61.47% Uchiha's God of Muscle / Chapter 150: Samui's Determination

章 150: Samui's Determination

Dan slowly walked out of the forest.

His "Serious Punch" combines the power of eight gate, superhuman strength and Stand. During the time stop, he concentrates all the energy in his body into one point and finally penetrates the space.

Such power.

Not to mention human ninjas, even if a tailed beast takes a punch, it will still be beaten to death.

The only regret.

The time stop of five seconds is still too short.

If the time stop can be extended to nine seconds, Dan can punch more calmly and deliver a perfect "serious punch".

Talking about it.

Even Dan, after the punch, felt that his body was hollowed out and he was a little tired.

So he returned to the muscle modification department and went straight to the meditation room.


When Samui saw Dan coming back, her eyes dodged and she seemed a little panicked.

"What's wrong? What's on your mind?"

He stopped and noticed something strange about Samui.

"No, I just feel a little uncomfortable." Samui blushed and lowered her head.

"Then don't go to work and take a day off."

After Dan said this, he walked into the room and meditated to recuperate.

Looking at Dan's back, Samui's eyes were complicated.

Since the Fourth Raikage came to visit the Uchiha clan, she thought about it for three days and finally sorted out her heart.

She is a ninja, a Kumogakure ninja.

Just like countless Konoha ninjas who firmly believe in the will of fire, Samui also loves Kumogakure deeply and would never betray the village no matter when or where.

But, she also... loves Dan.

Although Samui always told herself in her heart that she was just acting with Dan, but as she continued to act, she realized that she had been acted out at some point.

The fake show is really done.

After more than three years of getting along day and night, every bit of life made her fall into the abyss of love without even realizing it.

Samui doesn't want to cheat anymore.

Staying with him as a spy to spy on Uchiha and Konoha's confidential information is undoubtedly a betrayal of the one you love.


Samyi, who was caught between the village and her lover, finally decided to not betray either party——


Early tomorrow morning, she will go to the entrance of Konoha Village to join the Kumogakure and return to her hometown.

Of course, Dan will not know about this.

The day passed by in a flash, and soon it was night.

There was a sound of water coming from the bathroom.

After Samui took a shower, she dried her hair and put on loose pajamas.

She glanced at Dan's room and saw that the door was closed and the other party seemed to have rested.

Do you want to say a final farewell?

Samui quietly walked to Dan's door, lowered her head and thought for a long time, and finally raised her hand and knocked on the door.

Knock Knock.

"Director, are you asleep?" she asked softly.

After a moment of silence.

"Come in." Dan voice came from the room.

Samui held the door handle, turned it gently, and pushed the door open.

Dan was seen lying on his side, with his right elbow on the bed and the back of his hand supporting his temple. His eyes were slightly closed, as if he was taking a nap.

He slowly opened his eyes, looked at Samui, and asked casually: "Is something wrong?"

Dan's eyes were obviously very calm, but Samui felt panicked for no reason, as if he had seen through all her thoughts.

Is it because of my guilty conscience?

Samyi comforted herself in her heart, she must stay calm.


Under Dan's gaze, she reached out and took off the crystal necklace hanging around her neck, walked to his bed, and handed it over with both hands.

"Director, I just know now that the necklace you gave me is a relic left to Tsunade-sama by the first Hokage of Konoha. It is too valuable and I cannot accept it no matter what. Please help me return it to Tsunade-sama, please."

Samui leaned over and begged, her tone firm.

After hearing this, Dan took the necklace from her hand and nodded:

"Okay. If you want any other birthday gifts, I'll give them to you."

"No need, it's enough that I know the curator's thoughts. You can rest early."

Samui said this, bowed to Dan, then turned and walked towards the door.

Looking at her leaving figure, Dan's eyes flashed.

Having already known all of Samui's secrets, he was thinking about how to deal with this woman.

Just let her go?

It's better to imprison them by anymeans, or simply kill her.

Just thinking about it.

Samui's steps became slower and slower. When she was approaching the door, she suddenly turned around again.

"Director, that..."

She bit her lip, clutched the clothes on her chest tightly with both hands, opened and closed her lips several times, and mumbled something she couldn't say.

"Is there anything else?" Dan asked.

Samui hesitated for a long time, her heart pounding, and finally she plucked up the courage to boldly state her true purpose of coming to seek judgment tonight:

"Director, you...you haven't practiced jujitsu with me for a long time."

