92.85% Reborn as Gods: A Family Odyssey / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: "Team Red"

章 12: Chapter 12: "Team Red"

Chapter 12: "Team Red"

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on existing works. All original characters and plotlines are my own creation, but I do not claim ownership of any pre-existing characters or content. All rights to these pre-existing works belong to their original creators. This is a non-profit work created solely for the enjoyment of fans, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Ozpin stood on the balcony overlooking the Beacon Academy arena, his eyes fixed on the two enigmatic figures below. Daichi and Ryota Nakamura, the brothers with powers that defied explanation, had seen many students with remarkable abilities pass through Beacon's halls, but these two were something entirely different, but that is a god for you.

From his vantage point, Ozpin could see the members of Team RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY standing together, their eyes locked on the unfolding scene. They, too, were intrigued by the newcomers and the potential they brought to Beacon.

Ayumi, who had been seated in the stands as an ordinary observer, had now transformed back into her original appearance as if she sensed something significant about to transpire. She couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and a nagging worry about the two brothers. She felt compelled to undo Salem's curse but she also knew that they hadn't seen how powerful brothers of dark and light were.

So any rash actions would be catastrophic for them if they undo Salem's curse.

Unbeknownst to her, many male students at Beacon had turned their attention to her, wondering if she was a new teacher or a mysterious figure who had suddenly appeared amidst the chaos of the arena.

As Ozpin continued to observe the Nakamura brothers, his mind churned with thoughts of what kind of team they would become. It was a question that had occupied his thoughts since their arrival. They were a duo unlike any other, each possessing powers that seemed drawn from the very fabric of myths and legends.

Finally, as the tension in the arena reached its peak, Ozpin stepped forward, his voice echoing through the speakers. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began, "we have witnessed something truly extraordinary today. The Nakamura brothers have shown us the power of determination, of family bonds, and of the extraordinary abilities that can be found within each of us."

He paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle over the arena. The students and spectators held their breath, waiting for his decision.

"And so," Ozpin continued, "it is with great pleasure that I announce the team name of Daichi and Ryota Nakamura. From this day forward, they shall be known as Team Red."

A murmur of approval rippled through the crowd as the name was revealed. It was a simple yet fitting choice, a reflection of the fiery spirit and determination that burned within the hearts of the Nakamura brothers.

Ozpin's gaze remained on Daichi and Ryota as they absorbed their new team name, their expressions a mixture of surprise and determination. Team Red, a name that would now define their journey at Beacon Academy,

Meanwhile, in the stands, Ayumi watched with a mixture of hope and concern. The Nakamura brothers had a destiny ahead of them, one filled with challenges and uncertainties. She couldn't help but wonder if she could somehow help guide them and protect them from the darkness that seemed to loom on the horizon.

And so, as the cheers of the crowd filled the arena, Team Red took its first step into the world of huntsmen and huntresses, their path uncertain but filled with the promise of greatness.


Ryota and Daichi were sitting in the back of the classroom, listening to Professor Oobleck's lecture on the history of Remnant. They were bored and restless, having no interest in the past. They decided to have a silent conversation with each other using their telepathy.

"Hey," Ryota said in his mind. "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking that we didn't think this through," Daichi replied.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we were so excited to get our wish granted, we never thought of the price."

Ryota frowned, confused. "What price?"

Daichi sighed. "Think about it. We wished to have the powers of Goetia and Cosmic Garou, right? Two beings that are not human, that are beyond human. Do you really think that we can use those powers without any consequences?"

Ryota thought about what Daichi said and realized that he was right. He remembered how Goetia had tried to destroy humanity and rewrite history, and how Cosmic Garou had become a monster that hunted heroes for fun. He wondered if they had inherited more than just their abilities.

"Are you saying that we're becoming like them?"

Daichi looked at his older brother with a calm expression. "I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not. But I do know that we're different from before."

Ryota felt a surge of anxiety but tried to hide it. "So what?"

