25% Avater LARPer Number 1 / Chapter 1: Prelude to Rampage [Part I]
Avater LARPer Number 1 Avater LARPer Number 1 original

Avater LARPer Number 1

作者: vtorx_0867

© WebNovel

章 1: Prelude to Rampage [Part I]

Gotham City…

It doesn't matter the number of times this shitty city has undergone renovations, nor even the manner upon which it had been renovated. I'll forever stand by my word that Gotham's stink still remains quite the novel experience…


This was the daytime voice of the bustling harbor conurbation.

I smoothly meld myself into the crowd, traversing the zebra pass to the other side as soon as the traffic light signaled it was safe to do so. Rubbing my twitching nose. I stifle the urge to sneeze, while my hand steadfastly remained stuffed inside my archaic windbreaker…

Particularly touching the contents that was in my left pocket. Upon doing so, I heaved a sigh of relief. Thankful that 'it' was still there.

After all, if I had lost 'it,' I might as well kiss this world goodbye - in a painful way.

Maine, a grunt level officer in the Penguin's organization, and most importantly, my direct boss, would skin me alive and then sell my body organs in order to pay for remuneration if I'd lost it.

I'd seen the old fucker do it to many unfortunate bastards, before.

Letting out a shaky breath. I forced my expression back into its placidness, as I now entered the more unsavory parts of Gotham…

Crime Alley.

Around this part of the city, crime thrived freely and openly. Mostly because, this portion of Gotham is said to be ostensibly free from the watching eyes of the man dressed like a Bat. So one could already make a sensible guess about how things worked around here…

Even before I properly entered the district proper, I could already see a man holding a purse that I could swear wasn't his. He was roughly pushing people aside as he headed probably to his abode to checkup on his ill begotten fortune.

Sounds of shattered glass was heard in the blotted alleyways. This would always be followed by pain filled screens or bloodthirsty cries - another reeking corpse had just graced the streets.

In their twos, fours, or more. 16 years old boys, my age, or even heavily tattooed men, all from different gangs would patrol the streets as they set out to commit all sorts of malicious crimes or the other…

On some unlucky days. The Joker, Bane, or Poison Ivy would release their own kind of horrific tragedy in this part of town which also serves as testing grounds for their concoctions - not like the other monsters were better themselves.

My bleary eyes sharpened as I primed to abscond at the first hint of anything unnatural. One can't survive in Gotham without being able to do just that.

Not like it'll help me much, though.

As I focused back to facing forward, I felt my spine froze as my back was suddenly doused in cold sweat.

Before me where two men dressed in the blue color uniform of the GCPD. They were the Municipal Police force in town. But to the hardened residents of Gotham, the GCPD were all anonymously coined under a demeaning designation.

Gotham's expendable meat bags.

Still, no matter what my personal opinions of the cops were - and it is definitely not a positive one. It's still the cold truth that the GCPD had some sort of 'unique' authority in Gotham.

Especially when it concerns people like me…

They could stop me right here in the road, and order me to empty my pockets. One which carried a load that could change my life or end it painfully.

I mutely realized that I wasn't breathing normally. My physique was set to bolt away at the first call, if necessary… Luckily, that didn't happen as the two cops pass me by without even looking at me once.

I waited for some seconds, counting 1 to 10, before I sigh in relief.

'Whew~! Seems like they weren't interested in the undescriptive black kid.'

I didn't turn around to check where the cops currently were. I didn't want to tempt fate or jinx my chances. However, I increased my gait as I kept on trudging onwards.

Nevertheless, now that I think about it, retrospectively. Yeah… It seems like my paranoia is really getting to me.

After all, what kind of cop comes to this part of town without their official vehicles - except the ones that has a death wish, that is. But excluding the later assumption. Especially when one considers the fearless looks on their faces, I didn't need any to tell me of their roles were in the Police Force.

These cops were the corrupt ones…

Forcing down the look of disgust that almost marred my expression. I rubbed my free hand at the back of my neck as I subtly powerwalk towards my destination which seemed to be getting closer…


"Ouch, this car accident counts as the 3rd incident today."


Crime Alley…

Warehouse #243

Upon entering the warehouse, I wasn't surprised to see that the others had already arrived. Boys and girls, most around my age, though there were others who appeared to be older.

Unsurprisingly, we all dressed in clothes no better than rags, as we didn't want to attract the wrong kind of eyes, nor send the prowling mobsters the wrong message…

We were just street rats trying to survive.

