
006: Graduation, capturing a traitor


This chapter is going to be little big than

usual chapters, so enjoy

_______________________________________4 years later:

Only one week remaining for graduation

and till now my status is gone of the charts


Username: Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto(Age : 13years and 6months

Title: Kurama's jinchuriki (+20,000 chakra,

-90 reputation among civilian,+20 reputation among shinobi,-50% chakra control); Ashura incarnation ( mokuton kekkei genkai,+50% nature chakra,+50% nature chakra control); Child of prophecy (???),User of Sharingan ( Learn any jutsu +50% efficiency)


Chakra:25,000/25,000(+20,000)( equal to matatabi [ two tails])

Nature chakra:(locked)

Chakra control:100/100

STR: 1850 (Demi god level)

DEX:1825 (Demi god level)

INT:2000 (God level)

VIT:2100 (God level)

STAT POINTS: 200( host use these points to update str,dex,int,vit)

Chakra nature:

Primary: Wind,lighting,water,earth,yin

Secondary: Fire,yang


1. Uzumaki bloodline: (passive)

( superior stamina,high healing factor,adamentine chakra chain, fuinjutsu mastery speed increase by 200%).

[A/N:basically Uzumaki are known for fuinjutsu and here Naruto is full blood uzumaki.]

2. Ashura incarnation:(passive)

(friendly with all tail beast, reputation among tail beast +30%)

3. Gamers mind:(passive)

(host mind always calm in every tough and unsuitable condition)

4. Son of Yellow Flesh:(passive)

(photo graphic memory, easily able to learn any ninjutsu and flying thunder god)

5.Bloodlust: able to put fear in any person who's will is less then you.

6. Sharingan: (passive)

(Elemental chakra control+50%)

Skill (active):Shadow clone jutsu,Body replacement jutsu,True transformation jutsu,Body Flicker Technique, element skin,clone technique

Wind style: Wind Clone,great breakthrough,Armor of Wind,Gale Wolf,Faithful Wind Blade,Grand Slashing Wind Skill,Wind Dragon,Assassin's Rush,Severing Pressure,Geyser Creation.

Water style: water clone,Water Shuriken Technique,mud ball,hidden mist jutsu,Water Chains Technique,Water Cannon Technique,Water Torrent Technique,Water Prison Technique,Great Waterfall Technique,Water Dragon Blast,body control(forbidden technique).

Earth style:earth clone,Stone Shuriken Skill,Inner Decapitation Skill,Volcanic Earth Clone Skill,Earth Dragon Blast,stone spear,Alive Burial Technique,Volcanic Dragon Blast,Swamp of the Underworld,Body of the Stone Warrior,Lava Dragon Explosion Technique,Mountain Creation.

Thunder style:Lightning clone,Cloud Wisp Technique,Electric Overdose Technique,Electric Needle Spread Technique,Piercing Arrows,Electric Snake Technique,Chain Lightning Technique,Hands of Torture,Heaven's Judgement,Lightning Dragon Attack.

Fire style:Mythical Fire Flower,Flash Fan,Flame Spread,Jutsu, Dragon Fire, Bed of Fire, Powerful Fireball,Hydra Technique,Blazing Column,Fire Dragon Blast,Hellfire Clap,Fierce Flame Fist,Raging Storm of the Dragon, Pandemonium.

Mokuton kekkei genkai: Wood clone technique; Tree Limb Technique ; Dense Woodland Wall ; Great Forest Technique;

Four Pillar Home Technique; Birth of a Sea of Trees; Smothering Binding Technique; Four Pillar Prison Technique;

Wood Locking Wall ; Nativity of a World of Tree ; Advent of a World of Flowering Trees ; Entering Society with Bliss Bringing Hands ; Unbreakable dome ; Laughing Buddha ; Tenth Edict On Enlightenment ; Deep Forest Bloom ; Quintuple Rashomon ; Wood Golem Jutsu ; 1,000 Armed Kannon

Fuinjutsu: Complete level 10 of 10

able to make basic ,mid and advance scroll; basic ,mid and advance paper bombs;Flying thunder god level 1, 2, 3(instant transmission); impure world reincarnation; etc...

Tijutsu : Gentle fist, strong fist,ninken, interceptor style ,Uzumaki style, hummingbird style, boxing, kickboxing, kung fu, aikido, judo, muay thai, Brazilian jiu-jitsu,

Dragon fist style (100% complete) combination of all tijutsu.

