
Use elemental reactions to break elemental shields

"Elemental reaction?"

Hearing what Lynn had to say, the intelligent Tony didn't take long to realize something.

Although he had never played a game with an elemental reaction feature, as a scientist who recognized himself as a rare genius. He naturally knew various instances of elemental reactions.

For example, when fire can be extinguished with water.

Isn't that an elemental reaction?

To think that a genius like him only thought of this now...

Even when he saw clearly that the monsters had cloak colors that corresponded to the elements they mastered.

"...." Jarvis was silent, his algorithm not even thinking about elemental reactions. His host needed to upgrade it more in the future.

"As expected of Mr. Iron Man, a genius like you immediately realized what I meant." Lynn smiled, praising Tony while firing several lightning bolts at the Abyss Mage with the ice element. As for the red colored Abyss Mage? Because they have the fire attribute.

Lynn changed some of the cubes behind him to blue, as per his color, it now had the water element. As some of his cubes fired water blades at the Abyss Mage with the fire element, their fire shields immediately broke which left them with no defense at all.

Hearing the newcomer praising him, Tony felt that the other party was mocking him. Especially when he saw that the other party kept using lightning and water to destroy the monsters' ice and fire shields.

He, Iron Man felt helpless, after all, all the weapons stored in his armor were firearms such as machine guns, mini-rockets, bombs, and energy cannons. There were absolutely no weapons to shoot lightning or water!

"Jarvis, create a new folder. Name it: Mark Elemental. I'll make a new armor that can at least shoot fire, water, ice, and lightning later."

Jarvis replied. "Yes, sir."

Then Tony looked at Lynn before saying, "Newcomer, is there anything I can do to help?"

After being slapped, Tony's tone was no longer dismissive, he seemed to regard Lynn as a superhero equal to him.

Lynn was a little surprised to hear Tony's somewhat humble tone. Although he could actually solve everything herself, but if Tony wanted to help, he didn't mind.

So he pointed at the group of Abyss Mages who already had no shields and said: "Since their elemental shields are gone, your machine gun or energy cannon should be able to eliminate them."

"I will destroy their shields, and you shoot them to death, Mr. Iron Man."

"I understand, let's do it."

Without saying much more, Tony immediately flew to a group of Abyss Mages who had lost their shields and shot them with a hail of bullets.

Many Abyss Mages who had already lost their elemental shields cried out in pain after being hit by the bullets. They became extremely vulnerable, making Tony even more eager to slaughter them.

Tony also didn't forget to slaughter the other monster in black skin, Hilichurl who was running around the city was shot to death by him.

Lynn wasn't idle either, there were still a dozen Abyss Mages with shields in his vision. So to shorten the time, he transformed all the cubes behind him into a four-petal shape that condensed lightning and water elements at each end.

This was an AOE attack, not only the Abyss Mage that Lynn aimed at, he also aimed at a group of Hilichurls within a 50 meter radius.

Immediately a lot of purple thunder and water knives were shot out, people could see the thunder and water streaking across the sky and all of them shot at the monsters precisely.

Many people were recording with their cell phones, after all what they saw was like a special effect from a fantasy movie which amazed them.

Unlike Iron Man who uses modern weapons to slaughter monsters, this new superhero is like a wizard who can shoot thunder and water and is also very powerful.

Seeing a lot of thunder and water blades sometimes passing through him to shoot monsters around him, Tony shuddered, he was worried about the newcomer's attack hitting him.

"That newcomer must be an Omega-level mutant, right? If it's not a mutant, I don't believe humans can do this..."

Tony muttered as he continued to fire his machine gun and energy cannon to slaughter the remaining monsters.

After all the monsters that attacked the city were dead, many people cheered. Tony was originally about to look for a new superhero to help him, but when he looked around, he couldn't find the other party anywhere.

"Jarvis, do you know where the newcomer went?"

"From the satellite footage, I only saw him turn into lightning and disappear. His whereabouts are now unknown, sir."

Tony was a little disappointed, he originally thought of at least getting acquainted with the other party.

"Have you tried to find his identity?"

"Sorry sir, but I couldn't find his identity either, even after I analyzed his face. I can't find an identity that matches his face."

"Huh? How is that possible? That man clearly showed his face without worrying about his identity being revealed. At first I thought he was brave enough not to hide his identity like me."

