33.33% Is It Wrong To Be a Hero? / Chapter 2: In Between Jobs

章 2: In Between Jobs

"Ahhhhhhh!" Shirou yelled at the top of his tongues as he fell from heights unknown.

"Splash." With a literal splash, Shirou Emiya's arrival in the World of Orario had begun.

Well that was a unique experience, I was falling there for god knows how long… Anyways, where am I?

As such thoughts went through the young magus's head, he swimmed around in what was a small pond or lake, before moving out, and trying to get his bearings. Seeing something that seemed to resemble a pillar he decided to climb the tallest building in the vicinity, and try to get a better view.

"Trace on." With the activation of his aria, and some light reinforcement, he makes a few jumps on some adjacent buildings and reaches the top. Once on top of a 4 story building he notices that the building's architecture around seems to be reminiscent of a town of the late 1800's or so, with the only odd structure at the current state being a large pillar on the horizon. A pillar way too large if he could see it from here.

Well that's as good a place as any I suppose.

And with that the young magus had a heading and decided to start his journey. There was always a small chance that nothing of cosmic significance would happen in this world, but Zeltrech did say follow his instincts, and…

I'll just treat this like any other enforcer of the clocktower, until I'm convinced this world is a peaceful world. He thought to himself as he decided his next course of action.

After all, how hard could reconnaissance be?


One week later.

I am a moron, of course the era of the gods wouldn't make any sense at all. He thought to himself.

He went in looking to become a savior, but now...

"Azuki bean paste, 3 corn soup…"

"...Rum raisin, a matcha…"

"Four Zunda, five original, and.."

He was working on a food stand. Shirou Emiya, hero of the Jagamarukun. "Sigh," he quietly lamented how he got here.

"Thank you for your patronage!" my perky sales clerk companion yells out with every sale. She does some incredible work. Her cherry atmosphere easily brightens everyone's day that comes to visit, me included.

As expected of a goddess.

Also known as my comrade in poverty; Hestia, the goddess of the hearth.

After a day's journey Shirou had arrived at the city of Orario… only to realize he had no idea what to do from there. He had no money, no food, no shelter… It was a humbling experience.

"As expected of a goddess. Your presence here has truly blessed us, hahahha…" Miss Manager said in a boisterous tone.

Well she is a goddess… kind of, so it's to be expected.

Shirou could only watch the scene with mild resignation. As said, the loli goddess was being praised for her hard work.

Honestly I'm not convinced yet of her being 'the' goddess of the hearth. As it stands right now; ribbon goddess or...goddess of poverty, both of those would probably fit her better. It is probably for the best that she doesn't know that she has become the mascot for the jagamarukun stand… if this stand had enough notoriety, would the fame not elevate her to goddess of jamarukuns?

Such thoughts went through his head not noticing a certain twin tailed haired goddess giving him the stink eye.

Hmmm.... He felt a stare..

It seems that as when he was lost in thought, the loli goddess had snuck-up on him. There stood a slightly vexed goddess hands on hip and pouting…

What is this adorable creature? Are you Rin's long lost younger sister?

She was about the same height as Rin was a year ago, maybe shorter, wearing a white dress elegant, and short at the bottom, but 'torn,' around the arms and neck. Although, it seems that was more of a fashion statement than anything else. Supported, in part, by a blue ribbon.

As expected of a goddess, even their fashion doesn't make sense.

"Is there something on my face Hestia-san?" Shirou asked the goddess.



"Break! Break! Break! It's break time to go adventuring! Shirou-san let's go have some fun!"The goddess grabs his arm as she pulls him away from his work.


"If you don't treat me, I'm going to tell mistress Hilda you were ogling me instead of working."

"I was…" wait does staring count as ogling? I can't exactly lie to her… but I can't exactly tell her the truth; I don't think she'll like the way I've been thinking about her in my mind.

"...just thinking I don't know enough about Orario. Please, oh benevolent Goddess, bestow this mortal with your infinite wisdom." Shirou decided to praise the goddess.

She may not be Rin, but she does have similar weaknesses. Hestia san is weak to compliments. She raises her chin, and straightens her pose, popping her ah...bountiful chest.

Oh well, it's not like I dislike these little rendezvous.

Just another everyday in his life in Orario.


Hestia-san seems to be in a good mood these days. Just the other day, she was looking for a place to stay, when she came to live at the abandoned church I was living in. That was a bit of a surprise. After all, who expects a goddess to literally waltz into your door?

Especially when that door is to a worn down shack.

That was an interesting affair. Apparently the goddess had been kicked out by another goddess, and sent to the streets, only to find the one place she could sleep in already taken. The goddess in question balled up in tears at that…

So naturally Shirou let her stay in, and now they are roomates,

Well it's not wrong to help someone in need after all.

"Did something good happen Hestia-sam-I mean, Hestia." he corrected himself as Hestia gave him a glare.

