destined even as children and since then she wanted to be with him, her struggles, when the team separated and she was the most affected, her teacher giving her words of encouragement in the face of that break, her training, he saw her brute strength, her gift for medicine, the times in which she found her destined and this attempt to kill her by being blinded by revenge, the war, when her group came together for the last time, those beings going out to destroy everything, her participation in it, until the last moment where she was pierced by the arm of that black-haired man, her last moments of life in the arms of her master wishing them a good life.

As a magical creature, he could often see the thread that connected one wizard to another, and in those memories, he saw how she was connected to the dark-haired man, and that blonde who said he loved her was destined for someone else, hence her rejection of the blonde. To his surprise, he saw when she met Mother Magic and she gave her another chance to live and let him keep all her power.

He took his head out of the pensive without really knowing what to think, he couldn't believe what he saw, the girl was telling the truth.

He turned his eyes towards her, she in turn had her head lying on the desk waiting for him, but she raised her head when she realized that he had already finished.

With sure steps, he went back to his chair. He looked at the girl again and didn't know what to think about her.

Sakura - "You saw it right" - She said with her head looking at the ground. - "You saw my whole life and how I died" - She said with tears in her eyes, she tried to clean himself but it was useless.

Valknard - "Indeed, what you say is true, you proved that you don't belong to this world, but at the same time you do" - He spoke softly as he understand the girl a little more.

Sakura - "I don't understand" - She spoke once she was able to calm her emotions, being a girl made her work difficult.

Valknard - "You received a new opportunity from our lady, you must take advantage of it, if she sends you here with us it is because you probably have things to inherit" - He spoke starting to look for some parchments and extending them in front of the girl.

Sakura - "Do you think I can have something in this world?" - She ask surprised.

Valknard - "That's what we'll check, drop 5 drops on the parchment and we'll see if anything belongs to you" - He passed her a dagger with diamond details on the handle.

Sakura cut her palm and let the drops fall, Valknard watched as the girl's palm glowed green and blue and quickly healed.

'That must be the healing method of the ninjas' - He thought.

He began to read the scroll aloud once he saw the letters appear.

Name: Sakura Kasiopela Uchiha Gaunt Peverell

Age: 5 years

Father: Edmund Scorpius Uchiha Gaunt (Deceased)

Mother: Clarisse Rosalie Perverell (Deceased)

Godfather: No record

Godmother: No record

Blood type: First-generation pure blood (Last heiress)

Close living relatives: None

Relatives from other family branches:

The Blacks

The Potters

Tom Marvolo Riddle Gaunt

Monetary inheritance:

Hufflepuff Chamber: 100% on mother's side

Ravenclaw Chamber: 100% by Father

Slytherin Chamber: 100% on Father's side

Perverell Chamber: 100% by Mother (Including that of the older brothers by decision)

Gaunt Chamber: 100% on the father's side

Building Inheritance:

Daily the prophet "on the rise" 70%

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 75%

Madame Malkin "on the rise" 65%

Flourish and Botts Bookstore 65%

Florean Fortescue ice cream parlor "on the rise" 75%

Magical Pet Shop 65%

Perverell Mansion under Fidelio 100%

Perverell Castle under Fidelio 100%

Under fidelity charm Gaunt Manor: 100% (For being the first heiress to claim)

Gaunt Castle: 100% (For being the first heiress to claim)

Cabin South of Greece: 100% (For being the first heiress to claim)

Hufflepuff Manor: 100%

Hufflepuff Castle in Italy muggle under Fidelio: 100%

Hufflepuff Castle Greece low Fidelio: 100%

Low Fidelio Veela Hufflepuff Nature Reserve

Slytherin Castle low Fidelio: 100% (Being the first pure heiress to claim)

Slytherin Castle Italy low Fidelio: 100% (Being the first pure heiress to claim)

Cabin north of Greece under Fidelio 100% (Being the first pure heiress to claim)

Slytherin Nature Reserve of Dragons under Fidelio

Ravenclaw Castle: 100%

Ravenclaw Castle London Muggles: 100%

Muggle London Mansion: 100%

Ravenclaw nature reserve of magical animals including werewolves

Uchiha Mansion South of France under fidelity: 100%

Manor under Fidelio mansion:100%

Gifts obtained:

• Talk parcel

• Natural Occlumency

• Natural Legilimency

• Natural Necromancer

• Wandless Magic

• Nonverbal Magic

• Healing Magic

• Elemental Magic


• Resurrection Stone

(By last order of Lord Perverell I)

• Elder Wand

(By last order of Lord Perverell II)

• Invisibility cloak

(Cannot be claimed, under Potter protection)

Gaunt, Uchiha, Perverell, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin rings.


