27.27% Reborn in My Hero Academia as a Demon Slayer. / Chapter 13: Unexpected Encounters and Showing Efforts.

章 13: Unexpected Encounters and Showing Efforts.

[In the city Kaito POV]

I'm taking my usual stroll around the city and I got to say it is in fact quite relaxing to walk around aimlessly, you discover new foods places you didn't even knew were there, sometimes you can see some hero work and you can also see the interaction of people during these peaceful times.

Although, something I hate is the hypocrisy of these people, once the war arc begins all of them will blame All Might for the war even knowing how much he has sacrificed to protect them, I really hate the two-face one-sided assholes, even Aoyama despite being a traitor at heart loved heroes, UA and his friends and the fact that he betrayed them it broke him.

After a while of walking, I got tired and went to a café, I was about to enter when suddenly *SPLASH* I felt a burning sensation in my shirt and I started yelling "OWW HOT, HOT, HOT!".

"Waaa, I'm very sorry" said a voice.

Once I acclimated myself with the hot coffee I looked at the direction where the voice came from and I was shocked.

"Nejire this is why I keep telling you to not overreact when you are angry, now this guy is mad at you" said a purpled haired teenager with a gloomy face.

"Sorry stranger my friend spilled her coffee on you, use these napkins to dry yourself out" said a friendly blonde.

"Mirio by now the coffee has already stained his shirt he is definetley mad now" said the gloomy kid while avoiding to make any type of eye contact with me.

"Don't be so gloomy Tamaki he doesn't look too mad anyway" said the girl named Nejire.

"Excuse me" 2 of them looked at me "I'm not mad it was partly my fault for lowering my guard so relax" I said trying to ease the mood.

"see Tamaki? He is a good guy" Mirio said.

"hey, hey why are you not mad? How come the coffee didn't leave a mark on you? Is that your quirk? What else can you do? Can you….." Nejire bombarded me with questions that I successfully ignored.

"Sorry about Nejire she tends to get a bit too…curious when she sees something new, how about we invite you a coffee to make it up to you" said Mirio.

I nodded and went with them, in case you still haven't figured out these are the future "Big 3" of UA high.

I forgot to include unexpected encounters when you walk around, for example: I saw Ojiro, Fat-gum, Hawkins, Mineta being thrown out of an adult store (I had to be specific with this one), Kirishima with black hair and someone who I believe was Hagakure, I couldn't confirm since she is invisible.

Once we took a seat I asked "is it ok to keep you guys here? Why don't you just pay and leave, I don't want to keep you in here for long" I said trying to avoid them casually.

The reason to this is that I don't want to trigger anymore butterfly effects. So trying to send them away is the best option.

"see I told you we are making him mad" Tamaki said leaning towards the window as gloomy as usual.

"Relax Tamaki he looks even younger than us so don't worry" said Nejire.

"Do you guys want to be heroes?" I said, at this point butterfly effect was already beyond my power so I went with the flow.

"Oh? How did you noticed" said Mirio surprised.

"Call it a hunch and you actions, Nejire was bombarding with questions to verify I was ok, Tamaki was trying to give me some space not only for me to net feel annoyed but also prevent me to retaliate in case I was going to attack and you tried to answer for your friend even though it was her fault and she was supposed to offer it first" I tried to sound as convincing as possible but it was all BS.

"Ah, I see" the 3 of them said in unison.

'They bought that crap?' now I felt bad for fooling them.

"you want to be a hero too?" Mirio asked excited.

"Yes but not any type of hero, I'm aiming for the top" after these 5 years my resolve changed from TOP 10 to No1.

"I see what is your quirk" Nejire asked curiously.

"I don't have one" I proudly said.

"WHAT" the 3 of them replied.

"what is so surprising? Do I need a quirk to be a hero? No I don't need one so I train really hard at least 2 to 3 hours a day to achieve my goal" I said puffing my chest.

"that is amazing" said Tamaki (which surprised me a little).

"Hey I've got a great idea; would you join our training tomorrow?" Mirio asked.

"Sure why not just say where" I replied (I know I should reject but this is a dream come true, one of the few "true heroes" in Japan will be Lemillion so of course he deserves my respect.

"Here" he gave me his contact info. "I'll write you tomorrow".

"Ok, I've got stuff to do now, goodbye" I said.

And so, I left the "big 3" there to their thought wile I took this time to decide which swords I should take with me.

[Third person POV]

"What was that about Mirio, you know how I get when sparring against strangers, you haven't controlled your quirk yet and Nejire's blasts are too powerful for him" said Tamaki worried.

"Don't worry, I could sense he is strong" Mirio answered.

"Yeah, I don't think I have ever met such a kid with a body as toned as his" Nejire added nodding.

"Nejire…don't tell me…" Tamaki said while taking a few steps back.

"what I checked his body when I tried to dry his body with napkins" Nejire said a little confused by Tamaki's reaction.

"I cant wait for tomorrow" said Mirio while smiling.

[Kaito's home]

Kaito entered a room that was filled to the brim with weapons and gadgets of different classes.

He looked for a while and took from the room 3 swords, one that was almost body size with a white cloth around the handle, one katana with a weird semi-circular tip and slender blade and a normal black katana with a star patterned hilt.

"it's time to see the results of my training" Kaito said with an excited grin in his face.