Right, right, just Hestia no sama suffix. A weird quirk for a goddess, but not at all displeasing anyway.

"Yes. I-got-an-adventurer!." said the goddess as she strikes a pose on the table.

Please get down kami-sama. I don't want to get kicked out. Wait a minute…

"When did this happen?" We live together after all. We even have the same workplace, so when exactly did she...

Wait, is that why she didn't return from her break yesterday? Now that I think about it, I think I noticed an extra toothbrush on the sink before I came here.

"Hestia, this might be out of nowhere, but do we have a new roommate?"

There's no way that he could have been so focused on everything else that he wouldn't notice a new person living under the same roof.


He was wrong.

Shirou wondered if he perhaps spends too much time in the streets than in the church.

The goddess went on a tangent about how she saw a lost boy running around the other day before losing sight of him, but saw him once more on her day off. She then decided to stalk- she meant follow, follow the boy around for the rest of the day, and noticed he was looking to join a familia.

Adventurer get! Hestia thought to herself.

...or something along those lines. After that she went on a tangent about how he has fluffy white hair, as cute as a bunny, and other small things.

The way she described him, she would assume she adopted a bunny.

Hestia, did you really come down from the heavens to look for a familia or a boyfriend? Shirou wondered.

"Hey, are you listening Shirou?"Hestia asked me.

He was mostly listening. At least he heard the important parts; like he's now living in a house of three.

"I am doing my best Hestia, but it's hard to hear you if you start mumbling at the end."

"But it's embarrassing, saying that kind of stuff outloud." Hestia says, leaving Shirou to wonder what exactly she mumbled.

Then don't say it. How exactly did I become your girl talk companion?

"Hey Shirou, there's something I've been meaning to ask you" she states.


"You wouldn't have gone dungeon diving a few days ago did you?" she questions.

"Haha, funny right," Hestia says. "After Bell signed up, he mentioned hearing a rumor in the guild building about a red haired civilian trying to enter the dungeon. He had no armor or weapons, and sounded… a lot like someone I know. I mean, there's no way that could have been Shirou-kun, right? Hahaha, there's no way that red head was Shirou right?"

"...why are you being silent Shirou?" Hestia asks, as her previously joyful demeanor, changes to something more serious.

Rule number one about the gods, gods can sense deceit. It is impossible to lie to a god.


Lying in the moment isn't his specialty, or twisting the truth in this case as you couldn't lie to a goddess.

I'm sorry Hestia.

"...It was me." Confessing was the only option.

"I KNEW IT! Shirou, what exactly did you think you were doing? I know you don't have any falna, so what exactly did you think you were going to do in the dungeon?! You keep rejecting my advances, but going about it all by yourself, are you an idiot?!"

Hestia please change your wording, you'll cause strange rumors.

But yeah… that was an interesting first day in Orario.

It couldn't be helped back then, after all when confronted with a giant pillar that reaches the heavens, how could you not think of exploring it. Those were his thoughts at the time, and so he went about it by putting his best foot forward.

It did not work out as expected.

He had ignored the guild staff, and those involved with them, and decided just to head for the entrance of the dungeon myself. He was kicked out.

It is now apparent to him that he might have gone at things a little "too," directly, and decided to sit back and get a plan together.

…after he found some shelter, day one.

...after he found some food, day two.

...after he gathered some money, day three.

Luckily that was also the same day a certain goddess ran into me, who was living in an abandoned church.

If it wasn't for her, I'd probably still be looking for work right now. Finding work is difficult when you're in an unknown land. It is as Rin says, 'Money really makes the world go round.'

After that he and Hestia have been working and living together for the last few days, gradually forming a kind of friendship between each other. Now that his immediate needs were fulfilled he had in turn decided to gather intel on the city, and consequently the era he was now living in.

He didn't need another guild chase scenario.

Basically he's been touring the city of Orario, with Hestia as a guide. Because of that he can safely say this; This world is weird.

If he didn't know any better, he could have sworn he was dropped in one of Taiga's games.

Hestia decided to go on a tangent about responsibility, and idiocracy, for a couple minutes. I imagine it would be a hilarious view for those looking from afar.

That said, it does help in filling the gaps of knowledge, and I'm not acting surprised anymore by every race I see.

"Shirou, do you want to join my familia?"

And there's the question.

Besides the first time she asked, she hasn't asked him till now.

He had considered it. Considering the circumstances, he could only go so far without falna. He was aware of that now. .Although the guild might have stopped his daily activities, that hasn't stopped him completely. Because of the guilds rule he's been forced to explore when their personnel is lowered.

So he has been sneaking in at night.

The monsters are… interesting, he supposed, if a little weaker than expected, but that's only for the beginner floors. Unfortunately, he's hit a bit of a wall, in that he could only go so far, before the sun rises.

