
Chapter 46: Uchiha Future Path

Sasuke and Yasaka left Amaterasu in the bedroom to recuperate. They found themselves in the living room, surrounded by his fully revived family. Sasuke couldn't help but smile at the sight.

Mikoto approached Sasuke and embraced him tightly, expressing her gratitude. "Thank you for giving us a second chance, Sasuke." Sasuke returned the embrace and replied, "I'm glad everything went smoothly." Fugaku stood behind Sasuke, patting his back in acknowledgement.

Sasuke turned to Minato and Kushina and asked, "Whenever you're ready, we can go and meet Naruto." Kushina's excitement soared as she eagerly responded, "Tomorrow! You can spend time with your family, Sasuke?"

Sasuke nodded in agreement but inquired about the implementation of fuinjutsu with the magic circle. Minato explained their approach, saying, "We're using a door as the medium to connect the worlds. We've been combining the modified magic circle and the Flying Thunder God Technique."

Kushina chimed in, "I think we can test it out in a couple of days. The FTG technique integrates seamlessly with the teleportation magic circle." Minato's spirits lifted as he added, "And I've also discovered ways to enhance the FTG technique."

Sasuke playfully punched Shisui's arm, teasing him, "Huh, I guess you can feel pain after all." Shisui glared back, snorting in response. Itachi and Izumi chuckled at Shisui's reaction. Sasuke then turned to Izumi and remarked, "Well, I suppose your body is back to normal now." Izumi nodded happily, exclaiming, "Yes, I'm so happy about it!"

Mikoto and Kushina approached the group, announcing, "We're going to prepare some food for a family lunch." Everyone else nodded eagerly, looking forward to the gathering.

* * *

Everyone gathered around the dining table, with Sasuke sitting next to Yasaka, who had seamlessly integrated into his family.

As they indulged in their meal, a luxury they had missed during their time as reanimated beings, Kushina expressed her longing for ramen. The group sighed, and Minato suggested, "How about the first ramen you have will be Ichiraku ramen, but with Naruto will join us?" Kushina's eyes lit up, and she exclaimed, "Great idea, hubby!"

After finishing their meal, they engaged in casual conversation. Shisui asked, "Now that we don't have missions anymore, what should we do?" Everyone pondered the question, realizing they were no longer restrained by the shinobi system.

Sasuke thought for a moment and said, "I've been considering this for a while. Shisui, what do you think about creating an ANBU unit here?" Shisui raised an eyebrow and replied, "Hmm, I don't mind, but who would be the members?"

Sasuke explained, "For now, we could recruit members from Yasaka's people. They already have chakra, so we can teach them ninjutsu."

Shisui nodded and said, "Well, I don't see any problem with that. It will be beneficial for us to gather more information about the supernatural world and strengthen ourselves." Sasuke looked at Itachi. Itachi said, "I will start doing duties as the clan leader by allowing us to integrate properly with the yokais first before expand our influence around Japan."

Suddenly, Fugaku spoke up, "Even though I'm no longer the clan head, we need resources. I will open a business and expand it to gain influence in the human world. We're essentially starting from scratch and need to establish our presence here."

Sasuke agreed, "That's a great idea, father. What about you, mom?" Mikoto remained silent for a moment, then said, "I'm not sure. I don't want to stay at home. From what you've told me, sacred gear users in this country are being targeted by other supernatural beings."

Mikoto's expression turned sorrowful as she continued, "I've learned that they even target small children. I want to help them, but I don't know how."

Sasuke and Itachi were shocked but smiled at their mother's compassion. Sasuke pondered for a moment and suggested, "In four years, there will be the God's Summit. Maybe after that event, once we solidify our position in the supernatural world, we can open an academy to protect them."

Upon hearing Sasuke's suggestion, Mikoto thought for a while before responding, "That's a doable idea. I'll start gathering resources for the academy."

Sasuke nodded and replied, "Okay, Amaterasu will most likely support the idea of having an academy to better protect her people." Yasaka added, "I think this is great idea, I would love for my people especially the children to enter and have a safe environment."

Itachi then turned to both Sasuke and Izumi and asked, "What about both of you?" Izumi took a moment to think before hesitantly saying, "I want to be an actress." Itachi raised an eyebrow, not expecting this answer.

He replied, "I see. I will support your decision then. But I would like you to continue to train your abilities. We might not be doing missions anymore, but there are still dangers outside."

Sasuke, upon hearing Itachi's question, realized that he didn't have a clear goal yet. He thought for a moment and then spoke, "I will become a researcher. Since I've been Orochimaru's student and helped him with his experiments, I want to focus on finding a way to address the issues related to the Mangekyou Sharingan."

Sasuke continued, "At least Amaterasu was able to bring back your bodies with your eyes, Shisui." Shisui let out a sigh of relief and responded, "I won't be able to obtain the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, so I'll need a way to counteract its degenerative effects."

Sasuke suggested, "Hashirama's cells could help with that. They have a high regenerative ability that can slow down the degradation of sight." Shisui replied, "Oh, that sounds interesting. I'll seek your help me with that then."

Sasuke nodded and said, "You can take my eyes whenever you want. It's important that we become strong in a world like this." Itachi simply nodded in agreement, recognizing the need to grow stronger in order to protect the family.

After lunch was done, Sasuke and Yasaka went to visit Amaterasu to check up on her condition. As they entered, they both saw her sitting upright on the bed. Yaska leaped into Amaterasu and hugged her, she said, "I am glad you are awake." Sasuke nodded along with Yasaka, expressing his desire for her to be in good health.

A/N: So I have been away for a week. I will continue releasing chapter as usual. Also every 100 powerstones we get I will release an extra chapter.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C46
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


