84.8% Azazyel's Multi Story Pile. / Chapter 173: Story 15 The One Above The Heavens Chapter 3

章 173: Story 15 The One Above The Heavens Chapter 3

Medea even in a limiting Servant body... Opened up a great many doors by having her as a retainer. As she was one of the best mages or magic practitioners that wasn't a god in all of human history!

I quickly brought her back home to the Matou manor and as we came within the wards she muttered. "Potent and powerful wards... But they are blunt and without much refinement."

And could only reply with a wry smile. "I threw them up in only ten-something minutes and without any kind of rituals to tie them to the leylines or to any true anchors. For someone who just touched upon magic yesterday, I think I did fairly well." I said bluntly making Medea twitch.

"Cheating Campione." She muttered before coughing and saying more loudly. "Anyway! So I am to be your court mage, as you said previously... What will that entail?" She asked with curiosity.

I paused at that and after a moment of thought as Medea's judging eyes watched me I answered frankly. "I am the Jade Emperor after inheriting my predecessors will." I started as I held up a hand and laying upon it was my Imperial Seal which was a large block with a dragon atop it made with beautiful white and black jade to signify its Yin and Yang attributes.

"I am going to be a true Campione. A devil king who actually rules over the masses with a velvet-covered fist and being the Jade Emperor I will suppress the Heavens and Underworld and bring about true peace to this world!" I said with my inner Qi and magical energy leaking out with my fervor.

This world of Campione and Fate was scary. I was well fucking aware of that. Apostles from the world wills of other planets arrived and tried to wipe out humanity every few years. The Dead Apostles, are great and terrible vampires so powerful that their warped logic easily overwrites the natural world around them in making Reality Marbles and having countless methods of immortality. 

The very gods of ages past hated or were apathetic at best towards humanity after they were regulated into the depths of the Reverse Side of the world or the Underworld. And those gods regularly once every few years or even months would rise up and come to the Earth in outrage at how their myths were changing their core being and would attempt to slaughter humanity to protect their true from from our ideals changing them.

The true Magicians in Zeltrech and Aoko Aozaki who controlled the second and fifth True Magic were often times incapable of directly overpowering Heretic Gods and would have to use their powers to shunt said gods to other worlds or timelines but the gods would return eventually and would always cause more damage upon reaching this Earth.

I looked at Medea as her soft blue eyes staring at me as I gently laid a hand on Medea's shoulder as I spoke firmly to her. "As my court mage, I have one task for you. Protect my territory from mages doing terrible experiments and generally enrich the lives of my people. And lastly."

Medea waited in baited silence and then swallowed and said quietly. "And what?" Asking what I wanted her to finally do.

I leaned in closer and whispered into Medea's elfin ear. "Watch and cheer as I slam Aphrodite who is wandering the world through a mountain." And as I leaned back from whispering my last demand of her.

I saw a hint of the madness in the Witch of Betrayel Medea before she visibly took a deep breath and a cold smile of future punishment towards said goddess came across her face. And then she kneeled down onto a knee and then offered me a hand which I took and Medea spoke formally.

"Then I Medea, the Princess of Colchis, student of Circe swear my loyalty and magic to your cause in protecting humanity." 

I accepted her vow with a drop of blood leaving her hand and she blinked seeing the blood hover in between us and then with a finger wave the drop of blood merged into my imperial seal and in answer, I spoke up. "The Jade Emperor wasn't the Emperor of nothing after all... I need to make my own Celestial Court and you acting as the first member has a certain poetic element." I finished as a thought hit me that made my lips twitch.

As I recall the Heretic God Sun Wukong was here in Japan and protecting it from the worst of the Supernatural world's effects... I couldn't help but wonder how he would feel if a new Celestial Court sprouted up in a completely different country than where his legends took place in.

"In private you are free to use my true name of Jake, otherwise please use my given name of Yuhuang Yudi when we are with unaffiliated people." I finished on a kinder note.

