78.57% Crescent Veil : Chronicles of Intrigue / Chapter 9: Chapter 8 : Unveiled Moons, Madness of Chaos

章 9: Chapter 8 : Unveiled Moons, Madness of Chaos

The vast hall of this mysterious realm, blanketed in a shroud of gray fog, with majestic towering pillars, had grown strangely familiar to Lucias. Ever since he had chanted that incantation, a mere string of words he had initially dismissed as meaningless, it had granted him these peculiar powers and drawn him into this unfamiliar body in this realm. Uncertain at first, he had grown accustomed to awakening here whenever his consciousness waned. It had become a strange sort of second home.

Lucias sighed as he felt the familiar sensation of waking up in this mysterious realm, murmuring to himself, "Well, here we are again. It's almost comforting in its own way, returning to this place."

Seated upon the imposing throne, his gaze drifted to the twelve vacant seats below. There was little to capture his attention other than those grand chairs and the towering pillars that stood like spectral sentinels amidst the gray fog.

"It's quite dull, to be honest. There's never anything to do here," Lucias remarked, his voice tinged with boredom as he spoke to himself.

"Did I really lose to him?" Lucias pondered, his voice filled with a mix of disbelief and intrigue. "He managed to stay one step ahead, read my patterns. He's amazing, and I can't help but wonder what kind of favor he might ask."

Lucias leaned back in the throne, his mind swirling with questions and curiosity, the solitude of this realm being his only companion.

His gaze drifted towards one of the twelve empty seats, a place that had once summoned a young man named Nathan.

"I have a promise to fulfill with him in just a week," Lucias mumbled to himself, his voice filled with unwavering determination. "I've always been one to honor the promises I make."

Rising from the throne, Lucias moved gracefully across the hall. His ethereal form, draped in a veil that resembled the shimmering expanse of a starry night, contrasted differently with the childlike body he inhabited in the real world.

Eleven vacant seats remained, a mystery waiting to be unraveled. Memories of his first awakening in this realm, when Nathan had emerged at the same time with him, stirred within Lucias's contemplative mind.

"There are still eleven unclaimed seats. How does this process work?" Lucias pondered aloud as his hand came to rest upon Nathan's vacant seat.

His fingers traced the symbol etched into the seat's surface-a Feather in Flames. An ethereal glow emanated from the mark as Lucias's touch met its surface, and a cascade of fragmented memories flooded his thoughts. He beheld scenes of Nathan, a portrait of unwavering devotion, offering his prayers with tears and reverence.

"In the presence of the Beginning with no Ending, the Ruler of the Unseen, I humbly direct my prayers to you. Bestow upon me your divine grace and guidance," Nathan's words echoed in Lucias's mind, each syllable resounding with boundless faith.

The depth of Nathan's devotion rendered Lucias momentarily speechless. Such profound dedication was foreign to him, a stark contrast to his own experiences.

"Nathan truly believes I'm his deity; he keeps praying every day. Somehow, I find myself drawn to him. The act of prayer itself bestows something upon this body," Lucias said as he noticed subtle changes in his form within this realm.

Releasing his hold on Nathan's seat, Lucias resumed his journey through the expansive hall. Yet, despite his exploration, there was nothing new to discover beyond what he had already encountered. The enigma of this realm persisted, elusive and unyielding.

"I wish I could do something to this palace. It seems to be an ideal place for secret gatherings," Lucias mused as he walked back to the throne, sinking into it with a bored expression.

"I wonder how long until my other body regain consciousness." he wondered aloud.


The crimson moons engulf the world with their radiance, drifting any soul of beings into madness. Chaos reigned in the capital of the Chromium Empire, where the sudden alteration during the bustling hours left many citizens afflicted by this madness. Those who succumbed to the radiant influence ran rampant, attacking others mindlessly.

In his lavish office, Chief of the Imperial Order, Chrome Noxis, stood gazing out of a grand window that offered an expansive view of the capital. The eerie crimson illumination of the moons cast an unsettling hue over the city, elongating shadows that seemed to pulse with malevolent energy.

His brow furrowed deeply as he surveyed the turmoil unfolding in the streets below. People darted about in panicked disarray, some inexplicably turning on others with senseless aggression. It was an unprecedented level of chaos, and the capital was descending into sheer madness.

