
Chapter 94

When the video began to play, everyone fell silent. Such a video had no sound, but it was enough for them to determine the situation.

When they all saw Uchiha Itachi and a mysterious individual plotting outside the Uchiha clan, especially when the surveillance captured that individual's eyes, they immediately understood. That mysterious person was the Uchiha from eight years ago, as mentioned by Kaito.

When they saw groups of people dressed in Anbu uniforms quietly appearing and surrounding the Uchiha, they began to believe Kaito's words.

The ninjas from the major clans realized, these people were definitely from Danzō's Root!

When the internal conflict within the Uchiha clan began, leading to the escape of two people, and Kaito being attacked outside the clan, and eventually wiping out all their attackers...

All the ninjas present basically believed Kaito's words, and also understood the actions of Kaito and the Uchiha clan.

In such a situation, anyone would probably lose their patience.

Moreover, the ninjas who had witnessed the standoff between Kaito and someone named Danzō a few months ago seemed to understand something.

However, once they figured these things out, everyone's expressions changed. They couldn't help but turn their eyes towards Sarutobi Hiruzen.

They simply couldn't believe that Konoha would personally take action, and seek to destroy their own village's clan!

"So, everyone has seen it."

After the video finished playing, Kaito spoke before Sarutobi Hiruzen could.

"Tonight, our clan was holding a celebration, and the reason for the celebration, I believe the Hokage is already aware, after all, we did submit a report.

Who would have thought that such a celebration would become an opportunity in others' eyes?

If we hadn't changed our sentries and installed surveillance equipment recently, I'm afraid we would not have had a good outcome tonight.

Shimura Danzō and Uchiha Itachi colluded with the mysterious Uchiha who attacked Konoha eight years ago to plot and implement the attack on the Uchiha clan.

Hokage-sama, was I wrong to seek revenge for my clan?

Was I wrong to punish evildoers for Konoha, to eliminate hidden dangers for Konoha?

On the contrary, Hokage-sama, this is really hard to not suspect, was this your intention?"

At this point, Kaito stopped. Sarutobi Hiruzen's face had become incredibly unpleasant, and he didn't answer Kaito's words.

But at this moment, he truly believed the content of the video. He had never dreamed that such an Uchiha existed eight years ago.

And this Uchiha, who killed the Fourth Hokage and his wife, and also killed his own wife, actually found Uchiha Itachi and even became his accomplice.

This led to Danzō being utterly discredited, because from the video, they were seen acting in concert with each other.

No one would believe that Danzō was unrelated to this individual. Similarly, Danzō was his own staff, and even he was in big trouble now.

"Uchiha Itachi!"

At this moment, the rage in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart was beyond measure.

He had obtained the confirmation he needed. If before he merely wanted to snuff out Uchiha Itachi, now he truly wanted to tear this guy to shreds!

It was this Uchiha Itachi who caused everything that happened now, how could he not hate this guy?

"I understand, but I must say that this matter is indeed not related to me, yet I am also to blame."

After a long while, Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath, slowly opening his eyes. At this moment, he looked as if he had aged more than ten years.

"I was not aware of this matter, I was too indulgent towards Danzō.

I officially declare, everything that Uchiha did tonight was for Konoha.

The matter of Danzō must be thoroughly investigated, it can be confirmed that he, as a high-level member of Konoha, betrayed Konoha. He is a rogue ninja of Konoha!

Also, according to the video, Uchiha Itachi's life and death are uncertain, but whether he is dead or alive, he is Konoha's number one rogue ninja, and is despised by Konoha.

Whoever, whenever, and wherever sees him can abandon their current mission and look for an opportunity to take him down!

In addition, because of the huge damage my mistake has caused to Konoha, I will hold a meeting of ministers and clan heads tomorrow afternoon for discussion and review.

Clan head Kaito, if you have any questions about some of the details, we can talk about it later.

Are you satisfied with this decision?"

Clan head?

When Sarutobi Hiruzen uttered this word, all the people present involuntarily turned their eyes to Kaito again.

When did the head of the Uchiha clan become this young man?

Ordinary ninjas could not understand, and those from the major clans were even more incredulous.

However, when they noticed the calm demeanor of Uchiha Fugaku, they realized that something earth-shattering must have truly happened to the Uchiha clan.

"I think there are indeed some details that we need to discuss thoroughly."

After pondering for a long time, Kaito finally gave a slight nod.

Similarly, those major clan ninjas, after hearing about the ministers and clan heads meeting, obviously had no intention of continuing to dispute.

"Since the Hokage-sama has something to discuss, we will take our leave first."

Nara Shikaku was the first to step forward and speak to Sarutobi Hiruzen, there was no need to involve himself in tonight's affairs any further.

After all, the real discussion about these matters with the Third Hokage will take place at tomorrow's meeting, so he won't stay here any longer.

However, his gaze subtly fell on Kaito, and he gave Kaito a slight nod. In the end, he said nothing and turned to leave.

As for investigating Danzō on the spot?

Do they really think that an unexpected attack without adequate preparation could trip up this Third Hokage who has been deeply rooted in Konoha for decades?

With his statement, the other clan ninjas successively bid their farewells, but the expressions of the Hyūga clan members seemed a bit complicated.

Hyūga Hiashi watched Kaito quietly for a long time, and finally turned to leave after greeting him.

Although the civilian ninjas were worried about Sarutobi Hiruzen's safety - after all, the power Kaito demonstrated was too frightening - they eventually chose to leave. The events of tonight were too fantastical for them.

They really didn't expect that there was another dark department outside the Anbu, and the village didn't seem as harmonious and beautiful as they imagined.

After they all left, Sarutobi Hiruzen calmly spoke to Kaito.

"Clan head Kaito, shall we talk alone?"

"No problem, Hokage-sama."

Kaito nodded, then walked out directly, and Sarutobi Hiruzen also followed him out.

Soon, the two of them arrived at a corner, one after the other, and the members of the Anbu and the Uchiha stayed where they were, waiting for orders.

"Speak up, what do you want? But keep in mind it can't be too excessive, and I reserve the right to agree or disagree."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the overly young face in front of him, and finally spoke.

"Of course, you're the Hokage, after all."

Kaito gave a slight nod, then his face became extremely serious. It was time for the final negotiations, he wouldn't drop the ball now.

"We don't ask for much. First, we demand fairness. Not everything left by the Second Hokage was good.

The Uchiha must receive fairness, not only that, you must also stop suppressing the Uchiha and fully cooperate with the Uchiha to restore their reputation in Konoha.

Second, the police force must be expanded. I can tell you in advance that the Uchiha have always been a part of Konoha, and the police force doesn't need to absorb other Konoha ninjas.

Whether they are clan ninjas or civilian ninjas, it's a necessity. I believe you understand, Hokage-sama."

Kaito's first condition was acceptable, but the second request was already quite excessive, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was very grim.

However, in the end, he closed his eyes and pondered for a long time before silently nodding his head.

"I can agree to this, but I warn you not to go too far!"

Kaito looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen in confusion, he couldn't understand what this old man meant. Wasn't it just expanding the police force and letting other people in?

Why did this guy have an expression as if he was cutting off his own flesh?

"Very well, then the third and final one."

Shaking his head, Kaito didn't bother to think more. He still maintained his smile, the first two conditions were just appetizers, but the last one was the key point.

"Third, we demand that Naruto's true identity be made public.

In addition, we want a copy of the information inside the Root. This is to prevent you from reneging in the future. If you renege, these documents will never appear!

The Uchiha clan only has these three conditions, do you agree?"


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C94
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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