Medea nodded and as we both enjoyed some sweet tea in silence as we were both in thought. Medea then broke the silence as she asked rather bluntly. "And you said you wished to actually rule over the masses... What did you mean as none of the other Campione or major magical powers wish to take down the veil of magical secrecy or just care enough to do so?"

In my jade throne I carved myself and enchanted with a variety of effects I folded a leg over the other and closed my eyes as I ordered my thoughts before speaking. "I am the Emperor of Japan... Stop gap that is reality now, in turns of ruling, I will allow the news of my coronation to seep into the minds of the magical in the know inhabitants of this island nation. And once my brethren or a Heretic God comes to challenge me..."

My eyes opened along with my flying sword escaping my robe's sleeve with it floating around me as I spoke softly. "I will win that challenge... And as I stand over the defeated form of my sibling or the corpse of a god who challenged me. I will declare Japan as the center of my future empire to the very public."

Seriously. All the Campione were called devil kings, but literally, none of my siblings were any form of a ruler at all! I had six other siblings and let's go down the list of how crazy they were and how they were just doing their thing.

First was Sasha Dejanstahl Voban, a murder hobo of an old dude whose entire existence was killing either Campione or Heretic Gods to add to his collection of Authorities. Of which included the domain of raising the dead so he rules in killing his followers and using their enslaved dead remains to fight with him.

Second being Luo Hao, who was once again a battle maniac but this time she was the worst kind of a Xianxia cultivation protagonist who actually used her magic and life force to barely cultivate according to my Taoist knowledge. Instead of ruling traditionally she instead runs a martial art Sect/mountain. 

She was arrogant in the extreme and it was going to be funny as hell when she finds out that I actually had higher cultivation then her as I was a Golden Core and she was stuck in Qi Refining and had never created a Foundation to reach the Golden Core stage.

The third campione being Madame Aisha... Who was barely relevant for the most part as she was supposedly in constant battle with the True Magician Aoko Aozaki due to Aisha being a dumbass who messed around with the timeline using her collection of time-altering authorities. As in, in her efforts to halp everyone by changing the timeline repeatedly... Time gods and others in that vein tried to kill her to stop her fuckery... And they failed leading to her getting their authorities.

Also has a complex about her age which she is over a hundred and fifty years old. But violently claims she is only 17 and still 'pure'

My fourth sibling Alexander Gascoigne or more commonly known as Black Prince Alec was a thief... Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Gilgamesh was keeping his head down, simply because Alec was just the biggest thief in fucking history. His own organization that he made in the Royal Arsenal is mostly filled with thieves criminals and people who hate the other magical organizations for a variety of reasons.

The fifth sibling of mine. John Pluto Smith cosplays as a male superhero completely disregarding the whole supernatural veil making the supernatural community scream as they go around California solving crimes and killing monsters... While in reality she. And I do mean she was actually a woman who actually played at being her hero persona's secretary or something with her being named Anne Charlton.

And of course... My last sibling the sixth Campione, a god-slaying legendary warrior and devil king. Was a completely autistic sword-obsessed Italian dude who looked like if you distilled any form of personality out of every surfer dude and then handed him a sword to fill in the gaps. His name was Salvatore Doni... And I didn't want to deal with him at all.

As dealing with a fool like him... Meant that you had no choice but to lower your own intelligence to his own damned level of stupidity.

Literally, all of my siblings were just troublemakers who weren't any form of ruler at all! They had laid gods low and then decided to just be a murder hobo except for John Pluto Smith... Who instead had a cross-dressing fetish!

Medea hearing my declaration made a humming noise before she retorted cuttingly. "That sounded very arrogant for a Campione who has only been as such for but a couple days."

My lips twitched and I looked at the unrepentant form of Medea and I finally shrugged as I responded evenly as I gently spun my flying sword above my hand. "I am the emperor who suppresses the very heavens. The earth is my birthright and the underworld is my future. I will rule... How I rule is still to be decided once the various factions finish reacting to my presence." 

There was a moment of silence before Medea broke the silence as I meditated in silence contemplating the inherited knowledge I received as the Taoist Trinity. "Do you know if there are any Servant slots open within the grail?" She asked curiously.

