83.78% Isekai Restaurant / Chapter 31: Chapter 8 Part 2

章 31: Chapter 8 Part 2

- Silas -

I was preparing a menu for the Walpurgis which will be held tonight.

A literal gathering of fucking Demon Lords at my Restaurant.

This week has been fairly quiet though.

The girls had gone out for a night and solved whatever problem we had with the Onmyoji.

But seeing as Shuna was leading them, she wouldn't have done anything too excessive. Shuna was quite kind hearted that way.

The normal customers gathered as usual.

Ikki had gone on some work for Kisuke. That guy wanted to rescue that not middle school girl, Rukia. She was taken away by some place called the Soul Society. They were training for the said rescue.

I did offer my help but Kisuke said that matters might get worse if someone of my power showed up.

I agreed.

"Silas, a Dragon Apple Pie." I heard the voice as soon as the door to the restaurant opened. Veldora is quite taken to the food from my Restaurant, Now he is a regular customer. In fact, all three of his meals were cooked here.

I already kept several pies reserved for when he came so I just heated one up and served him before returning to the preparations.

"Say Veldora, what can you tell me about the Demon Lords? I want to make something for them but I don't know what kind of things they might like." I asked as he finished eating and I was done with my work.

Veldora on the other hand had already taken out a handheld console and was ready for his daily gaming marathon which was from now till lunch time.

This Dragon was becoming a classic otaku.

"Demon Lords? Eh, I don't know much about the new ones. I was sealed when it happened. But the older ones, I know. You already know Guy, Ramiris and Milim. They are the oldest among the Demon Lords. Then comes Dino, Dagrule and hmm, what was her name again… yes, Valentine. They are also really old. Dino is the lazy ass who likes to sleep. He is a Fallen Angel who was first created by my elder brother. He fell later on and joined the Demon Lord council."

"Your elder brother?" I asked at the mention of the statement.

"Oh yes. Veldanava was our eldest brother. He is the one who created our world and several tens of thousands of other worlds. He was Milim's father."



"Say what?" I asked, my mind blanked at the reveal.

The guy himself was not even concerned about the insanity of the statement.

He then went on to tell me the story about Veldanava and his end and how Milim became a Demon Lord. I came to understand why Milim was the way she was.

A child who hadn't known the love of a family since birth and craved loving relations.

…Maybe I will make her a dessert for today. One day free in her month-long sentence.

Man… I really spoil her.

I wonder what I would have done if I had a real little sister.

But then Veldora had gone on to explain the characters of the Demon Lords and I waited for the evening now.

It was evening and time for the Walpurgis.

Suddenly Veldora came rushing into the Restaurant.

"Silas, I have heard that there are new Mangas in your company. I want to see them." He asked, hurriedly.

"Umm… sure. Are you not staying for the Walpurgis?"

"Walpurgis? Eh, that's boring Demon Lord stuff. I am a True Dragon. What do I need to do with those meetings? I have more important things to do."



"Thank you my friend. I will be sure to guard the Holy Land of Sacred Texts hahahaha." The chunni dragon patted my shoulder and walked out of the Restaurant.

He seemed to be in a bit of a hurry.

Meh, what problems can he cause by just reading some manga? I know that he won't be destroying anything in the town. The guy has learned some restraint according to Rimuru.

An hour later, the two maids Guy had sent before came in to check the preparations. They opened a gate such that the people can directly connect to the room in Tempest where the door opens.

This was done with Rimuru's permission obviously. The happiest one was without a doubt Milim.

There were ten Demon Lords, nine now actually because I killed Clayman. Each will be bringing two subordinates with them. I changed the arrangements of the room with Magic to make the place big enough for everyone.

Man, I needed to renovate the place soon.

Get a bigger restaurant maybe.

I'll need several more employees for it too.

Chefs, waitresses and other staff.

"Silas-sama, we will escort the guests now." The Blue haired maid bowed to me and I nodded back.

And surely, within five minutes, the door opened and people walked in, one after another. The first was Guy along with a white haired girl. Then came Milim and Ramiris followed by a Demon and a green haired woman. Frey and a rough looking blonde lion beastman came in later.

Rimuru was next. He had come with Shion and Diablo, the demon he had summoned and named.

Ainz was attending with Albedo and Demiurge.

Later on a tall looking man came in with a silver haired boy who looked like he would fall asleep at any moment. They must be Dagrule and Dino.

The last two to arrive were a blonde and a silver haired guy followed by a silver haired maid with heterochromia eyes.

On my side, I had Shuna and Weiss because they were from Rimuru's world.

"Welcome to my humble Restaurant. Please take your seats." I asked the guests and looked at Shuna who served the drinks.

With some support from Rimuru and Ainz, I had splurged for this meeting so as to put on a good impression.

Shuna served the drinks as everyone was seated and then the meeting began.

"This meeting is almost a formality because everything was already investigated. Still, I will state it out for everyone. Two weeks ago, Clayman plotted an attack against the Monster Nation of Tempest ruled by the slime Rimuru Tempest. He did so under the guise of testing Rimuru Tempest's claim of being a Demon Lord. Unfortunately, he bit off more than he could chew and was killed along with his army. The Human Nation of Falmuth who were manipulated by Clayman to attack were also killed by Rimuru Tempest and both he and the Devil Silas ascended into Demon Lords. That's the gist of it. So today's meeting is called to decide what to do with the empty position on the council." Guy took charge and laid out all the facts.

"I would like to say something first." Demon Lord Frey raised her hand. Guy nodded and she continued. "I want to give up my position as a Demon Lord. I don't think I am worthy of this position currently."

"What! Why Frey?" Milim shouted.

