45.94% Isekai Restaurant / Chapter 17: Chapter 5 Part 3

章 17: Chapter 5 Part 3

- Inugamigyōbu Tamazuki -

"Are you sure this place is worth it?" Terari Oni asked him, looking down on the town in front of them.

"Are you questioning me?" He narrowed his eyes as he looked towards the giant Youkai.

"N-no. That's not what I meant. I was just wondering what you were going to do with this place. It's just an abandoned town."

"This is also the one town between the Human Territories controlled by the Five Principal Clans and the Kyoto Youkai which is completely unoccupied. Recently, a few bugs have taken residence here but they can easily be removed. By controlling this place, we can control the information network from both sides and pit the two factions against each other. When the Kyoto Youkai are sufficiently weakened, we take them down and make Kyoto the territory of us Shikoku Youkai."

I have heard that the leader of the Western Youkai Faction, Yasaka, is extremely strong. A Nine Tailed Fox is known for its strength and vitality. Do you think we can face someone like her?" One of them asked, fear tingling in his voice.

"Nurarihyon made a legend for himself after defeating a Nine Tailed Fox, Hagoromo Gitsune several hundred years ago. We, the Shikoku Youkai will do the same and then take down the Nura Clan with Kyoto as our base."

They looked towards the building in front of them. "That's the base of the critters. Some countryside oni have made this place their base and are doing business with humans. Our goal is to finish them all in a week. Get to work."

"Yes." The group dispersed.

– Rimuru –

He slurped the soba noodles and felt the warmth spread through his body. Yup. The noodles at Silas' restaurant are the best.

"So, how is your trip to teach students going?"

"Oh, the kids are adorable. They were a bit feisty but they came around soon enough. I came here temporarily for some urgent talks." He stated as Shuna brought some more food.

"Something important?"

"Hmm. The kids… They were suffering from excessive magicules. If left untreated, they will only live a couple of years more. It's a side effect from being summoned at a young age."

"Do you need me to ask other customers for a way to help them?"

"Ah no. I found a way to cure them. I actually came here for a completely different reason. Two things. First, I am proclaiming myself as a Demon Lord to use my name to prevent others from summoning people from other worlds. Second, the method to treat the children requires them to make contracts with Spirits. Spirits can bless normal humans too. I was thinking if you have humans who need any power boosts, you could bring them along. Since we cannot name humans, getting them blessed might work too. Lavinia, the little girl who follows her along, the Ikki fellow, they can all get a power up."

"That's… neat. I think Tanya and my new employee Orihime might get a much needed power up too. So, how do we get there?" Silas asked.

"Here's the map. I suggest taking the Star Wolves because it's a long distance. We will meet you there. You could fly if you were alone but taking others will be a problem if you are alone. I have already informed Benimaru about the details."

"How long will the journey take?"

"Around two weeks and a day to reach there. We will wait for you at the entrance of the Dwelling of Spirits."


"Oh, by the way, who is this Orihime girl you talked about?"

Silas went on to explain his adventures in Kisuke's world.

"Shinigami? And you backhanded one into a wall… bwahahahaha. That's the funniest thing I have ever heard."

"Hey, I carried him to get treated as well. Unfortunately, Orihime was caught in this mess and I gave her a job. She also awakened powers so I was thinking about awakening her Device and then finding a way to get her stronger."

"So, what kind of person is she?"

"She's… like an orange haired version of Lavinia."


"That's quite an image alright." He looked towards Shuna. "Does this mean you have more competition, Shuna-chan?"

Silas scoffed while Shuna blushed but shook her head. Rimuru however sensed something different between the two. It was like the chemistry between the two was much better. Did he…. He eyed Silas and instantly sent a bro-message through his eyes.

The smirk he got in return gave all the answers he needed.

Lucky bastard.

"Any message from Ainz?"

"He is exploring the other countries in his world under the guise of an adventurer. By the way, I need your help."


"Can you scan this and see if you can make more of these? This was with Tanya when she came to our world. These enable the magicians in her world to fly as well as do several other things. I was thinking if we could mass produce these, they would sell quite well. Especially in Zeref's world where magic is more common..."

"Ah yes. I did get a Faith Type magic skill from that zombie thing. I will see if I can reproduce this."

"Okay. I will pick up Ikki and the rest tomorrow and start the journey."

- Narberal Gamma -

"Some rats have entered the area. Will you take care of them, Nabe-chan?" Yuri asked as she did the paperwork for the next manga issue.

Silas-sama had asked them to establish a business to fund their future missions in a world full of Gods and monsters. This was a monumental task and it was given to them. Such honour…

He had appointed a child, Tanya, as the head. At first Naberal was a bit taken aback by the decision but soon enough she understood the Supreme One's reasons for this. The child was someone with work ethics who would make even Demigure feel proud of her.

She didn't know a ten year old could command such fear in the people working under her… and yet she did. The business was picking up pace but that was to be expected. After all, it had the minds of not one but three Supreme Beings behind it.

