
How dare you?

"You, how dare you?" Nogami Izumi exclaimed rebelliously as he hurt her wrist and didn't even apologize.

"Mu Xiaoxiao! Come out!" she yelled loudly.

"Do you really think that the evil forces of hot girls can call the wind and the rain?"

Mu Xiaoxiao showed no signs of timidity, shrugged his shoulders, and followed her away.

As they reached an empty classroom, Nogami Izumi turned around abruptly and waved, but Mu Xiaoxiao had predicted this, and he grabbed her wrist one step ahead and pressed her hard against the wall.

Wall Dong!

Boom! The wall made a loud noise.

"Let go of her!" Hinata Sae, a black-haired, dark-skinned girl rushed towards him with all her teeth and claws, but Mu Xiaoxiao easily dodged sideways and grabbed her arm with the other hand.

Boom! Hinata was also pressed against the wall.

Only the long-haired girl looked left and right with an innocent face.

"Izumi, we don't seem to be able to beat him."

"Minako! Why are you talking about without morale? Hurry up and help us!"

"Wow, he's so strong, I can't break free."

"Izumi, why don't you forget it?"

The girls yelled, and there was a little more fear in their eyes as they stared at Mu Xiaoxiao.

This guy was stronger than the boys they bullied before, although he didn't look like it from the outside.

They could feel the terrifying power in this guy's body.

Especially at such a short distance, the masculine aura rushing toward their faces made the angry and fearful girls feel a little strange in their hearts.

"You hot girls often blackmail people in the class," Mu Xiaoxiao said.

"What blackmail! This is borrowing; do you understand borrowing money?" Izumi Nogami retorted.

"Borrow? How about I borrow some from you too?"

"Mu-kun," Sanada Minako smiled and said coldly. "You really want to borrow money; we agree; can you... let Izumi and Hinata go?"

"Oh? You don't look like you are short on money. Why do you want to blackmail people?"

Mu Xiaoxiao let go, not worried about their second attack at all.

"Minako! You're so worthless, you even compromised with him," Nogami Izumi said while gritting her teeth.

Even though Mu Xiaoxiao let her go, she was still unwilling.

"I can't help it, Izumi; we can't beat him," Hinata Sae added while rubbing her arms.

"This time we hit an iron plate," she muttered.

"Izumi, our situation is very bad now. There is no one in this abandoned classroom. If he wants to do something, we can't stop him," she said with concern.

Sanada Minako followed the reminder.

Hearing her, Mu Xiaoxiao was speechless.

'Are you implying that I should do something?'

"As for blackmailing, it was just a whim."

"What is a whim? This is the job of hot girls, do you understand?!"

Izumi Nogami said angrily,

"As a hot girl, you have to maintain this kind of majesty." "Didn't you see that everyone in the class dared not resist us?"

"What about now?"

Mu Xiaoxiao squeezed his fists and said with a smile,

"Does your gang of hot girls still have dignity?"

The crooked ponytail girl blushed with anger.

"Mu Kun—"

The door was pushed open, and Akane Nanao broke in.

Seeing him standing here intact, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing here? This is a school; you better restrain yourself,"

Akane Nanao reminded the three girls,

"The teacher will find out later."


"Anyway, I won't admit defeat to you! Mu Xiaoxiao, I will definitely find my place again next time, and I must let you surrender at my feet! Hmph!"

After speaking, she ran away in despair.

Although she was talking harshly, why does he feel that she was stern?

"Ding, the host's execution of justice has been detected. Seeing injustice, the host lent a helping hand!

By using force, you deterred the gang of hot girls, successfully helping the victim escape, and causing the trio of girls to fear, earning a D and a reward.

"Skill points: 2."

That's it? This is gone?

So little!

"Mu Kun, are you alright?"

"Why are you here?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was surprised.

"I was a little worried when I saw you leaving with them, so I wanted to come and help you."

Looking at his surprised face, Akane Nanao smiled shyly.

"Aren't we friends? We should help each other."

'What a ghost, my friend!'

'When did we become friends?'

'And help each other asses; don't you know my strength; do I need help?'

Although there were countless complaints, Mu Xiaoxiao still endured them.

