The Rising Tide of Frost The Rising Tide of Frost original

The Rising Tide of Frost

作者: BBQChickenAlertBB

© WebNovel

Awakening Frost

285 AC Kadderon Frost:

Waking upon the sight before me was a shock, an open room with two individuals dressed in fine clothing tailored similar to a maid and butler. The maid placed down some steaming food I had presumed as the butler seemed to be writing something as he faced me. I tried to speak but felt the unbearable itch in my throat as it felt I had shoved a wad of cotton in my mouth. Coughing though did catch the attention of the two in front of me as the maid dropped the items in her hand and the butler appeared by my side in an instant. Water was brought to my lips as I tried to steady my vision only to get a headache that felt like my head was splitting in half. The world was darker, than light would engulf my vision once more though repeating again and again in a nauseating fashion only to make it seem that I was slowly going into a downwards spiral of torment and insanity.

"Get the maester now! The young lord is having one of his fits! Tell him it's urgent!"

I could hear the booming voice clear as day but today was nothing but darkness and misery as I was manhandled, I could feel myself vomiting, foaming from the mouth, a throbbing pain erupting from my chest and stomach as I would hurl to the side of myself while someone held me in place. I had no control over my own movements, my body spasming and convulsing in this torture that had washed over my self of being. Why was this happening, why now, what had happened to cause this agonizing struggle for my dear life?

A flurry of movement and noises happened all at once as a loud crash or thud could be heard, and then I was turned on my back with my head to the side. Made to swallow something though the good that did with me emptying my stomach every half minute. I could hear shouting, some clearly, and some would sound like a muffled garble of sound. I tried to open my eyes only to have the sight before me be complete darkness then to realize shortly that something was placed over my eyes.

"Will he be okay, Maester? This came so suddenly; I've never heard of something like this in my family's history."

"Aye, the lad is strong, strongest I've seen, it's his mind I'm worried about..."

The garbled sound came again only to finish with something I couldn't understand quite then in the moment.

"... save my son Kadderon maester."

My name is Kade though… or so I thought.

Day's turned to week's and my body's facilities returned little by little till I was functioning enough to walk with assistance. Gathering the sayings and workings of those around me, I learned of something that truly did change my life forever. I wasn't in Kansas anymore… Really Earth, as I have known it for my 16 years of life, was gone or at least far enough that it held no sway directly or indirectly here. While I know I have never heard of Westeros before, I know that I am in a time period classified back on Earth as the medieval times, possibly even an earlier time period.

With the days leaving as fast as they come, I learned many things, one being that I am apparently Kadderon Frost of House Frost, a prominent and strong in every sense of the word House in the North. A kingdom in its own right but being one kingdom of several all under what's called the Iron Throne. A throne built out of the swords of every fallen adversary to face it in its creation during Aegon's conquest of Westeros almost 200 hundred years ago or so. Maester Jerom has been extremely helpful in learning of my situation, and I believe he truly finds it nice to teach someone what he knows.

Another thing is Maester's, a scholarly order built by those seeking knowledge to help and guide lords in understanding the workings of their lordship from mathematics to healing and even ravenry which is used as a form of communication here. House Frost is apparently a founding house dating back to the age of heroes and beyond, though it gets really skewed any further. Something I can say is House Frost is a house of freaks, giants walk the floors with silver and icy blue eyes, canines like fangs scaring the living daylights out of me. I thought vampires were a thing here. It doesn't help that some have silver, blond, and platinum hair.

Though a nice thing to learn was that we were rich by the standards of Westeros by a far margin, somewhere around the tens of millions of gold dragons rich, gold dragons being one of the forms of currency here. Something that caught my attention as I was having my fast in the morning was the talk of extending the runic markers down the side of roads to help the traveling peasants and supply transportation run more smoothly. When I questioned why runic markings would help, maester Jerom looked at me like I was a child asking why I can't play with fire. Big surprise, magic exists here, and the Frost's runes are used for a wide variety of things, one being the self-repair and heating of roads to keep them in top condition and with no snow coverage on them.

A good two days passed before I could wrap my head around the book of Runic Magic used by the Frost's, a bloodline trait that they've been using for as long as the house was founded in the North at least. Something used from strengthening their walls to cleaning ships and allowing smoother travel. Its advantages were immense while holding the monopoly to boot! No other house has been able to copy their Runic magic, and no one knows why as it only works for the head of the house and a few members. Anyone who has ever left the house due to marriage or other reason never was able to use the magic thereafter.

IT was an anomaly that intrigue and fascinated me, but I was more interested in knowing that magic existed! I came to terms shortly afterwards that I had somehow ended up in another body and had no idea what happened to my previous one other than some nightmares of some violent fighting with some shadows. Another month of contemplation, slight self-doubt and pondering of self's value as a human, I was perfectly fine though I guess you could say slightly saddened by my past life's loved ones and friends no matter how few of them I had. Living as a person who went through a pandemic and surviving till the very end only to lose their life anyway wasn't what I thought for my life or how I had planned it out.