Daichi shook his head, then asked a question that caught Ryota off guard. "What do you think of humanity, Ryota?"

Ryota blinked, surprised by the question. "What do I think of humanity?" He searched his mind for an answer and found one that he didn't expect.

"I think... I think humanity is a disappointment." He said it without hesitation, without emotion.

He continued, as if reciting a script. "I think humanity is weak, ignorant, and doomed to suffer and die. I think humanity is a mistake that needs to be corrected. I think I'd be doing them a favor by erasing their history and creating a new world without death or pain."

The moment he finished his speech he felt a shock of realization. He looked at Daichi, who was staring at him with a calm look.

He felt a pang of fear, wondering what his brother thought of him.

"Did I just say that?" he asked in a low voice.

Daichi nodded. "Yes, you did."

Ryota felt his heart racing and his palms sweating. He looked around the classroom, hoping that no one had heard him. He saw Professor Oobleck still talking at the front of the room, oblivious to their conversation.

He saw the other students still listening to him or pretending to listen to him. He saw no signs of suspicion or hostility from anyone. He breathed a sigh of relief but also felt a twinge of guilt.

"Daichi, I don't know what came over me. I don't know why I said that. I don't really mean it."

Daichi smiled slightly and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. Don't worry about it. Don't make a scene. Just act normal."

Ryota nodded, trying to calm down. He forced a smile on his face and pretended to pay attention to the lecture.

He hoped that his brother was right and that it was nothing serious, just a momentary lapse of judgment. But he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong with him.

Something was wrong with them both.

Daichi sensed his brother's unease and tried to reassure him.

"Hey, Ryota. It's okay. We're okay. We're still brothers. We're still family."

Ryota looked at him gratefully, smiled back at him sincerely, and felt a bit better.

He knew that Daichi was right—that they were still brothers, still family.

They had each other, and that was all that mattered.

But Daichi had something else to tell him—something that he had been hiding from him for a while.

"Ryota, there's something else I need to tell you." Ryota tilted his head curiously, wondering what it was. "What is it?"

Daichi took a deep breath and said it. "Lately, I've been having urges. Urges to hunt down people with heroics. Urges to fight them, to hurt them, to kill them. Urges to become a monster."

He said it calmly, without emotion.

He looked at Ryota, waiting for his response.

Ryota felt a jolt of shock and looked at Daichi with disbelief.

"Urges to hunt down people?"

Daichi shrugged, as if it were nothing. "I'm saying what I feel, Ryota."

As Ryota processed the startling confession from his brother, a hint of panic flickered in his eyes. He leaned in closer to Daichi and whispered urgently, "Do you think Mom is going through the same thing?"

Daichi's brow furrowed in thought. He leaned back slightly, scanning the classroom to see where Ayumi had been sitting earlier. After a moment, he turned back to Ryota and replied, "I haven't seen any changes in her. She's just been... more motherly, if anything."

Ryota exhaled in relief, though still concerned. "Are you sure? You're absolutely sure she's not dealing with some urges?"

Daichi nodded firmly. "I'm sure, Ryota. Mom's different. Whatever's happening to us, it's not affecting her."

Ryota nodded back, a sense of reassurance washing over him. "Okay, that's good to know."

Their conversation was interrupted by a commotion in the classroom. They both turned to see Cardin Winchester about to hurl something at Jaune Arc. Before Ryota could react, Daichi sprang into action. He grabbed an object from his desk and, with impressive speed and precision, sent it hurtling towards Cardin.

The projectile struck Cardin's hand, causing him to drop whatever he had been planning to throw. He winced in pain and looked around, bewildered, trying to figure out what had just happened.

Ryota shot Daichi a surprised look, raising an eyebrow in silent question.

Daichi leaned over to Ryota, his voice low but smug. "I've never liked Cardin. Figured I'd give him a taste of his own medicine."