"This marks the second occurrence of the crimson moons this month. What in the world is truly happening?" Chrome muttered to himself, his typically composed demeanor giving way to genuine bewilderment. A man rooted in principles of order and discipline, the current state of his beloved capital rocked him to his very core.

At that moment, Captain Alaric, one of his most trusted subordinates, entered the room. Alaric had witnessed much in his years of service, but the events unfolding in the capital eclipsed anything he had ever encountered. His countenance was grave as he approached Chrome's desk and delivered a concise salute.

"Report, Captain," Chrome commanded, his tone tinged with urgency.

Clearing his throat, Captain Alaric spoke with a steady voice that barely concealed his unease. "Chief Noxis, the situation within the capital is dire. The crimson radiance has affected a substantial portion of the populace. Many have succumbed to madness, and there are reports of violent incidents spreading throughout the city."

Chrome clenched his fists in frustration, his usual composure wavering. "And what can you tell me about these... corrupted entities I've been hearing whispers of?"

Captain Alaric nodded gravely. "Chief, it is true. Some of those affected by the crimson radiance have undergone a disturbing transformation. They've become what we can only describe as 'corrupted entities.' These beings exhibit unnatural strength and appear impervious to pain. They are wreaking havoc on a wide scale."

Chrome's jaw tightened as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. The capital was descending into chaos, and these corrupted entities posed an unparalleled threat. He understood that swift and decisive action was imperative.

"Assemble teams, Captain. We must address this crisis with the utmost urgency," Chrome declared resolutely. "We cannot permit this madness to engulf our capital. Furthermore, I want a comprehensive understanding of these corrupted entities—how to neutralize them."

"Alaric," Chrome said.

"Yes, Chief" Alaric responded with determination.

"Make sure to keep your mind resolute. Don't succumb to those whispering voices," Chrome reminded him.

"Yes, Chief. I won't falter as a captain of the 1st order!"

Captain Alaric saluted once more and departed promptly, resolute in executing his orders. Chrome Noxis, his thoughts centered on the task ahead, recognized that the destiny of the capital rested on the shoulders of the Imperial Order. He was prepared to do whatever was necessary to restore order and safeguard his people.

As Captain Alaric made his swift exit, the chief's office seemed to darken, shadows deepening in its corners. The man at its center, Chrome Noxis, was renowned for his keen intellect and unwavering loyalty to the Chromium Empire. His eyes shifted toward a concealed corner, and he whispered a name.


Emerging from the depths of the shadows, a young woman materialized, her presence barely making a sound in the dimly illuminated room. In her twenties, she exuded the aura of an assassin, her attire tailored for stealth and discretion. Dark brown locks framed her face, and hazel eyes held a glint of intrigue and mystery.

"Yes, Master," she acknowledged with a nod, her voice as soft and unobtrusive as her arrival.

Chrome Noxis leaned forward, locking his gaze with hers. "Selene, you heard what Alaric reported, right? This situation is spiraling out of control. It's my duty to maintain order, no matter the circumstances."

Selene nodded, fully aware that the madness gripping the capital had added another layer of responsibility to her already burdened master.

"What's your order, Master? I'll carry it out without hesitation." Selene knelt in front of Chrome, her posture reflecting her unwavering dedication.

Chrome sighed, conflicted about the order he was about to give. He didn't relish the idea of asking for assistance from the Church, viewing them as an annoyance benefiting from divine favor.

"I need you to establish contact with the authorities of the Church of Divine Storm. We require their assistance in quelling this chaos."

Selene, though obedient, couldn't help but feel her master's discomfort. She inquired with caution, "May I ask why the Church? I understand the urgency, but we could..."

Chrome interrupted, a tinge of bitterness in his voice. "In a situation like this, mortal power alone is insufficient. We may be able to mitigate the situation, but for those who have already transformed into corrupted beings, our soldiers will have a challenging time. This includes you, Selene."

Selene realized she had overstepped and immediately apologized, her words a genuine reflection of her remorse. "I apologize, Master. I did not intend to question your judgment. I will convey your message to the Church immediately."