Gates: 8 gates out of 8 gates

kenjutsu: Sarutobi style bojutsu; Uzumaki style kenjutsu

Rasengan: wind style : rasengan,

Fire style : rasen bomb,

Thunder style: rasen spear, big ball rasengan, ultra big ball rasengan, planetary rasengan ( Ashura's creation), yin style: Rasenringu ( use by menma Uzumaki in movie),


Naruto's mindscape:

3rd person pov:

Naruto enter the mindscape

Naruto : hey mom dad and Kurama

Minato and Kushina : hello son

Kurama : hey kit

Naruto: I am going to graduate from the academy in a week than I am going to be a full fledged shinobi.

Minato: you don't look too happy about it.

Naruto: No it's not like it ,just thinking about i am not able to meet you after two week.

After listening Naruto everyone has sad face except Kurama he don't give a shit about family drama.

Kushina: Don't worry son you know pure world reincarnation use your shadow clone as host and animate us any time you want help.

But first find that mask of shinagami in Uzumaki tample and use it remove your father's soul from his stomach.

Naruto nodded and feel little happy from his mother's words

Naruto: Oyy Kurama when we are going to train with your chakra , i want to learn my own tail beast mode.

Kurama: Slow down kid if you don't want that old monkey breathing on your neck, first you have to think about getting my other half so i become full and my yin- yang energy become balanced.

Minato: He is right Naruto.

Naruto: i have to bribe old man for this and i know how to do that.

There is a evil smile on Naruto's face

_______________________________________Day of Graduation :

In last 4 years every member of rookie 9 become a monster in there own way.

Every single one of them is able to complete there chakra nature training and able to overcome their limitations ,

Every single one of them is able to achieve high chunin to low jonin level either it rank wise or chakra wise , except sasuke he achive low jonin rank as a ninja and high jonin in chakra pool.(not going to talk about Naruto here).

Naruto pov:

i enter in the class and see my friends and other students are sitting on their seat i want straight to my seat next to hinata and sit their after greeting my friends.

Then after five minutes iruka sensei and mizuki come and stand by side of podium and tell us about the schedule of exam and parts of it first is written part , second is tijutsu with mizuki , third one is ninjutsu (three basic academic jutsu ).

Written exam:

Normal Exam paper is given to everyone except mine, mine is cover with genjutsu so i fail in written exam, but i dispelled it and write the whole exam in 30 minutes.

Every other rookie do the same thing, and we all sleep for one and half hour.

Tijutsu spar:

Everything go nicely but i don't know what comes in sasuke's mind he beat the crap out of mizuki, so iruka sensei have to take him to the medics for medical supports.

I ask him why he do this even though I like it , he say he got excited from fighting a chunin and take fight little too seriously.

Well after that we have to fight each other so iruka sensei grade us.

Ninjutsu :

Well it's going well until shino came and make bug clone and iruka sensei pass him.(mizuki come back to class after medical attention),and after that every one of our group start different types of clone (elemental clones) same thing I did i don't want to give feeling to mizuki that i know more than him, so he still give me the task of stealing the forbidden scroll .

And like that we all pass but iruka sensei is puzzle due to our performance in exam. our group score perfect in every exam.


Hokage office:

Secretary: Sir academy teacher Chunin Iruka Umino are come here to meet you, he says it's urgent.

Hokage : Pls send him in , let's see what he wants to talk about.

Secretary : Ok i send him in.

Few moments later

Hokage : What happened Iruka did Naruto again do some prank .

Iruka : No lord Hokage it's not about Naruto,it's about his whole group they score perfect in exam all nine of them.

After listening that even Hokage was shock, it's never happened in village history.

Hokage: Well then rank them from there six year academic scores, there is no other way, but put them above all other students ok.

Iruka: yes lord Hokage.


So we got ranked and the rank is

In boys :

1. Sasuke uchiha

2. Shino aburame

3. Choji akimichi

4. Shikamaru nara

5. Kiba Inuzuka and Naruto Uzumaki

In girls :

1. Sakura Haruno

2. Hinata hyuga and ino yamanaka

_______________________________________Well that's happend and Mizuki come to me to bait me with the offer to make me rookie of the year, and tell me to steal the forbidden scroll .

In Mindscape:

Minato: Naruto he is lying there is no test like this

Naruto: i know that but it's the best way to catch a traitor and test oldman's office security.

Minato: Ok that sounds nice

Kushina: Nice, Naruto you are not going to do something irrational right.

Kurama: look who is taking about doing thing irrational,the person who beat the victim first ask questions later.

After that there is some heated exchange between mom and kurama, but it's come to an end after me and dad's interfere.

Naruto: Don't worry i have plan


I go to meet my gang and tell what mizuki tell me and also tell him that he is lying.