• Lady - Gaunt

• Lady - Uchiha

• Lady - Peverell

• Lady - Hufflepuff

• Lady - Ravenclaw

• Lady - Slytherin (Not shared yet)

Nobody said anything, both of them were surprised by what he was saying, Sakura was the first to speak.

Sakura - "How can my last name be Uchiha? The last one stayed in my other world" - She spoke shocked to know that she would have that last name here.

Valknard - "Well, apparently mother magic should have also given another opportunity to an Uchiha from your world, he apparently created his own family here, and they died without descendants, but now you are his daughter and the heiress of everything" - He spoke looking for a logical answer to that, without telling her that he already knew those wizards.

Sakura - "To tell the truth, I don't even know half of what is written there, which is that of being the first heiress to claim" - She wanted to know, it was something that left her with doubts.

Valknard - "You will see there is another Gaunt heir in the magical world, but he belongs to the second branch of the family, unlike you he never came to claim anything, he is also heir to Slytherin just like you, it is believed that the Slytherin fortune is bankrupt but Salazar Slytherin had an immeasurable inheritance that he made sure to keep, and only the one who came to claim his inheritance and deserved such a fortune could touch it, it seems that you were chosen" - He spoke, and saw how the girl in front of him was surprised for such a revelation.

Sakura - "What is that parcel?" - It was something else she wanted to know.

Valknard - "Oh that, considering that in your world they use huge animals as invocations it will not be difficult to understand, the parcel is the language of the snakes, Salazar Slytherin spoke with them" - He said with a little amusement when seeing the girl's surprise.

Sakura - "Not even here I free myself from Orochimaru's reference" - She said grabbing her hair desperately.

Valknard - "You now have a great fortune, miss, you should know how to handle it very well" - He said checking the parchment of inheritance.

Sakura - "I don't know anything about that... you can take care of it for me, I don't have anyone else to trust" - She asked with red cheeks and looking in another direction, she was embarrassed to say that she didn't know how to handle any magical money.

Valknard was surprised but understanding the problem he smiled showing his sharp teeth.

Valknard - "It will be a pleasure miss, I will personally take care of your assets here in Gringotts, tell me if you have any other questions" - He speaks rarely friendly.

Sakura - "If you talk about animal reserves and werewolves, what is that" - She said childishly without being able to help it.

Valknard - "The founders of one of the most important schools in the magical world are Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw, Godric Gryffindor, and Helga Hufflepuff, this school is divided into 4 houses, each with the surname of one of the founders, they created much fame in their lifetime, they are also the teachers of Merlin, the most famous wizard in our community, they created reserves to protect magical animals from the wizards who hunt them, it sounds cruel but magical life has changed a lot, and those reserves they are under a concealment spell to protect them from danger, even though werewolves are hunted by their violent nature when the full moon approaches and they don't have homes of their own" - He finished, leaving Sakura with many questions.

Sakura - "Can I ask you a favor" - She speak suddenly.

Valknard - "As long as it's within my reach, miss."

Sakura - "How could I help the werewolves? Can I give them a place to live without being hunted? I know very well what it's like to be mistreated by something you don't decide to be, my friend Naruto had a fox inside him and those in my village mistreated him and called him a demon, they didn't understand the difference between the jailer and the tenant" - She spoke, lowering her sad gaze when thinking about her friend.

Valknard was surprised by those words, he began to feel respect for the girl, she felt empathy for the magical creatures without knowing them yet, she will be a great ally, it was what he thought.

Valknard - "I can find a suitable place for them and send them there, don't worry I will do everything possible to help them on your behalf miss."

Sakura - "One more thing" - She began to speak again after realizing something important. - "If my family died what do I have to do to not receive orders from anyone, I don't want to have strange people by my side" - She said making a face at the latter.

Valknard - "Don't worry, we'll do the emancipation papers right now, so you won't be under the tutelage of the Ministry, and if you do something they won't be able to touch you, you'll be under the protection of the bank" - He spoke starting to review some papers, after a minute another goblin arrives with a scroll and he hands it to him.