Tony sighed, he then immediately flew towards his company's building.

As for what happened to the corpses of those monsters? He didn't care.

And in fact he was sure that the military would be eager to collect the monster corpses for study.

Sure enough, after Tony left.

Many black cars from SHIELD and military vehicles came to the scene.

Nick Fury got out of the black car and saw the corpses of the monsters lying on the road.

He turned to agent Maria Hill who also came with him.

"Hill, have you gotten any information about the man who helped Iron Man?"

"Sorry boss, this is..."

Looking at the hesitant agent Maria Hill, Nick Fury frowned.

"What? Don't tell me SHIELD's technology doesn't work anymore to investigate a person's identity, even when that person shows his face clearly."

Maria Hill smiled wryly, she handed a tablet to her boss and let him look at the report given by the team of investigators from SHIELD headquarters.

"As you said, boss. We were also unable to discover this man's identity."

"But looking at the super abilities that the other party has, such as purple lightning, it's an ability similar to the other man involved with the mutant Jean Grey and the explosion that occurred in Ferncliff Forest a week ago."

Nick Fury's expression became ugly, again the same man. But he actually didn't feel that bad, after all he had asked agent Natasha Romanoff to discover the man's identity through Jean Grey.

He just needed to wait.

"Forget about that man. For now, have our agents bring some monster corpses for the scientists at SHIELD to study."

"Yes, boss!"


In a forest.

This was still the same forest where the portal that brought the group Abyss Order appeared in New York.

The leader of the group, the Abyss Herald who had a tall figure stared at a small portion of the Abyss Mage group that had managed to return while carrying several unconscious humans.

"Looks like you guys had a bad situation when you go to the city. Never mind, you can explain what happened later."

"Bring all those humans. We have to go back immediately to report to the Prince."

The Abyss Herald let the few Abyss Mages carrying the humans enter the portal first.

After everyone entered, he was about to enter as well and leave this universe, but his instincts sensed danger approaching him. The Abyss Herald immediately created an ice shield that was dozens of times stronger than what the Abyss Mage could create.

Then from within the shield, he saw a purple thunder that was more than seven meters wide hit the ice shield and the ground beneath his feet violently.


His ice shield was instantly shattered, especially when there was an elemental reaction because the other party's attack contained the lightning attribute which was the weakness of his ice shield. Due to the impact of the explosion, he fell to his knees while spewing out a mouthful of blood inside his mask.

The Abyss Herald was furious! He felt humiliated at being attacked silently and growled while looking at where the lightning strike was coming from.

Not far away in the sky, the Abyss Herald saw a flying human figure in a white suit and several cube-like objects also hovering behind him with purple lightning dancing around them.

"Human! How dare you attack me secretly!"

The terrifying voice of the Abyss Herald echoed in the depths of the forest, and even Lynn flying in the sky heard it clearly.

Lynn smiled, his smile looking amused, his gaze not only fixed on the Abyss Herald. He also actually noticed the existence of a black portal with blue mist that was not far behind the Abyss Herald.

"So that's it... No wonder they got here." Lynn muttered.

The Abyss Herald did not know what the human who attacked him was whispering about, but saw the gaze of the other party directed at the portal.

He knew the human seemed to have guessed that their group was coming from the other side of the portal.

The Abyss Herald immediately stood up, and the two blue knives appeared on his wrists. The air around him became cold, and he also stared coldly at the humans flying in the sky.

The human in front of him was dangerous!

He couldn't let the other party do anything funny to the portal connected to the Void Realm.

Even if it cost him his life, he would do it!

Lynn descended from the sky and he stood not far in front of the Abyss Herald. Looking at the other party who was extremely vigilant, Lynn still maintained his amused smile.

"Abyss Herald, right?"

Hearing his name spoken by the human in front of him, the Abyss Herald was startled and he pointed at the human with one of his swords.

"You... How did you know?"

Lynn laughed, he walked step by step forward, which made the Abyss Herald take a few steps back.

"There's no need to be so wary. Actually after knowing the Abyss Order group can get to this universe through the portal behind you."

"Instead of killing you, I have an offer for you."

Hearing that the human in front of him even knew his group's name, the Abyss Herald felt even more aggrieved and he frowned hearing the other party had an offer for him.

"An offer? How presumptuous! Human, you can't buy my loyalty. The only person who can order me is the Prince!"