Quietly, I made my way towards a small corner. Resting my back against the wall while I closed my eyes. I didn't make any small talks with the others as I did not have any friends here.

In fact, I doubted if any of the clicks strewn around were made from genuine friendship. Rather, it was more of a survival strategy of where they could prey on the weak, which would be the minority…

The minority which I was among their numbers.

However, I knew they wouldn't try such kind of shit on me - not when what happened the last time was still fresh in their minds and was splashed, painting the walls of a nondescript alley red.

Instinctively, my hand drew across the ugly shaped scar that ran diagonally across my face. It still hurts every now and then. But this was the best I could do. Didn't had any money to perfectly treat it, the most I could do was to clean and bandage it.

It was safest method I had at that time.

Thankfully, it didn't lead to any kind of infection. But due to how it was badly done, the long but thin line wound ended up becoming one large ugly scar.

"Alright, gather up you cunts!" Descending from the upper floors, a large man wearing a simple ash t-shirt and blue jeans said. "Lemme' see what you've got for big ole Maine, today."

Stock chiseled face with small beady eyes hidden underneath shades, various tattoos littering over skin, and badly permed hair. Maine was a thug as thuggish as they come.

I didn't even need to be near him to know that he had been snuffing cocaine all day - the sway in his steps told me all I needed to know.

"Ah, you're finally here, Ekko. You wait there. I'll come see you after I'm done with this immature cunts. You're a special case." The drugged man said. Slurring towards me as I had made to join in the crowd.

Pausing, I slowly nodded and then moved away from the gathering, going back to wall recess. My hand tapped 'it' once again which assured that I still had it.

Which indirectly meant that the end of today, I'll be 1000 dollars richer.

'With this I'll be able to tackle most of the kid's expenses.' I thought to myself with a small smile that I quickly hid.

In the meantime, I'll have to settle down for watching Maine direct the motley youngsters for carting in the illegal goods, or sending messages to the warehouses or if one' s unlucky, to a rival gang in the area…

There was one time when Maine had sent someone on a message like that, I believe it was to one of Black Mask's warehouse some city blocks away. The girl he'd sent did come back alright... Just not in one piece.

The image her detached head - which I had to dump in the trash bin when Maine forced me to do it made me nauseous and unable to eat for almost an entire week.

I swear fuck Maine to hell…

It was almost thirty minutes later, did Maine wiggled his finger at me. It was a sign that it was finally now my turn.

Licking the side of my parched lips. I stood up stuffing my arms into my pocket as I followed Maine up into his office upstairs. Now when I say 'office,' please don't take it literally.

Cause while Maine always refers his place to be an 'office'. It definitely did NOT appear to be one.

Upon entering his 'office' I felt like gagging at the murky smell in the air. Spotting the kinda' wet lingerie and bra strewn of his cushion and the white powdery stuff on the low table gave me ideas on what had been going on.

Call girls and drugs…

Well, that's not a surprise when the name of the city is being considered.

Being the ever 'big man' of this warehouse, Maine ignored the hazardous scenery of his office as he strutted towards his chair and sat on it, gesturing at me to take a seat on the chair at the opposite side of his 'corporate' table.

I would have refused IF I had the option of doing so. But Maine would have only seen that kind of response as an insult.

Not the exactly the safest action to take if you're not the one holding a gun.

As I sat down, Maine stretched his right hand with a smile the exposed his artificial white teeth.

"You've got it, chump?"

Nodding I replied. "Yeah."

I pull out two brown envelopes from my windbreaker, dropping it on Maine's hand to which he slickly took back, reclining on his chair with a wide beam.

"Knew I could count on ya, Ekko." Maine said. Licking his lips as he greedily tore out the flatter envelope of the two to reveal a thick wad of money.

Maine's beam widened even more as he began to count - and recount- the money regardless of my presence. Minutes later, he nodded in satisfaction and then dropped the money inside his table's drawer.

"Safe to say, I won't be taking your hide today, Ekko."

I eyed the other envelop, a bit curious on why he didn't do the same for that - check it, that is. Maine must have caught unto that, because he let out a smile as he generously explained.

"Oh, I'm sure you didn't touch that, chump. Cause if you did, you'd already be deader than dead."

Maine laughed at his words as if they were funny. But I didn't. After all, I was the one who had been holding unto that for almost an entire day… I wondered what it was - I even had a bit of suspicion. But I decided not to let it bother me…

I've done my part and now's finally the time to reap my rewards.