[The woods, aka training place]

Kaito arrived on time with two of his swords on his waist and the other one on his back.

"Woah those are some neat looking swords" said Mirio.

"Ne, ne why do you use swords? I hope you don't cut anyone…" Nejire started ranting.

"He definetlty is still mad from yesterday and has decided to kill us" Tamaki was shivering.

'he really needs more mental support' thought everyone else.

"since I don't have a quirk I have to rely on this swords, the big one is a heavy striker with relatively long range and I can swing it with just an arm, the slender one uses poison, so don't let it get near even if I'm just applying paralyzing poison, and this one is just a katana but be careful when I hold it with both hands" I warned them to be fair since I knew their quirks.

"ok then I'll explain our qui…" Mirio was about to finish but Nejire looked at him with a pout face.

He decided to let her do the explanation.

(I'll put it anyway in case there are readers that don't know squat of MHA)

"Mirio's quirk is Permeation it allows him to become intangible, letting him pass through any tangible matter; he can phase through walls and/or the ground, as well as let enemy attacks pass through him harmlessly." Nejire explained.

"doesn't that means that he will get naked?" I asked.

"correct" said Mirio laughing.

"Man you should go to those special clothes shop to make clothes that pass with you instead of through you" I said since I don't want to see his family jewels.

"I'll worry about that later" Mirio said and I gave him a direction to a special clothe store, hoping he'll go there in the near future.

"AHEM" Nejire sound pissed we ignored her.

"Tamaki's quirk is Manifest it grants him the ability to manifest the physical characteristics of anything he's eaten; for example, if he eats takoyaki, he can transform his fingers into octopus tentacles. Additionally, anything he manifests is significantly stronger than normal. He can only manifest the traits of substances that are still in his system and loses access to those traits once the substance is fully digested. He needs to resupply his Quirk every day and needs to decide on what foods to eat beforehand." Nejire continued.

Kaito wanted to talk but Nejire cut me and finalized.

"And my quirk is Wave Motion it grants me the ability to convert my own vitality into energy and release it in the form of exceptionally powerful spiral shockwaves. Since the energy travels in a spiral, it's not very fast. I can release very powerful shockwaves from my hands as an offensive blast. I can also release the energy from my feet to increase my mobility and allow myself to fly. I can attack with my Quirk in close range combat, adding more force and power to her kicks and punches." Nejire wanted to continued but I stopped her this time.

"OK I've heard enough" Kaito was through with hearing information he already knew.

"so it is a free for all, those who are too exhausted immediately are out of the training, no objections?" Mirio asked.

"NONE!" Kaito, Nejire and Tamaki agreed and took their stances.

"Let us begin with this one" Kaito took a firecracker, lit it up and threw it to the middle.


The moment the firecracker exploded everyone rushed to each other.

Mirio slid through the floor and tried to uppercut Tamaki but he used his hand and transformed it into a clam blocking Mirio's attack.

Nejire tried to blast Kaito with her waves but Kaito used his big sword (Zangetsu OG design) and blocked it.

After stopping he planted Zangetsu into the ground and stood behind it to switch weapons. He now has his black katana (which we'll name Haruto) and dashed towards Nejire.

Before he could get near her, he felt something was wrong and then instinctively backflipped and avoided getting attacked by some tentacles, it was Tamaki, since this is a free for all one need to keep in mind his surroundings.

After barely escaping from Tamaki's grasp he went for him preparing a stance.

"Wind Breathing Second Form: Claws-Purifying Wind!" Kaito lifts his sword upwards towards the right, above their head and unleashes four vertical slashes at once down on the enemy resembling claws.

Tamaki was surprised by Kaito's attack and then retreats but looses his tentacles.

"What was that? Didn't you said you were quirkless" said Nejire while looking at Kaito in awe.

"This is just a type of swordsmanship I had developed since I was 4 to overcome my lack of quirk, it would be wise to not underestimate me" Kaito said looking menacing.

Before Nejire could start bombarding, Mirio tried to attack Kaito in the chest but Kaito dodge, he couldn't risk taking Mirio lightly since most of his attacks were useless against him.

"Mirio-san, I recommend to dodge this attack if you can, otherwise it'll leave a mark" Kaito said while he sheath Haruto and took a stance.

'how will he reach me faster from all the way there, I'm sure I become intangible before he could reach, so why do I have this feeling that something is wrong' Mirio's train of thought stopped once he saw the air vibrate around Kaito.

"Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunder Flash and Clap" Kaito said as he unsheathes his katana, dashes forward at blinding speeds and slashed Mirio faster than he could react, and the he sheaths his katana back.

Mirio was shocked, not only because of the speed Kaito reached but also because there was no blood on his chest, meaning that Kaito used the dull side of his katana, but it still hurts.

Kaito was a little tired, changing the side of the blade took a toll on his body, but he didn't wanted to hurt Mirio so he changed it at the las second, Kaito then took a deep breath and prepared his next stance, he still had allot to learn and he was excited.

ZackDKaizo ZackDKaizo

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Long chapter folks, hope you like it, if you see I am not updating as fast as before is because I am in exams so sorry.

Next time on Reborn in My Hero Academia as a Demon Slayer: "The Demons, The Slayers and Yoriichi Tsugikuni".

I hope you liked it.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


