
章 9: Apollo Calls For War

Apollo sat alone in his lavish room, the only light coming from the flickering candles scattered around the space.He gazed around his lavish room, taking in the opulence and decadence that surrounded him. The smooth marble floors, the intricate tapestries hanging on the walls, and of course, the indoor jacuzzi that beckoned to him with its warm, bubbling waters.

As an Alpha, Apollo always had a taste for the finer things in life. Even before the apocalypse, he had lived a life of luxury, indulging in every desire and whim that took hold of him. But now, in this post-apocalyptic world, where survival was the only goal, he had managed to hold onto his luxurious lifestyle.

His room was definitely grand, with high ceilings and expensive furniture. There were multiple smaller homes on the block, making this place able to house over a hundred people easily. This was his cove, a hidden sanctuary they had found and probably, before the apocalypse, a luxurious mansion owned by some wealthy man. Now, it was their base, their fort, where Apollo and his pack of Alphas ruled over their territory.

He traced his fingers over the medallion that hung on the wall, a symbol of his dominance over the previous cove that had occupied this space. Apollo's lips curled into a slight smile as he thought about how easy it had been to defeat the other cove. They were weak, easily defeated by Apollo's cunning and brute strength. He chuckled to himself, remembering the satisfaction of seeing their Omega leader submit to him.

He stood up from the bed and walked over to the ornate wooden dresser, running his fingers over the intricately carved designs. He opened one of the drawers and pulled out a small, velvet-lined box. Opening it, he revealed a collection of shiny objects - necklaces, rings, and bracelets, all pilfered from the coves he had defeated.

Apollo liked to keep these treasures as mementos of his conquests. They were reminders of his power and the fear he instilled in others. He closed the box and put it back in the dresser, before making his way to the indoor jacuzzi.

As he dipped his body into the warm, inviting water, Apollo couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. He leaned his head back, letting out a sigh of pleasure. But his peace was short-lived as he was soon joined by two Omegas - the ones he had taken to his bed earlier.

They eagerly crawled towards him, their bodies glistening with sweat and arousal. Apollo raised an eyebrow, slightly amused by their eagerness. He had fucked them before, and now they seemed to be coming back for more.

He let out a low chuckle as the Omegas positioned themselves in front of him, their legs spread wide, presenting themselves to him. He could see the remnants of his seed dripping out from their swollen, used pussies. They were begging for more, their eyes filled with lust and submission.

But as Apollo looked at them, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of boredom. These Omegas were too easy, too basic. He had fucked them many times before, and their performances were becoming dull and mundane. He craved something more, something challenging.

With a sigh, he came inside both of them, and as they moaned out loud, he didn't care for them before he pushed the two Omegas away and got out of the jacuzzi. He didn't need them right now. He needed a new conquest, a new challenge. And he knew just where to find it.

Apollo sat in his large, leather chair, running a hand through his thick, dark hair. He let out a heavy sigh as he scrolled through the pictures on his phone, his mind drifting to the upcoming hunt. He had been a hunter for as long as he could remember, a natural predator with a taste for the thrill of the chase. But lately, he had been growing tired of the basic Omegas that his pack had been bringing him. They lacked the fire and challenge that he craved, and it seemed like a never-ending cycle of the same prey.

But then, there was Bambi. The cute, little boy Omega who had almost fallen into his hands on his last hunt. Apollo couldn't get his mind off of him. Something about the Omega had sparked a deep desire within him, a desire to not only possess him, but to breed him in front of all his pack members. It was a primal urge, one that he couldn't resist.

As he checked the time on his cracked phone, his thoughts were interrupted by a beep. His heart raced as he opened the message to see the words he never wanted to see: 'Tracking signal lost.'

Apollo's rage erupted like a volcano, his fists slamming against the desk as he cursed under his breath. How could this happen? Who dared to interfere with his hunt? He knew he had enemies, but he had always been one step ahead of them. This was not just a setback, it was a personal attack.

His anger subsided as he reached for a nearby bottle of whiskey, taking a swig directly from the bottle. But before he could drown his frustrations, he heard a noise from the back of the room. Turning around, he saw two Omegas cowering in the corner of his office, both trembling with fear.


"Pl-please don't kill u-"

Without hesitation, Apollo used his trait, 'Laser sight', to shoot a beam of concentrated light at the Omegas, killing them instantly. They were nothing but pawns in his game, expendable and replaceable. But their death only fueled his anger further, knowing that someone had potentially cost him his ultimate prize.


His most trusted beta, Eva, entered the room, her expression reflecting the fear and worry that Apollo's outburst caused. She approached him cautiously, bowing her head and kneeling at his feet. Apollo took in calming breaths, trying to regain control of his emotions before addressing Eva.

"What went wrong?" She asked, her voice trembling.

Apollo's eyes narrowed as he recalled the message on his phone. "Someone got rid of the tracker I placed on Bambi," he growled, his anger simmering just beneath the surface.

Eva's eyes widened in shock, knowing how important this hunt was to her Alpha. But instead of showing any signs of fear or hesitation, she nodded and said, "The hunt starts now, Alpha. I will make sure that whoever did this pays for their insolence."

Apollo's lips twitched into a small, satisfied smile. He knew he could always rely on Eva to take care of any obstacles in his path. She was his most trusted aide, and he knew that she would do everything in her power to help him catch Bambi.

He turned his back to her and walked over to his wardrobe, opening it to reveal his war outfit. A simple, yet intimidating black suit, tie, and pants, with gloves to complete the ensemble. It was his signature look, one that struck fear into the hearts of any neighboring cove. But today, it would also serve as a warning to whoever dared to mess with him.

"Oh, and make sure the bodies of those two whores are taken to the Refinery," Apollo said, his voice calm and controlled now. "I'm sure Oleg can think of a use for them."

Eva simply nodded before taking her leave, closing the door behind her as she went to carry out her Alpha's orders. As she walked through the hallways of the pack house, she couldn't help but wonder who would risk incurring Apollo's wrath by interfering with his hunt, because she was damn sure that little morsel Bambi wasn't smart enough to do that. 

Well, whoever they were, they now had a war with one of the strongest coves in the area.

Norobo Norobo

Read 10 chapters Ahead On My Patreon----> patreon.com/Norobo

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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