After waiting for a few more seconds, I then coughed meaningfully, and said. "Uhm Boss… About the… You know. Payment."

Just like that, the artificial ambient air vanished.

Maine paused in his laughter, as he gave me a look that almost made me bolt. I knew it might come to this. Maine isn't exactly known as a pillar of fairness – especially in deals when he had to lose money.

My Boss was the very epitome of a money pincher.

This particular job had taken me to the Joker's territory, where I had to go to some shady as hell shop to pick up the packages. Throughout the entire time, I'd been quaking in my boots wondering if I'd soon be another 'unnamed' victim to the Mad Clown's new scheme.

Considering my history and luck, I wouldn't have been surprised if that had actually happened.

Luckily for me, my fears didn't come to pass… But that did not mean that I would just allow Maine to bully me out of my pay. I desperately needed the money for this month's expenses.

Garbage food ain't just safe for kids around 8 to 10 years old.

"Your pay, huh?" Maine drawled with a bored look in his eyes. He looked at me for some few seconds. Observing as sweat trialed down my nervous face, before snorting in amusement.

"I admit, Ekko. You're one funny son of a bitch. Alright, I give you 'your pay'."

His right hand went into his pocket, pulling out a small wad of cash. Maine then set aside a bill of money to which he then threw it on the floor.

"950 bucks. Take it…"

I emotionlessly stooped down to scoop the money. Not matter how unfair it seemed an incomplete money is better than no money at all. In fact, complaining when I have already been paid would only be courting death.

So I sucked my grievances and just took what I have been given.

Maine snorted derisively. "Yeah, that's what I thought."

After picking it up, I turned around to leave the room when Maine said. "Hey, Ekko."

"Yes, Boss."

"For the next two weeks, if you don't want to count your numbers amongst them perma-smile bastards. You better not show your face around this parts."

My eyes widened as I understood Maine's indirect warning. There's a war coming up in Gotham… Again. To make matters worse, it got to be against the psychopathic murdering bastard…

The Joker.

Memories long buried dredged themselves up.

Nancy and Daphne. Miss Mariam. The orphanage…

I've lost a lot to that mad man and many of his villain cohorts. And now, history is going to repeat itself and there's nothing I can do about it… Again.

Letting out a ragged breath, I gave a light bow. "Thanks for the heads-up, Boss."

Maine snorted at my thanks. "Oh, don't even think for a moment that this was a philanthropist action. I don't want you croaking just yet. Looking for another personal runner that's gonna' be just like you ain't easy in this city. You get what I mean?"

'So it's like that.' I dryly thought.

My quality of not asking questions concerning the jobs, making stupid assumptions, or tempering with the goods made me the perfect runner… There was also the fact that Maine could do anything to me and not be afraid of repercussions.

'No shit, eh.'

But outwardly, I only nodded and left the office without saying a word.


The trip back home was nerve-racking as expected.

This wasn't the first time I've had to go back to my side of the city with hot cash on me. But it was never this much - the most I've held in my entire life was over 200 bucks, and that had been almost 3 weeks of scrunching up money so that I could pay for my ward's hospital bills.

I'd cursed myself, no small number of times for not carrying my knife with me. What I had was just an ordinary kitchen knife - but it was infinitely better than being armless in such a lawless district.

Donning a façade of confidence. I kept on with my pace, all the while not slowing down for anyone or anything…


Cherry Hill

At the sight of the tall edifices, I smiled in relief. While this part of Gotham was still part of the whole superhuman fights - I'd once seen Robin II or was it now Red Hood, whizz by on his rather expensive bike.

But there were still places that could serve as impromptu houses for the rather financially unfortunate. To be honest, staying here wasn't exactly safe. But the 'so called' heroes were more likely to respond to incidents here than in most places…

Arriving at an abandoned building - a thirty story apartment building. Located at the outskirts of the neighborhood. I breathed in deeply, trying to shave away my aloofness. The nature I display outside is more a buildup - a fascia created so that my weakness wouldn't be revealed.

That façade isn't needed here.

I doubted any of my 'work members' or even Maine himself, knew about this place. I'll forever like to keep it that way.

Exhaling as a small smile blossomed on my face. I entered the building…


As the famous saying goes. No man is an island. That goes double, no, triple for anyone with a survival mentality in Gotham.

"Ah, Ekko, welcome back."

"Thanks, Mrs. Greenfield."

