
章 4: Chapter Four: Bambi’s Great Escape. . . .Maybe Not

Apollo had been waiting for this moment for what felt like an eternity. One year, one whole year of planning, strategizing, and waiting had finally led him to this point. He stood there, a satisfied smile on his face, as he watched Bambi approach him.

It had been a long, arduous journey to get to this point. Apollo had been determined to capture Bambi, to make him his own. He had been drawn to the Omega from the moment he laid eyes on him. Bambi was strong, independent, and fiercely loyal to his pack. Apollo knew that he needed someone like Bambi by his side, someone who could match his strength and determination.

And now, the long wait was finally over. Apollo extended his hand to Bambi, a smile on his face as he spoke, 'Win alongside your Alpha, my sweet autumn wind.'

Bambi could smell the musk being secreted, most likely from Apollo. It was a scent that was familiar to him, one that he had encountered many times before. Omegas were known for secreting pheromones, especially during their heat, to attract nearby mutants or Alphas. It was a natural instinct, one that often left the weaker genders mad with lust.

But it wasn't just Omegas who could secrete musk. Betas and Alphas were also capable of producing this scent, and it usually had a strong effect on the weaker genders, compelling them to obey. However, Alpha musk was the strongest of them all, often enough to force even the most resistant Omega to become a mindless buffoon.

But Bambi was different. He was one of the few Omegas who could resist the effects of Alpha musk. It wasn't because he was already mated, or because he was built differently. It was because he was strong-willed and determined, just like Apollo.

As Apollo looked smug, thinking that he had already won, Bambi's expression changed. Instead of looking desperate and ready to submit, he looked absolutely disgusted.

His nose scrunched up in distaste as he yelled at Apollo, "You should really take a fucking bath, dude!"

And with that, Bambi proceeded to kick Apollo in the stomach, knocking him back slightly even though he kicked him hard enough for a normal dude to be curling over in pain.

Apollo scrunched over, more taken aback by Bambi's reaction than the little amount of pain Bambi had inflicted him. Honestly, it felt cute the way he tried to reject him. Apollo's eyes swam like fishes. He didn't expect this. How could he? With almost every Omega that he had tried this on, most of them were basically kneeling themselves over, showing their sweet, little holes ready for him to devour them.

Honestly, he had expected the Omega to be overcome with lust, to be ready to submit to him. But instead, Bambi had shown him that he was not one to be controlled by anyone.

Apollo's smile faded as he realized that he had underestimated Bambi. He had thought that he could easily win him over with his Alpha musk, but he was wrong. Bambi was not like any other Omega he had encountered before.

But meanwhile, the rest of the Betas snarled at Bambi, their faces twisted in a mix of anger and worry. They were all muttering curses under their breath and some were even yelling out loud.

Eva, with her long black hair and piercing green eyes, was at the forefront of the group. She stood with her arms crossed, her red lips twisted in a scowl as she sneered at Bambi.

"Fucking Omega!" she spat, her voice dripping with venom.

"How dare a mere Omega?!" another one yelled, his face turning red with anger.

"To be so stupid as to kick our Alpha!" a third Beta growled.

"What did we expect from a sniffling Omega bitch like you?!!" a fourth Beta snarled, his voice dripping with disdain.

Bambi, however, didn't back down. He simply got up and gathered his emergency bag, making sure to stuff his picture of him and his sister inside. As he zipped up the bag, he turned to face each and every one of the Betas, his eyes burning with fury. "Shut the fuck up, all of you," he spat, his voice laced with barely suppressed rage.

He pointed at each and every one of the Betas, his eyes burning with fury as he cursed at them. "Get a fucking life!" he spat, his voice filled with venom. He then turned around and flashed them his middle finger, before he spun around to leave.

But before he could make his escape, he felt a sudden rush of power emanating from the Betas. Bambi's reaction only proved to make the Betas angrier, as some of the Betas' eyes began to glow, a clear sign that they were about to use their superpowers or "special abilities" as Bambi liked to call them.

For a moment, Bambi gripped his bag tightly, ready to defend himself against the oncoming attack. But then, a hand was raised and a maniacal laughter filled the room, causing Bambi to freeze in shock and confusion, along with the rest of the betas.

It was Apollo, their Alpha, who was finding the whole situation highly amusing. 

He had always been a little unstable, but as Bambi looked at him now, he realized that Apollo had completely lost his grip on reality.

Apollo dusted himself off as he got up, his eyes fixated on Bambi as he circled the Omega, staring at him with a concerning smile. The room fell silent, everyone watching in concern as Apollo's expression grew more and more twisted.

Finally, Apollo turned around and walked towards one of his Betas, the same one who had cursed at Bambi earlier. He was a middle-aged man with a stout belly and average height. Apollo laid a hand on his shoulder, causing the Beta to flinch in fear, his eyes shining with an insane glint.

"You don't think an Omega that I personally chose is worthy?" he asked, his voice low and menacing.

"I've been too lenient on you all."


"Alph-?!" the Beta started to say before his words were cut off by a piercing laser sight. It was coming from Apollo's eyes as they shone brightly, shooting through the Beta's cranium. The sound of bones shattering and flesh sizzling filled the room as the Beta's head basically exploded on the spot.

The room erupted in chaos as everyone backed away in fear, realizing the true extent of Apollo's insanity. The other Betas stood in shock, their mouths gaping open as they watched their comrade fall to the ground. Apollo simply brushed off his hands as if nothing had happened and turned back to the rest of his Betas with a chilling smile.

Bambi stood frozen, his eyes wide with shock as he watched his former mentor and Alpha commit such a horrific act. He felt a surge of fear and anger inside him, knowing that he could be Apollo's next target.

"Anyone else wanna question my choice of Omega?" he asked, his eyes glinting dangerously.

The Betas all shook their heads, too scared to even speak. Satisfied, Apollo turned to Bambi and extended a hand.

"Now, where were we?" he said, his voice calm once again.

Bambi eyed Apollo warily, but then he noticed something. Apollo's hand was red and swollen, with bite marks covering it. Those bite marks were something that he had seen before, or rather, those bite marks were something that nearly everyone who had ever watched a zombie apocalypse movie knew belonged to.

He quickly made the connection and realized the true reason as to why Apollo had been searching for him with such passion. Bambi hid his hands behind his back, as a shudder ran through his body.

'He knows.' Bambi's eyes fell, the glint in them hiding themselves. 'He knows what I did to help him survive last time.'

Norobo Norobo

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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