<p>Good morning our wife said Oge. Mr Okhizu sister as she continues her duty. Osaro's face could tell that she was not happy and she could not do anything rather than to cry and continuously obeying her husband and this made her more sad.<br/> Osaro, a loud voice called out to her as she quickly ran to the direction of the voice, only to see that it was Mr Okhizu that called her.<br/> Yes sir, Osaro answered with an unnoticed sound and this made Mr Okhizu angry. I told you anytime I call you, your respond should be yes my husband as he take his seat and ask Osaro to sit.<br/> Osaro!<br/> Yes my husband she replied almost weeping.<br/> good....<br/>I called you this morning to list my rules and regulations for you so that you can understand me better.<br/> Yes my husband Osaro said.<br/> My number one rule is what I have let you know already which is the response to my call, second you must moan like every other lady even when you're not enjoying what I'm giving cause that is what your senior do, that is your co wives.<br/> Yes my husband said Osaro as Mr Okhizu continue with the lists and Osaro departed afterwards.<br/> ohh, today is just too fast said Osaro as she do the dishes, I can't wait to have my night rest.<br/> Osaro! Osaro!! mama Adana ( Osaro co wife) called.<br/> Yes mummy Adana I am here doing the dishes she replied.<br/> Ohh, okay I want to let you know that it's your turn to keep our husband bed warm tonight since it is also your welcoming night into his room and also I know what you might be going through cause Omona too was like you when she was married to papa Adana's brother and today you can see that she is use to life in this house.<br/> Okay mummy Adana, but what do you mean by it is my welcoming night and why do I have to keep his bed warm?<br/> you won't understand since you're still very young my dear, keeping the bed warm means you have to perform your wifely duties to your husband. Meaning you have to get intimate and start preparing to have children. <br/> Mummy Adana, but I have never get intimate before so I seriously don't know how to plus he said I have to ummm.... moan that you always do that and I don't know what that is too.<br/> Oooh Osaro my dear, moan means sweet sounds you make during the process of getting intimate with your husband.<br/> Oooh God why do I have to come to this world through Iruson family Osaro said as tears rolled down her cheeks.<br/> It is time Osaro said mama Adana as she hold Osaro hand to the dressing room. You have to make sure you are perfectly dress and charming for your husband my dear and this is just the perfect dress as she brings out a short tight gown and told Osaro to put on.<br/> After getting ready she move to Okhizu's chamber and waited for him to come out of the bathroom.<br/> Ohhh, what a beauty, I remember when your senior came she wasn't as beautiful as you are right now; Mr Okhizu said as he draw close to Osaro and started touching her face. This made Osaro very uncomfortable and she started crying as she remember her mum's words which were always be submissive to your husband and don't argue with him and she immediately stop crying but she continue weeping.<br/> Mr Okhizu drop his towel as he caresses Osaro face and remove her dress, he then move his hand down to Osaro breast and compliment her gorgeous and well pointed breast, your breast is as ripe as the paw paw, sweet like brand new palm wine, and all Osaro could say was thanks my husband with tears in her eyes.<br/> Osaro! Mr Okhizu called, if you want to make things hard for me, make sure you know that things will be hard for you also, hope your mother thought you this.<br/> Yes my husband <br/> Good Osaro, now I want you to spread your legs wide open and praise me.<br/> yes sir, Osaro said as she continues with praising Mr Okhizu.<br/> Osaro could be heard screaming and moaning in pain with different words as the noise later stopped.<br/> After sometimes Osaro departed and mama Adana went in.<br/><br/> I hate you father Osaro said as she enters her room to ...<br/><br/> <br/> </p>
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