"Kadderon, come, tis time for your lessons with the maester."

A man armored in a gray blue full plate with accentuated pauldrons with an engraving design of snowflakes with their edges sharpened. A black fur lining around the sides and back neck with a half cloak across their left shoulder of a wolf's pelt. A helm tucked under his left arm, its plumage of horsehair dyed red and an opening for the eyes shown by the T like design. Gauntlets and grieves are the same color as the rest of the metal but looking closely, I could see the gauntlets have spiked knuckles and wondered just how fantasy this foreign land was. As the man towered over me, I passed by grumbling about my time always being with the Maester, barely seeing my supposed family or anyone else for that matter.

285 AC Maester Jerom:

Scanning my eyes across the scrolls of translated texts, I excitedly reached for the first one.

-Recounted as far back as the long night and possibly even farther-

'House Frost was founded in the Northern parts of Westeros, said to have come from the west on the biggest ships anyone has ever seen. Only to land in the freezing cold of the Northern Shores long before Aegon's Conquest over Westeros. A tall and olive-skinned people as a whole with an Ethereal appearance many at the times retailing say. Anyone who spoke of House Frost would say they have four distinct characteristics that have shown throughout the generations as dominant traits. Orange or blood red eyes, "displaying a slightly unsettling feeling at first", slightly curved and long ears, a towering height and intimidating stature compared to the average man, and lastly, their prominent canines. They would later lose their eye's coloring due to marriages but the other traits would prove to be more dominant. While House Frost landed between Sea Dragon point and the Rills, they established a castle on the mountainous area in between, Whitegaard Castle. A massive fortress reaching to the sky and yet was just as wide with its walls. Its massive white walls looked down onto anyone it could find. 64 towers encompassed the surroundings providing almost double coverage on the area around. While that was impressive, it was just the farthest outer wall of the huge fortress.

Many stated it was impossible and impractical for such grandiose displays, but House Frost had no hesitation in making the decision. Two more walls were further in with each one getting taller than the last. The most outer region held farm grounds providing meat and grain, miners and builders for their works around the area. The second wall held a mix of artisans and crafters all working on the craft, but the majority were mainly smiths, jewelers, tanners, and bakers. The last wall before the castle itself held merchants and nobles alike as well as the training grounds for their soldiers and academy of creation, a place built to train and provide for talented people willing to learn a craft and dedicate themselves to a fair living for good coin. The Frost's had quickly built expansion upon expansion after setting up their seat of power quickly overtaking the local power in the region and contesting with the larger powers such as the Winter King's, the Red King's, the Barrow King's and many more that sprouted up after the Long Night. Bringing along with them was a unique runic magic they had and with it, it led to them being able to grow exponentially. The Runic magic of House Frost is highly guarded, but a commonly known fact is that their walls and buildings have runes etched into them, as do many of their wondrous creations.'

Hearing the door open, my thoughts came to, seeing the young lord standing before me with eyes filled with mirth and disinterest.

"Haha, if you keep scowling like that, you'll grow wrinkles before you father does young Kadderon. Besides, I thought you' be excited that I finally finished translating some of the older tomes and scrolls for you to read?"

Kadderon's countenance changed within the blink of my old eyes and a smile graced his face that filled my old bones with warmth.

"Really!? You've finally finished!? Can I see them now!"

Hearing his enthusiasm and seeing his expression of joy and a thirst for knowledge no matter what subject reminds me of my younger self. I nod my head and wave him over to what I had just read.

"If you read here, you can imagine the beginning steps your ancestors took upon these very halls."

As I watched and listened to Kadderon read aloud, he reached a part further than I had just gotten to, reminding me that I had to finish my own studying if I wished to hold any answers he might have later on.

'7000 BC-

House Frost fought multiple wars between the Barrow King's, and the Winter King's, resulting in them uniting with the Barrow King's through marriage and annexing their land's within their own. This marriage didn't reverse the damage already done to their forces and it's said that they hadn't developed their famous snow steel yet. Their magic alone wasn't enough to help them from the attacks commenced from House Greywolf and House Stark at the same time. Due to this, they bent the knee to the lesser of the two evils at the time. House Stark had agreed to make them, High Magnar from the Rills to Sea Dragon Point. With House Frost now serving House Stark, House Greywolf fell to the Winter King swiftly and their Lineage lived on within both House Stark and House Frost.'

"Maester Jerom, what is snow steel?"

Hearing the young child's question, I had to chuckle at someone not knowing of the metal that possibly drove House Frost into a major power all by itself.

"Snow Steel is a metal that was created by one of your ancestors, roughly around 2 BC to 50 BC, though the actual date of its creation is lost in history, we can deduct it was created in this time. It is in comparison to Valyrian Steel, just as light and durable but with an added property of freezing anything the metal touches slightly causing fatal consequences if made to endure prolonged exposure. Some say it's even better than Valyrian Steel while some say Valyrian steel is better. I personally believe it depends on one's preference of their weapon."