Shino: logically speaking i never hear about test like this from my father.

Shikamaru: if you come here to tell us this means you have plan for this thing Naruto .

Naruto: yes i have but it involves all of you so if any of wants got out of it , you can.

After talking like this i got hit by sakura and kiba and get death stair from everyone.


So I go to the office of old man and use Naruto's original and most dengerous jutsu "sexy jutsu" and Oldman pass out with bleeding nose and i take scroll and body flickered away from there and go to meet my friends and tell them to ready for mizuki.

Meanwhile every one was searching me, I open the scroll and read second hokage's genjutsu his own creation "brink of darkness" and start learning it with the help of shadow clones and sharingan.

_______________________________________9 pm of the night of graduation :

it's been two hour since i stole the scroll and i am waiting for mizuki but i got very angry iruka sensei.

3rd person pov :

Naruto : Yo sensei what are you doing here where is mizuki sensei ?

Iruka: What i am doing here, what are you doing here and why are you stole that scroll from Hokage tower.

Naruto: Mizuki sensei give me task to take that scroll from Hokage tower for extra credit ...

the time Naruto tell the name of mizuki iruka get everything what is happened here, but before he say any thing to Naruto , they saw mizuki

Mizuki: Very good Naruto, you will become rookie of the year, now give me the scroll

Iruka: Don't give him the scroll, there is no task in the academy who give you extra credits Naruto.

Mizuki was seething with anger seeing his plan is going to fail , so he take fuma shuriken and throw at Naruto and iruka

Naruto dodge it with ease but iruka got hit by it , after seeing the Naruto got angry .

Naruto: Guys take care of iruka sensei for me and sakura and ino pls try to heal his injuries, i will take care of him .

After listening Naruto's order all of them are come into position Shino create "mud wall", shika, choji and ino come into new ino shika cho formation, hinata come into her tijutsu stance and activate her byakugan , kiba is ready with akamaru to use "fang over fang",Sasuka activate his sharingan with kunai in one hand.

Mizuki : So you come here to save that monster,do you know why everyone make distance from him, do you know Naruto why everyone is call you monster and demon.

Iruka: (In pain) Don't Mizuki it's forbidden to tell that.

Everyone is looking mizuki with curiosity, they also want to know why there friend treated differently.

Mizuki: I don't care about law ,you know why Naruto because you are nine tail fox.

Naruto : Are you a fool , is he a fool.

Naruto asked his friend and his injured teacher.

Naruto: if you are not able to tell difference between a kunai and the scroll in which that kunai is sealed in it , yep you are a fool.

In Mindscape:

Minato : Agreed

Kushina: 100 percent

Kurama: Definitely

Real world:

Mizuki is in lost of word, same can be said for rest of the people who are seeing this interaction.

Naruto: Now you broke a forbidden law, i have right to kill you .

After saying this Naruto disappear and appear behind the mizuki with blue glowing ball of chakra

Naruto: Before i kill you tell me , you are working for whom.

Mizuki: like you really kill me you are not even genin yet.

But that's all he was able to say before he got hit by "rasengan" .

He tries to get up and run but he was not able to

Naruto: I give you one more chance,tell me the name of your master/leader.

Mizuki: O...Orochimaru.

Naruto : Ok die.

With this he shove another "rasengan" on his heart and kill Mizuki.

Naruto: Guys is iruka sensei is alright.

Sakura: yep he is alright ,just a little blood loss nothing serious.

Naruto: thank God.

_______________________________________Hokage tower:

Hiruzen seeing all the interaction by his crystal ball , and was impressed by leadership skills and commanding capabilities of Naruto, and also surprised by how did he learn rasengan.

Hiruzen : anbu

Cat masked anbu appear

Neko: yes Hokage sama

Hiruzen: Bring Naruto and iruka with forbidden scroll here

Neko: Hai, lord Hokage

_______________________________________After killing mizuki Naruto seal his body in a scroll, and go to meet his gang.

Naruto: Guys, listen what mizuki said about me is true,not the part that i am nine tails fox, no i am nine tail fox jinchuriki ,if you don't want to be my friend it's ok.

After saying that he got hit by everyone even by hinata.

everyone says that it's not his fault, he didn't have any choice, and four of them already know about his jinchuriki status.

Four of them are

Shino : due to his bugs

Hinata: because of his byakugan

Kiba : i smell like fox

sasuke: because of sharingan

we are having that conversation,than a cat mask anbu appear

Neko : Naruto Uzumaki and Iruka Umino you are summoned by hokage and take that scroll with you , and everyone else go home.


Author note: biggest chapter till now

read and review if you like it drop powe stones.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