"Ekko, my boy! See that you're back in one piece. Thank the lord for that."

"Same for you as well, Mr. Hardy."

"Hey, Ekko. I've got that game disk that you've been eyeing up. When you have free time why don't you come take it off my hands."

"Really~!? Thanks Arnold!"

The inside of the undescriptive abandoned building was like an entirely whole new world of its own. It had a different ambiance to the darkness of Gotham. In here there was light.

Inside of this abandoned story was a hive gathering of individuals. Homeless, orphans, destitute, street persons… People who had in one way or the other lost something to gluttony city.

There was no such thing as a leader in this place - for which I'm ever thankful for. Decisions were made by everyone. The concept of age didn't matter here. Besides, if you're capable of providing for yourself, then you're capable of making your own choices.

I cross a long hallway with flickering lights guiding my steps. The abandoned building had gotten the electricity by connecting the building wires to the public conductors.

We didn't have to pay any form of electricity bills. But the city's government didn't bother with the likes of us since we were the lesser of evils. Especially when compared to others…

Whelp, not like it concerns me anyway.

Upon reaching the 15th floor, I went towards one of the rooms. Standing by the door for some seconds while trying to organize myself. Couldn't do anything about the smell of sweat, but I had to make sure that I had not mistakenly come in contact with blood without my knowledge.

The imps were a little bit too inquisitive for their own good.

"Nothing implicating or suspicious." I finally deduced.

With that I finally knocked at the door.

I spent some seconds waiting, before I then heard the sounds of approaching footsteps, making for the door. The ingress opened to reveal a girl, my age, dressed in a white mesh long sleeve and black jeans with a white apron.

The lack of food aroma on her informed me that she hadn't started cooking.

The girl smiled as she realized that I was the one at the door - honestly that made me quite happy.

"Welcome back, Ekko." She said. Ushering me in, while taking off the food parcel I'd bought from the store.

"Thanks, Elaine." I replied. My tone was more honest than the ones I'd use outside.

Elaine just smiled as she went towards the kitchen.

With a pretty face and possessing a stature smaller than mine - I was a bit above average in height. Elaine Belloc was the perfect representation of a house wife…

Not like I'll ever tell her that, of course!

"How's school?" I asked, trying to initiate some few pep talk.

"Fine. No, rather I'll say it's normal… Which is a blessing really." Elaine replied as she began to prepare dinner. "And what of you. How did your work go?"

Instead of answering I smiled, slipping my hand into the 'pocket inside of my pocket' - yeah that's right. With a flourish I brought out my pay for the day.

"Let's just say that this month isn't gonna' screw us over."

Letting out a small gasp, Elaine said happily. "That's good news, Ekko. And with the savings we already have, we just might be able to have some real meat in our food, this month."

Though, that sacred word 'Meat' was the signal for the little four imps I haven't 'seen' when I'd arrived to begin their rather - not so- hushed conversation from their hiding place.


"Did Elaine just say the M word?"

"Oh, is it chicken or beef?"

"Who cares?! I haven't had even fish for the last three months!"

Hiding a smile, I continued to converse with Elaine as if I hadn't heard the little gremlins.

"Ah, yes, you were saying meat, Elaine. But…!"

I folded my arms, closing my eyes in faux contemplation.

"Hmm… Meat, eh~? Do we really need to have the red scrumptious- eh sorry. I mean the red stuff? It's not like it'll be bad for us or anything. How about we cut it off?"

Even though I had said so, within my mind. I mentally grinned, beginning the countdown.

'3, 2, 1'

"""Are you kidding me?!"""

Behind the cushion, four kids alternating from 8 to 12 burst out. Darting towards me in top speeds, all the while sporting horrified looks on their faces.

Noriko, Armstrong, Prakash, and Darcy. With Noriko and Armstrong both being 12, Prakash being 9, and Darcy being 8… As one might guess from their names, they weren't of the same nationality.

Though they all might as well be siblings due to their gimmicks.

"Ekko, I know I said that I'll be more focused on my veggies because I care about my… Ahem. Figure… But that doesn't mean I don't want to eat meat every now and then." Noriko said, bashfully.

Pointing at the Asian, Prakash nodded his head. "Yeah, what she said… Except the figure part. I don't care how I look, I just want to eat meat."

"I resent that, Prat." Noriko said indignantly.

Armstrong, the ever mature one, was presently blushing. "It's been a long time since we last ate any meat. So I wouldn't mind~ if you had the capability to provide one for us now."

