/ Sci-fi / Echoes of Infinity

Echoes of Infinity オリジナル

Echoes of Infinity

Sci-fi 2 章 3.8K ビュー
作者: TheMizMind


詳細 目次


Echoes of Infinity is a captivating web novel combining fantasy, mystery, and existential exploration elements. Set in a world where technology coexists with ancient magic, it follows the journey of Oliver Evverit Sterling, a young man who awakens in a perplexing situation. After experiencing a traumatic nightmare, Oliver finds himself on a planet resembling Earth in 2056, yet imbued with mysterious magical properties.

As Oliver grapples with his disoriented state and fragments of forgotten memories, he discovers that this world is teetering on the edge of an impending cataclysm. The novel delves into profound questions about the purpose of existence, the nature of reality, and the limits of human understanding.



  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



It's alright for an author to give five stars to their work, right? This is most definitely not shameless... why are you reading this with that look on your face? Stop - I don't like that.

1 の返信を表示する

A WONDERFUL NOVEL 10/10 THERE IS WORLDBUILDING!! Now you don’t find something like that on webnovel and with writing quality surpassing most average novels makes this one of the best novels on the platform, not much to say as the novel has only a chapter but this is something to look out for! ps. will update this later when more chaps are released!!

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When I hopped in for reading the first chapter i was mind blowned by the writing style. Was not aspecting such a good story to drop in my bucket, hope we good more good chapters from Mizmind [img=recommend]

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first chapter is quite good i like the world building and how the story sets. I'd recommend continue on working on your world build so as your characters as well, wording is well detailed.

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Not much know about the Update speed and story development but everything else is quite good. The world-building and grammar are amazing, I hope this doesn't disappoint.

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作者 TheMizMind