With a final nod from Chrome, Selene left the room as silently as a whisper, her shadow disappear from the room as Chrome leaned back again in his seat.


Selene infiltrated the headquarters of the Church with the power of a shadow, her form melding seamlessy with the darkness. However, her stealthy entry did not escape notice. As she slipped into a chamber, her every movement came to an abrupt halt. A chilling, icy magic encased her feet, freezing her in place.

A chuckle emanated from the room's shadows, a voice laced with amusement. "I didn't expect to find a rat in my personal chamber. Are you lost?" The tone was mocking, as if relishing Selene's predicament.

Immobile against her will, Selene found herself face to face with the man responsible for her capture. His piercing gaze locked onto hers, and his touch brushed her jaw, forcing her to meet his icy stare. It was none other than Theron Frostweaver, the youngest bishop in the Church of the Divine Storm.

Theron possessed a striking visage, with snow-white locks and captivating, icy-blue eyes that drew in those who met his gaze.

Theron hailed from a noble family renowned for their mastery over ice manipulation. The title "Frostweaver" had been bestowed upon him by the Emperor of the Chromium Empire, recognizing his unwavering dedication to the Empire.

With no choice but to comply, Selene offered an apology and gratitude as Theron released her from his icy prison. He took his seat, his demeanor seemingly carefree despite the situation.

"So, what brings you here? Given the urgency, I assume the old man isn't in the best of situations." Theron's tone was nonchalant, betraying a hint of youthful arrogance.

"I apologize for any rudeness, but disrespecting my Master is unacceptable, no matter the circumstances. I won't tolerate such behavior." Selene's words were polite but tinged with restrained anger.

Theron, though seemingly unapologetic, appeared to grasp why this shadowy visitor had come despite her master's disdain for the Church.

"Did your master send you with a message related to the current situation in the capital?" Theron inquired.

"If that's the case, you can inform him that there's no need to worry. Even without his request, the Church will lend a hand. After all, we are servants of His Majesty." Theron spoke with an air of respect, referring to the Emperor as "His Majesty."

Selene nodded, despite her inner turmoil. She longed to beat this privileged young man, but she knew her current form and abilities wouldn't allow for it. Theron was indeed a blessed individual, not only gifted with the rare talent of ice manipulation but also favored by the Emperor's divine blessing.

"I wonder what criteria the divine use to grant their blessings," Selene contemplated silently. Her master, Chrome Noxis, was an ordinary human, but she had witnessed his incredible capabilities. She was raised and gifted with an artifact that allowed her to transform into shadow, serving him was the only way she could repay his kindness.

Seeing Selene just standing there, Theron couldn't resist taunting her. "Isn't this over, or would you like to play with me?" He grinned, mischief dancing in his eyes. "I could turn you into a beautiful icy sculpture. I promise you won't regret it!" His smile concealed a hint of madness.

Selene couldn't help but think that this man was certifiably insane. Without uttering another word, she gracefully disappeared from Theron's sight. She had no intention of indulging his whims any further. As she dissolved into the shadows, Theron couldn't hold back his laughter, settling back into his seat.

However, the joviality was short-lived. He shifted his focus to the report on his desk, a solemn expression replacing his earlier mirth. The situation in the capital was indeed dire, with chaos reigning supreme.

Drawing on the knowledge he had acquired during his time at the Imperial Library and as an apprentice in the Church, Theron pieced together the dire circumstances. He understood that this chaos was likely a result of a significant shift in the moon's authority. It was a concept he had come across in his studies, an idea that the world had undergone three eras of transformation.

Seeing the confused expression on your face. Theron decide to provide some context. "I can see you're a bit bewildered. Let me simplify it for you." He leaned back in his chair, preparing to share a piece of history.

Theron wasn't talking to himself; rather, he was addressing those who had been watching him from afar. The otherworldly being with their strange screen on their hand.

"The world was initially created by a mighty god who brought forth the first beings, the dragon kind. These dragons ruled the world and established what we now know as the Seven Sovereigns. However, their rule was oppressive, subjecting other creatures to suffering."

