62.2% TBATE | Chronicles of Legends / Chapter 76: Mana Sovereign

章 76: Mana Sovereign


With the mastery of Spirit Dive behind me, I set my sights on a formidable goal: mastering the elusive and perilous Mana Sovereign mode. The power I had displayed against Jezebeth during the Xyrus Academy attack was only a glimpse of its potential, but its incompleteness and the life-threatening strain it had inflicted on me were evident.

My objective now was to refine this technique, to harness its might without succumbing to its devastating repercussions. While I didn't expect to wield it indefinitely, my aim was to extend its duration, ensuring I could utilize its formidable power for an extended period without risking my life to its overwhelming recoil.

It was a treacherous path, requiring unwavering dedication, meticulous study, and countless hours of rigorous training. But the reward, the ability to tap into the true potential of the Mana Sovereign, would make it all worthwhile.

Determined to overcome the challenges of mastering the Mana Sovereign mode, I sought the guidance of a formidable ally, Lord Aldir. As an esteemed Asura overseeing the Council of Dicathen, his power rivalled even the top class demons of my previous world. Recognising the invaluable opportunity, I mustered the courage to approach him and request his assistance.

Standing before Lord Aldir, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence. His presence exuded an aura of immense power and wisdom. With great humility, I explained my aspirations and the daunting obstacles I faced in perfecting the Mana Sovereign mode. I implored him to lend his expertise and guidance, knowing that his guidance could potentially unlock the secrets I sought.

Though the Asura's intentions were often shrouded in mystery, he listened attentively, his piercing gaze studying me with keen interest. After what felt like an eternity, he finally spoke, his voice carrying a weight of experience and authority.

"Indeed," Lord Aldir mused, his tone laced with a mix of fascination and intrigue. "To command and manipulate such a vast amount of ambient mana, channeling its essence to elevate your power and even bestow its influence upon allies while diminishing that of your adversaries. It defies conventional theories."

His keen eyes narrowed, as if unraveling a complex puzzle. "This power you possess, it surpasses mere control. It emanates from a deeper connection, an inherent bond with the very fabric of mana itself."

A fleeting breath escaped my lips, a mixture of relief and curiosity. Yet, before I could fully savor the moment, Lord Aldir's next words hung in the air, their weight intensifying. His gaze shifted, focusing squarely on me, his eyes filled with a newfound intensity.

"How peculiar," he murmured, his voice a mixture of awe and realization. "I can't believe I overlooked this. No wonder you possess such capabilities. You... you are simply beloved by mana."

"Beloved by mana," I whispered, the words resonating with a sense of familiarity and awe. In my previous life, that was the title I had adorned, the epitome of a magical genius blessed with rare grimoires and formidable spirits. And now, here in this new world, it seemed that connection still held true.

Aldir's voice carried a weight of profound realization as he took a step closer, his gaze fixed upon me. "If what I am witnessing is indeed true," he began, his tone filled with a mix of intrigue and anticipation, "then your potential knows no bounds. You possess the capacity to soar to unimaginable heights, perhaps even rivalling the us Asuras."

A surge of excitement coursed through my veins, mingling with a newfound determination. The prospect of ascending to such heights, of unraveling the mysteries of mana on an unprecedented scale, filled me with an electrifying energy.

As the gravity of Aldir's words settled upon me, a newfound purpose blossomed within. I stood before him, a living testament to the boundless possibilities that lay ahead. Together, we would unlock the true depths of my connection to mana, delving into uncharted territories, and charting a path that would redefine the very nature of magic itself.


"What an astounding creature," Wren exclaimed, his arm trembling with disbelief. "How can a lesser possess such unfathomable power?" he queried, turning to me with wide-eyed astonishment.

I chuckled softly, my eyes fixed on the breathtaking display unfolding before us. The battle was a symphony of raw talent and untamed potential.

Seven formidable golems, their might rivaling that of the most fearsome Scythes, the renowned half-ling warriors of Alacarya, launched a coordinated assault on Lancelot from all directions. Their powerful blows, fueled by Wren's magic, sought to overwhelm him and reduce him to mere rubble.

However, in this defining moment, it became abundantly clear that Lancelot had ascended to a realm beyond their reach. He danced through the chaos with unparalleled grace, his every movement an exquisite display of dominance and finesse.

Two years.

In the span of a mere two years, this remarkable young man had not only mastered the elusive art of Mana Sovereign but had soared past the formidable ranks of the Scythes themselves, touching the level of us Asuras.

As I watched in awe, the boy's transformation seemed almost divine. His presence radiated an indomitable power, his spirit intertwined with the very essence of magic itself. It was a testament to his unwavering dedication, his unyielding will, and his unquenchable thirst for greatness.

"When I first introduced you to train another lesser," Wren continued, his voice tinged with a mixture of awe and bewilderment, "I was skeptical, to say the least. That young man, Arthur, caught my attention, but I never anticipated encountering another lesser who would captivate me so thoroughly. But this boy... What in the realms is he?"

A sense of exhilaration coursed through my veins as I watched the extraordinary prowess of the young prodigy. His every move was a testament to the sheer depth of his innate abilities, defying all preconceived notions and expectations.

And so, as the golems shattered against the unstoppable force that was Lancelot, I couldn't help but feel an exhilarating surge of anticipation. For in this one young man, we witnessed the birth of a legend, a force that would shape the very destiny of our world.

I turned to Wren, a knowing smile gracing my lips. "Prepare yourself, my friend," I said, anticipation lacing my words. "For this boy, this enigma of boundless potential, is just the beginning of an extraordinary tale."

