11.11% Pokemon: Brock's Younger Brother? / Chapter 3: Forrest the Gym Trainer

章 3: Forrest the Gym Trainer

"Geodude use {Mega Punch}!" I shout.

Geodude who was exhausted from the constant use of the move, started to use {Mega Punch} again but the glow on its fists dimmed down and Geodude ended up landing a weak punch on the boulder Tyranitar the gentle giant created.

Seeing this I walked up to Geodude with a pumped up look.

"Great job Geodude, this will be our ultimate counter when we're in a pinch. A quick jab from your {Mega Pucnh} and you could easily K.O. weaker Pokemon." I go on hyping up the guy. My talk wasn't purely bullshit though as I've thought this through.

After getting Geodude I immediately brainstormed ideas on battling. I did a quick read through Brock's guide and the training methods were quite "obvious" ways to increase strength while some were eye openers.

One method was to make a rock type damage its body to recover and have it hardened. This was a "secret training method" which he and dad uses.

There are obviously more but I wont delve into those as I'm still a beginner.

The theory I've come up with is that my Geodude can handle any Pokemon his level close range, but medium and long range is the problem and he can't close space.

{Rock Throw} isn't enough to get into to a distanced battle, so my number one solution to this is to use {Defence Curl} and {Rollout} combo.

This might seem stupid to set up as I could get hit mid power up but the thing is, I've got boulder to use as shields and this is my home ground.


Brock's Guide to battling for newbies:

Tip 1: Use the pauses between attacks to take a breather and think of your next move, don't rush things.

Tip 2: Use you're environment and surroundings to think of strategies and ways around you're opponent, and if it's the complete opposite. Find a way to avoid the environments issues towards your team.

Tip 3: ...…..

Tip 4: ....

Tip 5: ….


So before I try to correct and make up some more strategies, I'll have my first battle and try to improve from there.

"Hey Forrest, you're old man has got a gift for you!" Flint barges into the gym's training grounds with a wide smirk.

Hearing his voice I turn around with a smile. Looking over I see dad holding a package with a note above it.

"What is it dad?" I asked with unbridled energy. Flint seeing my enthusiasm wiped a tear as he hails hands me the package.

"It's something you'll be using for your journey and now. Open it up and see!" He cheerfully says encouraging me to open it.

Before this though, I quickly return Geodude to rest as I grab the package and the note.



From Professor Oak to Flint Harrison

This is the new Pokedex you've requested!

It has the Kanto, Johto, Kalos and Hoenn regional Dex integrated into it. The Dex also has your son's details added as an ID with everything set up and ready to use.



"A Pokedex." I softly mutter. Flint not expecting this reaction gets a little worried and looks at my face, just to realise how I really feel.

A contagious smirk was on my face as I held the package, soon after this I carefully opened the thing as I picked up the device carefully.

The Pokedex was the colour orange and looked like a Nintendo 3ds. But instead of it having two screens, it only had one on the bottom. It had your arrow keys on the right and a confirm and back button in the middle.

It fit snugly into my hands as I felt the smooth surface of the Dex.

"How do I scan Geodude?" I asked my dad. Flint walking over, takes Geodude's Pokeball and hovers it over the blue gem on the left of the Pokedex.

"Geodude!" The Pokedex spoke as the data of the Pokemon entered the machine.

"Here this is where you can check your registered Pokémon's stats, moves and if your lucky abilities." Flint explains as he as goes on to say that I'm not normally able to see the stats of a Pokemon "owned by him". But because Flint permitted all of his sons and daughters, so they can check his Pokemon if scanned at any time they want.

But normally it would have to be a Pokemon registered with my name to be able to function.

"That looks sick." I comment seeing Geodudes stats. It has all his moves displayed with a little chart of his physical stats like Attack, Defense and Speed. It doesn't include others for some reason as they have to be measured in another way to which it would be entered to the database.


[Geodude (The Rock Pokemon)]

Height: 0.4m (1'04")

Ability: Sand Veil

Moves: {Rock Polish}, {Harden}, {Rock Throw}, {Defence Curl}, {Tackle}, {Rollout}, {Mega Punch}, {Sandstorm}.


Geodude's moveset is quite common for it's species besides for its egg move {Mega Punch}. It opens up a whole new battling style with just one move.

Because if Geodude got close an opponent, he could either use {Rollout} or {Tackle}. The latter doesn't do enough damage as it could easily be dodged, while the former needs momentum to actually hit someone.

So the importance of {Mega Punch} is really significant and is an ace in the hole for me.

"You've gotta let Geodude get some rest before your first gym trainer battle. There's one scheduled in a few hours." Flint explains which I nod. Dad told me that right now it was currently just above 2/4 of the season finished.

So instead of the crazed rush people have when visiting the Pewter gym, there will only be new trainers who started late/lost early or trainers with multiple badges.

"Alright I'll just hang around the gym dad." I respond. Right now the gym was being cleaned up by its employees and some guys dad hired.

Dad told me that being a gym leader makes you filthy rich and it's the reason why the positions are coveted so much.

Also in a few weeks dad will let go on a trip to choose my starter in an Aron reserve ran by the Stone family.

The Stone family included Steven Stone who is the son of the big man himself Mr. Stone the owner of Devon Corp.

Flint won't be coming with me but he trusts me to go myself with a guide of course so I don't get lost. I'm already thinking of what criteria the Aron I want should tick.

"Alright champ they should be here any minute." Flint says with anticipation as he wanted to see my first battle occur.

"I have a question dad, are my strategies good?" I asked as I started to describe my two play styles that I'm going for.