Sakura watched as they spoke another language to each other and then the one who entered came out again and Valknard handed her a piece of paper.

Valknard - "You must sign it and your emancipation will be ready, you will be given the rings and your Ladyships and will become the leader of extinct houses, keep in mind that once this is made public, you will be in the sights of many greedy people, I suggest you study everything you can of this world" - He spoke while under his desk he took out several boxes and put them in order on the table.

Sakura signed understanding everything he said, and it is that she had already planned to do a general study on this new world.

Valknard - "Very well now you will be given the ring of Lady Uchiha and head of the family" - He said taking out a beautiful ring with the colors red and silver.

Sakura took it and saw that in the center there was a drawing of a Sharingan, she instinctively thought of Sasuke.


Sakura - "This is the Sharingan of the Uchiha" - She commented softly.

Valknard remembered the changing eyes of the Uchiha in the girl's memories and knew what she meant, he saw how the girl put it on with teary eyes.

Valknard - "Well" - He tried to get her attention. - "Now it's the Perverell family ring" - He took out of the box a gold ring with black details, it had the Perverell symbol half distorted in the center.


Sakura put it on her left hand next to the Uchiha ring, she stared at the ring for a few seconds while Valknard took out the next one.

Valknard - "Now Lady Gaunt's ring" - This was black with a pink heart in the center and small diamonds encrusted on the edges and on the front as well.


When Sakura put her ring it glitters for a few microseconds.

She looked at Valknard intrigued by this reaction.

Valknard - "The Gaunt ring has recognized you as Lady and leader of the family, that's why it shined" - He answered the girl's silent question, took out a larger box, and in it there were four rings but he only took out three. - "You are an heiress of the founders and three rings belong to you first the Hufflepuff ring" - It was silver with delicate and beautiful yellow jewels in Sakura's opinion.


She placed it in her right hand and it too glowed in recognition.

Valknard nodded in approval at this.

Valknard - "Now the Ravenclaw ring" - He said taking out a silver ring with black and the Ravenclaw logo.


It also sparkled in contact with Sakura's hand.

Valknard passed her the last corresponding ring.

Valknard - "Well here is the last ring belonging to the house of snakes" - He commented with a smile.

The ring was gold with a snake in the center that seemed to be embroidered and two emeralds on the sides.


It also glowed when it entered in contact with her hand, but after that the other rings also glowed and merged into one, leaving on her finger a castle-shaped ring made of white gold with several diamonds embedded.


 Sakura - "What happened" - She asked surprised.

Valknard - "The rings were merged for the better use of the heiress" - He commented admiring the ring next to her. - "Tell me, do you want something else, lady Uchiha" - He said with a smile when seeing her face contorted by the title.

Sakura - "Just call me Sakura, that's my name, and I wanted to know where I will live now." - She had no idea where to go.

Valknard - "You can go to one of your properties, I suggest Rowena Ravenclaw's castle there you will find books with a lot of information about our world" - He spoke trying to help her. Sakura nodded several times at the suggestion. - "Okay a Portkey will be brought immediately, meanwhile you should get a way to withdraw money from our bank both for the magical world and the muggles, that will help you get personal things - As he spoke he looked in his drawer for some things.

He took out two small bags, they had a spell that connected them to one of the vaults that belonged to her, he promised to help her in everything he could so that she would adapt to this world, she was the chosen one of his lady and he had a feeling that she would do great things for his community.

Sakura looked at the sacks with intrigue, she had forgotten that she needed money and where to live, the voice in her head sounded again.

"You've done well my little one, once he is done helping you, tell him to take some belongings made by his race from one of the vaults, that will show your appreciation for the help they gave you"

That sounded like a good idea.

Valknard - "You must drop three drops of blood into each of the bags, the one on the left is for magical money, the one on the right is Muggle money, that is, non-magical money" - Moment when remembering that she didn't know it was Muggle money.

Sakura - "What is mugies" - She said blinking confused, making her look like a cute girl.

Valknard - "It's Muggles, Miss Sakura, it means people without magic, the magical world lives hidden from people who don't have our gift, and they are called that."

Sakura nodded, understanding that point, she dropped the drops into the bags and kept them in the pocket of her shorts, a few minutes later a leprechaun arrived with a tray, on which there was a crown.