I raised an eyebrow at that and with a couple taps of my fingers on my throne I smiled and looked at Medea and spoke with a knowing look. "Yes, the Archer and Saber slot is still open, so you may summon Atalanta in the Archer slot I imagine if you get lucky." 

Left unsaid... Was the possibility of her summoning Jason her ex-husband in the Saber slot. 

'Speedrun to killing your own summoned servant would be the category for that event.' I thought wryly before looking at Medea and warned her bluntly. "But you also need to be aware that unless the Grail is cleared of Angra Mainyu's presence no wish can be made. So whoever is summoned could be an issue even if you have Command Seals." 

Medea slowly nodded before I actually tilted my head to the side and took a breath and stood up as I realized something. I had already killed Matou Zouken and Kotomine Kirei so in reality there was only one last enemy here in Fuyuki other than disciplining Illya and possibly killing Herakles.

"Medea can you prepare for a large-scale purification ritual by tonight to deal with the corrupted grail shards in my friend's womb? I still have to go deal with another loose end." I told Medea and she raised an eyebrow.

"I haven't even taken stock in the materials you have on hand little Emperor. To say nothing of looking at the so called corrupted grail within the girls womb. So I cannot say if I can do it or not!" Medea finished with a serious tone and at that I palmed my face as I stood still.

'I can't kill Gilgamesh unless I get the grail out of Illya and the corrupted pieces of its previous iteration out of Sakura... So I guess its time to go bully the albino legal loli waifu of Fate... God dammit there's another one in Athena as well from Campione's side of things.' I thought with my face twitching with disgust before I sighed and said to Medea. "Then prepare for it if possible, my stores of materials are open to you Medea of Colchis, and should you need anything... I will get that material." I finished and there was no mistaking my meaning at the end.

I was a Campione and this lands Emperor. If I demanded a material then I would be getting this material and with that I gave Medea the business card with Amakusa's phone number and told her to call the History Committee to get the materials she wants and needs on me.

There was just too much for me to do right now to play too nice. I could use my Taoism knowledge to create amazing herbal and alchemical medicine that can make people superhuman, but I needed the materials gathered along with me spending the actual time to make the pills and dans which could take days at least.

So once again a time thing. 


Across the city within a modest hotel room that was well-decorated in a themed Nordic design was a woman with bright red hair wearing a well-fitting suit who sitting on the edge of a bed with her hands covering her face and who was very audibly screaming into her hands.

While sitting across from the woman in the hotel room's mandatory cuck chair was a man wearing a blue jumpsuit with silver filigree designs and shoulder plates and matching blue hair to his jumpsuit.

Finally, the blue-haired man snapped out after getting annoyed by the red-haired woman's screams of anguish. "Alright! Bazett I am not stupid alright, I am not going to pick a fight with the newest Campione for god's sake... Remember! I was actually trained by one and know all too damned well how unreasonable they are."

Bazzett the master of the blue-themed Lancer Servant Cú Chulainn groaned out loud before she sighed and grunted out. "Now what? Do we just sit on our ass and wait for the Campione to fuck with the Grail?" 

To which Cú answered bluntly. "Yes Baz. We literally have no damned choice in the matter... Even two thousand years later Campione were at the top of the food chain in this world. And Gae Bolg can hurt him but..."

Bazett nodded knowing what was going to be said. Before in history on more than one occasion, Alaya the spirit of humanity's 'Desire to live' had jumped Campione's that turned their backs on humanity with their legions of Heroic Spirits who were much stronger than simple Servants. And in those scenarios, whole kingdoms and countries would be wiped out in resulting battles before the Campione would be drowned in bodies and obliterated by dozens if not hundreds of Noble Phantasms.

Cú Chulainn was strong... He was more than confident in fucking up this new Campione if he got the jump on him. But he wasn't stupid, he knew that his Gae Bolg, his cursed spear's active Noble Phantasm simply couldn't get past the Campione's magical resistance... And the Campione's literal plot armor/fate protection agaisnt time and other such attacks that could attack them in esoteric ways.