Shifting the conversation, I inquired about the progress of our comrades. "And how are the other two faring?" I asked Wren with genuine curiosity.

"Alistair is a force to be reckoned with," he replied, a glimmer of admiration in his eyes. "With Lady Saphira as his mother, it's no surprise that his growth is remarkable. His development has been nothing short of astonishing." Wren's words held a mixture of awe and respect.

Curiosity piqued, I pressed further. "And what about Arthur? How is he faring?"

A contemplative expression settled upon Wren's face as he ran a hand through his hair in a display of frustration. "Arthur... he's an enigma," he began, struggling to find the right words. "He possesses an uncanny ability to tap into his potential, pushing himself to new heights. However, there's a sense of impending limitation. It's as if he's approaching the precipice of his capabilities."

I furrowed my brow, absorbing Wren's words. The news both intrigued and concerned me. "So, you're saying he's reaching a plateau, a point where his growth will soon come to a halt?" I sought clarification, a tinge of disappointment creeping into my voice.

Wren nodded solemnly. "Yes, that's what it seems like. It's as if he's nearing the lesser limit, where further advancement becomes increasingly challenging. It's a frustrating realization, especially considering the potential of Lady Sylvia's beast will that he has."


Exhausted from the intense training session, I allowed my body to sink into the soft embrace of the mattress, seeking solace and respite. The relentless demands of honing my skills had pushed me to my limits once again.

Jezebeth and ____, formidable adversaries in their own right, possessed abilities that rivaled my own command over mana. Despite my superiority in that aspect, their unique talents allowed them to remain formidable opponents, capable of competing with, and at times, surpassing me.

The frustration of no longer reigning supreme, of being defeated, weighed heavily upon me. Yet, it was ____'s actions that incensed me further. Despite Nico, my reincarnated companion, standing faithfully by my side, ____ advances persisted, driven solely by base desires and lust.

The audacity and repugnance of his actions were beyond measure, but I found myself powerless to confront him. His strength eclipsed my own, leaving me at a disadvantage and unable to assert my will.

A relentless anger simmered within me, fueled by the sense of helplessness that gnawed at my very core. But I refused to succumb to despair. I would not bow down or yield. Instead, I resolved to forge ahead on my path, growing stronger with every passing moment.

With unwavering determination, I vowed to rid myself of the shackles that bound me, to eliminate Grey and claim the happiness that Nico and I rightfully deserved in this life. No longer would we be thwarted by the likes of ____, who dared to stand in our way.

In the depths of my being, a fire blazed, fueled by an unyielding spirit and an unrelenting desire for justice. The obstacles before us would be crushed, their influence eradicated. I would rise above the circumstances that sought to diminish us, defying all odds and emerging triumphant.

With every step forward, I would gather strength, honing my skills and honing my resolve. The power within me would surge forth, untamed and unstoppable. And as I faced the challenges that lay ahead, I would do so with unwavering conviction, unafraid to confront the darkness head-on.

No longer would I be the victim of fate's cruel whims. Instead, I would seize control of my own destiny, carving a path of righteousness and fulfillment. Together with Nico, we would create a future defined by our own choices, unencumbered by the shadows of those who sought to bring us down.

The journey ahead would be arduous, fraught with trials and tribulations, but I embraced the challenge. Each obstacle would serve as fuel for the fire that burned within me, propelling me forward on my quest for freedom, justice, and a love that knew no bounds.


A surge of anger distorted my features as I confronted the male Legacy standing nonchalantly before me. An otherworldly aura radiated from his being, evoking a gasp even from my superior senses. Though I held greater power than him, I dared not defy him.

"Agrona," he addressed me, his emerald gaze piercing my very soul. "I care not for the games you play with Cecilia, but attempt not to manipulate my mind. I refuse to remain your pawn any longer."

A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I reluctantly nodded. If he had discovered my insidious manipulation, there was little I could do to sway his perception.

"Very well," he stated, his tone brimming with authority, as he turned to leave the room. "Remember, our alliance is solely based on what we can each offer. I shall aid you in your victory, and in return, you shall resurrect her for me."

I sank back into my ornate throne, engulfed by a sense of weariness. Three Legacies, their formidable strength undeniably valuable, yet their unpredictable natures made them exceedingly difficult to control.

Oh, how troublesome they were.

Their power was undeniable, their potential great, but the constant juggling of their ambitions and desires tested the limits of my patience. It was a delicate balance, a precarious dance upon the precipice of their whims.

As I contemplated the complexities of our alliance, a shadow of doubt crept into my thoughts. Could I truly maintain control over these formidable beings? Or would their aspirations and allegiances ultimately prove to be my undoing?

Only time would tell as I navigated the treacherous path that lay before me, striving to harness their power for my own ambitions. The stakes were high, the risks immense, but the rewards promised a future of unmatched dominance.

In the depths of my scheming mind, I vowed to maintain my composure, to adapt and manipulate as needed. The Legacies were tools, powerful and dangerous, but tools nonetheless. I would use them to achieve my goals, even if it meant dancing on the edge of chaos.

With each passing moment, I would ensure that the threads of control remained firmly in my grasp. For I was Agrona, the orchestrator of destinies, and I would not be deterred by the challenges that lay ahead.

Troublesome as they were, the Legacies would serve my purposes, whether they knew it or not. And in the end, their power would become my power, their ambitions merely stepping stones on my path to ultimate supremacy.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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