Flint hearing my explanation just nods his head with a surprised expression.

"That's not bad, it shows that you plan ahead which is really good. Most trainers don't think of these stuff as they only "train" Pokemon to increase their strength." Flint says encouraging to use my thinking like this more often. Hearing this I realise that some common sense back in my world don't exist here.

It should of been obvious with the hazy memories I've gotten, but education here isn't to prevalent for 10-15 year olds as they tend to forget or not take studies seriously.

So something as simple as planning ahead is seen as impressive.

Plus I'm getting homeschooled so information is practically free from my father anyways. I don't need to sweat the small stuff.


A small vibration went through my dads Pokedex as it made a small buzzing noise.

"I guess the challengers already here. Don't sweat the small stuff and just enjoy the battle, you're gonna be having over a hundred battles before your journey so take a loss as a learning experience." Flint says after turning the noise off. Nodding at his words I grab Geodude's Pokeball and head towards the battlefield


Getting into position I see a kid around my age with Brown hair, and a relatively fit figure walk into the battlefield.

"Hello challenger I'm a gym trainer you must beat before proceeding to gym leader." I shout. The kid giving me a thumbs up, gets a confident look as he grabs a Pokeball from his waist.

Seeing that we were in our positions, a worker that my dad recruited acted as the referee.

"This battle will be an official match between Gym Trainer Forrest and Liam Edgewurst from Cinnabar Island. The battle will be a one on one and the winner is if their opponents Pokemon faint." The referee announces doing his normal speech to say all the regulations before battle.

Both Liam and I gripping our Pokeballs, wait for the referee to start. With anticipation clear in my eyes, I suddenly hear multiple voices from behind.

"You got this big brother Forrest!"

"Whewrs my doll Bob?"

"Beat him up!"

"Do your best big bwada!

My sibling were on the second floor near the railings cheering me on. Now I don't know if it's safe to have kids on the railings but seeing this it naturally put a smile on my face.

"You got this honey!" My mother Lola shouts right before I lock into the match.

"BEGIN!" The referee shouts doing a chop downwards to signify the start of the battle.

*Phszsszt* 2x


"Char charmeleon!"

Both Pokemon doing their little entrances, immediately get into a staring contest as I got a random though.

'Do normal trainers not know the type chart or basic advantages?' I think to myself seeing Charmeleon in front of me. Soon after this though I decided to go first.

"Geodude get behind cover and use {Sandstorm}!"

"Use {Dragon Breath} Charmeleon!"

Geodude looking around, find a nice huge boulder to hide behind as a wave of purple hit the rock causing the rock to crack.

But as this was happening Geodude was able to set up his {Sandstorm} and up his evasiveness because of his ability sand veil.

'Nice, now I should get him to set up.'

With Geodude now having the advantage, I shout my next command.

"Use {Defence Curl}." I command seeing that Geodude was still a good distance from Charmeleon.

"Charmeleon use {Slash}!" My opponent says right after.

With Geodude still behind a cracked boulder, he was able to pull off a {Defence Curl} before Charmeleon found him.

"Use {Rollout} Geodude!" I quickly shout seeing that he didn't have much time to dodge. Geodude hearing this starts to use {Rollout} but Charmeleon jump upwards and hits Geodude with a downwards slash.


Geodude was sent straight to the ground as its move was canceled.

'Shit what do I do.' I panic seeing my Geodude on the floor. My mind started to clog up as I wasn't use to the style of fast battling at all.

But before I could completely throw the match and not do anything, I hear my opponent shout another word.

"Use another {Slash} Charmeleon!" Hearing this I force myself to tell Geodude a command.

"{Mega Punch}!"

With the Sandstorm still up, Geodude was able to barely dodge the {Slash} after recovering and hits Charmeleon with a punch to its gut.

"Another {Mega Punch}!" I shout seeing that the momentum has shifted. But to my displeasure Liam my opponent had another move to use.

"Use your tail to dodge and use {Dragon Breath}!"

Charmeleon hearing it's trainer, slams it tail to its right and propels itself to the left to dodge the incoming {Mega Punch}.

Seeing this my mind just froze as I didn't know what to do.

"Charr!" The flame Pokemon roared out as more purple gasses exited its mouth and headed directly towards Geodude.

Geodude now stumped and recovering from using a move, couldn't doge the attack and gets hit.

"Geoo!" The Pokemon cried out as it took damage from the hit.


And for the second time, Geodude hit the ground this battle but this time he didn't get up. The referee looking at Geodude sees that it had swirls in eyes.

"Geodude has fainted, making Charmeleon the winner and challenger Liam the winner for this battle!" The referee announces.

Regaining myself I put my hand over my chest as I felt how fast my heart beat is.

"Pokemon battles are exhilarating." I murmur as I return Geodude back to his Pokeball. "My bad Geodude, I could of played that better."

"That was a good fight man!" The guy said walking up to me and offering a handshake. Taking the handshake I congratulate him on his win and tell him good luck for his gym battle against dad.

"Forrest you amazing!"

"Nice twai!"

"That was a good battle!"

Hearing my siblings words I get a smile on my face as I made my way to the second floor. Getting on the elevator, I made it to the second floor and met up with my family.

"You did so well honey! In my first battle I froze up before giving only one command to my Squirtle!" My mother Lola squealed out as she gave me a big hug. Not resisting at all I just accept the hug as my other siblings started to stack on top of me.

"Help!" I say jokingly as my siblings started to laugh squishing me. But soon after this I felt a kick on my groin.

"Fuuuu!" Before I could shout in pain, Billy blocks my mouth with his hands.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