I remember them being very close.

"In the recent fight, I realised my weakness. Even in a three on one fight, with an army on our side, I was completely powerless against Silas. In fact, he held back to not hurt me or it would have been easier for him. This made me realise that I am currently not strong enough for this position. If in the future, I achieve the required strength, I will rejoin Walpurgis."


Did she get too much of a shock from the fight?

Man… I don't even know what to say.

"I would like to do the same." The beastman guy spoke up. I think he was Demon Lord Carrion. "The fight with Milim made me realise my inadequacies and I would like to give up my position as well."

And just like that the Walpurgis lost two more Demon Lords.

"We are down to seven then. So, let's take it back up then. I recommend Silas and Rimuru for the position of Demon Lords. Since they were more or less responsible for the reduction in numbers, they should do something too. And to make it ten, how about the Lich joins too?" He said while looking at Ainz.

"I would like to pass. All the current Demon Lords are awakened individuals. I wouldn't feel comfortable joining at my current level." Ainz denied.

While all this was happening, I sat there open-mouthed. What the fuck do you mean become a Demon Lord?

"Hold on. What do you mean by me becoming a Demon Lord? I am too busy with my Restaurant to manage demon lord stuff." I raised my hand and called Guy out.

"Demon Lord stuff? We don't actually do anything, you know? What do you think the job of this council is?"

Huh? Yes, what is the job of this council?

"It's basically to oversee the Demon Lords so that none of them decide to go too crazy. A fight between two Demon Lords can be too destructive. We just manage that. And the territories of the Monsters. Humans have their kingdoms and kings. Monsters have their Demon Lords."


"But still, wouldn't that mean I will have to spend my time managing a kingdom? That's too much work you know?"

"Hahahaha rarely any of us do that. Do you think I go around doing paperwork for monsters? Do I look like that kind of person?" He laughed.

Well… no.

"You can just give the territory your name and leave it to your subordinates to manage. That would be more than enough to deter some foolish human kingdoms from attacking these territories. They wouldn't have attacked the Nation of Tempest if they knew a Demon Lord was protecting it. Currently, four territories are without rulers. Rimuru is already the king in Jura Forest so that will be his territory. Carrion and Frey can choose what they want to do. That still leaves Clayman's territory. Don't you feel responsible for the monsters there?"

… what the fuck, dude? Are you trying to emotionally blackmail me? You really are a Daemon.

But he did have a point.

Leaving an entire country of monsters unsupervised was not a good idea. So I looked back at Weiss. "Do you think you can manage this country? You can call me if you need any help." Shuna and the Kijin were busy with my world. The maids were busy with the company. The only ones left were Weiss and her Daemons. "I will set a few rules to be followed but apart from those you can manage the kingdom as you see fit. Can you do it? " I asked.

"We are honoured to be of use to you."

The same rules which Rimuru uses should be good. Maybe I can ask Zeref for some advice too.

"Okay then. I accept." I agreed too. I didn't have to do anything so it would be dickish of me not to accept.

Weiss did look like she wanted to do the work so it was all fine.

"Personally, I don't care who becomes a Demon Lord." The blonde guy, Leon said.

"Sure. I have no problem either." Dino, the fallen Angel replied.

"Hmph, personally it absolutely galls me to recognise a lowly slime as a Demon Lor…" The silver haired vampire Roy Valentine started talking but couldn't complete his words as he was raised up by his throat by Diablo.

"Kufufufufu if even a lowly mosquito can talk bad about Rimuru-sama, I would be failing my duties."

The vampire struggled but couldn't break the grip.

"Oi Diablo, let him go. He can have whatever opinion he wants. I don't care." Rimuru pacified the Daemon who unceremoniously dropped the blonde haired vampire to the ground.

The man didn't take his loss well and his aura flared but this was the moment I decided to intervene.


I just snapped my finger as his aura was dispelled.

The room looked at me.

"I think we should stop now. I don't want my Restaurant to be messed up."

"Then you should have stopped that Daemon. Are you siding with your friend?" Roy Valentine snarled. He was summoning his magicules but to no avail.

I narrowed my eyes. "First things first. If I was siding with Rimuru, you would be six feet under the ground and not in a fun way. Second, I didn't stop Diablo because he did nothing wrong. Only the Demon Lords were asked for their opinions. Why are you, a subordinate of a Demon Lord poking your nose where it doesn't belong? Let's assume that you are representing your Master or rather Mistress who is clearly standing beside you." I pointed towards the silver haired maid who had several times more magicules than him.

Dantalion had already deduced that she was the Demon Lord Valentine. Not to mention, Veldora had said that Valentine was a girl. Why she was pretending to be a maid, I didn't know. Demon Lords are weird. She might have some kind of a maid fetish. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if there was a Demon Lord with a magical girl fetish.

I continued. "It still only gives you the power to speak on her behalf, not insult other Demon Lords. You were clearly out of line and so I didn't intervene. Anyone else have any problems with my actions?"

"None." Guy shouted.

"Sil!" Milim shouted. "What did you do?! Luminous was trying to disguise as a maid. You revealed her."



"Tch. Useless all of them." The silver haired vampire maid clicked her tongue and did what wouldn't be out of place in a magical girl anime as she transformed into a gothic looking dress.

A vampire goth. Talk about cliche. I smiled.

She turned towards me. "How did you know?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "You had a lot more power than him and Veldora had told me that Demon Lord Valentine was a girl."

"It's that damn lizard's fault again." She gritted his teeth.

"Oya. By the way, where is that wayward little brother of mine?" The white haired woman beside Guy asked all of a sudden, catching me off guard.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C31
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


