
Ch-135 Toads Survived.

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After a profound contemplation, Jiryoku decisively sheathed his sword and addressed Ino, "If you say so, then I will spare them for our future."

Relieved, Ino finally smiled. She had harbored this sentiment earlier but hesitated, fearing that Jiryoku might resent her interference. Observing the strength exhibited by the toads of Mount Myoboku, she believed they could defend themselves adequately. Little did she anticipate that, even after witnessing the toads' formidable power, they would prove no match for Jiryoku. Witnessing Fukasaku and Shima's genuine remorse further swayed Ino, empowering her to voice her plea to Jiryoku.

After Jiryoku's words, a wave of relief swept over not only Ino but also Tsunade, Jiraiya, and the remaining toads, realizing they were finally saved and free.

Jiryoku directed his attention to Fukasaku and Shima, stating, "Go. I spared you at Ino's request." With a wave of his hand, the black hole began to shrink and ultimately vanished. Although the black hole disappeared, the area retained its high gravity. After completing his actions, Jiryoku nodded toward Ino and departed.

Once Jiryoku left, a collective sigh of relief echoed among the toads, knowing they were now safe. Jiraiya approached Fukasaku and Shima, assisting them in standing. "It's good that nothing happened to you both."

Fukasaku and Shima nodded, relief evident on their faces. The toads, still shaken by the recent events, started leaving the area. "Jiraiya, my boy, will you please collect the bodies of all the fallen toads and bring them to Mount Myoboku?" Fukasaku requested.

Jiraiya nodded, casting a somber glance at the fallen toads. A sense of sorrow washed over him, considering the time he had spent with these now lifeless companions since his childhood.

At that moment, accompanied by a flash of lightning, a scroll descended from the sky before the onlookers. Judging by the peculiar manner of its arrival, most of the present ninjas speculated that the scroll was intended for the Kumo ninjas. In such a scenario, there was only one person capable of sending objects across vast distances—Mabui, the secretary of the Raikage.

Upon laying eyes on the scroll, the Raikage's countenance turned grave. The way it arrived suggested urgency, implying that something crucial must have occurred in Kumogakure, demanding his immediate attention. Swiftly making his way to the scroll, he unrolled it and absorbed its contents. As he finished reading, anger contorted his features, and he closed the scroll with a forceful grip, muttering through clenched teeth, "Akatsuki! How dare you? I will not let you escape unpunished."

Onoki, noticing the Raikage's intense reaction, inquired, "What has transpired to provoke such anger?"

"Nothing that concerns you," Raikage retorted with an icy demeanor. He had no intention of publicly disclosing that his village had suffered the loss of a Jinchuriki. The scroll had delivered grim tidings—Yugito Nii, the host of the Two-Tails, had been killed, and the beast extracted. Without wasting a moment, the Raikage bolted in the direction of Kumogakure, his resolve evident in his swift departure.

"It appears that Akatsuki has captured a Jinchuriki from Kumogakure. If the Eight-Tails is here, then the captured Jinchuriki must be the host of the Two-Tails," Kakashi deduced.

"Hmm, your deduction seems accurate. Keep an eye on Kumo, and upon our return to Konoha, confirm with our spies there to verify your deduction," Tsunade instructed.

"Yes," Kakashi affirmed.

Orochimaru turned his gaze towards Sasuke and questioned, "Sasuke, did you witness the strength of Jiryoku? What do you think would happen if you were to challenge him now?"

Sasuke remained silent, aware that in Jiryoku's eyes, he was still perceived as a vulnerable opponent who could be effortlessly crushed at any moment.

"While I may not be as powerful at the moment, I am determined to surpass him," Sasuke asserted.

"Sasuke, remember that our deal is drawing near," Orochimaru reminded him.

Sasuke merely nodded, his expression unreadable.

"Let's depart before we attract attention from Konoha," Orochimaru suggested, prompting everyone on Sasuke's side to make a hasty retreat.

Naruto, captivated by the recent clash between Jiryoku and Asura, noticed Sasuke running away. He called out, "Sasuke!" and started to pursue him. However, Kakashi intervened, blocking Naruto's path.

"Calm down, Naruto. Now is not the time. We'll search for Sasuke on another day, not today," Kakashi advised.

"But we might not get another chance to find Sasuke," Naruto protested.

"We'll have plenty of opportunities. For now, stay put. You're not allowed to go anywhere," Kakashi insisted.

With Orochimaru and Sasuke's departure, ninjas from other villages began to leave, leaving only those from Konoha at the scene.

"Sigh! Finally, everything is over. I had already overestimated Jiryoku's strength, but I never expected him to be this powerful. Every move he makes could destroy a small country, or at the very least, he alone could obliterate a major village with ease," Shikamaru commented.

"Inoichi, it seems that our decision to support him was correct," added Shikaku.

Inoichi nodded in agreement, saying, "Yeah."

At that moment, Sakura approached Ino and remarked, "Ino, you've got yourself quite a powerful lover. But couldn't you have persuaded him earlier?"

Ino smiled in response and replied, "Yes, I could have, but I don't want to impose my thoughts on him. He can make decisions for himself. I spoke to him just now because I thought it was necessary to remind him of what he's doing."

Sakura nodded and said, "At the very least, you both have confirmed your relationship. Look at me; even though I'm more beautiful than you, I haven't been able to confirm my relationship."

Ino, catching on to Sakura's reference to Sasuke, retorted, "Are you telling me you're more beautiful than me?"

Witnessing Ino and Sakura bantering like this, everyone smiled. After such an intense battle and moments of tension, this light teasing between friends helped lift the mood of everyone present.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C135
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