Theron continued, "In response, the mighty god created the Heroes, beings of unknown origin, each wielding incredible power and a renowned weapon. Siegfried, the brilliant sword of light, was one of these weapons. The Heroes united and managed to overthrow the Seven Sovereigns, ushering in an era of peace."

"Four of the Heroes went on to establish kingdoms and became rulers. The fates of the other three Heroes remain a mystery, and their whereabouts are unknown. Over time, the descendants of the Heroes continued their legacies, but not all of them upheld their ancestors' virtues. Greed and envy corroded their hearts, leading to the downfall of the great nations they had built."

Theron paused briefly, his gaze distant, as if witnessing the past unfolding before him. "This marked the beginning of a massive war, involving not only nations but also new powers. These powers included the Emperor of the Chromium Empire, the Saint of Eternal Light, the Mother of Desire, the Seven Sages of Altria, and an otherworldly entity."

"In the end," Theron concluded, "the Emperor of the Chromium Empire emerged victorious, claiming the most land and spoils of war. The Saint of Eternal Light lost their physical form but retained their consciousness in their realm. The Mother of Desire was banished from our world and went into hiding. The Seven Sages acknowledged their defeat, and the otherworldly being vanished as the war came to an end."

Theron's gaze returned to you the otherworldy entity behind the screen, his eyes reflecting the gravity of the knowledge he had just shared. "As you can see, our world has witnessed its share of turbulent changes, and it appears we stand on the brink of another significant transformation."

His smile, warm and almost conspiratorial, felt like a secret shared exclusively between the two of you. "The future holds its mysteries, doesn't it? But I sincerely hope you'll continue to accompany us on this journey."

With a casual grace, Theron shed his outer garments, revealing a physique chiseled to perfection, every muscle and sinew testament to his physical prowess. But it wasn't just his body; his visage was equally striking, his features handsome in a way that could only be described as princely. He swiftly changed into an attire more suited for action—a military-style suit, an unexpected choice for a bishop, but a reflection of his past as a dedicated soldier in the Imperial Order.

You found yourself blushing uncontrollably, unable to tear your eyes away as you discreetly attempted to steal glimpses of the enticing scene unfolding before you.

"What are you doing? Are you feeling a bit shy?" Theron couldn't help but laugh, his voice laced with amusement as he noticed your futile attempt to cover your face with your hand while sneakily peeking through the small gaps between your fingers.

He continued to tease, his tone playfully indulgent. "Feel free to gaze as much as you like, my dear. After all, you won't have the chance to witness this scene again." His words held a hint of seductive allure, as though he was deliberately toying with your senses.

Once he had finished changing into his more practical attire, Theron glanced back at you, a playful wink and a mischievous grin on his face. "Would you be so kind as to wish me luck?" he chuckled, his laughter lingering in the room like an enchanting melody as he departed, ready to face the challenges that awaited him, leaving you with a racing heart and cheeks flushed with excitement.


Author's note: Hello, my dear readers! I'm back this early for a new chapter... HA HA HA

In this chapter, we're starting to learn more about the world in which our story unfolds. Theron, who's quite excited about it, is like a history teacher sharing what he knows. But here's the catch: not everything he says is the complete truth. The world is still full of secrets, and some parts of its history are hidden on purpose.

Now, here's a little secret from me, the author: This world is vast and not fully explored. Most people live on the major continents, but there are still many unknown places waiting to be discovered. As you follow Lucias on his journey, you'll slowly learn more about the world's complexities and the hidden mysteries beneath its surface. Get ready for an exciting ride full of surprises and revelations!

I will see you later in next chapter! 

1001001sh 1001001sh

My heart, a destiny tied to the sun's embrace,

In the icy lands, where North winds chase.

They shroud the truths, the secrets they've spun,

A world's myriad, like wolves in a pack, as one.

With each dawn's light, our stories entwine,

In the dance of shadows, secrets align.

The little wolf, a lone soul in the night,

Guided by the stars, seeking its own light.

In the tapestry of life, we all play a part,

A symphony of souls, a work of art.

In the heart of destiny, we find our way,

Amidst the sun's warmth, or the moon's soft sway.

So let our journey, like a river, flow,

Through icy lands, where truths may glow.

In the pack of time, we find our grace,

And in the unseen, we discover our place.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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