As soon as she finished speaking, her face quickly turned red, and her ears were also stained with a layer of pink.

"Practice jujitsu? But it's already very late now. Do you want me to accompany you to the ring to practice?" Dan was a little surprised.

"No need, we can practice right here."

Samui, however, stared straight at Dan with a faint look in her eyes. She reached out and closed the door with a snap.

She gave it all.

What is this, a farewell gift?

Dan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Samui, a spy, would take the initiative to throw herself into his arms on the eve of her escape.

Is she planning to use her body to repay for stealing so much information from Dan?

Just right.

At this moment, Dan thought of his research on the genetics of the substitute again.

After all, Samui's ovulation period has arrived.


He stared at Samui and smiled: "Then I will teach you some new Jiu-Jitsu moves."


The lights in the room went out, leaving only dim light...

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, when the rooster crows, the sky outside the window is just getting dark.

Samui slowly opened her eyes.

The man next to her was sleeping soundly, his broad and thick chest rising and falling slightly with his breathing.

Samui's eyes were lingering, and she stretched out a hand, caressing it from Dan's chest and slowly moved upwards, and finally stopped on his face like a knife and an axe.

Although she only slept for less than three hours last night, her whole body was sore now, and she wanted to just lie on Dan's chest and sleep until the afternoon.

But Samui knew it was time for her to go.

Thinking of this. Samui kissed the side of Dan's face gently, then quietly got up and got out of bed.

Goodbye, Uchiha Dan.

To the end.

She still hid her identity as a spy from Dan and could only disappear from his life by leaving without saying goodbye.

She walked back to her room with weak legs.

Samui changed her clothes, arranged her messy blond hair in front of the mirror, and then picked up a short knife with a red sheath, her eyes suddenly became sharp.

From this moment on.

Kumogakure's special jounin, Samui, is back.

With nothing but a short knife, she hurried out of the Muscle Reform Department building and left without looking back.

Outside the Uchiha clan territory.

By the window of a high-rise building, Kakashi and Tenzo had taken turns monitoring the Muscle Reform Department building for a day and a night.

After they received the mission from the Third Generation yesterday, they came here as soon as possible, preparing to monitor Samui's movements and wait for an opportunity to arrest her.


What troubled the two of them was that Samui stayed in the Muscle Modification Department during this period and never went out.

The two of them did not dare to act rashly, so they had to wait patiently.

After all, the person they wanted to arrest this time was the woman of Hokage assistant, Uchiha Dan. The danger of this mission was already considered super S-level.


"Senior, look!"

Tenzo woke up Kakashi, and saw Samui walking in a hurry on the surveillance screen, walking out of the Uchiha clan alone.

Where is she going?

Kakashi's eyes narrowed, knowing that the opportunity had come.

He and Tenzo looked at each other, immediately rushed out of the surveillance center and chased Samui.

The streets in the early morning were empty, and the entire Konoha Village seemed to be still asleep.

Samui walked quickly and soon entered a small alley.

As long as you climb over the high wall at the end of the alley, you can escape from Konoha and join the Kumogakure.

Samui couldn't help but look happy and quickened her pace.

​But just now.


Following the sharp sound of breaking through the air, several strong logs suddenly came from behind her at an extremely fast speed, as flexible as snakes, trying to wrap around her body.

not good.

Samui was startled, but did not panic. She immediately drew out the red short knife from her waist.


The Thunder Chakra attaches to the blade, forming a thunder blade.

Click! Click!

She waved the dagger vigorously and chopped off the solid wood one by one.

Before Samui could take a breath.

"Woof woof woof!"

Eight fully armed ninja dogs came out of the soil again, bared their teeth and claws at her, and surrounded her.

at the same time.


Huge wooden pillars sprouted from the ground all around, instantly forming a wooden escape cage, completely trapping Samui inside.

After that.

Kakashi and Tenzo appeared and came to the cage.

"I advise you not to act rashly, otherwise when I give the order, those guys will swarm up and bite you."

Kakashi pointed at the eight ninja dogs and warned Samui.

Samui's expression changed:

"Excuse me, what does this mean? Have I committed any crime? To actually asked Anbu to come out to arrest me."

Hearing this, Kakashi slowly shook his head:

"We are just asking you to go with us. There are some things that require your cooperation in the investigation. If you are innocent, you don't have anything to worry about, right?"