After all, a Campione wouldn't be so pants-filling scary to the point of powerful mages and warriors throughout history throwing themselves to their knees in surrender if a time god or anyone with any time powers couldn't just go back a couple of hours back in time and just kill the would-be Campione before he could kill the god.

"Should I announce myself or something to him?" Bazett asked after a moment and Cú's eyebrow rose as he looked at his master with incredulity in his slitted crimson eyes.

And he quickly retorted. "Hell no! It's by far the best option for us to stay out of his damned view... God knows if he is like that Black Prince Alec and will want to claim that little Noble Phantasm your bloodline has. Hell... We don't even know what domains he has control over!" Cú said loudly with some actual annoyance in his tone.

As should that Campione have killed a god or goddess of love and got their authorities... Well there fucking went their free will. As such a divine authority laughed in the face of some poor bastard mortal opinions on being a meat puppet!

So Cú was firmly in the opinion that staying the hell away. As this was a very nice hotel. That had phenomenal imported Irish whiskey well stocked within its bars. And even better yet, the ocean was just outside for him to go fishing in when he got bored!

There was literally no reason to tempt fate and go poke the god slayer.

Cú Chulainn hated being called a dog... But his instincts warned him of only certain death should he go poke the sleeping bear.

And so Bazett Fraga McRemitz went silent as she did the smart thing and drowned out her worries in whiskey from her homeland. With only one thought on her mind. 'I wonder in what particular way the new Campione is crazy like his siblings?'


I flew hidden from the eyes of mortals across the city into the surrounding forests and after a few minutes I found the massive Einzbern castle and as I came closer I could feel the wards scanning around for intruders and not wanting to be rude. I landed on the road leading to the Einzbern castle and allowed the mortal wards to pick me up as I continued walking toward the castle.

It would be rude if I just knocked on the front door of the probably very angst little Einzbern after all.

But as I was making my way up the road I heard a loud roar! A silvery bird-like construct flew around me and circled my form. 'Ah that has to be one of Illya's little bird familiar things.' I thought and I nodded to it as I wasn't sure if Illya could see out of it or anything.

And so I continued making my way to the castle in the distance and by the time I reached the front gate. There was already someone waiting for me at said gate.

"Halt! This is the Einzbern castle, in these days of the Grail War we are not casually taking visitors." The maid said with her holding a large battle axe of all things in her hands.

Looking at the maid, I realized she well didn't have any form of a chest to speak of. So it was obviously Sella instead of Leysritt. But I didn't dally as she looked on at me impassively. "I am not your guest. I am your king. I am the Campione Yuhuang Yudi born again but days ago! Will you welcome me now?" I asked with my Campione aura bearing down on her and Sella's eyes lost their dull look as her pupils locked onto me in fear.

"Ca-Campione! Why are you here?" She demanded shaking slightly and I was reminded that if the Einzberns were in the same area as they were typical in base Fate. Then they would be in the territory of my sibling Vobann... Who was a widely feared necromancer and murder hobo.

Still I answered with my face being even not betraying my thoughts. "I am here to speak with your mistress as to her status as the Holy Grail... I will be removing the grail from her body so that she may live and then if she is willing I want her and Herakles to pledge themselves into my Imperial Court."

Sella's face twitched at my words and then after a long pause she dropped her oversized battle axe onto the road pavement making a shrill metal crashing noise as she kneeled on the ground with her head touching the ground. "Thank you sire!" She all but shouted with her face aimed at the ground.

'Ah the loyalty of these maids. They love Illya so much that they were willing to deny Gilgamesh and took dozens of his weapons to kill. I want them as my own.' I thought as I stepped forward and spoke. "Then stand up Sella Einzbern. Stand up and lead me to your mistress so that we may break bread and I may accomplish my goals." 

The albino maid hurriedly stood up with pushing open the gate and if it wasn't for how much she was terrified to try to pick me up or drag me. It was clear she wanted to run ahead to announce my presence or just bring the meeting closer. I wasn't sure honestly but it was funny seeing Sella so twitchy-looking.

Azazyel Azazyel

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