"Prince?" Lynn realized something and his smile grew wider. "What is Aether? By the way you misunderstand, I don't want you to be my subordinate or anything like that. I just want to make a deal with your Prince."

The Abyss Herald's eyes behind the mask widened, he had no idea why this human from another universe even knew his leader's real name.

He actually wanted to kill the human in front of him, but in one confrontation before.

He knew the human in front of him was powerful, stronger than him and it seemed like the other party was holding back from killing him in one strike.

From the previous thunder attacks, the Abyss Herald judged that the thunder power of the human in front of him was probably only a few times worse than the Thunder God in Teyvat.

Even so, it was definitely enough to kill him easily!

After some consideration, the Abyss Herald chose to listen first to what the other party wanted.

"What offer do you have for my Prince, human?"

"My name is Lynn. That's my name if your Prince asks who the person is who wants to make a deal with him."

"...." Abyss Herald was silent, he only nodded slightly after hearing his name. "Continue."

Actually, Lynn had seen that some escaped Abyss Mages had kidnapped some humans before and taken to the portal, but he hadn't come here for those humans.

In fact he did not care about those strangers who had nothing to do with him, and he wanted to make a deal with the Abyss Herald leader in another universe purely because he had some ideas in his mind.

Mostly, it was because he was attracted to the Teyvat continent.


After Lynn finished offering the Abyss Herald the benefits and what he wanted. He had teleported back to the restroom in the toast shop, not forgetting to change his clothes, and the moment he came out of the restroom Gwen immediately came to him in a excited.

"Lynn! You've been away to the toilet for quite a while. By the way, you didn't see it! There's a new superhero helping Iron Man to get rid of those monsters!"

"Oh, really? Is that superhero handsome?" Lynn asked with a smile.

Obviously the new superhero was himself.

"Handsome? Yes, he's handsome! But..." Gwen suddenly peered at his face with a blush on her cheeks.

"But what?" Lynn could slightly guess what Gwen was thinking at the moment.

It made his grin and want to tease her.

The embarrassed Gwen felt annoyed at Lynn's grin, but her stomach suddenly rumbled which made her even more embarrassed.


Lynn laughed at the sound of Gwen's stomach and immediately said, "We're already here, why not continue our previous meal plan?"

Hearing this, Gwen's eyes lit up. Although outside there had just been chaos due to the monster attack, but this toast shop was actually still open.

So without hesitation she nodded.

On the other side.

Many people who have seen and known about alien attacks are still excited.

Not only humans, but mutants watching the news were shocked to see the monsters that attacked the city and were defeated by two superheroes.

Jean had also watched the news before and she knew about the attack of the monsters called aliens. It was just that she felt that the blonde superhero who helped Iron Man somehow looked familiar to her.

But she quickly shook her head and thought, 'The new superhero is handsome, but not as handsome as Lynn.'

Then she continued walking to the principal's office to meet Professor.

After getting there, she saw the old man sitting in a wheelchair smiling kindly at her, and beside him was Ororo who was smiling as if welcoming her.

"Jean, are you home yet?" Charles asked like a grandfather who saw his granddaughter coming home from her boyfriend's house.

"Yes, Professor. Did I interrupt your conversation with Ororo?"

Jean looked at Professor and Ororo who seemed to be discussing something before she came.

Charles waved his hand lightly, "No, Ororo and I were just talking about the progress of our students this year."

"Right, Jean. If you want to discuss something with Professor. I can come out so as not to disturb you." Ororo took the initiative to give Jean the comfort to talk to Professor X.

Jean smiled, but she shook her head. "Ororo, you really don't need to go. What I want to talk to Professor X about is also good for you to hear."

Ororo was confused, but she nodded. "Then I'll hear it too."

Charles also didn't mind talking six eyes and said, "So Jean, what did you want to talk about? It seems like it's something serious judging by the expression on your face."

Ororo also agreed with what Professor said, she also felt a serious atmosphere around Jean.

Jean took out her cell phone from her pocket and showed the two the app Lynn had made.

"I would like to recommend a good method that can make the status of mutants in this world better."


Author note

For those of you who are confused, the details of Lynn and Abyss Order's deal will be revealed in the future. I deliberately did not explain it in detail.

DogLickerGods DogLickerGods

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C17
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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