After all, she was also kind, and he received this kindness.

"Those three girls... Nanao, do you know them well?"

"No, I only know that they are dominant in school and often bully others. I haven't had much contact with them, and no girls dare to approach them. I didn't expect you, Mu Kun, to get involved with them.

That Izumi Nogami. I heard that her family background is very good...she is a young lady; you have to be careful."

"Missy? "The thing I'm least afraid of is Missy,"

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed,

"I hope she can bring me fun."


This guy is really fearless.

"By the way, why did you sit by the window seat today?"

"I like that seat better...

"You have to be careful of the yellow-haired boy, Masuru Oga, next to you. I heard that he is a delinquent playboy and likes to play with girls."

Akane Nanao almost became Mu Xiaoxiao's encyclopedia, and she kept introducing him to the situations in the class.

"Playboy? Then it isn't me who has to be careful, but you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao muttered.

"Of course, I'm not interested in him. It's just that he is different from Coach Tougou. Although he harasses women, it is said that he is good at molesting women.

Everyone avoids him at school."

As she said that, she noticed that Mu Xiaoxiao shot a strange look at her, and her face turned red.

"I just heard these things; I don't know the details; don't look at me like this! I'm really not interested in him... And I'm different from those dirty girls; I will never be shaken!"

What can Mu Xiaoxiao say?

can only "hehe"

In the classroom, the trio of hot girls in the right seat noticed Mu Xiaoxiao, who walked in with Akane Nanao.

Izumi Nogami looked at them, but

Although she was still gnashing her teeth and feeling resentful, she probably realized that Mu Xiaoxiao was different from the students they usually bully.

They don't dare make trouble again.

Akane Nanao breathed a sigh of relief. Izumi Nogami and the two girls were always defiant in class; if there was a quarrel in the classroom, it would definitely not end well.

But Mu Xiaoxiao didn't care about the faces of those girls.

After stepping into the classroom, his relaxed expression suddenly changed, his displeasure was palpable, and his demeanor was so intimidating and murderous that Akane Nanao trembled in fear.

"Mu-kun?" she asked, but Mu Xiaoxiao didn't answer. He suddenly quickened his pace and made his way towards his seat.

Akane Nanao's gaze followed him, and she saw a yellow-haired boy sitting in his chair.

It was the same Masaru Oga she had just mentioned, who had a bad reputation.

The yellow-haired guy occupied Mu Xiaoxiao's chair, and the large breast was in the back seat, ahh, and was chatting with the purple-haired beautiful girl, but the girl behind him looked impatient.

"Natsuha, do you want to go to karaoke together after school?"

"I told you not to call me by my name!"

"Alright, alright, Shinomiya, I sincerely invite you."

"Not interested."

"Reject me again, your childhood sweetheart...


Mu Xiaoxiao approached, raised his head slightly, looked down from above, and said in a cold voice like a glacier,

"Who told you to sit here?"

"Ah? Haha, Mu Xiaoxiao, you..."

'You fucking dare to smile at me?'


Suddenly, a hand that didn't look like it belonged to a very strong arm stretched out from the side, unexpectedly grabbing his neck like a pair of iron clamps. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't shake it off.

Masaru Oga's veins bulged, but he still couldn't break free from the grip.

"Who allowed you to sit in my chair?"

The eyes that stared back at him were devoid of emotion as if they belonged to a robot that was indifferent to anything.

But it was precisely because of this that the aura and murderous intent that emanated from the person made him break into a cold sweat.

"Woo—uh—," he gasped, trying to increase the strength in his neck.

He felt like he was dying.

"This is the first and only time," Mu Xiaoxiao said as he lifted him from the seat, pinching his neck like it was nothing.

It was no different from carrying a chicken, which showed just how strong Mu Xiaoxiao was.

"Next time, I'll let you die terribly," he warned.



With that, the yellow hair was sent flying as he knocked down several tables and chairs, and finally landed heavily amidst the mess of tables, chairs, and textbooks.

Is this the effect of increasing attributes?

It's okay; if this guy does it again, then he doesn't mind killing him.

It's a fucked up world anyway; no one would care about a missing yellow hair.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