In conclusion; he would need to register under a familia sooner or later in order to explore the deeper parts of the dungeon. Logically he understood that, but...

"Sorry, Kami-sama, I'd have to refuse for now." Hestia is the goddess he has the most respect for, and he understands that if he wants to delve into the deeper parts of the dungeon he's going to need to register under a familia. His options were limited.

Hestia is the "only," goddess I've known since coming here in the first place, and even though I have a positive opinion about her… She is still a goddess.

He couldn't help holding onto some bias when it comes to gods.

After all, his soul was a reflection of many heroes' tales. Tales that include conflict of many kinds, including that of man and gods.

Heracles, son of Zeus, hated by Hera, and forced to go through 12 trials. All of them being life threatening, and thought to be impossible. Not to mention the fits of madness he had to go through...and if there's truth behind his legend, the things he did while in a maddened state…

In essence Heracles achieved many great things, but it cost him many precious things… and people.

Then there is Medea. Although not "hurt," in a physical way directly by the gods. The "Blessing," she received only brought her pain, and just like Heracles she also brought pain to others with her own hands. Although in the end she was able to get her revenge of her own will. She never really found a home for herself.

Lastly there is Medusa, she lost many things and people as well, but one could argue she lost a bit more, as in the end she lost even herself; and became a monster. The woman perhaps was a better person than actual goddesses in my eyes, as she held no malice for the gods, but I don't think such beings were worth forgiveness.

There were many more tales like those that exist within his soul. There are a few that stray away from the mold, with a tale of a benevolent god, and happy endings. But those are the exceptions not the rule.

He could only take such an offer by a god/goddess with a sense of apprehension.

Besides, I already have first hand knowledge to not make deals with entities greater than yourself, without proper foresight. A certain counter-guardian taught me that much.

He thought. I'm sure Rin would beat me into the earth if she found out I made a pact with the first goddess I see, and didn't even try to find another solution towards my problems. That and...

"I don't dislike you at all Hestia, but I have reasons for not joining a familia as of this moment," he says as he lowers his head on the table. This is the best he can do without saying the truth.

Although, if he can't find a trustworthy god or goddess soon he might just take her up on her offer.

He hopes Rin never finds out about the details of how he chose to go about this mission of his.

"Fine, fine. Having a second familia member after coming from the heavens would have been too great a blessing, it can't be helped." Hestia says. " And he could cook too! What a score! But if you're that adamant about it I won't force you."

"That. Being. Said. Shirou~ you aren't going to do anything stupid like that again right?"

...can gods read minds?.

"I will refrain from causing Hestia-sama any trouble." That is the truth, just missing a few key details.

"Well I guess that would have to do… Well, I can wait. Now, onto a more important matter," A wide smile appears on her features once more."...TIME FOR A HOMECOMING PARTY!" She yells as she makes the finger pointing pose to the sky..

"We have no money Hestia," he reminded her. They haven't finished a pay week yet. They've only started working recently.

"Gah- d-don't use logic against your goddess!" Hestia yells out.

Who's my goddess?


In the end Bell's party was put on hold, until after one; they got their first paycheck, and two got the place spruced up a little.

In any case, "Time to get ready for some night time sightseeing," Shirou says as he starts heading to the more...seedier parts of town.

Still beaming in her success of acquiring a family member, it would be several hours before he would be free from her girl-talk, luckily he was able to redirect her efforts by convincing her it was Bell's turn.

He's already toured the city enough for a lifetime. Sorry Bell, I haven't met you yet, but please accept your goddess selfishness.

Such thoughts were going through his head as he made my way down the city by myself for the first time in about a week-

Crash. When he heard a disturbance below him.

"Damn brat, trying to skimp out on your payment again." A male voice came from below.

"It wasn't Lili's intention, but Ged didn't pay me today." A young girl says to the thug.

"Tch, damn brat, that's not my problem." he says as he kicks the aforementioned Lily.

He was running across the roofs as it is the quickest, and quietest way to head anywhere. But it seems the streets are especially loud today.

"It's not my fault you picked a target with a brain. If your target isn't bringing in the goods, then 'take' the goods. Tch, tch, tch, well it can't be helped this time I suppose." The thug shakes his head in disappointment.

"Well, you are my precious familia, so I can forgive your late payment. I'll give you a week- no ten days, after all I'm quite generous. We wouldn't want another showing of tough love, would we?" the beastman continued as he grabbed the girl's head, pulling her hair, and consequently her body to him.

Only to throw her back down in the garbage.


Alright that's enough of that, reconnaissance can wait.

First things first; time to clean up some stray trash.


Crownedclown Crownedclown

Here have another. Bored n just filling up time. Have about seven of these unedited chapters. In between writtings I'm just editing this story, and posting.

Like n Subsc-

Wait that's something else.

Just Like!

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


