Northern Storm Northern Storm original

Northern Storm

作者: A_tisticrash

© WebNovel


Percy Jackson was tensed.

When was he not tensed. Since the Giant War, he would see shadows and knives everywhere, sometimes literally when Nico visited. Now he was summoned to Olympus, by order of Zeus almighty himself.

As he walked up to the guard by the elevator, he flashed him the black card with the number twelve on it. Upon seeing it, the guard hit a button under his desk, and the elevator opened upon itself.

Percy stepped into it and heard the song 'Never Gonna Give You Up' by Rick Astley.

Apollo will never change. Period.

Percy had changed, though. A lot. Ever since Annabeth died at the hands off Kronos years ago. It's been twelve years since then. Now Percy was a full-time Imperator of Camp Jupiter. It's a title he was hailed to after his single-handed contribution to killing Gaea. He has been running the camp since then till day. Camp Half-Blood, on the other hand, was under the leadership of Chiron as usual. Though, Percy would often teach the younger and newer campers.

As he made his way up to Olympus, the lift opened to reveal the City of Olympus in all its might and beauty. Statues of the gods placed at every intersection. Their temples at the ends of each road. Shops littered in the path. At the very center was the Fortress of the gods, Olympus. with a hundred or so stairs that lead to the throne room for the twelve Olympians.

He made his way down the street, with the inhabitants and spirits bowing in respect and looking on with awe and adoration. He smiled gently at a few of them. He made his way up the castle stairs. When he had gotten to the top, the majestic silver doors opened on its own.

He walked in to see only a few of the twelve present.

The god of the skies, Zeus, the god of the seas, Poseidon, the god of the Undrworld Hades, the goddess of magic Hecate, and the goddess of war Athena. All standing at the height of twenty feet or so, in traditional Greek chitons. Except Athena, who was in her battle regalia as always, and Poseidon, who was in khaki shorts and a Hawaiian shirt.

Percy knelt as soon as he saw them.

Zeus motioned him to get up, "Stand, Son of Poseidon. We have much to discuss." With that sat on his throne. Poseidon gave him a warm smile. He returned one, Athena Hades and Hecate just looked at him with an emotion he couldn't well place.

Perseus stood back up as the gods sat on their thrones. Hecate had summoned a black throne next to Athena, while Hades summoned his throne of obsidian from the Underworld and sat next to Poseidon.

Zeus looked at the demigod neutrally, "Perseus, you have served Olympus well, much better than any demigod. Even mine own sons and daughters, immortal or not." Poseidon looked smug and proud. The other gods were exasperated at that. Zeus continued, "But due to your current strength and power, you are somewhat of a threat to some of us." Perseus tensed, Zeus raised his right hand in a calming manner and said, "Fear not, boy. I have no ill will to you. But my children are somewhat concerned. You may be used against Olympus and its interests."

Perseus looked nervously at Poseidon, Poseidon only smiled a little, "My lord, I assure -"

Zeus cut him off, saying, "I know, boy. I know. But the fact that some imbecile planted a bounty on your head is what is causing some of our ranks to act up. Now you have two choices, my daughter will explain."

Athena stood up and shrunk down to Perseus' height. She looked at him with warmth, which in itself was weird since the war goddess disliked every child of the sea. She didn't have a record for being nice to the children of the sea. She said to the room, "I would suggest only those directly involved with the briefing be present. Please return once we are done."

The big three left instantly, Zeus in a flash of Thunder, Poseidon in a pillar of water, and Hades cloaked in shadows.

Hecate also shrunk down to the demigods height, "I don't think we have spoken before Perseus. I have to thank you for your helping my children. There are very few things that I care about in the world. My children are among them."

Perseus smiled, "I did it because it was right, Lady Hecate."

Hecate laughed, it sounded beautiful, "I see what you were saying, Athena, humble to a fault."

Athena gave a little smile, "And loyal too. It will kill you one day, though, Perseus."

He turned somber, "Lady Athena, what are the two ways I have."

At the mention of the matter at hand, Athena quickly turned to her strategist face, "Yes. With your current predicament. You can either accept becoming a god and face the threats head on while training the younger generation and being a bulwark for the demigods. You will be granted the domains of Storm's, Heroes, and Endurance. This path will keep you here. Keep you bound to Olympus."

That thought was distasteful to Percy, as his father said, 'The sea cannot be tamed.'

Athena saw the look on the man's face, "I know, Perseus. You follow your father in that aspect. Your other option would be to leave this world. You will be sent to another world where no one can touch you. You can do as you wish. You can, as the mortals say, own that bitch. You will be given your dues. The dues we should have given you long back. All of what you earned. This is your way out. All the suffering, all the pain. But it's not enough for you, is it? Your blood calls for war. For blood. It is in your nature to fight. Defeat everything in your path. This world fulfills every need you need."

Athena stood back from me, "It is your choice in the end."

Perseus, like a switch, changed from his naive and bashful, easily embarrassed persona to the one he used during the battles, "Lady Athena, please. We both know the usual carrot and stick routine. Why don't you just give me the other option you plan on forcing onto me."

Athena visibly shocked, "Perseus, I don't think you understand. We are -'

Percy barked, "Cut the bullshit. You know damn well none of you will let me rest in peace. If I accept God hood, I will only become a lapdog for you. So just send me over without wasting anytime."

Athena only nodded and summoned the big three, who were smirking smugly at Athena. Athena only grumbled and snapped her fingers for a small bag to drop into the waiting ands of Zeus, who pocketed it.

"I told you he won't let you finish." Zeus said, smugly.

Poseidon said, "He is my son after all."

Hades barked, "Dumb like you too, kelp head."

"Bite it, Death breath." Poseidon snarled back.

Percy was still pissed at being played like tis, and wanted to see the fight escalate.

Hecate foresaw the argument waiting to boil over and quickly interjected, "My lords. The matter at hand, if you will."

Poseidon cleared his throat guiltily, "So we will each be giving you a gift. Mine will be retention of your powers, though you will have to work it from the start."

Zeus followed, "Mine will be communication to all avian species. And a lesser chance of dying by Thunder."

Hades spoke neutrally, "Mine will be wealth."

Percy thought Hades was joking. What could he need wealth for.

Athena picked up, "I will be granting you knowledge of all the crafts and architectural designs. Stored into upur memory. Along with complete mastery of any weapon of your choice."

Hecate said cheerfully, "I will be boosting your soul to withstand and contain more Mana and make you resistant to it when you used against you."

Percy thanked the gods.

Poseidon shrunk down to his height and shrunk till he stood in front of his son and gave him a hug, "I'm sorry, but this is the best way for you to survive."

The boy responded, "I know, dad. I know."

The gods all shrunk down to his height and channeled their power and divinity into their hands, and pointed it at Percy.

And then Perseus Jackson's vision went black.






In Westeros, Rickard Stark and Lyarra Stark had just given birth to their eldest child and heir to Winterfell, Perseus Stark.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