Although he had learned from the Sandaime that Samui was probably a Kumogakure spy, Kakashi still behaved politely.

after all.

The woman in front of him was Uchiha Dan's lover, so Kakashi had to walk on thin ice and treat her with caution.

He would not be violent to Samui unless absolutely necessary.

After Kakashi explained his intention.

Samui's expression changed and she remained silent.

Has her identity been discovered by Konoha?

Although Kakashi is very polite.

But Samui knew that once she fell into the hands of Anbu, what was waiting for her there——

There will be all kinds of cruel torture and punishment, and even all the memories in her mind will be read by the other party.

Any prisoner who enters the Konoha Torture Department will end up in a miserable state, with life worse than death.


Samui would never go on this trip with Kakashi.

But she also knew that with her strength, it would be impossible to escape from Kakashi and Tenzo.

Once she falls into the opponent's hands, it's completely over.

When there is no way forward or retreat.

Samui's heart suddenly changed, and she raised the red dagger with a determined look in her eyes and put it on her neck.

There is one last way she can go, and that is - suicide!

A flash.

The faces of her younger brother Atsui, the Fourth Raikage, Mabui, Cee, Darui and other Kumogakure people flashed through her mind one by one;

The figures of Mrs. Mikoto, Clan Chief Fugaku, Itachi, Izumi and other Uchiha people also appeared one by one;

Finally, it's Uchiha Dan.

Over the past three years, every moment of getting along with him appeared in Samui's mind.

The most unforgettable thing was the crazy night last night.

Samui, if you are a ninja, even if you die, you should die in dignity.

Let's end it here.

She said this to herself in her heart, and then closed her eyes.

"What are you going to do, stop!"

When Kakashi saw this, he was immediately shocked. He never expected that Samui would commit suicide so decisively.

At the critical moment.

Darkness falls.

The entire alley was shrouded in a rich darkness, all light was swallowed up, as if we were back at midnight when we couldn't see anything.

Kakashi and Tenzo suddenly felt a heavy pressure fall on their shoulders, making them frightened and unable to move.

Same goes for Samui, who opened her eyes in fear.

There was a clang.

Under invisible pressure, she failed to hold the dagger in her hand and dropped it to the ground.


The eight ninja dogs summoned by Kakashi were curled up and shivering, lying on the ground whining and wailing, and then all of them were on their feet in the air and passed out on the spot.

This is the Yin Escape Aura Technique.

A tall and majestic black figure appeared at the end of the alley, covered in black mist, as if walking out of a dark abyss.

Although I can't see the man's face.

But the three people present knew who he was.


Kakashi shouted low, bursting out chakra with Tenzo, both of them broke free from the suppression of the aura technique, and then turned around and ran away without hesitation.

When Uchiha Dan appeared.

This mission means failure.

If Kakashi and Tenzo had walked a step slower, they might have lost their lives in this alley.

Dan walked up to Samui and looked down at her.


Samui was obviously saved, but she was even more panicked and frightened than before because she didn't know how to explain it to Dan.

Dan just said lightly:

"No need to explain, just give me a message to the Fourth Raikage."

As soon as these words came out.

Samui's face suddenly turned pale, and she took several steps back, stammering: "Director, you...when did you discover me..."

"Three years ago, I knew it from the first day you came to the gym."

Dan looked at the horrified look on Samui's face with great interest and smiled.

Samyi was shocked all over, her blue eyes widened, and her brain was shut down.

The curator knew her identity as a Kumogakure spy from the very beginning.

But why...hasn't he exposed her?

"Listen up, Samui.

The Uchiha clan is about to launch a coup, plunging Konoha into civil strife and bloodshed.

Tell Raikage that if he hears the news that the Uchiha coup failed and was exterminated, he should not hesitate any longer and directly launch a full-scale war against Konoha.

After all, the Uchiha clan's wish is to be able to hold Konoha on their backs when they die. "

He said with a smile, his eyes beating with crazy flames.

His words shocked Samui beyond measure.

A long while.

Samui came back to her senses and said subconsciously: "Director, you must take care of yourself..."

If, as Dan said, the Uchiha were exterminated due to the failed coup, would he also...

"rest assured."

Dan smiled slightly, leaned down, and said softly in Samui's ear, "I won't let the child in your belly be without a father."

The words fell.

The surrounding darkness receded quickly like the tide.


Dan figure flashed and disappeared from the place.

nyawdao3 nyawdao3

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C150
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