The young lord looked to be in deep thought before returning to the passage he had left off at.

'Many have tried to study the runes but after countless times of trying and failing, it was deemed it must be in their blood. A daughter from Winterfell went on to marry the lord of Whitegaard. A fourth wall was soon erected at the base of the mountain that Whitegaard was situated on and stretched outward a slight distance. New districts were soon built within the walls and a few ports were built and expanded. Sea Dragon's Nest was a flourishing city built upon whaling, fishing, pearl harvesting, and had a deep naval tradition dating back to House Frost's first steps onto Westeros.

Stoney Port was the closest to the mines and therefore traded heavily southward with its fine Jewelry and materials. They also held the largest number of ships out of the three ports under House Frost though not having produced as many renowned sailors as Sea Dragon's Rest. Rillford Port Was the breeding ground for excellent corsairs and stallions of the northern variety, prioritizing war horses built and bred for long distance travel, strong as any other two breeds together and just as fast as the best of them. While not a booming port like the other two, they still provided the most patrols of masters along the western border and in doing so were given more leeway in their taxes, providing just as much growth to the city as the other two.'

Kadderon had stopped after looking at the next lines of text and looked to ponder something before looking at me with a puzzled look.

"Why is there such a large gap between the years, so much could happen within that time, and we could not even know it?"

I couldn't help but chuckle, though I could understand his concern. I was honestly more surprised this child could even read this much of the passage let alone ask decent questions along with it.

"Some tomes, scrolls, even just scribbled old tongue on rocks have to be kept in pristine condition and while some due age and tear, some even becoming unreadable anymore. There is nothing we can do other than try to watch out for such occurrences and try to prevent them from happening. In passages where long periods of time pass, most likely past records were eroded enough that the person transitioning the text couldn't read it, making what you have before you."

Kadderon looked at me and I could see it in his round blazing eyes, the questions, the yearning, the comprehension, the potential. Lost in thought, before blinking my eyes, my ears could hear his voice once more.

'6000 BC-

During the time of the Andal invasion, House Frost stood side by side with House Stark and the other lords of the North, they not only protected the North's west coast from any surprise but also marched their army eastward till joining with the Starks. It was a bloody conflict and from it, House Frost was able to claim a shield of Valyrian steel, Inspired, the head of house Frost commissioned a ironwood shield to be built then to have the Valyrian steel to be used for that shield in a large circular shield style with a spiked center and sharpened edges. It almost matched perfectly with their sigil of a black circled shield with two red eyes looking over on a field of white. Using Ironwood became the standard within the army of House Frost after they began to cultivate their own forest of Ironwood trees though most would have to wait years and a few accomplishments to earn one.

4000 BC-

House Frost arranged a marriage with King Durrandon in Storms End. Again, A daughter came to them and House Frost now had the blood of not one, or two, but three kings, The Kings across the sea as people called them, The Winter Kings, and now the Storm Kings. To celebrate the occasion, House Frost commissioned a statue to be erected in Blazewater Bay. The statue was to be made out of bronze, marble, and silver while standing almost 500 feet tall. The statue soon to be called the Northern giant showed a man in well-crafted armor holding a lightning bolt in one hand and a small walled fortress in the other almost as if to smite it. The only way to get to the growing Salty port within the Saltspear was to pass under the Giant's legs though many would be right next to it even if they wished to go to the Rillford port.'

Kadderon opened his mouth only to close it again.

"A question not to leave one's lips is an answer that evades your mind young lord."

Kadderon looked at me and spoke with an uneasy semblance of concern.

"Surely we do not spend so much gold just to maintain a landmark that we could divert to other areas of interest.'

While honestly if I was stationed in any other house, I could agree with the sentiment, House Frost was special that way, always finding ways around a problem.

"Remember the runic magic we talked about the other day?"

With a nod of his head, I went to the window and motioned him over. He had hopped from the chair and rushed over with hurried steps only to gasp and stop in motion as he slowed to a halt at the window.

"You are truly blessed, Kadderon, for House Frost is a House of many wonders. Their runic magic courses through every undertaking they have accomplished when told them to be impossible. I am sure you will see all of House Frost's wonders that have been made possible through their storied origins."

Kadderon could not take his eyes off the massive titan in the distance, and I could not blame him for when I traveled up the western coast, I did the same. Its ever-present fire blazed in its hand, shining like a beacon to everyone for hundreds of miles.

BBQChickenAlertBB BBQChickenAlertBB

Hello everyone, just wanna state now, I will not be posting very often, maybe a chapter a week but possibly every two weeks if I can. I hope you all enjoy the new story and hopefully as time goes on, we can all learn just who Kadderon is and why House Frost of all places.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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