Valknard - "Well, here's the portkey, I'm sure you'll soon know what is a portkey" - He spoke, getting up and heading towards the tray.

Sakura - "Wait" - I said, making Valknard turn to see her. - "Before leaving, as a thank-you I want you to take some belongings made by your race from one of the vaults" - I almost forgot to thank him.

Valknard was surprised by that offer, he didn't know how she knew what she could offer, but he nodded, not thinking about it.

Valknard - "Which vault do you want to open, Miss Sakura" - He spoke, looking for the box with the keys. He hadn't given it to her because it wasn't necessary since they already had a bag connected to them.

Sakura - "Hmm, I think Ravenclaw would be fine" - She spoke after thinking about it for a moment.

Valknard went to the door and indicated that she should go out first, once outside they went deeper into the Bank and reached what seemed to be the beginning of some caves.

Sakura spotted a metal path on the ground, in Konoha she never saw that.

Valknard whistled loudly, and quickly a cart appeared, surprising the girl who took a few steps back. Valknard told her to go up this somewhat doubtful one, she complied with the request and followed, she went up.

Valknard - "In these carts, it is like we get from one vault to another, it will be better to hold on since they go at great speeds" - He finishes speaking so that the cart moves quickly.

Sakura put chakra in her feet but to tell the truth, she enjoyed the speed of the cart, they took at least two minutes or more to reach the vault since it was in high security, they went down and headed for the huge door.

Sakura took a look around the place to something cold, she turned her view when she felt the door open, she almost fainted when she saw the mountains of gold and valuable things that were inside.

Valknard looked for his reward while Sakura took a gold coin and admired it more closely, its shape and weight were very interesting.

Valknard - "That's it, Miss Sakura, I've taken this sword, it's a creation of the goblins it's very old" - He commented admiring the sword.

Sakura - "Wow, it's beautiful, in my world I've seen many swords, but they didn't have jewels" - She commented, approaching to see it closely.

Valknard - "I've seen it among your memories, well I guess that's all, it's time for you to start your new life in this world full of magic" - He spoke while closing the vault, after that, they got back on the cart to return.

They were in front of the Portkey, Sakura was curious about what it was like and afraid of what it would feel, but she steeled herself by reminding herself that she shouldn't be afraid.

Valknard - "Okay, on the count of three we'll take the portkey, it'll take us to Ravenclaw castle" - He said once he saw the determination in the girl. - "One... Two.....three" - They quickly took the crown and were transported.

Sakura felt that everything was spinning, a pull in her stomach as if something was pushing her hard, she felt a pain in her back as she fell hard to the ground. She stood up with the help of Valknard when she saw herself standing in a large forest, the landscape was beautiful.

Valknard walked over to a huge stone on the side of a tree, pulled out a dagger and handed it to Sakura.

Valknard - "You must drop 3 drops on the stone, its blood will cause the Fidelio Charm to reveal and show the property" - He spoke when he saw that she took the dagger without knowing what to do.

Sakura did as requested and quickly saw how an invisible wall fell, leaving a huge castle surrounded by water.


Sakura - "Wow, it's beautiful" - The girl commented happily.

Valknard - "Indeed, it is, we must enter, the house elves must know that they have a master again" - He said, starting his way towards the entrance through a bridge.

Sakura - "What are house elves" - I ask, curious after Valknard.

Valknard - "They are beings who love to serve the wizards, their magic is very strong but since they cannot channel it well, they do it by serving the wizards and doing the chores, many believe them to be simply unimportant, when in reality their magic is often more powerful, they are happy serving but most are mistreated" - He began to explain already reaching the door.

Sakura - "Poor things, why treat living beings badly that help you at home?" - The girl asked innocently.

Valknard - "Many pureblood wizards think they are more than the creatures and that is how they treat them" - He commented, already standing at the door. - "Well I hope you are ready once your new life starts, Lady Uchiha I hope great things from you, do not doubt that."

Sakura smiled at his words and sighed, giving herself courage, he was right now she began her journey.

Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/320910120-a-special-mother-for-harry-potter-editing

Scribble Hub: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/777917/a-special-mother-for-harry-potter/

Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/15849399/A-special-mother-for-Harry-Potter/1

Discord: https://discord.gg/pmkqwvrkGm


Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).

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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