Ryota couldn't help but chuckle quietly at his brother's audacity. Despite the seriousness of their previous conversation, there was something undeniably satisfying about seeing Cardin take it down a notch.

The school bell rang, signaling the end of the class. Professor Oobleck dismissed the students, telling them to enjoy their lunch break. He also told them to be careful of Cardin, who had been taken to the infirmary with a concussion.

Ryota and Daichi quickly packed their bags and headed to the cafeteria, hoping to find their mother there. They had not seen her since the morning when she had left them at the dorms with a kiss and a hug. They missed her and wanted to spend some time with her.

They entered the cafeteria and scanned the room for her. They saw her at the far end of the room, near the kitchen. She was wearing an apron and a chef's hat and was happily cooking something on a large stove. She had a smile on her face and was humming a tune.

They felt a surge of joy and ran towards her.

"Mom!" they shouted in unison.

Ayumi heard their voices and turned to see them. She saw them running towards her and felt a surge of love. She smiled wider and waved at them.

"Ryota! Daichi! My boys!" she shouted back.

She left the stove and ran towards them. She met them halfway and hugged them tightly. She kissed them on the cheeks and ruffled their hair.

"How was your class? Did you learn anything interesting?"

Ryota and Daichi hugged her back, feeling warm and happy.

They answered her questions, telling her about their class, their lecture, and their incident with Cardin. They also asked her questions, wondering what she was doing, why she was cooking, and how she was feeling. Ayumi answered their questions, telling them that she was cooking because she wanted to, because she enjoyed it, and because she wanted to make something delicious for them.

She also told them that she was feeling fine, that she was having fun, and that she was making friends.

She also asked them if they were hungry, if they wanted to try some of her food, and if they wanted to join her for lunch.

Ryota and Daichi nodded eagerly, feeling hungry and curious.

They followed her to the stove, where she showed them what she had made.

She had made a variety of dishes, from soups and salads to sandwiches and burgers. She had also made some desserts, such as cakes and pies. She had made enough food for an army, or at least for a large family.

That's a mother Goddess alright.

She told them to pick whatever they wanted and to help themselves. She also told them to share with their friends if they had any.

Ryota and Daichi thanked her and took some plates. They picked some of their favorite dishes and filled their plates with food. They also took some desserts and put them on separate plates. However they did end up arguing between the desserts.

They were about to sit down at a nearby table when they noticed something that annoyed them.

They noticed that most of the students in the cafeteria were looking at their mother with interest. They noticed that most of those students were male, and most of those males were staring at their mother's large chest.

They felt a surge of anger and looked at those men with contempt. They felt a surge of protectiveness and looked at those males with a warning.

They decided to teach those males a lesson and make them regret their actions. The bastards will learn to fear their wrath.

Unleashing their killing intent on those males was satisfying. Watching them squirm, pale, faint, or even vomit was exhilarating in a way. They almost transformed into their monstrous forms and attacked those males with their claws and fangs.

They would have done it if it weren't for their mother's intervention.

Ayumi sensed their killing intent and turned to see them glaring at the other students with dark shadows covering their eyes. She saw them ready to transform into their monstrous forms, with veins bulging on their skin.

She quickly ran towards them grabbed their ears and pulled them hard. She scolded them loudly, telling them to calm down and stop being silly before she dragged them to the table and made them sit down. She gave them their plates and told them to eat their lunch. She also gave them a glass of water and told them to drink it.

She gave them a stern look and told them to behave themselves before addressing the crowd and apologizing for the scene...

Ryota and Daichi complied, feeling embarrassed that they got caught. They ate their lunch and drank their water. They wiped their mouths and apologized to their mother.

But they gave every male student in the cafeteria a chilling glare, warning the rest to stay away from their mother.

If they think of anything, even an iota of perversion, in their mother, you better start praying because not even the gods will answer them.

And for their victims? Well, they were just starting. They won't kill them but they sure as hell not gonna make their life any easier.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