Meanwhile, Darcy tugged my windbreaker as she innocuously asked. "Beef, or chicken."

To be honest, I was so stumped, my mouth opened and closed, struggling on which expression I should take… In the end, amusement won as I ruffled Darcy's hair and chuckled.

"Alright, your highnesses." I said acquiescently. "Since you all want meat. Then tonight, we shall all partake in a grand feast."

Elena pulled out the two frozen chicken packs, waving it at the kids who happily squealed and assailed me with hugs…

Would have tipped me over if I hadn't caught myself in time though.

In the midst of the warmth I said out loud. "Oh, and by the way. No one's leaving the building for at least a few weeks. Town is gonna' be a hot zone for some time."

Elaine eye's minutely widened in understanding. But she quickly concealed it as she nodded in concession. Armstrong on the other hand, wasn't merely as subtle.

"Is it another gang war?" Armstrong bluntly asked.

Now at this crossroad, I had an option of saying no. But this is Gotham. Having an inkling of what lies ahead could help in unexpected ways.

So I nodded in affirmation. "The Penguin and Joker's gonna' be duking it out. The streets isn't safe for now."

Armstrong folded his arms, akimbo. But that didn't hide the fear in his eyes, in everyone's eyes.

"Joker, huh…"

A cold hush descended upon the room as we all knew what the ramifications of a gang war would surely be. The destruction of our last home was still a searing wound that could burst open at just the slightest reminiscence.

Coughing, Elaine said. "Why don't you all go to the main room and wait. Promise that I'll cook something delicious tonight."

Mutedly, we all did as she said.

Ready to enjoy today, while trying not to think too hard of the dangers that tomorrow will surely bring.


I yawned in tiredness, striding into my room in nothing more than my shorts. Brushing my hand through my wet hair, I realized that I didn't have the energy to even dry it…

Relaxing myself besides the window I turned to look at the lit up city… Only to scowl in bitterness as 'his' symbol tainted the sky once more.

The Batman.

Unlike my younger brats, and most of the people in Gotham. I never had any love for Dark Knight. Mostly because the bastard had screwed me over with all his nonsense spiel of justice, only to look the other way when it benefits him.

The fucking hypocrite.

After all, what else could explain the total nonsense of Catwoman, and Harley Quin suddenly being the good guys, and they aren't on a death row for all the things they've done.

What a total load of bullshit!

Breathing out haggardly, I turned away from the lights and siren that always accompanied it. Moving towards my Xbox and began gaming…

It was a much better than stewing in my anger and hatred for the Bat. For all the things he'd let the villains done to me while giving them a fucking free pass!

"Ah… J-Just focus on gaming, Ekko. Just focus on gaming and nothing else."

Grumbling, I turned on my medium TV screen and began to game till I passed out...



Now… When you talk of superpowers. It's either meta-humans, magic, or aliens… I don't know if there are others. Not exactly the superpower expert here.

Truthfully, I never cared about that area.

But when my fucking turn came. Oh, boy was I stumped!


I woke up feeling a little bit strange.

It wasn't fever, headache, nor any form of uncomfortableness at all.

Groaning, I forced my eyes opened, looking up to see that a sun had not even peeked up yet. It was still dark. My console still being in hands meant that I had gone to sleep while gaming…

Shaking my head at how hilarious that sounded, I made my way to the bathroom to wash face. All the while, the strange feeling intensified.

Letting out a yawn, I switched on the lights, moving towards the large drum of water.

What? Did you expect to hear the word, sink? No it's a drum. In case you've forgotten, this is an abandoned building that had at most wiring and plumbing.

Anyway, I scoop water from the larger drum into a smaller bucket. In preparing to wash my face, I finally noticed it…

At the peripheral of my eyes was an indistinct red flash. Upon focusing on it, the light magnified into a… Holographic screen.

"Ok… Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope…"

I looked at the screen for a moment, then at the bowl of water in my hand. The next course of action should be obvious. I promptly splashed the water over my face.

The chill in the water were literally bone rattling. I was quite sure that if I don't dry up, soon enough I might end up with a nasty cold.

That is if I wasn't having one already.

But even despite my 'reasonable' action, the holographic screen was still set before me, following my line of vision.

"Shit," I said dumbly. "Is it too late to just go to bed and pretend this never happened?"

[Player Character Interface]

"At least the name sounds original."

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