Even the unassuming humans beside him are beings who could fight Gods and Demon Kings alike.

Lord Rimuru had sent Kijin to support Silas-sama and establish a base in this world as a foothold.

Although individually they weren't as strong as the guardians of Nazarick except some, they had the potential to grow more, especially after being named.

This was something which she hadn't known before. Naming.

A simple ritual where the master empowers a subordinate with their own power.

She and Yuri also had the opportunity to experience it.

Silas-sama gave them their names all over again and soon as it happened, Naberal felt a surge of power like none other. The limits of Yggdrasil holding her back were all gone and she could now level endlessly. Even the forms she could take increased and she gained a new Unique Skill: Mimicker. A Skill which allowed her to take the form of anything she had seen and copy its power. The forms and the copied Skill did depend on her power but it was still a phenomenal Skill for someone like her.

And now it was time to show her Skills.

Five Kijin appeared near the door almost instantly. They were trained to be Shinobi by Souei, one of Lord Rimuru's subordinates and were in charge of the security of the main building.

"There are a total of seven intruders. They are all Youkai. The strongest one of them is still waiting on a building to the west. What are your orders?"

"Check their intentions. If they are here to cause trouble, eliminate them without hesitation. Silas-sama must be sleeping at this time. Make sure there is no disturbance." Yuri commanded. "Naberal, take the lead in case they get violent.


She headed outside and observed the location they were keeping an eye on. And as expected, one, a youkai with a hat attacked the Oni who were patrolling the area. The Oni was well trained and dodged quickly as gashes were left on the surroundings with the wind.

Wind Magic in front of her… how dumb.

So they were here with unkind intentions. That saved a lot of trouble. She was not very keen on diplomacy and torture was always a much better option to get information out of unwilling intruders.

"Set up a barrier. We must not disturb Silas-sama's sleep."

"Yes." The five Oni behind her bowed and disappeared in the shadows.

A barrier appeared almost instantly, taking several buildings and all seven of the intruders in range.

She appeared in front of the intruder. He looked like a middle aged man with a hat and small round glasses and a coat covering most of his body. He was taken aback at her appearance as well as the barriers. "Don't bother wasting your words. I dislike the sounds of critters. You will get more than enough time in the dungeons."

The maggot was about to say something but she didn't allow it.

"Twin Maximise Magic: Chain Dragon Lightning."

He apparently didn't expect the sudden attack either as he tried to dodge. Two of the other intruders tried to jump in to save him too but they were killed too.

Oh well…Yuri didn't say she needed to catch everyone. One or two examples will make the rest cooperate easier.

The one who seemed like the leader brought out a sword with a dark aura and shouted orders to his leftover subordinates.

Hmm, so he needs to be left alive for information extraction.

She dodged to the side to avoid the slash from a sword and created a barrier to block a sudden attack of what seemed to be sharp feathers from an intruder with bandaged mask with strange writings on them.

The leader took the opportunity of the distraction and changed into a different form with a white mask. The aura on the sword became denser as he jumped towards her to attack with a loud roar.

"Protection Energy - Negative."

A spell to protect against negative energies.

"To use such an attack against a resident of Nazarick. How foolish. Then again, cretins were never known for their intelligence."

She brought out her own Keuranos MK 3 and countered the attack and at the same instant she used a Tier 3 Lightning Spell from her fingertips. The leader of the intruders tried to dodge by jumping back but what greeted him were two lightning blasts which burned his arms instantly.

The guy howled from pain but then a strange thing happened, he stabbed his subordinate near him. The sword's aura spread and it absorbed the energies from the fallen Youkai and strengthened the leader once more. His wounds healed but the subordinate took its last breath. The guy, as if a man possessed, started attacking his subordinates near him to absorb more power.

She let him do whatever he wanted.

It was important to show him the futility of his efforts to break him and make the interrogation easier.

When he was finally done, he roared into the sky as his power rose to another level… However, it was still not a match for her.

As if such a power could ever be a match for the gifts of the Supreme Ones.

She used an Invisibility Spell and Dimensional Jump to appear behind him and before he could even realise, both his arms flew into the air.

The sword he was holding in his hand fell down as well and so did all the power he had absorbed.

The next second, a well placed lightning spell on his face made him unconscious.

Naberal began to secure the prisoner but at that very moment the bandage masked Youkai grabbed the sword and took to the sky, making a run for it. Did it think it could run away from her? Even after all this? Sometimes the stupidity of these cretins surprised her even after all this time.

However, before she could make a move, the Youkai was shot by a blast of light, directly blowing up its head. Naberal turned her head in the direction of the attacker and found… Tanya, in a pink bunny dress with a rifle in her hand.

"Keep it down, will ya. A growing child needs her sleep." She shouted through the window of her building and then closed her window.

Well… that took care of everything.

She sealed the sword away.

It would make for a decent gift for her master.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C17
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


